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enjoy the offerings made by a man destitute of faith.'
5. After reflecting (for a long time on the respective value of) the (food) of a pure man destitute of faith and of an impure person who has faith, the gods declared both to be equal. But the Lord of created beings said to them, “That is not equal, it is unequal. The food of a man destitute of faith is worthless, that which is purified by faith is preferable.'
6. Now they quote also (the following verses): Want of faith is the greatest sin; for faith is the highest austerity. Therefore the gods do not eat offerings given without faith.'
7. 'A foolish man does not reach heaven, though he may offer (sacrifices) or give (gifts).'
8. 'He is called a foolish man whose conduct is blemished by doubts, and who, clinging to his own fancies, transgresses (the rules of) the Sâstras, because he opposes the fulfilment of the sacred law.
9. But pot-herbs, flowers, fruit, roots, and annual plants (must be) sprinkled (with water).
10. Having placed dry grass, wood of trees unfit for sacrifices or a clod of earth (on the ground), let him void faeces or urine, turning his face during the day towards the north and at night towards the south and wrapping up his head.
8. Dharmatantra, translated the fulfilment of the sacred law,' is explained in the commentary by dharmasya tantram anushthânam, by the performance of the sacred duties.' It may also mean the doctrine of or the treatises on the sacred law. The Sâstras are the Vedas and the whole body of the sacred literature. 9. Vishnu XXIII, 15.
10. Vasishtha VI, 10.
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