desire, imagination, doubt, belief, unbelief, certainty, uncertainty, shame, thought, fear, all that is but mind (manas). Carried along by the waves of the qualities, darkened in his imaginations, unstable, fickle, crippled, full of desires, vacillating, he enters into belief, believing I am he, this is mine, and he binds his Self by his Self, as a bird with a net?. Therefore a man, being possessed of will, imagination, and belief, is a slave, but he who is the opposite is free. For this reason let a man stand free from will, imagination, and belief—this is the sign of liberty, this is the path that leads to Brahman, this is the opening of the door, and through it he will go to the other shore of darkness. All desires are there fulfilled. And for this they quote a verse:
"When the five instruments of knowledge stand still together with the mind, and when the intellect does not move, that is called the highest state 2.".
Having thus said, Sâkâyanya became absorbed in thought. Then Marut (i. e. the King Brihadratha), having bowed before him and duly worshipped him, went full of contentment to the Northern Path 4, for there is no way thither by any side-road. This is the path to Brahman. Having burst open the solar door, he rose on high and went away. And here they quote:
"There are endless rays (arteries) for the Self who, like a lamp, dwells in the heart: white and black, brown and blue, tawny and reddish 5.
1 See III, 2. See the same verse in Katha Up. VI, 10. 8 See before, II, 1.
* See Prasña Up. I, 10, ‘But those who have sought the Self by penance, abstinence, faith, and knowledge, gain by the Northern Path Aditya, the sun.'
See Khând. Up. VIII, 6, 1.
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