II, 1, t.
13. He who has defiled the bed of a Guru shall place himself on a heated iron bed,
14. Or embrace a red hot image (of a woman),
15. Or cutting off his organ together with the testicles and holding them in his joined hands, he shall walk towards the south-west until he falls down (dead).
16. A thief shall go to the king with flying hair, carrying on his shoulder a club of Sindhraka wood (and say), 'Strike me with that.' (Then the king) shall strike him.
17. Now they quote also (the following verses) : A thief shall go to the king carrying a club on his shoulder (and say to him), Punish me with that, O king, remembering the duty of Kshatriyas.'
Whether he be punished or be pardoned, the thief is freed from his guilt. But if the king does not punish him, that guilt of the thief falls on him.'
18. If he has drunk (the spirituous liquor called) Surâ, he shall scald himself to death with hot (liquor of the) same (kind).
19. For unintentionally drinking (Surâ), he shall perform Krikkhra penances during three months and be initiated again,
20. And (on this second initiation) the cutting (of
13-15. Gautama XXIII, 8-10; Vasishtha XX, 13, 14.
16. Vasishtha XX, 41. 'A thief,' i.e. one who has stolen gold from a Brahmana.
17. Āpastamba I, 9, 25, 4-5.
18. Vasishtha XX, 22. Surâ, i.e. the spirituous liquor extracted from rice, to drink which is considered a particularly heinous crime. Vasishtha XX, 19, and loc. cit.
19. Vasishtha XX, 19.
20. Vishnu LI, 5. The vows and restrictive rules, i.e. the Savitrya vow, begging, &c.
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