1, 7, 15.
12. If there is work for them, the priests shall not turn away from the sacred fires.
13. If he faces the east, let him turn towards his right shoulder,
14. If he faces the west, towards the left.
15. The entrance to the sacrificial (enclosure lies) between the Katvala and the Utkara,
16. (When one comes) from the Katvala, (it lies between) the Ahavanfya fire and the Utkara.
17. The officiating (priests), the sacrificer, and his wife shall enter by that (road),
18. As long as the sacrificial rite is not completed.
19. When it has been finished (they shall) pass to and fro on the side where there is no Utkara (i.e. on the western side of the enclosure).
Uttaravedi and the rest is confined, the Soma is made ready immediately after the fire, after that the meat and so forth, after that the grain for the sacrificial cakes, then the clarified butter, and after that the spoons called sruva, sruk, and so forth.'-Govinda.
12. It is indicated hereby that, if there is work (to be done) there, they shall not turn away from the sacred fires except in cases of absolute necessity.'-Govinda.
13. This rule (refers to the case) when he walks with the sacred fires. It must be understood that he shall not turn his back on the fires.'- Govinda.
14. "This rule (is to be interpreted) in the same manner (as the preceding one). Or it is prescribed by these two Sūtras that the men engaged in the sacrifice) shall go out, turning their right hand towards (the fires).'-Govinda.
15. Kâtyâyana Srauta Sätra V, 1, 11.
16. I read with the MSS. of the text kâtvâlâd âhavanîyotkarau.' The two copies of the commentary give kâtvålah âhavanîyotkarau. Govinda says that the words antarena tîrtham must be understood. For the position of the Katvala and the Utkara, see Professor Haug's map, where the road of the priests is also marked, though somewhat differently.
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