I, 10, 19.
give to the king one thousand cows and besides a bull in expiation of his sin,
2. For (slaying) a Vaisya one hundred cows, for (slaying) a Sûdra ten; and a bull (must be) added (in each case).
3. (The punishment for) the murder of a woman -excepting a (Brâhmani) who had bathed after temporary uncleanness—and for the destruction of a cow have been explained by the (rule regarding the) murder of a Súdra.
4. If he has slain a milch-cow or a draught-ox, he shall perform a Kândrâyana (lunar penance) after (paying the prescribed fine).
5. The (punishment for the) murder of a (Brâhmani) who had bathed after temporary uncleanness has been explained by the rule regarding) the murder of a Kshatriya.
6. For killing a flamingo, a Bhâsa, a peacock, a Brâhmani duck, a Prakalâka, a crow, an owl, a frog, a musk-rat, a dog, (the large ichneumon called) Babhru, a common ichneumon, and so forth, (the offender shall pay) the same (fine) as (for the murder of) a Sudra.
7. In order to gain the good opinion of men, a witness shall give evidence in accordance with what he has seen or heard.
nârtham in two ways: 1. in expiation of his sin; 2. in order to remove the enmity of the relatives of the murdered man. He adds all these punishments are really penances (prâyaskittas) to be imposed by the king. Âpastamba has these Sätras in the section on penances.
amba I, 9, 24, 2-4. 3. Apastamba I, 9, 24, 5; I, 9, 26, 1. 5. Vasishtha XX, 34, 37. 6. Âpastamba I, 9, 25, 13. 7. Vishnu VIII, 13-14.
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