IV, 16, 16.
14. 'If he then replies: "I do not inhibit, friends, the Pavâranâ of this Bhikkhu on account of what I have seen, but I inhibit it on account of what I have heard,” let them say to him: “If you inhibit, friend, the Pavâranâ of this Bhikkhu on account of what you have heard, what have you heard? What is it that you have heard? When have you heard it? Where have you heard it? Have you heard that he has committed a pârâgika offence, .... (&c., down to).... or that he has made himself guilty of wicked language? Have you heard it from a Bhikkhu ? Have you heard it from a Bhikkhuni? Have you heard it from a sikkhamânâ, from a sâmanera, from a sâmaneri, from an upâsaka, from an upasikâ, from kings, from royal officers, from Titthiyas, from Titthiya disciples?”
15. “If he then replies: “I do not inhibit, friends, the Pavâranâ of this Bhikkhu on account of what I have heard, but I inhibit it on account of what I suspect,” let them say to him: “If you inhibit, friend, the Pavâranâ of this Bhikkhu on account of what you suspect, what do you suspect? What is it that you suspect? When do you suspect it? Where do you suspect it? Do you suspect that he has committed a pârâgika offence, .... (&c., down to).... wicked language? Does your suspicion come from what you have heard from a Bhikkhu, .... (&c., down to) .... from Titthiya disciples ?"
16. 'If he then replies: "I do not inhibit, friends, the Pavarank of this Bhikkhu on account of what I suspect; I do not know the reason why I inhibit the Pavaranâ of this Bhikkhu," and if that Bhikkhu, O Bhikkhus, who reproves (the other one), being questioned by intelligent fellow Bhikkhus, is not able
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