II, 2,4.
52. Let him burn a Sûdra (who commits adultery with an Aryan) in a straw-fire.
53. Now they quote also (the following verses):
Prasna II, ADHYÂYA 2, KANDIKÂ 4. 1. ‘Anybody but a Brâhmana shall suffer corporal punishment for adultery.'
2. 'The wives (of men) of all castes must be guarded more carefully than wealth.'
3. 'But corporal punishment (shall) not (be in-. Aicted) for (adultery with the wives of minstrels and with those who appear on the stage. For (the husbands) carry them (to other men), or, lying concealed (at home), permit them to hold culpable intercourse.'
4. Women (possess) an unrivalled means of purification ; they never become (entirely) foul. For month by month their temporary uncleanness removes their sins.'
5. 'Soma gave them cleanliness, the Gandharva their melodious voice, and Fire purity of all (limbs); therefore women are free from stains.'
52. Vasishtha XXI, 1, 5.
4. 1. Āpastamba II, 10, 26, 20; 10,27, 11. Govinda thinks that non-Brâhmanical offenders should be burned, in accordance with Vasishtha XXI, 2-3. But mutilation may also be intended. Samgrahana, 'adultery,' probably includes all those acts mentioned Manu VIII, 354-358.
2. Manu VIII, 359.
3. Manu VIII, 362. I read conjecturally, samsargayanti te hyetâ niguptas kâlayantyapi,' basing my emendations on Manu's text. The MSS. and Govinda have, samsargayanti tâ hyetân niguptâms kâlayanty api, which gives no good sense. Govinda explains kâranadârâh, the wives of minstrels,' by devadâsyah,"temple-slaves.' 4. Vasishtha XXVIII, 4.
5. Vasishtha XXVIII, 6.
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