II, 7, 13.
2. (Moreover), 'He who eats merely (in order to satisfy his own hunger) reaps only guilt. In vain (the fool) takes food.'
3. Let him daily, both in the morning and in the evening, sacrifice in this manner;
4. Or (he may offer) water in the evening.
5. Now they quote also (the following verses) : Let him first feed his guests, next the pregnant women, then the infants and the aged, thereafter the distressed and particularly the diseased. But he who eats first, without having given (food) to those (persons) according to the rule, does not know that he is being eaten. He does not eat, (but) he is eaten.'
6. 'Let him eat silently what remains, (after he has given their portions) to the manes, the gods, the servants, his parents, and his Gurus; that is declared to be the rule of the sacred law.'
7. Now they quote also (the following verses): Eight mouthfuls are the meal of an ascetic, sixteen that of a hermit in the woods, thirty-two that of a householder, and an unlimited (quantity) that of a student.'
8. 'An Agnihotrin, a draught-ox, and a student, those three can do their work only if they eat (much); without eating (much) they cannot do it.'
9. 'A householder, or a student who practises 13. 2. Rig-veda X, 114, 6, and Taittirîya Brâhmana II, 8, 8, 3. The words have been transposed.
5. Vasishtha XI, 6-8; Manu III, 114-115. I write, with the Dekhan and Gugarât MSS., na sa bhunkte, sa bhugyate, instead of the senseless reading of M. and the commentary, na sa bhunkte na bhugyate. 6. Vasishtha XI, 11.
7-8. Apastamba II, 4, 9, 13. 9-10. Âpastamba II, 4, 9, 12, and note on II, 1, 1, 2.
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