II, 3, 5.
8. If he has accepted presents from one who is able to give presents to many, or from one whose presents ought not to be accepted, or if he has sacrificed for one for whom he ought not to have sacrificed, or if he has eaten food (given by a person) whose food must not be eaten, he shall mutter the Taratsamandiya.
9. Now they quote also (the following verse): 'Those who improperly associate with (an outcast) teacher, those who improperly associate with (outcast) pupils, and those who improperly associate (with outcasts) by (accepting their) food or by (reciting) Mantras (for them), enter into deep darkness.'
10. Now (follow) the duties of a Snâtaka.
II. After offering at the morning and at the evening (meals) with (a portion of) the food which he may have, the Vaisvadeva and the Bali-offerings, he shall honour, according to his ability, Brâhmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras :(who may come to his house as) guests.
12. If he cannot (afford to give food) to many, let him give (something) to one who possesses good qualities,
13. Or to him who has come first.
14. If a Sûdra (has come as) a guest, he shall order him (to do some) work, (and feed him afterwards) ;
reading, and to have changed it to 'kapât tu trîn ghatâmstatha,' in order to save the metre. The sense remains the same.
8. Manu XI, 254. The text is found Rig-veda IX, 58. Govinda explains bahupratigrâhya, one who is able to give presents to many,' by bahubhrityabharanakshama, one who is able to support many servants. 10. Vasishtha XII, 1.
II. Vasishtha XI, 3-9. 14. Âpastamba II, 2, 4, 19.
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