XXIII, 18.
II. If a student eats meat which has been given to him as leavings (by his teacher), he shall perform a Krikkhra penance of twelve days' duration, and afterwards finish his vow.
12. The same (penance must be performed) if he eats food given at a Sraddha or by a person who is impure on account of a recent death or birth.
13. It is declared in the Veda, that honey given without asking does not defile (a student) of the Vâgasaneyi-sâkhâ.
14. For him who committing suicide becomes an Abhisasta, his blood-relations (sapinda) shall not perform the funeral rites.
15. He is called a suicide who destroys himself by means of wood, water, clods of earth, stones, weapons, poison, or a rope.
16. Now they quote also (the following verse): 'The twice-born man who out of affection performs the last rites for a suicide, shall perform a Kandrayana penance together with a Taptakrikkhra.'
17. We shall describe the Kândrayana below.
18. A fast of three days (must be performed) for resolving to die by one's own hand.
11. Manu XI, 159 ; Yâgñavalkya III, 282; see also Âpastamba's discussion on the subject, I, 1, 4, 5.
12. Manu XI, 158.
13. This Sūtra may also mean, 'It is declared that, according to the Vagasaneyaka, honey given to a student) without his asking for it does not defile him. But a parallel passage of Devala, which Krishnapandita quotes, makes, I think, the version given above appear preferable. In either case the passage is explained by the fact that, according to the Satapatha-brâhmana, Svetaketu, one of the great teachers of the White Yagur-veda, strongly pleaded for the use of honey; see Weber, Indische Studien X, 123 seq.
14. Vishnu XXII, 56; Gautama XIV, 12. 16. Vishnu XXII, 58-59.
17. See below, Sätra 45.
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