XX, 10.
5. Let him who slept at sunset remain in a sitting posture during the (next) night, likewise (reciting the Gâyatri).
6. But let a man with deformed nails or black teeth perform a Krikkhra penance of twelve days' duration.
7. He whose younger brother married first shall perform a Krikkhra penance during twelve days, marry and take to himself even that (woman whom his brother wedded).
8. Now he who has taken a wife before his elder brother shall perform a Krikkhra penance and an Atikrikkhra penance, give (his wife) to that (elder brother), marry again, and take (back) the same (woman whom he wedded first).
9. The husband of a younger sister married before her elder sister shall perform a Krikkhra penance during twelve days, marry and take to him that (elder sister).
10. The husband of an elder sister married after the younger one shall perform a Krikkhra penance and an Atikrikkhra penance, give (his wife) to that (husband of the younger sister and marry again).
5-10. Manu XI, 201. 6. Regarding the Krikkhra penance, see below, XXI, 20.
7-8. Vishnu LIV, 16. According to Krishnapandita both brothers shall perform penances. The elder brother shall marry after his penance is finished. The younger one shall offer his wife to the elder, in order to atone for the slur put upon the elder. The latter shall accept her for form's sake and return her to the younger brother, who must once more wed her. Regarding the Atikrikkhra penance, see below, XXIV, 2.
10. Vishnu LIV, 16. Krishnapandita thinks that he should marry another wife, but adds that others say that, after offering his wife to the husband of the younger sister and receiving his permission, he should wed her once more.
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