III, 5.
Prasna III, ADHYAYA 5.
1. Now we will explain the rule of the most holy Aghamarshana.
2. He goes to a bathing-place and bathes (there). Dressed in a pure dress let him raise, close to the water, an altar, and moistening his clothes by one (application of water), and filling his hand once (with water), let him recite the Aghamarshana hymn (in the manner of his daily) private recitation..
3. (Let him repeat it) one hundred times in the morning, one hundred times at midday, and one hundred times or an unlimited number of times in the afternoon.
4. When the stars have risen, let him partake of gruel prepared of one handful of barley.
5. After seven (days and) nights he is freed from all minor sins (upapataka), whether they have been committed intentionally or unintentionally, after twelve (days and) nights (from all other sins) excepting the murder of a learned Brâhmana, the violation of a Guru's bed, stealing gold, and drinking Surâ.
6. After twenty-one (days and) nights he overcomes even those (crimes) and conquers them.
5. 1. Vasishtha XXVI, 8.
2. Sthandila, 'an altar,' is a slightly raised mound of earth, which, according to Govinda, in this case must have the shape of the sun's disc. According to the same authority the hand of the performer must remain filled with water as long as the recitation lasts, and the performer stands behind the altar facing the east.
5. Regarding the prasritiyâvaka, '(subsisting on gruel prepared from a handful of barley,' see below, III, 6.
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