1, 6, 14.
blood, semen, and the like (they must be) thrown away.
PRASNA I, ADHYAYA 6, KANDIKÂ 14. 1. Earthen vessels that have been touched by impure persons (must be) exposed to the flame of) a fire of Kusa grass.
2. Those which have been defiled by stains of remnants (of food must be) exposed to another burning.
3. Those which have been defiled by urine, ordure, blood, semen, and the like (must be) thrown away.
4. (Vessels) made of metal (must be) washed, after having been scrubbed as (directed) above.
5. The materials (to be used) for scrubbing (are) cowdung, earth, ashes, and so forth.
6. Those which have been defiled by urine, ordure, blood, semen, and the like (must be) recast,
7. Or (they must) be kept during seven (days and) nights completely immersed in cow's urine,
8. Or in a great river for as long (a period).
9. (Vessels) made of stone or of fruits, (i. e.) gourds, Bel-fruit, and Vinâlas, (shall be) brushed with (a brush of) cow's hair.
vessels has been repeated, in order to prevent a misconception. For as Soma is said to be a great means of purification, it might be supposed that it was powerful enough to prevent the defilement of vessels into which it is poured at a sacrifice. But compare the next Satras.
14. 8. A great river, i. e. one which directly flows into the ocean.-Govinda.
9. A Vinala, i. e. (a vessel) made of bamboo or Vidagdhanala; it is called a long vessel' (dirghabhaganam), and is used for carrying the Pranîta water and the like purposes.-Govinda. The vessel
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