II, 8, 14.
4. The Rik-verses, the Yagus-formulas, and the Sâmans (give) lustre to a funeral offering. Therefore he may feed (on that occasion) even a Sapinda relation who (knows) those (texts).
5. Let him who feeds (Brâhmanas at a funeral sacrifice) cause them to hear successively the Rakshoghna' Sâmans, the Yagus-formulas (called) Svadhàvat, the Rik-verses (called) Madhu, and the (texts called) Pavitras.
6. Having invited on the day before (the Sraddha), or just in the morning, virtuous, pure (men), such as Trimadhus, who know the Vedângas and the sacred texts, who are not related by marriage, nor members of the same family, nor connected through the Veda, at least three, (but always) an odd number, the (sacrificer) makes them sit down on prepared seats, covered with Darbha grass, facing the east or the north.
7. Then he offers to them water mixed with sesamum seed, adorns them with scents and garlands (and says), 'I wish to offer oblations in the fire.'
Aranyakas are preferable to those mentioned in the preceding Sätra, and thus the order must be reversed.
4. Âpastamba II, 7, 17,5.
5. The texts on which the Rakshoghna Sâmans are based occur Sâma-veda I, 1, 1, 3, 4-6; the Svadhâvat Yagus, Taitt. Brâhmana I, 3, 10, 2; the Madhu Rikas, Rig-veda I, 90, 6; and the three Pavitras, Taitt. Brâhmana I, 4, 8, 2.
6. Âpastamba II, 7, 14, 5. All the MSS., including those of the commentary, read yonigotramantrasambandhân instead of yonigotramantrâsambandhân. But the explanation of gotrasambandhâh by asagotrâh shows still a faint trace of the former existence of
e reading which I have restored conjecturally and translated. Its correctness is proved by the parallel passage of Apastamba.
7. Vishnu LXXIII, 12-13; Manu III, 208-211. The Agnimukha
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