indeed a king, a ruler, the highest lord. May that king, that ruler make me the highest lord.'
6. Then he eats it, saying: 'Tat savitur varenyam 1 (We meditate on that adorable light)-The winds drop honey for the righteous, the rivers drop honey, may our plants be sweet as honey! Bhûh (earth) Svâhâ !
'Bhargo devasya dhimahi (of the divine Savitri)—May the night be honey in the morning, may the air above the earth, may heaven, our father, be honey! Bhuvah (sky) Svâhâ !
'Dhiyo yo nah prokoda yât (who should rouse our thoughts)-May the tree be full of honey, may the sun be full of honey, may our cows be sweet like honey! Svah (heaven) Svâhâ !'
He repeats the whole Sâvitri verse, and all the verses about the honey, thinking, May I be all this ! Bhûr, Bhuvah, Svah, Svâhâ ! Having thus swallowed all, he washes his hands, and sits down behind the altar, turning his head to the East. In the morning he worships Aditya (the sun), with the hymn, ‘Thou art the best lotus of the four quarters, may I become the best lotus among men.' Then returning as he came, he sits down behind the altar and recites the genealogical list?.
7. Uddâlaka Aruni told this (Mantha-doctrine) to his pupil Vâgasaneya Yâgñavalkya, and said: 'If a man were to pour it on a dry stick, branches would grow, and leaves spring forth. lated them. They correspond to “amo nâmâsy amâ hi te sarvam idam' in the Khând. Up. V, 2, 6, 6. The Mâdhyandinas read : âmo 'sy âmam hi te mayi, sa hi râgâ, &c. Dvivedaganga translates : thou art the knower, thy knowledge extends to me.' 1 Rv. III, 62, 10. * This probably refers to the list immediately following.
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