arrived (from distant places), did not know where the Uposatha was to be held that day.
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
* Let no one, O Bhikkhus, recite the Pâtimokkha in the successive cells without appointing a certain place for it. He who recites it in this way), commits a dukkata offence. I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, the holding of U posatha after having fixed upon an Uposatha hall, wherever the Samgha likes, a Vihâra, or an Addhayoga, or a storied building, or a house, or a cave!. And you ought to appoint it in this way:
2. Let a learned, competent Bhikkhu proclaim the following ñatti before the Samgha : "Let the Samgha, reverend Sirs, hear me. If the Samgha is ready, let the Samgha appoint the Vihâra called N. N. to be our Uposatha hall. This is the ñatti. Let the Samgha, reverend Sirs, hear me. The Samgha appoints, &c. Thus I understand.”
3. At that time there were in a certain residence (or district) two Uposatha halls fixed upon. The Bhikkhus assembled in both places, because (some of them) thought, 'The Uposatha will be held here;' (and some), 'It will be held there.'
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'Let no one, O Bhikkhus, fix upon two U posatha halls in one district. He who does so, commits a dukkata offence. I ordain, O Bhikkhus, the abolishing of one of them?, and the holding of Uposatha (only) in one place.
4. 'And you ought to abolish it, О Bhikkhus, in this way: Let a learned, competent Bhikkhu pro
i See the note on I, 30, 4.
? I. e. to abolish the character of uposathâgâra, conferred on the Vihâra &c. by the act of sammuti.
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