I, 11, 21.
(resides) above the navel, his offspring is produced when he initiates Brâhmanas, when he teaches them, when he causes them to offer sacrifices, when he makes them holy. All these are his children. But through that which resides below the navel the children of his body are produced. Therefore they never say to a Srotriya who is versed in the Vedas, • Thou art destitute of offspring.'
14. “Therefore a Brâhmana has two names, two mouths, two kinds of virile energy, and two births.'
15. (Let him discontinue the recitation of the Veda) as long as he is within hearing or sight of Sudras and Apapâtras.
16. When at night the howl of a solitary jackal is heard, he shall not study until he has slept.
17. Let him not study in the evening and morning twilights nor on the Parva-days.
18. He shall not eat meat nor approach his wife (on those days).
19. It is declared in the Veda, For on the Parva-days the Rakshasas and the Pisâkas roam about (in order to injure men).'
20. And on (the appearance of) other omens and portents (he shall not repeat the Veda), except mentally, during a day and a night.
Upadhyâya can be called a father. Govinda states that the precise meaning of anûkâna, 'versed or learned in the Veda,' is one who knows the Veda, its meaning, and the Angas.' See also Baudhayana Grihya-sūtra I, 10, 5.
15. Vasishtha XVIII, 12. Regarding the term Apapâtras, see Âpastamba I, 1, 3, 25 note.
16. Âpastamba I, 3, 10, 17.
17. Vasishtha XIII, 22. The explanation of the term Parvaday is given below, Sætra 22.
18. Vishnu LXIX, 1.
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