XVI, 36.
(in accordance with its truth or falsehood) they will rise (to heaven) or fall (into hell).'
33. Naked and shorn, tormented with hunger and thirst, and deprived of sight shall the man who gives false evidence go with a potsherd to beg food at the door of his enemy.'
34. 'He kills five by false testimony regarding a maiden; he kills ten by false testimony regarding kine; he kills a hundred by false evidence regarding a horse, and a thousand by false evidence regarding a man.'
35. (Men) may speak an untruth at the time of marriage, during dalliance, when their lives are in danger or the loss of their whole property is imminent, and for the sake of a Brâhmana; they declare that an untruth spoken in these five cases does not make (the speaker) an outcast.
36. Those who give partial evidence in a judicial proceeding for the sake of a relative or for money, deprive the ancestors of their spiritual family and those of their natural family of their place in heaven.
33. Identical with Manu VIII, 93.
34. Identical with Manu VIII, 98. Regarding the explanation of the words he kills,' see Manu VIII, 97, and Haradatta on Gautama XIII, 14.
35. Gautama XXIII, 29. Between this and the preceding Sätras the MSS. as well as Krishnapandita insert another one, which is so corrupt that I am unable to translate it. Krishnapandita's explanation is opposed to all rules of interpretation, and not worth giving.
36. This verse, too, is corrupt, though the general sense is not doubtful. I read svaganasyârthe yadi vârthahetoh pakshasrayenaiva vadanti kâryam-te sabdavamsasya kulasya pūrvân svargasthitâmstânapi pâtayanti. The ancestors of their spiritual family,' i. e. the teacher, the teacher's teacher, and so forth.
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