III, 5, 7.
has prepared the site for a park. If he sends a messenger to the Bhikkhus, .... (&c., as in § 5, down to the end of the section).
7. “In case, O Bhikkhus, an upâsaka has built for a number of Bhikkhus an addhayoga ....(&c., as in § 6 to the end of the section), . . . . for one Bhikkhu a Vihâra, an addhayoga, a storied house .... (&c., as in § 6 to the end).
8. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, an upâsak a has built for the sisterhood of Bhikkhunis, &c., for a number of Bhikkhunis, for one Bhikkhuni, for a number of sikkhamânâs, for one sikkhamanâ, for a number of sâmaneras, for one sâmanera, for a number of sâmaneris, for one sâmaneri a Vihâra, &c. If he sends a messenger to the Bhikkhus, &c.
9. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, an u pasaka has built for his own use a residence, a sleeping room, a stable?, a tower, a one-peaked building 3, a shop, a boutique, a storied house, an attic, a cave, a cell, a store-room, a refectory, a fire-room, a kitchen, a privy, a place to walk in, a house to walk in, a well, a well house, a gantâghara, a gantâghara room, a lotus-pond, a pavilion, a park, or has prepared the site for a park; or that his son is to choose a consort; or that his daughter is to choose a consort; or that he is sick; or that he knows how
1 The enumeration of edifices is identical with that given in $ 6, but in the cases beginning with that of the sisterhood of Bhikkhunîs (according to Buddhaghosa; we believe that the two cases referring to sâmaneras ought to be excepted) three of the edifices are left out, viz. the privy, the gantâghara, and the gantâghara room, the use of which is forbidden to nuns; see K’ullavagga X, 27, 3, 4.
See Abhidhânapp. v. 213, and compare assabhanda, hatthibhanda (Mahavagga I, 61, 1).
8 See Abhidhânapp. V. 209.
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