I, 2, 3.
16. Let him beg, (employing a formula) consisting of seven syllables, with the word bhavat in the beginning, with the word bhikshâ in the middle, and with the (verb expressing) the request at the end; and let him not pronounce loudly (the syllables) kshả and hi.
17. A Brâhmana (student) shall ask for alms, placing (the word) Lady' first, a Kshatriya placing
found in the Baudhayana Grihya-sätra II, 7, where the various kinds of trees from which the staff may be taken are specified. The Sätra shows that the Grihya-sätra preceded the Dharma-sútra in the collection.
16. The text of this Satra is corrupt. I read, 'bhavatpurvam bhikshâmadhyâm yâkñântâm karet saptaksharam bhikshâm kshâm ka him ka na vardhayet.' The various readings of the MSS. are, bhikshâm madhyâm yakkhâmtâm karet saptâksharam bhim ka na vardhayet, C. T.;-yâkñâmtâm karet saptâksharamni kshâm ka bhim ka narvyayet, D.;--yâkñâmtâm karet saptâksharâmstim rksha ba him na vardhayet, K.;—yâkñâmtâm tikshâm karet saptaksharân ksham ka him ka na vardhayan, M.;yâkanâskâmtâm karet saptâksharân bhikshâm ka him ka na vardhayet, C. I. The most serious corruption lies in the syllables following saptaksharam, and I am not certain that my emendation bhikshâm is correct. The commentary on the first half of the Sätra runs as follows: bhikshamantram vyaktam evokkaret bhavakkhabdapûrvâm bhikshâsabdamadhyâm yaknâpratipaspaldakasabdâmtâm sabdáksharâm (saptâksharâm) ka evam hi bhavati bhikshâm dehi sampanno bhavati, let him pronounce distinctly the formula employed in begging, beginning with the word bhavat, having the word bhikshâ in the middle, and ending with the word conveying the sense of giving, and containing seven syllables. For thus (the formula), “ Lady, give alms," becomes complete.' It is curious that Govinda says nothing about the form saptâksharam and the feminine terminations of the other adjectives, . which do not agree with mantram, a masculine.
17. Vasishtha XI, 68-70; Gautama II, 35. Govinda thinks that a student should, if possible, beg from people of his own caste. Three castes only are intended by the term from all castes.' But see Âpastamba I, 1, 3, 25; Gautama VII, 1 seqq.
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