II, 2, 4.
17. Gautama (declares that one shall) not (act thus). For the duties of Kshatriyas are too cruel for a Brâhmana,
18. Now they quote also (the following verse): 'Out of regard for the sacred law a Brâhmana and a Vaisya may take up arms for (the protection of) cows or Brâhmanas, or when a confusion of the castes (threatens to take place).
19. (Or) the livelihood of a Vaisya should be adopted, because that is the one following (next).
20. (If he lives by agriculture) he shall plough before breakfast,
21. With two bulls whose noses have not been • pierced, not striking them with the goad, (but) frequently coaxing them.
22. The (sacred domestic) fire (shall be kindled) at the wedding; the religious ceremonies up to the Agnyâdheya (shall be) performed in that.
[gane) tadasaktau kshatradharmau. M. reads, dharmanasvâdhyâyapravakana [ne] ityadhikâran darsayati pratigrahîtâdrik pratigrahîtâra ridhnuvanti ritvigyagamâna yâganau tadasaktau svâdhyâyadhyâ (°yâdhyâ] panayagñayâganapratigrahair asaklama [tah] kshatradharmmena givet. The Dekhan and Gugarât MSS. read, dhârmye svâdhyâyapravakane ityadhikâram darsayati i pratigrahe dâtâ pratigrahîtásra) ridhnuvanti i ritvigyagamânâ yâgane i tadasaktau kshatradharmena givayet, or have corruptions of this passage. I cannot come to any other conclusion than that the passage which precedes the words translated by me are a very ancient interpolation, caused by the embodiment of a portion of an old Bhâshya with the text, and that all our MSS., however much they may differ, go back to one codex archetypus.
17. Gautama Introduction, p. lii. 18. Gautama VII, 25.
19. Vasishtha II, 24. 20–21. Vasishtha II, 32.
22. Vasishtha VIII, 3. The religious ceremonies to be performed with the sacred domestic fire, which, according to Baudhấyana,
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