FIRST BRÂHMANA?. 1. That (the invisible Brahman) is full, this (the visible Brahman) is full 2. This full (visible Brahman) proceeds from that full (invisible Brahman). On grasping the fulness of this full (visible Brahman) there is left that full (invisible Brahman)s.
Om (is) ether, (is) Brahman 4 “There is the old ether (the invisible), and the (visible) ether of the atmosphere,' thus said Kauravyâyaniputra. This (the Om) is the Veda (the means of knowledge), thus the Brâhmanas know. One knows through it all that has to be known.
SECOND BRAHMANA. 1. The threefold descendants of Pragâpati, gods, men, and Asuras (evil spirits), dwelt as Brahmakarins (students) with their father Pragâpati. Having finished their studentship the gods said: “Tell us (something), Sir. He told them the syllable Da. Then he said: 'Did you understand ?' They said : We did understand. You told us “Dâmyata,” Be subdued.' 'Yes,' he said, 'you have understood.'
2. Then the men said to him : 'Tell us something,
This is called a Khila, or supplementary chapter, treating of various auxiliary means of arriving at a knowledge of Brahman.
2 Full and filling, infinite.
8 On perceiving the true nature of the visible world, there remains, i.e. there is perceived at once, as underlying it, or as being it, the invisible world or Brahman. This and the following paragraph are called Mantras.
• This is explained by Sankara as meaning, Brahman is Kha, the ether, and called Om, i.e. Om and Kha are predicates of Brahman.
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