III, 7.
mitted by thoughts or words, from all that free me (O fire, being duly) praised, for thou knowest the truth, Svâhâ,' he gives a fee.
14. (The ceremonies) which begin with the muttering (of the texts) and end with the gift of a cow as a fee are known.
15. One (person) only (shall) perform the service of the fire.
16. Now (let him offer) at the Agnyâdheya full oblations (půrnâhuti, with the texts), Whatever cause of anger to the gods, ye gods;' The debts which I contracted;' «May worshipful Agni give thee by every means long life.
17. Having offered (it), he who is about to perform the Agnihotra, (worships) with the Dasahotri (texts); having offered (it), he who is about to perform the new and full moon sacrifices (worships) with the Katurhotri (texts); having offered (it), he who is about to offer the Kâturmâsya sacrifices (worships) with the Pañkahotri (texts); having offered it, (he worships) at an animal sacrifice with the Shaddhotri (texts), at a Soma-sacrifice with the Saptahotri (texts).
18. And it is declared in the Veda, 'Let him sacrifice (with the Kushmânda texts) at the beginning of the rites; purified (thereby) he gains the world of the gods. Thus (speaks) the Brâhmana.
16. From this and the next Sätras it must be understood that the Kashmândahoma is not only to be used as a penance, but may be offered at the beginning of the great Srauta sacrifices, in order to sanctify the performer and to secure special benefits.
17. The Saptahotri and the other texts mentioned occur Taitt. Aranyaka III, 1-5. I understand the verb 'worship’on account of Lâtyâyana X, 12, 10.
18. Taitt. Aranyaka II, 7, 5.
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