I, 6, 14.
10. (Sacrificial implements made of) plaited Nalareeds, bamboo, or Sara-reeds (shall be) washed with cowdung, water, and the like.
11. If unhusked rice has been defiled, (it must be) washed (and afterwards be) dried.
12. But a great quantity (of unhusked rice must be) sprinkled.
13. Husked rice (which has been defiled must be) thrown away.
14. The same (rule applies) to cooked sacrificial viands.
15. But if a great quantity has been defiled by (the touch of) dogs, crows, and the like (unclean beings), one must throw away that portion (as) food for men, and sprinkle (the rest with water), reciting the Anuvâka, 'Pavamânah suvarganah.'
16. Hydromel and preparations of milk (are) purified by pouring them from one vessel into another.
intended is no doubt the flask made of a bamboo which is cut below the joint, and is commonly used as a bottle for oil. Govinda adds that this mode of purification is to be adopted in case the vessels have been touched by impure persons.
10. Nala-reeds, i.e. Amphidonax Karka; Sara, i. e. Saccharum Sara. Govinda says that the rule applies to cases where such implements have been defiled by remnants of food (ukkhishtalepa).
11. Defiled, i.e. touched by a Kandala.' (The rule) refers to a quantity less than a Drona (66 or 132 lbs.).—Govinda.
13. If it has been defiled by urine and the like and the quantity is small;' this must be understood, because he will declare (below, Satra 15) that if there is a great quantity (the defiled) portion only shall be thrown away.-Govinda.
14. This, too, refers to small quantities only. 15. The Anuvâka referred to is Taittirîya-brâhmana I, 4, 8. 16. Hydromel, i.e. sour milk, honey, clarified butter, water, and
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