XXV, 8.
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2. A penance prescribed in the section on secret (penances) is for an Agnihotrin, an aged and a learned man, who have subdued their senses ; but other men (must perform the expiations) described above.
3. Those constantly engaged in suppressing their breath, reciting purificatory texts, giving gifts, making burnt-oblations, and muttering (sacred texts) will, undoubtedly, be freed from (the guilt of) crimes causing loss of caste.
4. Seated with Kusa grass in his hands, let him repeatedly suppress his breath, and again and again recite purificatory texts, the Vyâhritis, the syllable Om, and the daily portion of the Veda.
5. Always intent on the practice of Yoga, let him again and again suppress his breath. Up to the ends of his hair and up to the ends of his nails let him perform highest austerity.
6. Through the obstruction (of the expiration) air is generated, through air fire is produced, then through heat water is formed; hence he is internally purified by these) three.
7. Neither through severe austerities, nor through the daily recitation of the Veda, nor through offering sacrifices can the twice-born reach that condition which they attain by the practice of Yoga.
8. Through the practice of Yoga (true) knowledge is obtained, Yoga is the sum of the sacred law, the practice of Yoga is the highest and eternal austerity; therefore let him always be absorbed in the practice of Yoga.
XXV. 4. Read prânâyâmân in the text.
5. The MSS. read at the end of this verse, tapas tapyatam uttamam, while Krishnapandita gives tapas tapyât tu uttamam. The correct reading is probably tapas tapyatu uttamam.
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