which once entered his heart are undone, then does the mortal become immortal, then he obtains Brahman."
And as the slough of a snake lies on an ant-hill, dead and cast away, thus lies this body; but that disembodied immortal spirit (prâna, life) is Brahman only, is only light.'
Ganaka Vaideha said: “Sir, I give you a thousand.' 81. On this there are these verses :
'The small, old path stretching far away? has been found by me. On it sages who know Brahman move on to the Svarga-loka (heaven), and thence higher on, as entirely free 3.
9. On that path they say that there is white, or blue, or yellow, or green, or red 4; that path was found by Brahman, and on it goes whoever knows Brahman, and who has done good, and obtained splendour.
10. ‘All who worship what is not knowledge (avidya) enter into blind darkness: those who delight in knowledge, enter, as it were, into greater darkness”.
II. “There are o indeed those unblessed worlds,
1 This may be independent matter, or may be placed again into the mouth of Yâgñavalkya. i
* Instead of vitatah, which perhaps seemed to be in contradiction with anu, there is a Mâdhyandina reading vitara, probably intended originally to mean leading across. The other adjective mânsprishta I cannot explain. Sankara explains it by mâm sprishtah, mayâ labdhah.
That this is the true meaning, is indicated by the various readings of the Mâdhyandinas, tena dhîrâ apiyanti brahmavida utkramya svargam lokam ito vimuktâh. The road is not to lead to Svarga only, but beyond.
* See the colours of the veins as given before, IV, 3, 20.
o See Vâg. Up. 9. Sankara in our place explains avidyâ by works, and vidyâ by the Veda, excepting the Upanishads. • See Vâg. Up. 3; Katha Up. I, 3.
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