XVII, 86.
has issue, four years, and one who has no issue, two years; a wife of the Sudra caste who has issue, three years, and one who has no issue, one year.
79. After that among those who are united (with her husband) in interest, or by birth, or by the funeral cake, or by libations of water, or by descent from the same family, each earlier named person is more venerable than the following ones.
80. But while a member of her family is living, she shall certainly not go to a stranger.
81. Let the Sapindas or the subsidiary sons divide the heritage of him who has no heir of the firstmentioned six kinds.
82. On failure of them the spiritual teacher and a pupil shall take the inheritance.
83. On failure of those two the king inherits.
84. But let the king not take (the estate) of a Brâhmana.
85. For the property of a Brahmana is a terrible poison.
86. 'Poison they do not call the (worst) poison; the property of a Brâhmana is said to be the (most destructive) poison. Poison destroys only one person, but the property of a Brâhmana (him who takes it) together with sons and grandsons.'
79. The persons intended are, (1) brothers united in interest with her husband and other coparceners, (2) separated brothers of the husband, (3) separated blood-relations of the husband within six degrees, (4) separated blood-relations of the husband within fourteen degrees, and (5) persons bearing the same family name or, in the case of Brâhmanas, descended from the same Rishi.
81. Gautama XXVIII, 21; Vishnu XVII, 10. The subsidiary sons are those mentioned above, 26-38, who under ordinary circumstances do not inherit; see also above, Sätra 39, and Gautama XXVIII, 34.
82. Apastamba II, 6, 14, 3. 83-84. Vishnu XVII, 13.
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