VII, 5.
8. Then he convenes his relations, informs the king (of his intention to adopt) in (their) presence, feeds the invited) Brâhmanas in the assembly or in (his) dwelling, and makes them wish him 'an auspicious day,' “hail,' (and) prosperity.' .
9. Then he performs the ceremonies which begin with the drawing of the lines on the altar and end with the placing of the water-vessels, goes to the giver (of the child) and should address (this) request (to him), 'Give me (thy) son.'
10. The other answers, 'I give (him).'
11. He receives (the child with these words), 'I take thee for the fulfilment of (my) religious duties; I take thee to continue the line (of my ancestors).'
12. Then he adorns him with the (above-mentioned) two garments, the two earrings, and the finger-ring, performs the rites which begin with the placing of the (pieces of wood called) paridhis (fences round the altar) and end with the Agnimukha, and offers (a portion) of the cooked (food) in the fire.
13. Having recited the Puronuvákyâ (verse), 'He who thinking of thee with a discerning mind,' &c., he offers an oblation, reciting the Yâgyâ (verse), 'To which performer of good deeds, thou, O Gâtavedas,' &c.
14. Then he offers (oblations, reciting) the Vyâhritis ;-(the ceremonies) which begin the oblation to Agni Svishtakrit and end with the presentation
8. The ceremony alluded to is the so-called punyâhavâkanam. 12. The correct reading is pakvậg guhoti. 13. The two texts are found Taittirîya Samhitâ I, 4, 46,1.
14. Vasishtha XV, 7. The parenthetical phrase occurs frequently in the Dharma-sâtra ; see e. g. III, 4, 3.
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