XV, 19.
'Let him walk before those who readmit him, like one gamboling and laughing. Let him walk behind those who excommunicate him, like one weeping and sorrowing.'
19. Those who strike their teacher, their mother, or their father may be readmitted in the following manner, either after being pardoned by the (persons offended) or after expiating their sin.
20. Having filled a golden or an earthen vessel (with water taken) from a sacred lake or river, they pour (the water) over him, (reciting the three verses) 'Ye waters are' &c.
21. All the (other ceremonies to be performed on the) readmission of one who has bathed (in this manner) have been explained by (those ordained on) the birth of a son.
CHAPTER XVI. 1. Now (follow the rules regarding) legal proceedings.
2. Let the king (or) his minister transact the business on the bench.
3. When two (parties) have a dispute, let him not be partial to one of them.
20. Gautama XX, 10-14. I read 'punyahradât,' instead of pârnâhradât,' as the MSS. and Krishnapandita have. The passage of the Veda referred to occurs Rig-veda X, 0,1.
21. I. e. the person readmitted shall receive all the various sacraments just like a new-born child.
XVI. 2. Vishnu III, 72–73. Krishnapandita gives a second explanation of the Sutra, which also appears admissible, 'Let the king transact the business on the bench, taking counsel (with learned Brâhmanas as assessors);' see Vishnu III, 72.
3. Translated as above the Satra is nearly equivalent to Gautama
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