district a number of Bhikkhus are striving to cause divisions in the Samgha." If that Bhikkhu thinks : "Those Bhikkhus are not friends of mine, but their friends are friends of mine; to these I will say, and they will say to their friends: 'The Blessed One,
. (&c.,' as in § 6, down to) . . . . . Vassa.
8. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu who has entered upon Vassa, hears: "In such and such a district divisions in the Samgha have been caused by a number of Bhikkhus." If that Bhikkhu.... (&c., as in § 6, down to)... Vassa.
9. In case, O Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu who has entered upon Vassa, hears: "In such and such a district divisions in the Samgha have been caused by a number of Bhikkhus." If that Bhikkhu... (&c., as in § 7). ... Vassa.
10-13. In case, O Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu who has entered upon Vassa, hears: In such and such a district a number of Bhikkhunîs strive to cause divisions in the Samgha . . . . (&c.1)"'
1. At that time a Bhikkhu desired to enter upon Vassa in a cattle-pen.
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to enter upon Vassa in a cattle-pen.'
The cattle-pen was moved from its place.
1 See §§ 6-9. Instead of 'A number of Bhikkhus' in these paragraphs, the subject is 'A number of Bhikkhunîs.' Instead of 'Friends' or 'Sirs,' the address is Sisters.' In §§ 11, 13 read: "Those Bhikkhunîs are not friends of mine, but their (female) friends are friends of mine, &c.'
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