I, I1, 21.
7. In the rainy season, too, (the reading must be interrupted) until the same hour of the (next) day or night, (if thunder and lightning come together), not on account of rain.
8. If (he has) received anything or dined on the occasion of a sacrifice in honour of the manes, (he shall not read) during the remainder of the day,
9. (Nor) after meals until (the food) has been digested.
10. For the hand of a Brâhmana is his mouth.
II. Now they quote also (the following verse): * According to the revealed texts there is no difference whether one has eaten or received (a present at a Sraddha).'
12. (A student shall discontinue the study of the Veda) during three days in case his father has died.
13. Of two kinds, forsooth, is the virile energy of a famous Brâhmana who is learned in the Vedas, (that which resides) above the navel and the other (that resides) below the navel. Through that which
7. Govinda takes ahorâtrayos ka tatkalam to mean until the end of the day or night.
8. Vasishtha XIII, 15. Govinda adds that the recitation must be stopped as soon as the invitation to a Sraddha is received.
9. Vasishtha XIII, 31.
10. Vasishtha XIII, 16. The word for used in this Satra gives the reason for the rule in Sutra 8.
12. This (rule) refers to a student who has not returned home. But on one who has returned home it is obligatory to interrupt the Veda-study until he becomes pure. Here he calls the subteacher (upadhyâya)" father,” because he gives the Veda. For (an interruption of) twelve days' duration is prescribed on the death of) a real father (by the Satra); "on the death of the mother, the father, and the teacher twelve days." '-Govinda. 13. Vasishtha II, 5. This Sätra is intended to show how the
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