II, 5, 10.
the Rishis of the Kandas (of the Yagur-veda); the Rishikas; the wives of the Rishis ; the sons of the Rishis; Kanva Baudhầyana; Âpastamba, the author of the Satra; Satyâshâdha Hiranyakesin ; Vâgasaneyin Yagñavalkya; Åsvalâyana Saunaka; Vyâsa ; the syllable Om; the Vyâhritis; the Sâvitrt; the Gâyatri ; the Khandas ; the Rig-veda ; the Yagurveda; the Sâma-veda; the Atharvângirasa; the. Itihâsa and Purâna; all the Vedas; the servants of all gods; all beings.'
15. Then, passing the sacrificial string over the right shoulder, (he offers the following libations):
Prasna II, Adhấya 5, KandIKÂ 10. 1. 'Om, I satiate the fathers, Svadhâ, adoration ! the grandfathers; the great-grandfathers; the mothers; the grandmothers; the great-grandmothers; the maternal grandfathers; the maternal grandmother ; the mother's grandmother ; the mother's great-grandmother.
2. 'Om, I satiate the teacher (âkârya), Svadhâ, adoration! the wife of the teacher; the friends ; the wives of the friends; the relatives; the wives of the relatives; the inmates of the house (amâtya); the wives of the inmates of the house; all; the wives of all.'
3. He pours the water out from the several Tirthas (of the hand sacred to the several deities).
4. (He recites at the end of the rite the following
3. I. e. the water must be poured out in accordance with the rule given above.
4. Vâgasaneyi Samhitâ II, 34. The translation of the Mantra follows Govinda's explanation.
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