I, 5, 10.
11. (After voiding) urine he shall clean (the organ once) with earth and water,
12. The hand three times.
13. In like manner (he shall clean himself with earth and water after voiding) faeces.
14. The number (of the applications of both is) thrice three for both feet and the hand.
15. After an effusion of semen (he shall purify himself) in the same manner as after voiding urine.
16. He shall wash himself, after he has untied or put on the cloth round his loins,
17. Or he may touch moist grass, cowdung, or earth.
18. While he is engaged in (the performance of) religious rites, he shall avoid to touch (the part of his body) below the navel.
19. The Veda (declares), ‘A man's (body) is pure above the navel, it is impure below the navel.'
20. Sudras living in the service of Aryans shall trim (their hair and nails) every month; their mode
11-12. Vasishtha VI, 14, 18. According to Govinda one application of water suffices for the left hand and two for both together.
13-14. Vasishtha VI, 18. Govinda reads in Sätra 14, against the authority of all the MSS., pâyoh, 'for the anus,' instead of pâdayoh, 'for both feet.'
15. Apastamba I, 5, 15, 23. 16. Âpastamba I, 5, 16, 14. 17. Âpastamba 1,5, 16, 15. 18. Vishnu XXIII, 51. 19. Taittirîya Samhita VI, 1, 3, 4.
20. Âpastamba II, 1, 2, 4-5. The above translation follows Govinda's explanation. But âryâdhishthitäh,' living in the service of Aryans,' may also mean 'superintended by Aryans,' and the rule be taken to refer to the special case of Sadra cooks, as in the parallel passage of Âpastamba.
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