44. Whatsoever Bhikkhu shall take a seat, in secret, with a woman, in a concealed place 1-that is a Pâkittiya.
45. Whatsoever Bhikkhu shall take a seat, in secret, with a woman, one man with one womanthat is a Pâkittiya.
46. Whatsoever Bhikkhu, who has been invited (to a house), and has been (thus already) provided with a meal, shall, without having previously spoken about it to a Bhikkhu, if there is one there, go on his (begging) rounds among the families, either before meal-time or after meal-time 2, except on the right occasion-that is a Pâkittiya.
there is a husband and a wife; and they both, husband and wife, are not gone forth from, are not devoid of lust' (Minayeff, p. 89, under P.; but for anatikkantâ read anikkhantâ). Then the Samanta-Pâsâdikâ, doubtless to justify this suggested implication, makes sabhoganam equal to saha ubhohi ganehi (!); or, in the alternative, to sabhogam, since the wife is the bhoga of a man still given to passion, and the husband the bhoga of a wife.' The use of Bhogana in any such sense is extremely forced, and was perhaps only suggested by the following rules; but it is just possible we should translate, 'a household still given to pleasure' (compare Kullavagga VIII, 5, 1), or 'fond of good food' (compare Milinda Panha 76).
On anupakhagga compare the 16th Pâkittiya.
1 Compare the 30th Pâkittiya, and the two Aniyatâ Dhammâ. 2 The Vibhanga has the following stories in regard to these two particulars. A family devoted to Upananda invited him and another Bhikkhu. Before meal-time he went to attend on other families (purebhattam kulâni payirupâsati). The people delayed giving his meal to the other Bhikkhu till Upananda should arrive. He came late; and the other Bhikkhu was thereby discomforted.
The family devoted to Upananda sent him food for his use; saying it was to be given to the Samgha, with special reference to him. He had gone for an alms to the village. The messengers delivered the food and the message, and asked where Upananda was.
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