Book Title: Studies in Desya Prakrit
Author(s): H C Bhayani
Publisher: Kalikal Sarvagya Shri Hemchandracharya Navam Janmashatabdi Smruti Sanskar Shikshannidhi Ahmedabad
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ यःसदलिताविबेधाश्रामहिमवत्रीमहलतिविसतियारसमयगदान कतादिातापापानलाशदानुशासानसिहादमवनानिमिहिरुपनिबवाइंदानौलि मmनादरसाधितपूर्वापाराशदात्रवशिष्यततशयहाधमयमारत. STUDIES IN DESYA PRAKRIT H. C. BHAYANI DoooDDA . --- શ્રી હેમચંદ્રાચાર્ય स्त्रिक्षिश्यदिगमरहस्साङयाशिवाणीससासरसियाणासंसादसिवरमा दसाससंगालावीपकमसखाराडातरंकासिहmसासरयाक्षिक्षाणलगाया निबावसविससवसिहामनमायाविनाष्ट्रप्रणायामासासादिराससस Jan Education International For Private & Personal use only Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Book The study of the stock of Prakrit words known as Deśya is recognized by the students of Middle and New Indo-Aryan as a greatly difficult and challenging area. After the pioneering work, textual and lexicographical, of Pischel and a few others in his wake, on Hemacandra's Deśināmamālā, the interest in the Deśya studies dwindled and it remained mostly confined to data-collection from individual texts. In the present collection of diverse writings, which originally appeared separately over a number of years, several issues and problems connected with the Dešinämamälä in particular and the Deśya words in general are closely examined for the first time, thereby laying bare numerous intricacies relating to the character, formation, role and history of the Deśya words. Rich and varied data are collected from a few texts which would necessitate a basic alteration in the current coception of what is to be properly designated as Deśya. A few typical word-studies also are presented. The book, by breaking some fresh ground, opens up new directions for the Deśya studies. Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDIES IN DESYA PRAKRIT Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDIES IN DESYA PRAKIT H. C. BHAYANI શ્રી હેમચંદ્રાચાર્ય BALIKĀLA SARVAJNA SRI HEMACANDRACARYA NAVAM JANMA SATABDI SMRTI SIKSAN SAMSKĀR NIDHI Ahmedabad Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ H. C. BHAYANI FIRST EDITION : 1988 PRICE : Rs. 150-00 PUBLISHER : Kalikāla Sarvajña Sri Hemacandrācārya Navam Japma Satābdi Smộti Sikşan Samskār Nidhi Lalbhai Dalpatbhai-vando, Pankor Naka, Ahmedabad-380 001 DISTRIBUTOR : SARASVATI PUSTAK BHANDAR Hathikhana, Ratanpol, Ahmedabad-380 001 Can be also had from: Acharya Shri Vijayanemisūri Jnana-shā]ā, Panjara-Pol Ahmedabad-380 001 PRINTER : KRISHNA PRINTERY Harjibhai N. Patel 966, Naranpura Old Village, Ahmadabad-380 013 Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DEDICATED TO THE LATE GREAT PRAKRIT PANDIT BECHARDAS DOSHI Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रकाशकीय निवेदन कलिकालसर्वज्ञ श्री हेमचन्द्राचार्यनी नवमी जन्मशताब्दीना उपलक्ष्यमां, तेओना जीवन अने कवनने समुचित स्मरणांजलि आपी शकाय तेवा आशयथी, पूज्य आचार्यश्री विजयसूर्योदयसूरीश्वरजी महाराजनी प्रेरणाथी आ ट्रस्टनी स्थापना थया पछी, त्रण विद्वज्जनोने 'श्री हेमचन्द्राचार्य-चन्द्रक' अर्पण करवा उपरांत, १. हेमसमीक्षा ले. श्री मधुसूदन मोदी २. प्रमाणमीमांमा सौंपा. प. श्री सुखलालजी ३. हैम स्वाध्यायपोथी सपा. प. शीलचन्द्रविजयजी ४. त्रिषष्टिशलाकापुरुषचरित भाग १-२ (१थी ४ पर्व) आटली कृतिओनु प्रकाशन करवा अमे भाग्यशाळी थया छीए हर्जा पण 'त्रिषष्टिशलाकापुरुषचरित'नो बाकीनो अंश यथासमय प्रसिद्ध करवानी अमारी भावना छे. अमारा ट्रस्टनां प्रकाशनोनी शृखलामां, हवे, श्री हेमचन्द्राचाये' रचेला 'देशीनाममाला' नामना अद्भुत ग्रंथने अने तेना- विषयने केन्द्रमा राखीने, आपणा विश्वख्यात भाषाशास्त्री अने प्राकृत, अपभ्र श, देशी, पाली इत्यादि भाषासाहित्यना मूर्धन्य मान्य विद्वान डॉ. हरिवल्लभ भायाणीए आलेखेला संशोधनात्मक लेखा तथा व्याख्यानोना समहरूप प्रस्तुत 'स्टडीज़ इन देश्य प्राकृत' ग्रंथनु प्रकाशन करवानो अवसर अमने प्राप्त थाय छे ते अभारा माटे घणा ज हर्षनी वात छे. आवु उत्तम प्रकाशन करवानी प्रेरणा आपवा बदल पूज्य प. श्री शीलचन्द्रजीविजयजी गणीना तेम ज पोतानी कृतिनु प्रकाशन करवा देवा बदल श्रीयुत हरिवल्लभ भायाणीना अमे खूब खूब ऋणी छीए. आ ग्रंथनु मुद्रणकार्य सुंदर रीते करी आपवा बदल श्री क्रिष्ना प्रिन्टरीना श्री हरजीभाई पटेलना पण अमे घणा आभारी छीए. विद्वानोना सहयोगथी आवां प्रकाशनो करवानी अने ते रीते श्री हेमचन्द्राचाय ने - स्मरणांजलि आपवानी वधु ने वधु तक आ ट्रस्टने मळती रहो तेवी प्रार्थना साये अमदावाद ता. १४-१-१९९० ट्रस्टीगण : क. स श्री हेमचन्द्राचार्य नवम जन्मशताब्दी स्मृति शिक्षण संस्कार निधि Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ गुस्ताखी खबर नहि, केम, पण मारे 'ह' थी शरु थतां नामवाळी व्यक्तिओ जोडे वधु अनुबंध छे ए नक्की. ए विना हेमचन्द्राचाय जेवी विभूतिना साहित्य साथे गाद संपर्क अने वळी तेमनी ज कृति उपरना श्री हरिवल्लभभाईना प्रस्तुत स्वाध्याय साथेना संबंध शे स भवे ? ___ श्री हेमाचायनु नाम आवे ने हैये एक अनेरा अहोभाव प्रगटे छे. एमना विशे कांईक करवानु आवे अथवा तो अन्य कोई एमना विशे कांई करतु होय ने ते जाणवा मळे-तो हैयु अनायासे ज हर्षान्वित बनी जाय छे. अनुबंध विना आम केम बने ? श्री हरिवल्लभभाई भायाणीनो परोक्ष परिचय घणां वर्षो अगाउ 'कुमार'ना माध्यमथी थयेलो. चौदेक वर्ष'नी वये, महुवा(सौराष्ट्र)ना रोकाण दरमियान, त्यांनी लायब्रेरीमाथी 'कुमार'नी जूनी फाईलो मेळवी वांचता, त्यारे तेमां डॉ. भायाणीनी 'शब्दकथा' अचूक अने रसपूर्वक वांचवानु गमतु . शब्दानां कुळ अने मूळ जाणवानो ते उमरे कोई ओर विस्मय हतो. वर्षा पछी ज्यारे जाण्यु के डॉ. भायाणी मूळे तो महुवाना ज छे त्यारे तेमना माटेनो विस्मयभो आदर एकदम ज आनंद अने गौरवनी लागणीमां परिणमेला. महुवा तो अमारा वडा गुरुवरनु गाम, ने त्यांना आवा विद्वान, आ तो केवु गौरवभयु गणाय ! पर तु ए हरिवल्लभभाईनो साक्षात् सपक' तो आ हैम शताब्दी-वर्षे', वर्षो पछी, थयो, ते पण हेमचन्द्राचायनी अतिहासिक रचना 'देशीनाममाला'ना निमिचे ज. अने एथी ज हवे में धारणा बांधी छे के मारे हकारादि नाम धरावती विद्वान विभूतिओ साथे वधु अनुबध छे ज ____एक ज कोषमा शब्दा अने तेनां लिंगाना समावेश करी 'नाम-लिङ्गानुशासन'नी रचना जेम विरल छे, तेम एक ज व्यक्ति, शब्दकोषनी साथे संबंध धरावतां तमाम पासांओने वणी लेती कोषरचनाओ-एकले हाथे करी आपे ते पण अद्भुत छे. जो अमरसिंहनो 'अमरकोष' कोषसाहित्यमा शिरोमणि गणाय, तो कोषप्रणेताओमां शिरोमणि श्रीहेमाचार्य'ने ज गणवा रहे, एटलु विशिष्ट अने मूल्यवंतु तेमनु कोष. साहित्य छे. तेमनी मौलिकता तो ए छे के तेमणे फक्त संस्कृत कोषो ज नथी रच्या, पण प्राकृत/देशी भाषाना शब्दोनो पण कोष– 'देशीनाममाला'---रच्यो छे. Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 'देसीसहस गहा' तेम ज 'रयणावली' जेवां नामाथी पण ओळखाती आ कृति श्रीहेमाचायनी अति विशिष्ट अने प्राकृत भाषाओना अभ्यासीओ माटे अति मूल्यवान कृति छे. वस्तुतः आपणे त्यां व्यापक रूपमा अने खास करीने जैन समाजमां, प्राकृत भाषा. साहित्यनु अध्ययन तेम ज संशोधन लगभग नामशेष बन्यु छे, बल्के प्राकृत साहित्य प्रत्येनी रुचि पण आसरी रही छे, तेवी स्थितिमां, आ ग्रंथनु योग्य मूल्यांकन करवु अशक्य छे. अने मूळ ग्रथनी ज उपेक्षा थती होय त्यारे, ते ग्रंथ उपर थतां आवां मूल्यवान संशोधनानी तो शी वले थाय ए न कल्पी शकाय तेवु नथी. परतु साचा अने अधिकारी विद्वज्जननी विद्याप्रवृत्ति मुख्यत्वे 'स्वान्तः-सुखाय'ना दृष्टिबिदुने ज वरेली होय छे. विद्या ज तेमनु ध्येय होय छे, अने विद्या ज तेमनु जीवन. अने तेथी ज तेमना स्वाध्याय/सशोधननु मूल्यांकन थवा विशे तेमने लेश पण फिकर नथी होती, अने ए साथे ज आ प्रकारना कार्यनी सार्थकता अने उपयोगिता विशे अंदेशो पण नथी होतो. तेपने मन निरवधि काल अने विपुल पृथ्वीतलने विशे क्यारेक ने क्यांक अवश्य आवां कायेनो उपयोग अने महिमा समुचित रीते थशे ज, तेवी निर्मल श्रद्धानी ज्योत अखड प्रज्वलती ज रहे छे. कदाच, आ श्रद्धा ज तेमनु प्रेरक बळ बनी जती हशे. . ... हरिवल्लभ भायाणी, गुजरातना विश्वव्यात भाषाविद अने सशोधक विद्वजन, आवाज साचा अने अधिकारी विद्वान छे. तेमना विषयमां, तेमनी हरोळमां मूकी शकाय तेवा विद्वान, गुजरातमां तेो नहि ज, पण भारतमां पण, कदाच ज हशे. प्राकृत अने देश्य भाषासाहित्यना संशोधनक्षत्रे तेमनु प्रदान जेटलु मौलिक तेटलुज वैज्ञानिक पण छे. आवा विद्वज्जने श्री हेगाचार्यनी देशीनाममाला' परत्वे, अर्थात् दश्य शब्दोनां अर्थ घटन, व्युत्पत्ति, प्रयोग, स्वरूप वगैरेने लगती विविध समस्याओ अने तेना उकेलनी दिशामां जे ऊंडु अने किंमती सशोधन कयु छे, ते तेमना अनेक लेखनिबधामां तथा सशोधन-व्याख्यानोमां छूट छवायु पथरायेलु छे. आ बधु साहित्य एक स्थळे एकत्र करीने तेने ग्रथाकारे प्रस्तुत करवामां आवे ते जिज्ञासुओ माटे घणो लाभ थाय, एवो विचार डा. कनुभाई शेठ द्वारा मारा जाणवामां आव्या. मने थयु के श्री हेमचन्द्राचार्यनी स्मृतिमां रथपायेला ट्रस्टना उपक्रमे, श्री हेमचन्द्राचायना ज ग्रंथना सदर्भमां रचायेला आ शे।धपत्रोना संचय मुद्रण पामे तो केवु रूड बस, पछी तो ट्रस्टना कार्यकर भाईओने वात करतां तेमनी स्वीकृति मळी हरिवल्लभभाईने वात जणावतां तेमनी संमति तो मळी ज, पण साथे साथे संचयने Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ११ आ मुद्रित स्वरूपे गोठवी आपवानी जवाबदारी पण तेओओ ज ट्रस्टीगणनी विन तिथी स्वीकारी, आ बधानु परिणाम ते प्रस्तुत ग्रथ. श्री हेमचन्द्राचार्य ने तेमनी कृतिओना विद्यार्थी ओ अने व्याख्याकारो प्रत्येक सेके मळये ज गया छे. अने छेल्ला दोढ सैकामां तो तेमना साहित्यने वैज्ञानिक सशोधन-पध्धतिथी मूलवनास प्रो. पीशल, प्रो. मुरलीधर बेनरजी, प्रा. रामानुज स्वामी, प. बेचरदास दाशी जेवा अनेक सशोधका सांपड्या छे, जे झळहळती विद्वत्ख लामां डा. हरिवल्लभ भायाणीनु स्थान निश्चितपणे विशिष्ट छे. मने विश्वास छे के बराबर आ ज रीते, विद्वद्भाग्य गणी शकाय तेवा प्रस्तुत ग्रथने पण, तेना धारणने अनुरूप विद्यार्थी ओ अने विद्वान रसिक वाचका मळी ज रहेशे. ___अने छेल्ले, डॉ. भायाणी भाषाशास्त्रना अधिकारी पंडितजन छे, अने हुए विषयना हजी विद्यार्थी पण नथी. आ स्थितिमा भाषाशास्त्रीय समस्याओनी चर्चा करता आ ग्रथना आमुख लेखे मारे लखवानु होय, ए स्थिति मारा माटे मूझवण भरेली ज नहि, पण क्षोभजनक पण छे. परंतु, श्री हरिवल्लभभाईना आग्रह आगळ मारो इन्कार लाचार ठो, अने हु आ गुस्ताखी करी बेठो ! विद्या अमारु साधर्म्य छे, ए मोटु आश्वासन छे. श्री हरिवल्लभमाई पासेथी आवां वधु ने वधु संशोधनो आपणने मळतां रहो, एवी शुभकामना व्यक्त करवामां मारे। स्वार्थ पण छे, अने विद्वज्जगतनो लाभ पण. -शीलचन्द्रविजय गोधरा पोष वदि ६, २०४६ ता. १७-१-१९९० Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREFACE The present collection of diverse writings including lectures, papers, glossaries and notes easily lays itself open to the chargeof being a conglomeration of materials divergent in their aims and scopes. An additional oddity is that it is multilingual : a few papers (one of them actually an introduction reproduced from a book), introduction etc. are in Gujarati and one paper is in Hindi. To make the collection, therefore, tolerable at all to the readers, I, can apprehensively point at one fact only, viz., all the writings pertain to exploring and clarifying character and range of Deśya .. Prakrit words and forms in their multifarious aspects. The traditional connotation of the term 'Deśya' or 'Deśr' is considerably extended here to include later Sanskritizations and back-formations based on Prakrit, Apabhramśa and regional-dialect expressions, and occasionally even Late Sanskrit words. This can be considerably controversial, but in my studies of this brand of lexical material, I have found it increasingly difficult to confine myself to any rigid definition, and I feel confident that Hemacandrācārya, with the admirable liberalism evidenced in the unique combination of scientific and practical approaches in his Deśya lexicon, would have quite appreciated it. It is earnestly hoped that the several issues raised and discussed here may help rekindle interest in Deśya studies. I cannot express adequately my great indebtedness to the trustees of the Kalikāla-sarvajña Sri Hemacandrācārya Navam Janma Śatābdi Smsti Śikṣaṇa Samskās Nidhi, and especially its Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ guiding spirit, Muni Sri Shilchandravijayji, who generously under: took to publish this collection. I consider it a great privilege to be joined with Muniśrı in the Ināna-yajña he has been performing, with his great love for and untiring devotion to learning and literature, to celebrate the Nine Hundredth Birth Anniversary of the Kalikālasarvajña. Thanks are due to the P. V. Research Institute, Varanasi for kindly granting permission to include in the present collection the 'Studies in Hemacandra's Deśināmamājā', and to Dr. Kanubhai Sheth, whose friendly concern spurred me to preparatory action for arranging this collection. Dr. Vinod Mehta is to thanked for helping me in the proof correction and the Krishna Printery is to be thanked for completing the difficult printing work promptly and with few errors. H. C. Bhayani Caitra Pūrņimā, 2046 V.S. April 10, 1990 25/2, Vimanagar, Satellite Road, Ahmedabad-380 015. Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS Page भूमिका 90 96 104 114 155 1. Studies in the Desināmamālā 2. Some Variant Readings in Hemacandra's Defināmamālā 3. Origins of Multiple Meanings of Deśya Words 4. The Bhāṣālakṣana Chapter of the Gitālankāra 3. Importance of Jain Literature for the Study of Desya Prakrit 6. Notes on Some Deśya Words 7. तीन अर्धमागधी शब्द 8. Some Stray Words : Uvvittha, Usurusumbhia, Thudunkia, Dviraţikā 9. Linguistic Peculiarities of Lildvatisära of Jinaratna 10.garug' 9197-81491 Word Index 177 192, 219 241 265 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Hemacandra's Prefatory Observations in the Desinämamālā देशी दुःखदर्भा प्रायः संदर्भिताऽपि दुर्बोधा | आचार्य - हेमचन्द्रस्तत् तां संदृभति विभजति य ॥ समग्र - शब्दानामनुशासने चिकीर्षिते संस्कृतादि-भाषाणां षण्णां शब्दानुशासने सिद्धहेम - नाम्नि सिद्धिरुपनिवद्धा । इदानीं लोप- आगम - वर्णविकारादिना क्रमेण पूवैरसाधित - पूर्वा देश्याः शब्दा अवशिष्यन्ते । तत्स ग्रहार्थमयमारम्भः ॥ निःशेष- देशी - शास्त्राणां परिशीलनेन प्रादुभूतं क्वचिदर्थासमर्पकत्वेन क्वचिद्वर्णानुपूर्वी -निश्चयाभावेन क्वचित् पूर्व- देशी- विसवादेन क्वचिद्गतानुगतिकता - निबद्ध-शब्दार्थ तया यत् कुतूहल तेन आकुलत्व आ कथमयमपभ्रष्ट - शब्द- पङ्क-मग्नो जनः समुद्धरणाय इति परोपचिकीर्षा - रभसस्तेन हेतुना देशीरूपाणां शब्दानां अस्माभिः सग्रहो विरच्यते ॥ * जे लक्खणे न सिद्धा न पसिद्धा सक्कयाहिहाणेसु । न-य गउण लक्खणा - सत्ति-संभवा ते इह बिद्धा ॥ * देस - बिसेस - पसिद्धीइ भण्णमाणा अणतया हुंति । तम्हा अणाइ पाइय-पयहं भासा - विसेसओ देशी ॥ Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ भूमिका "देशीनाममाला' : तेनुं क्षेत्र. स्वरूप अने महत्त्व १. 'देशीनाममालानु महत्त्व हेमचंद्राचार्य रचेला शाम्रो अन काव्यामां व्याकरण अने शब्दको शने लगता ग्रंथोने भाप तेमना वाङ्मयप्रासादनी कळश कही शकीए. तेमां पण तेमणे करेलो देश्य शब्दोन संग्रह, जे 'देशीनाममाला' तरीके जाणीतो थयो छे तथा जेने हेमचंद्रे "रयणाली' एटले के 'रत्नावली' एवं नाम आपेलु छे, तेनुं महत्त्व अनन्य छे. ए एक ग्रंथनी ज तेमण रचना करी होत तो पण तमना पांडित्यनो वज लहेरातो रहयो होट. आ मात्र उपासनाप्राप्त देवनी प्रशस्ति नथी-ए सहजे वतावी शकाय. शिष्टोता सामान्य व्यवहारमा अने साहित्यमा जे भाषाप्रयोगो थया होय, थता होर अने करणीय होय ते प्रयोगोन-त पदा, वाक्या, शब्दो, बंधो अने प्रबंधोन प्रमाणीकरण हेमचंद्रे "सिद्धहेम-शब्दानुशासन', 'अभिधान-चिंतामणि' वगेरे कोशो, 'काव्यानुशासन' अने "उदोनुशासन' द्वारा कयु. व्याकरण अने संस्कृत कोशनी जेमने आधार नथी तेन्ना, प्राकृत साहित्यमा परंपराथी प्रचलित शब्दोना-एटले के देश्य शब्दोना प्रमाणीकरण माटे तेमणे 'देशीनाममाला' रची. आ माटे तेमणे पूर्ववता देश्य शब्दकोशोनू संकलन करीने तेमा आवश्यक शुद्धिवृद्धि करी, अने सामनीने एवा सुव्यवस्थित रूपे रजू करी के तेमना देशीकोशे आगळना बधा कोशोने भुलादीने प्रचारलुप्त करी दीधा. धनपाल कृत 'पाइअलच्छीनाममाला'ना एक मात्र अपवादे (तनो पण मात्र पा भाग ज देश्य शब्दोए राक्यो छे, वाकीनामां तो संस्कृतनय शब्दो छे) हेमचंद्रपर्वना बघा देशीको शो घणा समयथी नामशेष वनी गया छे. १.. केटलांक --य' प्रत्ययवाळां साधित संस्कृत अंगो पाछळना समयमां, लौकिक उच्चारणना प्रभावे, ईकारान्त स्वरूपे, लिंगपरिवर्तन पामीने (नपुंसकलिंगीने बदले स्त्रीलिंगी बनीने), मूळ स्वरूपवाळा अंगांनी साधोसाथ, विकल्पे वपरातां श्रयां हृतां. जेम के, माधुर्य माधुरी, चातुर्य चातुरी, चौर्य/चोरी, 'साक्ष्य' अने गुजराती 'साखी'ना मूळमा रहेल 'साक्षी' (एटले के 'साख'). ते ज प्रमाण दयदेशी. पड़ी 'देशी मंझा देशीको शना संक्षेप तरीके कोशवाचक पण बनी. Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ २. देश्य प्रकारना प्राकृत शब्दोनुं स्वरूप हेमचंद्राचार्य 'रयणाली' (जेनां बीजां नाम 'दस-सह-संगहा' अन 'देशीनाम: माला' छे.)नी रचना ई. स. १०४५-१०५० नी बच्चे की हती. जे प्राकृत शब्दो परंपरागत परिभाषा प्रमाणे 'देश्य', 'देशी' अथवा 'दशज' तरीके जाणीता हता, तेवा शब्दोना प्राचीन भारतीय कोशोमां आ अंतिम अंने संभवतः सौथी मोटो कोश हता. 'देशीनाममाला' (संक्षिप्त देना.) एक स्वनिर्भर, स्वयत्त काश नी. भाषाना शब्दाने लगता जे परंपरागत सिद्धांत प्रचलित हता जना उपर आधारित व्याकरण अने शब्दकोशानी रचनामां ते एक घटक के अंगभूत हता. प्राचीन भारतमां भावानुं वर्णन अने विश्लेपण मोटे भागे ता जे साहित्य अन शिष्ट व्यवहार उच्च वर्ण पूरता मर्यादित हतो, तेना माध्यम तरीके रहली भाषानुज थतु रा छे. व्याकरणीय परंपरा तेना प्राचीनतम तबक्काथी भाषानी शुद्धि जळवावा, शिष्ट प्रयोगार्नु धोरण जाळववा सतत जाग्रत रहेती. हेमचंद्राचार्य पूर्व अगियार सार्थी पण तनु वर्षोथी संस्कृतनी साथसाथ प्राकृत भाषाओ पण साहित्यभपाओ तरीके वपराती यई इती. हेम चंद्राचार्य सुधीना तथा तेमनी पछीना व्याकरणकारा माटे साहित्यमा उपराता शब्दभंडाळने प्रमाणित करवानुं सतत कार्य रहेतु, केम के एवा शब्दभंडाळमां परिवर्तन थर्बु स्वाभाविक अने अनिवार्य हतु. साहित्यिक प्राकृता अतिशय रूट बनी गयेलं स्वरूप अने शैली धरावती भाषाओ हती. पुस्तकिया कही शकाय एवी ए भाषाओमां संस्कृतमांथी अविरत आदान थतु रहेतु संस्कृत व्याकरणा रचवा पाछळना एक हेतु लेखको अने पाठको माटे एक सहायक साधननु निर्माण करवाना हता. ए कारणे संस्कृत व्याकरणामां प्राकृतनुं ध्वनिस्वरूप अने व्याकरण संस्कृतमांधी सिद्ध करवाना नियम जोडवानी प्रथा पडी. साहित्यिक प्राकृताना शब्दाने तत्सम, तद्भव अने देश्य एवा त्रण प्रकारमा वहेंचीने तेमनु निरूपण करवामां आवतु.२ जे धातुओं अने अंगा तमना मूळसूत धातुरूपा अने शब्दोथी अभिन्न हता, ते संस्कृतसम के तत्सम. आवा प्र.कृत शब्दानी संस्कृत शब्दोथी अभिन्नतानुं तात्पर्य ए छे के ए धातुओ अने शब्दाना ध्वनिओ अने अर्थोमां करुं देखीतुं के ध्यानपात्र परिवर्तन नथी थयु. जे धातुओं अने अंगे। मूलभूत संस्कृतमांथी ध्वनिपरिवर्तन द्वारा-विकार, लोप के आगमनी प्रक्रियाओ द्वारा-निष्पन्न थयेला हाय ते संस्कृतभव के तद्भव. वाकी रहेला जे शब्दो (पटले के अनि अने २. आ त्रिविध वी करण उपरांत चतुर्विध वर्गी करणी पण एक परंपरा हती. तत्सम, तद्भव, देश्य अने सामान्य. जुओ मारा हरि वृद्ध उपरनो लेख (निया', न. १४, अं. १, १९७३, पृ. १.६) पण प्रस्तुन चर्चा मारे ते उपयोग नथी . Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अथना संयोजनवाळ एकमा) पनि अन अर्थना स्वीकृत नियमा लागु पाडीने साधी शकात न होय ते देश्य. आमांना जीजा प्रकारना शब्दोनुं -एटले के देश्य शब्दानप्रमाणीकरण मान्य देशीकाशानी रचना द्वारा यतुं. हेग बंद्रे 'सिद्धहेम-शब्दानुशासन'मा तत्सम अनं तद्भव पदो सिद्ध करवानुं कार्य ते माटेनां सूत्रो रचीने पार पाड्यु. वाकी रहेलो ददन शब्दांना प्रकारनी तेमणे देना-मां संभाळ लीधी. देना. उपरनी स्वोपज्ञ वृत्तिमा तेमणे स्पष्ट कर्यु छे के लाप, आगम अने विकार ए प्रक्रियाओ उपर आधारित, व्याकरणगत नियमोने आधारे जे शब्दो संस्कृतमांधी सिद्ध थई शकता नथी तेमना देना. म संग्रह करेला छ. _ निरूप्य विषयनी मर्यादाओं दर्शावतां हेमचंद्राचार्य जणाव्यु छे के तमना समयमां जे शब्दो जुदाजुदा प्रदेशाना लोकव्यवहारमा प्रचलित हता --- एटले के प्रादेशिक बोलीओमा राजवराज वपराता शब्दो-ते बवाना संग्रह करवाना तेमना प्रयास नधी.. तेमना नेम तो पगापूर्वधी जे शब्दा प्राकृत साहित्यमां वपराता रह्या छे अने जेमनी व्युत्पत्ति थई शकती नी तेवा शब्दो संगृहीत करवानी छे. ३. हेमचंद्रनी रचनापद्धति अने सिद्धि पहेला जणाव्यं तेम प्राकृत व्याकरणा अन काशी रचवा पाछळनुं प्रयोजन हमेशा र रमु छ के तभना द्वारा, जेआ संस्कृतना जाणकार हता तेमने प्राकृत साहित्य रचवा अने समजवा माटे आधारभूत, सगवडभया अने अद्यतन सहायक साधन पूरी पाडवा. हेमचंद्र देशीकोशकारीनी दीर्घ परंपराने छेडे आवे छे. देना.मां बार पुरोगामी देशीकारामांथी कांता उद्धरणा आपेला छे, अथवा ता तेमना प्रमाण तरीके निर्देश करले छे. घणा पूर्ववर्ती देशीकोशो हावा छतां पोते शा माटे नवा देशीकोश रची' रह्या छे एचा प्रश्ना उत्तररूपे हम वंद्रे त्रण कारणा आप्यां छे : (१) पाछळना समयना केटलाक देशीकोशो भूल भरेला, प्रमादवाळा अने हकीकतनी चोकसाई करती समीक्षादि विनाना छे. ए कोशकारोए आगळना प्रमाणभूत देशीकोशाना तेमना अज्ञानने लीधे, अथवा ता तमनुं खोटु अर्थघटन करवाने लीधे अनेक देशी शब्दोना साचा स्वरूप अने अर्थ बाबत गूचवाडा ऊभा को छे. (२) हस्तप्रतलेखकानी बेदरकारी .अने भूलभंगली रीतरसमोने लीधे ए गृचवाडामां मोटा उमेरो थयो छे. (३) आगळना कोशोभां शब्दो वर्णानुक्रम प्रमाणे अने शब्दोनी लंबाई प्रमाणे गाठवीने न आप्या होवाशी शब्दोना स्वरूपमा गरवड थती राकी शकाती नथी. हेमचंद्रे देना.मां शब्दाने वर्णानुक्रमे अने तेमनी लंबाई प्रमाणे गोटव्या छे. जे गावतमा एमने शंका पट्टी के मतभेद जणाया त्यां तेमणे योग्यायोग्यतानो निर्णय Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ करीने पोतानी पसंदगी करी छे. ज्यां तेमने पुरावा अनिर्णायक लाग्या छ क ब पता तुल्यबळ लाग्या छे, त्यां तेमणे बंने विकल्प नांध्या छे. अनेक स्थळे संगृहीत शब्दो परत्वे पूर्ववर्ती साधनोमांथी उद्धरणा आध्यां छे, चर्चा करी छे अने अयोग्य मदाने। प्रतिवाद को छे. आ हकीकत, तेम ज तेमणे अनेक शब्दानी बाबतमा स्वीकारेली कल्पिक जोडणी अने वैकल्पिक अर्थी तथा पिशेले नांधेलां पाठांतरानुं अडाबीड जंगल-ए बधा उपरथी आपणने काईक ख्याल आवे छे के दश्य शब्दोना म्वरूप अने अर्थनी बाबतमा हेमचंद्रना समय सुधीमा केटला गूचवा डेा अने अव्यवस्था ऊभां थया हता, अने केवी विकट समस्याओना तेमने सामना करवा पडयो हशे. देश्य शब्दो ना देना निरूपणमा समग्रपणे जोतां समतुला, विशदता अने वैज्ञानिक सावधानांनी जे उच्च कक्षा आपणने प्रतीत थाय छे ते देना.ने हेमचंद्राचार्यनी एक बयु भगीरथ सिद्ध तरीके आपणी समक्ष स्थापे छे. तेमणे देशी शब्दोनुं क्षेत्र जे रीते सीमित कयु छे, तेमा मण आपणने उपर्युक्त गुणा जोवा मळे छे, केम के जे सिद्धांता अने संदर्भमाऊखु ते वेळा परंपराथी स्वीकार्य हतां, तेमनी मर्यादामा रहीने देशी शब्दप्रकारनी, चुस्त व्याख्या तो दूर रही पण कामचलाउ व्याख्या आपवानु पण महेलन हनु. शब्दमें देशी । गणवा माटे हेमचंद्रे त्रण धारण आप्यां छ : (१) स्वरूपगत असाध्यता : शब्दसिद्धिना स्वीकृत नियमने आधार जे शब्दो संस्कृतमांथी सिद्ध न थई शके के जेमनो प्रकृति-प्रत्यय-विभाग न गई शाफे ते देश्य शब्द. (२) अथगत असाध्यता : जे शब्दो स्वरूपथी संस्कृतमाथी सिद्ध यई शकता हाय पण जेमना अर्थ जुदो हाय (पछी भलेने ते मूलना अर्थगांधी साधी शकातो हाय) ल देश्य शब्दा. (३) पूर्वपरंपरा : केटलाक एवा शब्दा, जमने दखीतां संस्कृत साथे थाडापणा प्रयत्ने आपणे सांकळी शकीए तेम हाय, तो पण जेमने आगळना आदरणीय आने प्रमाणभूत कोशकारोए देशी गण्या हाय तेमने पण देशी गणरा. हेमचद्रे संस्कृत धातुआमांथी निष्पन्न न करी शकाता प्राकृत धातुआना से झातिक रीत देना.मां सीधेा समावेश नथी को. ते माटे तमणे एवं कारण आप्यु के के ए शब्दोने संस्कृतमांथी साधित प्रत्यया लगाडी शकाता हता. पहेलांना देशीकारानी पद्धति छोडी दईने हेमचंद्रे धात्वादेशोने 'सिद्धहेम' व्याकरणना प्राकृत विभागमा स्थान आप्यु छे अने तेम छतां पूर्वप्रचलित प्रथाने मान आपीने, तम ज उपयोगितानी दृष्टिए तेमणे बधा महत्त्वना धातुओने देना. उपरनी पोतानी टीकामां पण नांच्या ले. 3r Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ २१ बावतमां तेमज बीजी वणी बावतामां सामान्य रीते ववाये प्राकृत व्याकरणका रोना अभिगम मात्र सैद्धांतिक करतां व्यवहारु वधु रह्यो है. जो आ मुद्दानु मूल्य आपणा मानमां बसे तो संस्कृत मूळना अने संस्कृतमांथी व्युत्पन्न नहीं थई शकता शब्दोने जुदा पाडवानी वावतमा प्राकृत व्याकरणकारो जाईए तवा चुस्त अने ससंगत नयी ए कारना आधुनिक अभ्यासीओंना बांधा वजूद वगारना लागे, अने केटलीक वार तो तेमां आपणने वांकदेखापणानेो दोष देवाय. देश्य शब्दांना अर्वाचीन समयमां थयेलां अध्ययनीए ए शब्दोना मूळ स्रोत कया ना ते विषय पर केटलाक प्रकाश पाड्यो छे. केटलाक देश्य शब्दोनु मूळ संस्कृत होवानु बतावी शकाय छे. ए शब्दो देश्य गणाया ते ए कारणे के जे ध्वनिपरिवर्तन के अर्थपरिवर्तनने परिणामे ते निष्पन्न श्रया छे, ते परिवर्तनों संकुल अने तरत न पकडाय तेवां छे. चीजा केटलाक देश्य शब्दोनां मूळरूप प्राचीन भारतीय आर्य शब्दो एवा छे, जेमनो जळवायेला के जाणीता साहित्यमांधी प्रयोग टांकी शकाती नक्षी, अथवा जेमना मूळ शब्द मात्र वैदिक भाषामां ज प्रयोजायो छे, अथवा तो भारतीयआर्यन पूर्ववर्ती भूमिकामांथी तेमना सगड मळे छे. बीजा केटलाक शब्दोना मूळरूप शब्द द्राविडी परिवारनी भाषाओमांथी के क्वचित फारसी - अरबीमांधी बतावी शकाय . परंतु आ रीते जूनी भूमिकाओमां अथवा तो अन्य भाषाओमां जेमनु मूळरूप होवा आपणे बतावी शकीए छीए. तेवा शब्दोंने वाजु पर राखीए, तो जेमनी व्युत्पत्ति अस्पष्ट के अज्ञात छे, तेवा बाकी रहेता शब्दानु प्रमाण घणुं माटुं छे. ४. देश्य शब्दसामग्रीनी समस्याओ देना. उपरनु हवं पछीन संशोधनकार्य वे संलग्न दिशामां चलाववानु छे: ते ते देश्य शब्द चोकस स्वरूप अने अर्थ निश्चित करवां तथा गर्नु प्रचलन अने व्युत्पत्ति निश्चित करां. आमांथी पहेली समस्यानां वे पास छे : प्रथम तो हेमचन्द्रे जे स्वरूपे अमुक देश्य शब्द नाभ्येो हता ते स्वरूप नक्की करवु आपणी पासे देना. नी हस्तप्रता छे, तमां देश्य शब्दोना लिखित स्वरूपने लगता अपरंपार अने चवाडावाळां पाठांतर मळे छे. पिशेले देना. ना तेमना संपादनमां पाठनिर्णयने लगती समस्याओनो समुचित ख्याल आया है. मणे सात हस्तप्रतामांश्री (अने सुधारेली आवृत्तिमां रामानुजस्वामीए वधारानी त्रण प्रतीमांथी) वधां पाठांतरा नोंव्यां छे अने मोटे भाग पाठ निश्चित करी आप्यो छे. परंतु तेमणे ए पण जणाव्यु ले के अनेक शब्दोनी बावतां कोई आधारभूत धोरणने अभाव, विविध जोडणीभेदो मांथी कोई एकली पसंदगी करवी घणी मुश्केल ले. क्वचित तेमणे आमां अर्वाचीन भारतीय · Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ आर्य नामग्रीमांथी सहाय मेळववाना प्रयत्न कया छ खरा, पण पिशेले ए आधारस्रोतना नाममात्र स्पर्श करेलो. हरगोविंददास शेटे अने वधु ता बेघरदास दाशीए तेनो धणी मारी रीते उपयोग कर्या छ अन हवे तो आपणे (१) टर्नरनी नेपाली कोश, (२) तेमना भारतीय-आर्य भाषाओना तुलनात्मक काश, (३) मायोफरना प्राचीन भारतीयआर्यना मंक्षिप्त व्युत्पत्तिकोश अन (6) बग तथा एमेनाना द्राविडी भाषाओना व्युत्पत्तिकोश -- साधनाने लीधे-अने ('.) ई.स. १९०० पछीथी भारतीय-आर्य परत्वे ऐतिहासिक अने तुलनात्मक दृष्टिए थयला वधु संशोधनकार्यने लीधे, ए आधारनेा घणी वधु सारी रीते उपयाग करी शकीए छीए. एवो बीजो अगत्यना आधार आपणने पिशेलना देना ना संपादन पछी प्रकाशित थयेल विशाळ प्राकृत साहित्य अने समग्र अपभ्रंश साहित्य पूरो पाडे छ. देशी शब्दाना स्वरूपनिर्णय माटे ए साहित्यमांथी वहु थोडु उपयोगमा लेबायु छे. __देश्य शब्दाना स्वरूपनिर्णय अने अर्थनिर्णयने लगती समस्यानु बीजु पासु छ, हेम चंद्रे पर पराने आधार नोंधेला शब्दाना स्वरूपनी अने अर्थनी चकासणी. देशी शब्दोन चाकस स्वरूपनिर्णय करवानु काम ज्यारे हेमचंद्र हाथमां लीधुं त्यार जत भारे गूचवायेल हतु. हेमचंद्र पोतानी विवेकशील, समीक्षक दृष्टिए समस्या उकेलवाना जे प्रयास कर्या छे, तेमाथी आपणने तेमनी ऊंची वैतानिकता, व्यवस्थापकता अने समताल दृष्टि प्रतीत थाय छे. अनेक शब्दानी बाबतमा हेमचंद्र वैकल्पिक शब्दरूप आयां छ तो यण छेवटे ता तेओ अमुक पायानी स्वीकृतिआने वशवर्तीन ज पुरस्कार-तिरस्कारनु काम करी शके तेम हतु. वळी परंपरा प्रत्येनी आदर तेमने माटे अनिवार्य हतो आपणा समयना काई कोशकारनी सरखामणीमां हेमचंद्रन दृष्टिनी तम ज संदर्भगामग्रीनी मोटी मर्यादाओ नीचे काम करवान हतु. अर्वाचीन अभिगम, तपासपद्धति अने सहायक साधनोना प्रकाशमा अपणे हेमचंद्रे जेमने अलग, जुदा देश्य शब्द लेग्वे नांच्या छ, तेमने अन्यत्र नधेिला काईक शब्दना मात्र स्वरूपांतर तरीके घटावी शकीए, छीए. वळी देश्य शब्दानां मळतां विविध स्वरूपांतरानी पाडळ रहेल लेखनमूलक के उच्चारणमूलक काईक व्यापक वलण तारवीने त द्वारा भारतीय-आर्यना इतिहास माटे पण केटलीक महत्त्वनो हकीकता प्राप्त करी शकीए छीए. देश्य शब्दानी बीजी समस्या त तमना साहित्यगत प्रयोगा अने व्युत्पत्तिने लगती छे. ए समस्याने उकेलवा माटे पण आणणे उपर्युक्त आधाराना आश्रय लेवानो छे. आ माटे प्राचीन प्राकृत अन अपभ्रंश कृतिओनु तेमां वपरायेला देश्य शब्दानी दृष्टिए अध्ययन करवू पण जरूरी छे. Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ५. समस्याउकेलना प्रारंभ दुमाग्ये एकबे अपवाद उकेलनी दिशामां कशा व्यवस्थित प्रयासेा नथो थया. ११२९मां प्रकाशित हरगोविंददास शेटना प्राकृत कोश 'पाइअसद्दमहण्णवा' द्वारा देना.ना अनेक देश्य शब्दाना साहित्यिक प्रयोगाना निर्देश मळे छे संग. श्रीमती रत्ना श्रीयने मारा मार्गदर्शन नीचे पुष्पदंतना अपभ्रंश पौराणिक महाकाव्य 'महापुराण'मा तेम ज तनी बीजी अपभ्रंश इतिओमां वपरायला चौद से। जेटला देश्य के विरल शब्दानु व्यवस्थित अध्ययन तेमना पीएच.डी. माटना शोधन धमां १९६२मां कयु छ (पुस्तकरूपे प्रकाशित १९६९मां), अन ते पछी तमण शान्तिसूरिकृत प्राकृत 'पुहवीचंदचरिय'मां प्रयुक्त नत्र से जेटला देश्य शब्दानु अध्ययन कर्यु (१९७२मा प्रकाशित थयेला ए ग्रंथने अंत आपेला शब्दकोशमां). देखीतु छे के आ प्रकारनां संख्याध तुलनात्मक अने समीक्षात्मक अध्ययनाने परिण.मे ज आपणे देना. तेम ज तना पूर्ववर्ती इतर कोशानी देश्य सामग्रीना किस स्वरूप अने अर्थना निर्णय करवानु काम अगळ चलावी शकीए. आ प्रकारना आगळ करवाना कार्यनी दिशामा पहेलां थोडांक कदम लेखे में १९६३मां आपेलांत्रण व्याख्यानमां (प्रथम १९६६मां प्रकाशित) आशरे छ से। देश्य अने विरल प्राकृत शब्दानी चर्चा करी हती तेमांना पहेला व्याख्यानमां देना.मां संगृहीत देश्य शब्दोमां, जे शब्द एक ज हाय पण विविध स्वरूपे आपेला हाय, तेवा शब्दानी चर्चा करी छे. एवा शब्दाना बे प्रकार छे : जेमना म्वरूपभेदना मूळमां लेखनदोष के लिपिगत वर्णना भ्रम हाय, अने जेमना स्वरूपभेदना मूळमां वास्तविक ध्वनिपरिवर्तन होय. पहेला प्रकारने सात वर्गमां अने बीजाने बत्रीश व मां वहेंचीने वर्ण परिवर्तनानु विश्लेषण कयु छ. बीजा व्याख्यानमां रामानुजस्वामीना देना.ना संपादनमा पोणा वसा जेटला शब्दाना करेला खोटा अर्थ सुधार्या छे.3 जीजा व्याख्यानमां स्वयंभून अपभ्रंश पौराणिक काव्य 'पउमचरिय'मां मळता दश्य शब्दानी चर्चा करी छे.. ए पछी १९६७मा प्रकाशित एक लेखमा में देना.ना केटलाक अनेकार्थ शब्दाना अर्थ भेदना मूळमां खरे खर जुदाजुदा बे अर्थ रहेला नथी, पण अर्थवाचक शब्दना लेखनभ्रमने कारण बे देशीकांगमां जाणे के ते शब्द जुदाजुदा अर्थ मां नोधाया छ एवा भ्रम थया छे ए हकीकत, वार शब्दानी विगते चर्चा करीने दर्शावी छे. सेंकडो देश्य शब्दा .. वेचरदास दाशीना ‘देशी शब्दसंग्रह'मां पण, जे शब्दाना रामानुजम्बामीए खाटो अर्थ को छे, ते शब्दाना साचा अर्थ करलो छे. Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अने प्राकृत धात्वादेशानी आ दृष्टिए चकासणी करवानी जरूर हाईन आ ता ए दिशामां करेली एक नानकडी शरूआत ज छे. प्राकृत- अपभ्रंश साहित्यमा प्रयुक्त देश्य शब्दानु स्वरूप अने अर्थ निश्चित करवा अने तेननो देना.मां नोंधेला शब्द साथे मेळ बेसारवा प्रत्येक शब्दने लगतां पाठांतरो, संदर्ता वगेरनी झीणवटथी चर्चा करवी घणी वार जरुरी बने छे. ए पद्धतिए में जैन आगमसाहित्यमां वपरायला शब्दानी तथा 'विडिरिल्ल', 'उब्बिट्ट', 'शुटुंकिय' अने 'ऊसुरुमुंभिय' जेवा शब्दानी केटलाक लेखो द्वारा चर्चा करी छे. मुनि दुलहराज संपादित 'दशी शब्दकोश' (१९८८)मां जैन आगमन था, तमना परनी व्याख्याओ तथा हेमचंद्रनी देना.मांथी देश्य शब्दा स्थाननिदेश अने पाठांशनां उद्धरण माथे आप्यां छे, ते उपरांत 'पाइअसहमहष्णवा'मांधी तथा प्रकाशित प्राकृतअपभ्रंश साहित्कृतिओने अंत तमना संपादकाए तारवीने मूकेला शब्दकोशमांथी देय शब्दो संगृहीत कर्या छे. आ रीत जैन आगमसाहित्यमा प्रयुक्त प्राचीन दश्य शब्दों तथा अन्य ग्रंथानी देश्यसामग्री जेमां संगृहीत करी छ, तवा दशीशब्दकेश तयार करावी प्रकाशित करवानु जैन विश्व भारतीनु प्रशम्य कार्य , शब्दांना अध्ययन माटे एक धणं ज उपयोगी साधन पूलं पाढे छे. ६. देना.नु सामान्य स्वरूप अने निरूपणपद्धति हमचंद्र ना.मां संगृहीत देय शब्दाने तमना आद्य वर्णना क्रम अनुसार आट वर्गामा व चेला छे. ए रीते कुठ ७८३ गाथामां ३९७८ शब्दांना समावेश करेला छे. ते-ते वर्णथी शरू थता शब्दाने तमनी अक्षरसंख्याना क्रमे गाठव्या छे अने पहेला एकार्थ अने पछी अनेकार्थ शब्दा नांध्या छे.देना. उपर पोतानी संस्कृत वृत्तिमां हेम बद्रे घणाखरा प्राकृत धात्वा शोना पण समावेश कर्यो छ अने नांधेला शब्दाना स्वरूप अने अर्थ विशेनां मतांतरा पण आप्यां ले. ए. वधाने जो गणतरीमा लई ता पर नांधेली शब्दसंख्या वमणीत्रमणी थवा संभव छ. द-त गाथामां नोधला दय शब्दाना प्रयांगना उदाहरण लब (अनेकार्थ शब्दान बाद करतां) हेम वेद ६२२ काव्यात्मक दृष्टांतगाथा रचीने मूकी . आद्य वर्णनी अंनं अक्षरसख्यानी समानताने आधारे एक ज गाथामां गूथायेला शब्दो बच्चे अर्थदृष्टिा घणु लता वादरायण-गवध ज हाय (एक ज व्याकरणसूत्रमा साधासाथ गूधायेला 'श्वन', 'युवन्', 'मघवन' बचे हाई शके तेवा). एवा शब्दांना अर्थाने मांकळी सुसंगत अमल, कन्यामक रचना करकामा वेटल रचनाकौशल जोहए मसजी टाकार Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ तम न.' आ कारणे ए दृष्टांतगाथाओमां केटलीक क्लिष्टता के आयाससाध्यतानो अनुभन आपणने थाय ते अनिवार्य छे अने ए कारणे पिशेल वगेरेए ए गाथाओनी कठोर टीका पण करी छे. परंतु बेनरजीए आ बाबतमा हेमचंद्रनो योग्य वचाव करीने कहा ले के ए गाथाओ प्राकृत कवितामां हेमचंद्रनु मूल्यवान प्रदान छे. बेचरदास दोशीए पबधी दृष्टांतगाथाओनु अर्थ घटन करीने गुजरातीमा अनुवाद आपवानो सभर्थ प्रयास कयों ने. परंतु ए दृष्टांतगाथाओ निरूपित देश्य शब्दोना विवरणनु एक अनिवार्य अंग होवानु पिशेल जोई नहाता शक्या. अमुक देय शब्दना जे पर्यायशब्द प्राकृतभा (मूळ गाथामां) के संस्कृतमां (टीकामां) आपेला छे ते घणी वार अनेकार्थ होय छे अने त्याने तेनो कयो अर्थ कोशकारने अभिप्रेत छे तेनु स्पष्टीकरण शब्दना वस्तुतः प्रयोग करीने, ते सदर्भ ने आधारे ज बतावी शकाय. नहीं तो घणी सदिग्धता रहे. . बेनरजीए गणतरी करी छे के देना.नी ६३४ दृष्टांतगाथाओमाथी ४१० शृंगारिक छ; १५९ कीर्ण विषयनी छे अने १०५मां कुभारपाल के जयसिंहनी प्रशस्ति छे-ए चाटुवाच्यो छे. ...७. देदय शब्दानां मूळ हेमचंद्र व्याकरणशास्त्रनी स्थापित परंपरा अनुसार जे शब्दोंने देश्य गण्या छे, तमाशी. घणा शब्दो आपणी अर्वाचीन भाषाविज्ञाननी दृष्टिए संस्कृत मूळना के तद्भव होवानु आपणे वतावी शकीए छीए. मोरिस, पिशेल, रामानुजस्वामी वगेरेए आ दिशाम केटलंक कार्य कयु छे. संस्कृत शब्दानी व्युत्पत्ति परत्वेनी एक परंपरा बधो नामने धातुज गणीने जे शब्दाना प्रकृतिप्रत्यय वगेरे रूपे विभाग न करी शकाय तेवा रूढ शब्दोनी पण व्युत्पत्ति आपवानी प्रथा यास्कनी पण पूर्वेना समयथी प्रचलित हती. व्याकरणकारा, कोशकारो वगेरे (१) पाणिनिनां 'उणादयो बहुलम्' अने 'वृषादरायः' ए सूत्रना आधार लई, (२) धातुपाठाना अल्पपरिचित धातुओनो आधार लई, (३) 'धातुओ अनेकार्थ हाय छे', 'शब्दा अनेकार्थ होय छे' एवा मताना ४. दयाश्रय तथा द्विसधान वगेरे प्रकारनां काव्यानी रचना माटे पण आवी ज आवडत जरूरी होय छे. ५... मना प्रयास पछी पण केटलीक गाथाओनो अर्थ बरावर खेसाडवामां मुश्केलीओ रहे छे अने त नवा प्रयत्न मागे छे. ... नस्कृत-प्राकृता जैन व्याकरण और कोश की परंपरा' (१९७७)मां प्रकाशित -क लेखमा में उदाहरण लेखे देना.ना २५० जेटला देश्य शब्दान' संस्कृत नार आयं . (जो आ संग्रहमां पृ. १३५. १७३) .. Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ आवार लई, अनं ( ४ ) एकाक्षर कोशोनो आवार लई, मारीतोडीने मद्र शब्दानी व्युत्पत्ति परापूर्वथी आपता आव्या छे. बेचरदास दोशीए आ परंपराने अनुसरीने तेमना 'देशीशब्दसग्रह' मां २५० जेटला पृष्ठमां देना.ना घणाखरा देश्य शब्दान व्युत्पन्न करी वताव्या छे. आ एक घणो ज समर्थ प्रयत्न के अने तेमांथी से का देश्य शब्दाना मूळना विचार करवा माटेनी मूल्यवान सामग्री के सकेता आपणने मळे छे. परंतु अतिहासिक भाषाविज्ञान अने भारतीय आर्यना परिवर्तनना इतिहासनी दृष्टि देrशीनी घणी व्युत्पत्तिओ केवळ अटकलों के गये तम करीने शब्द व्युत्पन्न करवाना आग्रहह्नां परिणाम होवानु जोई शकाय के अने ते कारण ते निराधार के अप्रतीतिकर ठरे छे. ܪ रामानुजस्वामीए तेमना संपादन अते आपला शब्दकोशमां घणा देश्य शब्दानां मूळ सूचव्यां छे. पूर्वे थयेला आ विषयने लगता कामने आधार बेनरजीए एवा अंदाज छेके देना.ना देश्य शब्दोमां १०० तत्सम छे, १८५० 'छपा' तद्भव छे, ५२८ शंकास्पद तद्भव छे अने १५०० चोक्खा देश्य एटले के संस्कृतमाथी व्युत्पन्न न करी शकाता शब्द छे. ए १५००मांधी ८०० अर्वाचीन भारतीय आर्य भाषाओं मां प्रचलित छे; बाकी रहेला आये तर भाषामांथी आव्या होवाना सजव छे. बेनरजीना १९३१ना अंदाजमां ते पछी उपलब्ध थयेला प्राकृत सहित्यना अने संशोधनना प्रकाशमां ठीक-ठीक फेरफार करवो पडशे. जे केटलाक शब्दानु मूळ द्राविडी भाषाओ मां अने थे।डाकनुं मूळ फारसी के अरबी भाषामा हावानु अभ्यासीओए चीं छे, तेमां पण पुनर्विचारणाने माटे घणा अवकाश के. टूकमां आवों बधां तारणोने चुस्त धारणे चकासीने चोकस निर्णय करवानु हजी घणा शब्दानी बातमां बाकी है. केटलीक चर्चा पछी अमे देश्य शब्दोनु कामचलाउ व्यवहारु वर्गीकरण नका कर्यु हनुं, ते रत्ना श्रीयने तेमना देशी शब्दोना अध्ययनमां अपनाव्युं छे. उपर नाला बेनरजीना वर्गीकरणथी तेमां वधु झीणवट छे. ते वर्गीकरण आ प्रमाण छे : (१) संस्कृतमांथी सीधा ज निष्पन्न करी शकाता शब्दों. (२) संस्कृतमांथी निष्पन्न पण विशिष्ट के परिवर्तित अर्थवाला शब्द. (३) संस्कृतमांथी अंशतः व्युत्पन्न शब्दो. (४) जे शब्दोंने मळता शब्दों उत्तरकालीन संस्कृत कोशो अने एवा बजा स्रोतामां मळे छे तेरा शब्दो. (५) रवानुकारी शब्दो (६) विदेशी शब्दो Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (७) वाकीना अव्युत्पाद्य - 'शुद्ध' देशी शब्दा. रला श्रीयने जे रीते साहित्यिक तथा अर्वाचीन भारतीय भाषाआना आधारा, प्राचीन टीकाकारोए आपेला अर्था', अर्वाचीन शास्त्रीय काशी अने व्युत्पत्तिचर्चाओं ---- वधाना आवश्यक आधार लईने प्रत्येक देश्य शब्दना मूळनों चर्चा करी छे, ए पइतिए कार्य आगळ चलावीने ज आ विषयमा निश्चित परिणाभा लावी शकाशे. ८.. ऐतिहासिक महत्त्व देना.नुं विविध दृटिए महत्त्व छ. भारतीय-आर्यना इतिहासनी दृष्टिए जाईए तो तेमा संगृहीत शब्दसामग्रीमां मध्यम भारतीय -आर्य अने अर्वाचीन भारतीय-आर्य भूमिकाओने सांधती केटलीक कडीओ आपणने जोवा मळे छे. अहीं तो मात्र एक-बे मुहाना निर्देश करी शकाशे. व्युत्पत्तिविदोन संस्कृत गण्ड 'गाल'ने अने उत्तरकालीन संस्कृत गल्लने एकबीजा साथे सांकळवानु वलण छे : गण्डमाथी गल्ल शब्द-स्वरुप निष्पन्न थयानु मनायुं छे. हवे आ व्युत्पत्तिमा ण्ड् - ल्लू एवं ध्वनिपरिवर्तन गृहीत बने छे. आनु थाईंक समर्थन आपणने देना.ना एकाद शब्दमांथी मळी आवे छे, अने जे त्रणचार शब्दोमां आ धनिपरिवर्तन प्रवर्नतुं आपणने लागतु तु, ते काईक बभु नेश्चित बने है : नं. गण्ड : प्रा. गल्टन. गण्डकी : उत्तरकालीन गल्ल की न. मण्डक : देश्य मल्लय- (दमा. ६. १४५) नं. कुष्माण्ड- प्रा. काहल्ल - आवी ज रीत मध्यम भारतीय-आर्यना साधित आख्यातिक तथा नामिक अंगो परत्वे पण देना.ना शब्दोमांथी केटलीक नवी माहिती आपणे प्राप्त करी शकीर छीए. पण आ एक अलग तपासना विषय छे. देना.ना घणा शब्दा अर्वाचीन भारतीय-आर्य भाषाओमां, तेमनी जूनी तेम ज सर्वाचीन भूमिकाओमां, प्रचारमा रहेला आपणे जोई शकीए छीए. आ दृष्टिए केटलुक छटकटक लखायुं छे, पण व्यवस्थित काम करवान वाकी छे. देना.ना ७... आ उपरांत छिद्रमांधी निष्पन्न देश्य छिंडी अने छिल्ल-नो (देना. ३.३५) निर्देश करी शकाय, पण एक तरफ स. छंदः>प्रा. छइ वगेरे अने बीजी तरफ स. भद्र>प्रा. भल्ल वगेरने ध्यानमा लेतां छिड अने छिल्लने छिद्रना वैकल्पिक ध्वनिपरिवर्तनथी सधायेल पण मानी शकाय, छिंडनु छिल्ल वन्यु होवान मान अनिवार्य न बने. Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ केटला शब्दो हिंदी, राजस्थानी, मराठी वगैरेनी साथै समानपण गुजरातामः गण मळे छे, अने केटला शब्दो एवा छ जे मात्र गुजरातीमां ज जळवाया छे एनी मार घणी उपयोगी नीवडे. बीजी बाजु देना.मा संगृहीत शब्दो द्वारा तत्कालीन सांस्कृतिक, अन या माजिक परिस्थिति विशे-~-रीतरिवाजो, उत्सवा, प्रथाआ, रमतगमतो, संप्रदायः बगेरे' विशे-आपणने जे महत्त्वनी माहिती मळे छ ते विशे कटलाक अभ्यासीओए आपणुं ध्यान दोयु छे. अहीं हु आ व ने बाबतनां उदाहरणरूपे पांचसान शब्दो ना निदेश करीश. भयवग्गामो (६.१०२) शब्द उत्तर गुजरातना, सूर्य मंदिरना अवशेपथी जाणीला गामना एक नाम तरीके आपेलो छ. तेनु संस्कृत मक रूप भगवद्ग्रामः सुचवे छे के ते नाम त्यांना सूर्यमदिरने कारणे तेन माटे रूट थयं हशे. केम के भावत् शब्द सूर्य वाचक पण हता. एक्कल्लपुडिंग(१.१४७) शब्द 'छूटां छूटा पडतां चरसादनां फारा' एवा अर्थप आप्या छ. सौराष्ट्रनी बोलीमां आवा वरसादने माटे एकलपणगी शब्द आहे पण प्रचलित छ, अने 'मोटे पणगे मे' एबी, लोककथामा मळती दुहानी पंक्ति पण ए प्रयोग मळे छे. एक्कणडो(१.१४४) शब्दना 'कथक' एचा अर्थ आया छ. भोजने अनुसरीन हेमचंद्रे आपेली आख्यान नामना साहित्यप्रकारनी व्याख्या अनुसार जे पौराणिक उपाख्यान कथन, गायन अने अभिनय साथे श्रोताओं समक्ष रन कराय त आध्यान कहेवाय. आ दृष्टिए, आख्यानना कहेनारने 'एकनट' (जे काम नाटकमां आने नटे करता ते एकले हाथे करतो हावाथी) सहेजे कही शकाय. वायण (७.५७) शब्द 'भोज्य पदार्थ नी भेट'ना अर्थ मां नाया है. जाती कोशामां वायणु शब्द (१) 'नवां परणी आवलां वरवधूने अथवा सीम तिनीने सग तरफथी अपातु होंशनु जमण', तथा (२) 'स्पडीमा कं कुनी डावली, कांसको बगेरे मूकी सधवाओने अपाती भेट' ---एवा अर्थोमां आपेला छे. वळी आखिया' अग्या' 'मंगळ प्रसंगे गोर, वसवाया वगेरेने अपाती चोखा, घ, नाळियेर वगैरेनी नेट' ए शव्दना मूळ तरीके जो आपणे अक्षतदानने बदले अक्षतवायनने वधु याग्य गगीए, तो तेमां पण आ वायण (मूळ सं. उपायन) जळवाया हावानु कही शकाल. ___ . ओलुकी(१.१५३) शब्द वाळका नासीने सताई जवानी जे रमत रमे , तेने माटे-एटले के 'संताकुकडी' के 'संताकणो दाव'ना अर्थ मां नोध्या छे. 'अंध Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ०९ पोलिया' ए वाळरमत माटे---'चक्षुःस्थगन-क्रीडा' माटे ते रूढ हावानुमतातर पण नाध्यु छे. ए बीजी रमत माटे जुदा शब्द छिछटरमण (२.३०) पण आपेला छे. प्रा. लुक्कू के लुक (७.२४) 'छुपाबु'ना अर्थ मां जाणीतो छ (हिंदी वगेरेमा लुकना). अभिण्णपुडो(१.४४) एटले के 'छोकराओ गम्मत खातर, सरखी रीते बांधीने जे एक खाली (अथवा ता अंदर कचरा भरीने) पडो वजारना रस्ता नलचे मूके छ, जेथी आवतोजतो काई माणस लोभाईने ते ऊंचकी लई खोलीने जुए अने ते भोठी पडे एटले लो कराओ चीखी करीने हसे-ए प्रकारनी रमूजभरी रमत'. संस्कृत मूळशब्द अभिन्नपुट 'न खोलेली, बांधेलो पडा'. हेमचंद्रना विवरणना मूळ शब्दो आ प्रमाणे छ : 'शिशुभिः क्रीडया जनप्रलोभनार्थ विपणिमागे रिक्ता पुटिका या क्षिप्यते सैवमुच्यत'. आवी गम्मत अत्यार पण सौराष्ट्र बगेरे गजरातना प्रदेशोमा छोकराआ करता होय छे, हिंचिअ(के हिंविअ) (८.६८ ) शब्द 'एक पग चालवानी वाळरमल एटले आजनी 'लंगडी'ना अर्थ मां नोधेलो छे. गुजराती हींचना 'पुरुषो अते स्वीओ साथे मळीने पगनो टेका आपतां अने गाता गोळाकार समूह नृत्य करे ले त' एका अर्थ 'वृहद् गुजराती कोश'मां आपेला . पर्नु अने हिचिअनुं मूळ एक ज होताना घणो संभव छे. अने ता हिंबिअ । शब्दरूप लिपिभ्रमन परिणाम होय. देना.ना अनेक महत्त्वनां पाना छ, अने तमाथी घणा विशे ओछुके नहेवत् संशोधन थयुं छे, एटले तमनी सविस्तर चर्चा कर वानो घणो अवकाश ले. अहीं ता तेमांथी वेचार पासांना ज स्पर्श कयां छे, अने तमां पण घणे अशे ता आ पहेलां थयेला, वीजाना तथा माग पोलाना कार्यना आधार लीधो छे. विषयनी आकर्षकता अने संशोधन माटेना मोटा अवकाशने कारणे नवा नवा संशोधकाने ते नोतरशे एवी आशा आपणे हेमचंद्राचार्यनी नवमी जन्मशताब्दीना आ गई ता जार रात्री शकीए. टूकी संदर्भसृचि आमां निर्दिष्ट आ लेबकना लेखादिना प्रस्तुत संग्रहमा समावेश करेलो . देशीनाममाला पिशेल अने रामानुजस्वामी (१८८०, १९३०), बेनरजी (१९३१), अने बेचर दास दोशी (१९७४) बडे संपादित आवृत्तिओ. पाइअसद्दमहण्णवो हरगोविंददास शेठकृत, १९२८, १९६:. हेमसमीक्षा मधुसूदन मोदीकृत, १९४२. Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 'स्टडीज इन हेमचंद्रज़ देशीनाममाला' ह. भायाणीकृत 'विद्या', २२, १९६२. 'अपत्रंश उविद्र' ह. भायाणीकृत, 'जर्नल ऑव घी ओरिएन्टल स्टडीज़ इन इन्स्टिटयूट, वरोडा', १३, १९६३. हेमचंद्रज़ देशीनाममाला ह. भायाणीकृत, १९६६. 'ओरिजिन्ज ऑव मल्टिपल ह. भायाणीकृत, 'विद्या', १९६७. मिनिम्न आव देश्य वईज' रत्ना श्रीयनकृत, १९६९. ए क्रिटिकल स्टडी आव महापुराण आव पुष्पदन्त पुहईचंदचरिय शान्तिसूरिकृत, रमणीकविजय-संपादित; रत्ना श्रीयनकृत शब्दकोश, १९७२. 'मिडल इन्डो-एरिअन विरिल' ह. भायाणीकृत, 'भारतीय विद्या', २३, १९६३. 'त्रण देश्य आगमिक शब्दो' ह. भायाणीकृत, मोहनलालजी स्मारक ग्रंथ, १९६४. "तीन अर्धमागधी शब्दोंकी कथा' ह. भायाणीकृत, मुनिश्री हजारीमल स्मृति ग्रंथ, १९६५. 'सम फर्धर लायूट ऑन हरिवृद्ध ह. भायाणीकृत, 'विद्या', १६, १९७३. अॅन्ड हिज़ नोवेल कलासिफिकेयूशन आव लिटररी प्राकृत एन्ड अपभ्रंश 'प्रा. उसुरुसुंभिअ' ह. भायाणीकृत, 'विद्या', १७, १९७४. 'प्रा. शुटुंकिअ' ह. भायाणीकृत, 'जन. ओरि. बरोडा', १९७४. संस्कृत-प्राकृत जैन व्याकरण मुनि दुलहराज तथा अन्य संपादित, १९७७. और कोश की परम्परा देशीदाब्दकोश मुनि दुलहराज संपादित, १९८८. Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDIES IN DESYA PRAKRIT Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ap. C. CMC. Com. DED. DMP. DN. Doshi. EWA. GS. Guj. H. Hem. IAL. Ka. lex. JC. M. Ma. MP. I STUDIES IN THE DEŠINĀMAMĀLĀ ABBREVIATIONS Apabhramsa Hemacandra's Commentary on the DN. Caupannamahāpurisacariyam (ed. A. M. Bhojak, Prakrit Text Series Vol. III, 1961) Commentary (in general or on the DN.) Dravidian Etymological Dictionary ( (Burrow and Emeneau, 1961) A Critical Study of Mahapuraṇa of Puspadenta. A Critical Study of the Deśya and Rare words from Puspadanta's Mahāpurāṇa and his other Apabhramśā works), 1965 The Desinamamala of Hemacandra (ed. R. Pischel, Second Edition revised by P. Ramanujaswami BSS.. 17, 1938) Desi Sabda Sangrah (ed. by B. J. Doshi with Gujarati translation and Notes), 1974. Kurzgefasstes etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindischen (M. Mayrhofer, 1953 onwards). Hala's Gāthāsaptasati ( Kāvyamālā) Gujarati Hindi Hemacandra A Comparative Dictionary of Indo-Aryan Languages (R. L. Turner, 1966) Kannada lexical (i. e. a word noted in modern Sk. dictionaries as attested only from indigenous Sk. lexicons) Puspadanta's Jasaharacariu (ed, P. L. Vaidya, 1931) Marathi Malayalam Puspadanta's Mahapuraṇa fed. P. L. Vaidya, 19371941) Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NC. Pus ND. PC. Pischel Pk. PL. PSM. Puspadanta's Nāyakumāracariu (ed. H. L. Jain. 1933 ) Nepali Dictionary (R. L. Turner, 1931 ) Svayambhū's Paumacariu ( ed. H. C. Bhayani, 19521960) Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen (R. Pischel, 1900; English translation, 'Comparative Grammar of the Prākrit Languages, by S. Jhā, 1957) Piakrit Dhanapāla's Pāialacchināmamālā (ed. B. J. Doshi, 1960 ) Pājasadda mahaņņavo (H. T. Sheth, Prakrit Text Series, reprint, 1963) P. Ramanujaswami (see DN.) Svayambhū's Riythaņemicariu, Part I (ed. D. K. Jain, 1985) Svayambhū's Svayambhūcchandas (ed. H. D. Velankar, Rājasthān Purātan Granthmājā, No. 37, 1962 ) Hemacandra's Siddhahemaśabdānuśāsana Sanskrit sub verbo Tamil Telugu Trivikrama's Prakrita Grammar (ed. P. L. Vaidya, Jivarāja Jaina Granthamālā No. 4, 1954) wrong reading R. Rc. SC. SH. Sk. S. V. Ta. Te. Tr. w.I. 1. 2. Introduction Formal Variation in the Deśya Items of the DN. A. Graphic Variation B. Phonological Variation Correction of Erroneous Interpretations Some Deśya Items from Svayambhū’s Paumacariya 1-XX (1) Items Common with the DN. (2) Items not Recorded in the DN. 3. 4. Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. INTRODUCTION Hemacandra's Rayaṇāvalī (also called Desisaddasaṁgaho and Deśināmamālā), written sometime in 1045-1050 AD., was the latest and probably the largest of ancient Indian lexicons of a certain class of Prakrit words, which have been known as desya, desi or deśaja after the traditional terminology. The Desināmamālā (further abbreviated as DN.) is not a quite self-subsisting, independent work. It is one integral part or unit within a larger grammatical and lexical network that was based on a traditionally developed theory of words. In ancient India language was subjected to analysis and description mostly as a medium of literature and cultivated discourse, confined to a privileged class. Grammatical tradition since its earliest stages was ever deeply concerned about guarding the 'purity' of the language, about the standard usage of the cultured -the sistas. Since more than eleven hundred years before Hemacandra, Prakrits too along with Sanskrit had been in use as literary media. It was the constant task of the long line of grammarians reaching up to and beyond Hemacandra to authenticate the stock of words in literary usage, as it was naturally and inevitably subject to unceasing renewal. Literary Prakrits were highly conventionalized and stylized languages, more or less bookish and receiving ceaseless reinforcement from Sanskrit. As one of the aims of Sanskrit grammars was to aid writers and critics, they came to devote sections to rules deriving Prakrit phonology and grammar from Sanskrit. Accordingly the word-stock of literary Prakrit received treatment under a threefold classification (i) Roots and word-stems which were practically identical with their Sanskrit originals, because their sounds and meaning did not undergo any apparent or noteworthy phonological and semantic modification (tatsama-s). (ii) - Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Roots and word-stems which had resulted from obvious phonological modification of their Sanskrit correspondents (tadbhava-s). (iii) The rest of words, which as wholes of form-and-meaning could not be derived from Sanskrit by applying the usual and accepted rules of phonological and semantic change ((desya-s ). The last of these categories was authenticated through compilations of standard Deśī lexicons. In his Siddhahema grammir, Hemacandra accomplished the task of providing codified rules for deriving the tatsama and the tadbhava classes of words. His DN. covered the remaining desya class. His commentary on the DN. opens with the observation that those words which could not be derived from Sanskrit through the admissible rules based on the phonological processes of omission, addition and alteration were collected in the DN. While defining the scope of his subject, Hemacandra has made it quite clear that he was not out to compile a dictionary of all such words which were during his times colloquially currrent in various regions i.e. the words of regional dialects currentiy used in day-to-day intercourse. His task was to deal with only that class of underivable words of literary Prakrit which was handed down over an immemorably long and hoary tradition. As previously stated, the purpose underlying the composition of Prakrit grammars and lexcions was always to provide to those well-versed in Sanskrit dependable, convinent and up-to-date aids for composing and understanding Prakrit literature. Hemecandra came at the end of a long line of Deśikāras. Some ten are actually cited or referred to in the DN. Hemacandra justifies his adding a new Deśí lexicon to the several previously existing ones broadly on three grounds : (1) Some of these works, comparatively of a recent date, Hemacandra found to be erroneous, careless and un. critical. The ignorance or misinterpretations, on the part of their authors, of earlier authoritative works had created Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a great confusion as to the correct form and meaning of many a Deși expression. (2) This confusion was further confounded by the carelessness and erratic practices of the scribes. (3) Moreover because the earlier lexicons did not adopt the alphabetical order and word-length principles of item-arrangement, there were no internal checks to guard against the spelling confusion. Hemacandra adopted the alphabetical and word-lengthwise arrangement for his work. In matters of doubt or difference, he made his choice after critical weighing, and where he felt the evidence to be fairly divided or undecisive, he accomodated alternative view points. At numerous places in the commentary in the DN., Hemacandra has cited and discussed authorities and controverted views concerning the form and meaning of the listed items. This fact combined with the numerous optional spellings and meanings accepted in his lexicon and the wild profusion of variant readings recorded by Pischel in his edition of the DN give us some measure of the bafflingly difficuit problems that Hemacandra was required to face. And it highly redounds to his credit that his overall treatment of the Desis reveal a high degree of balance, clarity and scientific caution. The same qualities are also evident from the manner he has delimited the scope of Deść, whose working definition, let alone a rigorous one, was not so easy to state within the bounds of the then accepted general principles and frame of reference. He sets up three criteria for characterizing Deśí words : (i) Formal non-derivability. Those lexical items which were not derivable from Sanskrit in accordance with the recognized rules of derivation were Dests. (ii) Semantic non-derivability : Those expressions which, though formally derivable from Sanskrit elements, had a meaning different (though conceptually derivable) from that of the latter were Deśis. (iii) Tradition : Some items which, though obviously more or less marginal, Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ were considered Deśī by a respectable and authoritativetradition, and hence they were accepted as Deśís. Because the verbal bases that were not derivable from Sanskrit could take Sanskrit-derived verbal terminations and suffixes, they were technically excluded by Hemacandra from the DN. as against the earlier practice, and were listed as Verbal Substitutes in the Prakrit section of his Siddhahema grammar. But as a concession to the established practice (and also for convenience of reference), he has recorded most important of them by way of notes in his DN. commentary. Here as everywhere, the approach of the Prakrit grammarians in general is found to be more pragmatic than theoretical. If we properly appreciate this point, our modern objections to their lack of rigour and consistency in distinguishing items of Sanskritic and non-Sanskritic origin would loose much of their force and some of them would appear rather like cavil. Modern studies have succeeded in settling some of the sources of the Deśya strand of the Prakrit vocabulary. Some of these words have evolved from Sanskrit words through complex or less easily discoverable phonological or semantic alteration. Others derive from Old Indo-Aryan material not at all attested in preserved or known literature or attested only in the earliest stage (Vedic ) or even further beyond (Pre-Indo-Aryan ). Still others are identifiable as Dravidian loans. But even after we set apart all such items that we can now derive or identify from other languages, there remains a very large stock of words as obscure as ever. Actually the further research work on the DN. has to proceed in two closely related directions : ascertainment of the correct form and meaning of a listed item, and ascertainment of its currency and derivation. The first problem has two aspects. Firstly the correct forms of the items as they were recorded by Hemacandra are to be settled. The text of the DN. as handed down to us bristles with profuse Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ and confusing orthographic variants. The textual problems and editorial difficulties have been well outlined by Pischel, who has accomplished the task of faithfully presenting all the textual variants from some seven MSS. of the DN.' and settling the text by and large. But as he has observed, in several cases he felt considerably handicapped due to the absence of any dependable criteria for selecting from among thie multiple spelling variants, and in rare cases he tried to seek some help from the New Indo-Aryan materials. This latter source of information, left practically untouched by Pischel, but considerably availed of by Sheth and Doshi, can be exploited much more fully now, firstly because of the lexicographical works like Turner's Nepali Dictionary and A Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages, Mayrhofer's Kurzgefasstes etymologisches Worterbuch des Altindischen and, Burrow and Emeneau's Dravidian Etymological Dictionary, and secondly because of the further historical and comparative work in Indo-Aryan carried out after 1900 A.D. A second source of paramount importance now available to us is the considerable amount of Prakrit literature and almost the whole of Apabhramśa literature come to light since Pischel. Much of it remains yet to be explored for settling the forms of the words in DN. There are, however, indications that the problem of settling the correct form of the Desi words was already considerably tangled when it was taken up and tackled ( fairly reasonably, we should say) by Hemacandra. Though in a number of cases Hemacandra did take notice of alternative forms, he could after all work under certain basic assumptions. Further he was bound by respect to tradition and laboured under considerable limitations of outlook and reference facilities as compared to a lexicographer of our 1. Ramanujaswami has collated three more MSS. for his revised edition of the Pischel's work. Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ age. With our modern approach, technique and means, we are likely to regard or identify several separately listed items of the DN. as only variants of some other items listed elsewhere in the same work. It may be also possible for us to discern some general orthographic or phonological traits underlying the formal variation, which would have a wider significance for the history of Indo-Aryan. The second aspect of the first problem is the ascertainment of the correct meanings of the listed items as given by Hemacandra. In the text af the DN. Hemacandra has given Prakrit meaning-equivalents or synonyms of the Deśya items. In his commentary we find Sanskrit equivalents for the same. In many a case these one-word renderings and paraphrases are bound to be ambiguous : words can have several meanings -- they can be homonymous, and one cannot tell which of these is meant in a particular case, is there are no restrictive indications. To guard against this circumstance, Hemacandra has provided illustrative stanzas. The devised actual-language context demonstrated the use of the recorded items, and made it clear which of the several meanings of the paraphrase-word was relevant. Unfortunately Ramanujaswami seems to have ignored these illustrative stanzas. As a consequence he has been forced to make arbitrary choice in ambiguous cases and, inevitably, on a number of occasions it turns out to be the wrong choice. So his English renderings in the alphabetical glossary given at the end of the DN. text contain numerous errors. Sheth and, to a greater extent, Doshi have properly consulted the illustrative stanzas and hence their interpretations are free from errors on this account. Doshi has regularly given Gujarati translation of the illustrative stanzas, some of which are considerably tough or obscure and must have proved fairly taxing. Pischel, even while condemning (rather unfairly ) these illustrative verses as “either void of all sense, or of an incredible stupidity', was quite conscious of Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ their exegetical value. Apart from wrong interpretations of ambiguous Sanskrit glosses, Ramanujaswami's English renderings are also in numerous places vague, imprecise or casual. For the wider problem of the authentication of the meanings we have of course to fall back upon the same two means as mentioned before, viz, the Prakrit and Apabhramsa literatures and the New Indo-Aryan languages. And again for tackling the second problem of settling the source and derivation of the Deśya words, the same two sources are to be utilized, besides the important work done in the field of historical and comparative Indo-Aryan and Dravidian lexicography, which has been already mentioned. Studies of early Prakrit and Apabhramśa texts from the exclusive point of view of the Deśya material contained in them would help us much in this direction, but unfortunately hardly any systematic attempts have been made so far. One important contribution in this subject is Mrs. R. Shriyan's 'A critical study of the Deśya and rare words from Puspadanta's Mahāpurāņa and his other Apabbramsa works' (1962, unpublished as yet). This Bombay University Ph.D. thesis, prepared under my guidance, deals with more n fourteen hundred items, collecting information from various sources and discussing meaning and origin in numreous cases. Obviously many such comparative and critical studies are required for checking up the DN. and the lost compilations it drew upon. In the present effort, my immediats aim being to give some idea as to how the problem is to be tackled, I have drawn upon only a few Apabhramśa texts in an illustrative manner. 2. This statement was made in 1965. Since then the book is published. For a revised statement of this point vide Introduction, Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2. FORMAL VARIATION IN THE DES'YA ITEMS OF THE DN. The formal variation among the items in the DN. falls under two distinct categories: variations of purely graphic origin and variations of phonological origin. A. Graphic Variation In the case of variations of graphic or scribal origin, out of the two (or more) variant forms (whether specified in the DN. as alternates or not so specified, whether all of them noted by Hemacandra or only one noted), one only is genuine, the other being really a wrong reading resulting from carelessly or ignorantly confusing some two written characters in the manuscript. These scribal errors have no basis in phonology, and if and when fully confirmed, such items can be rejected as 'ghost' words. Prakrit MSS. frequently confound (1) and a (or a), 2) and 4, (3), 8, 3 and E, (4) and a, (5) and 3, (6) and я, 7) and . At times (8) t and, or (9) and a are misread for one another. Several itmes of the DN. seem to have derived from such confusions. 1. 1. च् / व् (or च् / व् ) Variation Initial and non-initial चालवासो ( 3, 8) ' sort of head ornament' (शिरोभूषणभेदः) बालवासो (7, 59 ) ' a head ornament' ( शिरआभरणम् ). cf. Sk. वालपाशः ' hair-band (of precious metal )'; lex. a string of pearls or other ornament for the hair'. So may have a scribal origin. 2. faefat (3, 13) destroyed' (fanifa: ). cf. विद्दाविय ( from विद्दात् 'to destroy ' etc., Sk. वि + Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 11 3. 2194 'to put to flight', 'to defeat') (PSM.)': For चिमिणो and विसिणा see further. fafefast and fafå fazi (3, 13 ) · stream ( of water ) (911). feriai (3, 21 ) 'small stream' (agari ). cf. faféfari (7, 93 com.) stream' (9131 ) according to some. fazail ( 7, 93 ) 'small stream of water ' ( G agal:). fafia 'drop' (PSM.). fafafasi (fafifani) may be of an onomatopoetic origin. cf. fastafeti stream, downpour '(PSM.), Old Guj. mffari, Mod. Guj. 92, 992 drizzle?. faptei can be connected with Dravidian ciru 'small' (DED. 1326 ). cf. faxi (3, 21 ) small thing, 'small stream 'from Dravidian cikka 'small' etc. ( DED. 2057). Besides faizit, there is fà3424 (PSM.) 'a small pit dug in the river bed for water' which is supported by Guj. ftest. fafesfas, fafēzzie' (v. 1. fafafana', fafeseat, fafescafio' etc.) (3, 12 )'wet '( 31727). PSM. also notes variants चिलचिल्ल and चिलिचिलिय. The word occurs in the form fafes fenas in PC. ( 39, 6.2 and 54, 11, 1) and MP. (20, 10, 11). The sense there is 'damp and sticky and hence loathsome or disgusting'. It occurs in CMC, in the form चिलिचिल ( 179, 15) and वीलीविल ( 226, 28). Possibly there has been some confusion with faralaaa ( 7, 70 ) one having a tender and weak body' ( कोमलनिःस्थामतनुः ) which is to be compared with 4. Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 M. faaraonto wriggle or slide over the bodya snake, worm or similar and soft creature', fazaata · soft and flabby or oozy; flaccid, mashy, not elastic, firm, stiff, tense'. PSM. records famour or falesco - inpure, a dirty thing, dirt' and fastur loathsome, disgusting' ( gfa ). gat, atefesat (3, 19 ) glossed as fas( v. 1. f371) चोद्दसिआ, but as श्रावणकृष्णचतुर्दशी in com. वोरल्ली (7,61) glossed as णहसिअचोद्दसिछण and explained in com. as श्रावणशुक्लचतुर्दशीभव उत्सवविशेषः or that particular day, according to some. Variants are वोरलया, वोत्तलिया, वोरली, वेरेला, वोरला and वोरिलं. 391 (7, 17) a kind of grass'. cf. 5494 ( PSM.). 'sprouted'. 7. fé falen (8, 68 ), fefaen ( ibid.) 'the children's game of hopping on one foot'. cf. Guj. eta a particular movement in a folkdance.' 3 (3, 14 ) the fist.' LET (6, 94 ) 'the fist” (or a fistful of rice', according to some-com.). Cf. Guj. 71, 731 a fistful of any eatable for filling the mouth with' ( which also supports the view noted in com.). 982T (3, 96 ) and 21951 (6, 96 )'a goat'. cf. Guj. 21751' a goat' and Pk. 947 'to babble'. So बुक्कुड, वोक्कुड seems to be the real word. 10. fafcht (1, 134 ) ' big in size : ( .54107: ), im modest' (fagyic: ). cf. foafsat (PL.) ' immodest' (utzia: ). Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 13 11. 75913 (2, 52 )' a place of work or business, a house'. One of the variants is wala', 47' (2, 2) work (sq) derives from Sk. 994, So malo i.e. alaj derives from 31347 (i. e. 74 + 371347 ) cf. H. F A etc. from Sk. *firgafi? ( IAL. 3429), and Mod. Guj. H. #12134. Loss of final य of कृत्यालय is paralleled by किसल for किसलय and हिअ for हिअय (SH. 8, 1, 269 ). 12. Ff 31 (2, 41 ) and 'atai (PSM ). See further. 13. For szia (1, 98 ) 'canopy ’, fasa (3, 9 , and face (3,9).flat - nosed', la cala7317 (7, 68 ) pillow' accepted in the text, there are variants having for . That the latter are genuine is seen from Sea occurring in Pk, and Ap, literatures, from Guj. of flat-nosed' (M. tai compressed '), from Ap. Pessac · flat-nosed' ( PC. 1) and from fåajauzi (6, 98 ) fasà 127 and facã lepo (PSM.'. So too fazl (6, 46 'water against the accepted fosa is supportd by CMC. 226,28; NC, 5, 10, 28. fazla ( 7, 72; SH. 4, 193 )' to wait' is preferable to face to wait ' (PSM.). So also festajat ( 3, 28 ) 'pursing the niouth in contempt' (निन्दार्थ मुखविकूणनम् ) for छिच्चालओ ( PL.) Sifa (2, 41 ) crab' against faz (PL.) is supby ported Guj. 49371. fazê ( or fafat) (GS. 1,91 ) ( noted also by PSM. but erroneously as a 9,83 for 1.999alphabet', should be part ( or farm ) as shown by Guj. apet or 93'the post-consonantal vowel sign for a short or long. v'. Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14. In the case of facq (7, [cf. foc (3, 36) and and Sk. : in the same and] and fat (7, 89)'alms given in the thrashing floor' (f), charitable gift' (1) alms ' ( भिक्षा ) and छिप्पालो ( 3, 28 ) > corn ( सस्याक्तों गौ: ) ] we feel that can explain variation [cf. focy (3, 36) C an ox fond of stands for, which with छ. 14 6 > " 57) the tail' (g) (3, 29), (PSM.) sense (ND. s. v. छेपारे। 2. च्छ / त्थ variation 15. कोत्थर (2, 13 ) ' skill ' (विज्ञानम् ). In the com. Hemacandra notes F as a variant form. Many MSS. read and for the accepted form. The forms with are supported by actual occurrences at MP. 4, 18, 1; 9, 18, 6, 28, 27, 14; 48, 4, 7; 84, 3, 16; 86, 8, 2. At some of these places the word is glossed with, मनाज्ञ, मनोहर or कौतुकात्पादक. But in all these contexts 6 i. e. skilful, competent' fits well. See DMP. s. v. काच्छर, कुच्छर R. incorrectly renders fa as 'knowledge.' 6 3. 2/3/3/3 variation 16. aar (7, 83 ). 1. unmarried,' 2. 'deviod of affection, unkind ( निःस्नेह : ) ; 3. piece ( खण्ड: ); 4. 'cheek (3: ); 5. servant' (:). ( • 1. Guj. aiat unmarried presupposes a form वंढओ. So in this sense we should have वंढो for वंठेा. " 3 Sk. 02: 'share, portion', Pk. वंग, H. ata, Guj. ate; Sk. quafa' divides, shares, allots,' Pk. a etc. show that the form should be and Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ IS not . See ND. S. v. बाँडनु, बाँडो, बाँड़ cf. Sk. (lex.) वण्ड — to share'. If खण्ड: means खण्डित — broken, maimed ', we have to compare Sk. बण्ड. (also spelt वण्डः वण्टः, वण्ठ ), Guj. atêr 'tailless, maimed '. See ND. s. v. afai. 5. DN. 6. 88 notes बंधो ' servant', though Sk. ( lex.) has वण्ठः and वाँट: in the meanings ' tailless or crippled, unmarried, servant, dwarf'. SH. 8, 4, 447 has वठे। ' dwarf' (PSM. ). Guj. बांठियो dwarf', बांलु 'dwarfish ', presupposes a form बठो. कुडरिच (v. 1. कुदु', कडु', कुडु, कुड°, कुडव्वि) ( 2, 41) ' sexual intercourse' (सुरतम). Cf. कोट्टुम् = रम् (2, 50: SH. 8, 4, 168); कोमिय = रतिक्रीडा विशेष ( PSM.), कोटमिउ (V. 1. कोडमिउ) = सुरतम ( PC. 14, 11,8), कोदमिअ (V. 1. कु. ) ibid.' (PC. 79, 11, 4). PSM. notes also कुड्डबी. cf. PSM. वद्यमगं and वडुमग'' वडूमग = वर्मक. 18. झलिआ ( 3, 55) — moving about ' (चकमणम् ). झडुली ( 3, 61) — sport, play' ( क्रीडा). झोडलिआ (3, 60 ) - Rasa-like play ' ( रासकसहनी क्रीडा ). But there is also झद (SH. 8, 4, 161 ) = भ्रम्. 19. पडुआ (6, 8) - kick' ( चरण घात: ). Other synonymous words given are पत्थरा and पड्डला ___ (for पदटुला ? ). One of the variants is पटुआ (or पट्टया) Guj. 913 (f.) “kick' presupposes 923311. 20. मटुहिअ (v. 1. मड्ड', मइड, मद्दु, etc.) (6,146) turbid' (कलुषम्) The meaning 'the anger of a married woman' (परिणीतायाः कोपः ) is obviously metaphorical, So also the third meaning - impure' (अशुचि ). R.'s. meaning Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 "tear' ( 3724 is incorrect. It is based on a misunderstanding of the Pk. symonym 395. PL. 158 has 93731' = 30 TH. The two appear to be the same. The latter is connected with 9+57, ste to make turbid'; cf. 935=xH SH. 8, 4, 154; DN. 6. 29; ste to muddle' PC. 2, 13, 4; 26, 11, 3; SH. 8, 4, 439 (3); 311816 PC. 4, 10, 3; 26, 7, 1; 76, 9, 5, Moreover we have sziki (1, 137 ), and com, says, "according to some skie3 ', in the sense of the anger of a married woman' ( 5612: fag). This also fixes up 45fe3'. Cf. H 'to shake violently, to agitate ( mass of water )-392 PC. 23, 13, 5; 37134 ibid. '-31750 PC. 17, 10, 4. 21. sität (1, 151 ) knot of the lower garment' (नीवी) Among the variants there are ओवटी and उबट्टी. PL. has 331-A. Guj. M. À part of the lower garment crossed to form a knot on the waist supports the spelling with z. From the mode of forming this knot ( viz., by first crossing the borderparts twisted to form cords, and then tucking them up on the sides ), we can suggest derivation from Sk. 1972 Pk. 31177, 312zz. ST (3, 40, com.) 'old'. Hem. notes this as given by others for Gis1. Sk. atos, 4203, 9703 (from an, 207, 2007) show that FTUS (Sk. lex. ) derives from through 770, FRET was possibly misread for Pk. eat, Sk. 93.. 23. agat (7, 29), 1, 5811 (7, 24 ) ' a cold' (578: ). 4. la variation 24. 4701, (7, 85) · handsome : 1 92: ), 'learned, well trained' (agfarfeza: ). Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 11 Many a MS. reads 7721. This seems to be the correct reading in the light of Pk. पत्तट्ठो ' learned, well-grounded ' occurring in Jain canonical texts. It derives from Sk. प्राप्तार्थ, 5. ड/उ variation 25. पिडच्छा (6, 49) a female friend ' ( सखी ). PSM. notes 793531 in the same sense. (It is also used at Sc. 1, 176, 1d). In view of the scribal tendency to confuse & and 3 and in view of the parallelisms माइ, माउआ = माता, मातृका; सखी मामि = मातुलानि, सली माउच्चा, माउच्छा = मातृश्वसा, सखी पिउच्छा = पितृश्वसा, सखी it is likely that really f4581 was nothing but a w. r. for faz 31. 6. थ/ध/व variation 26. थसलो ( also थसो) (5. 25) • broad, extensive' ( विस्तीर्णः). of धसलो (5,58) — ibid'. Besides there is also नसलं (7,33)=दीघम्. cf. also थरी (5, 51 ), पूरी (6, 56 ) 'a weaver's implement' ( तन्तुवायोपकरणम् ). 7. द/र vairation 27. दोसाणि (5, 51 ) 'purified, cleaned ' ( निर्मलीकृतम्). cf. रोसा, ( SH. 8, 4, 105; DN. 7, 12 ) = मृजू 'to purify’ and t1f01311=72: (PSM.). 8 मस variation 28. चिमिणी (3, 11) · hairy ' ( रोमश:). cf. विसिणो ( 7, 64) — ibid. ' and the confusion between च and च. Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 29. मब्जोक्कं ( 6, 118 ) ' fresh ' ( प्रत्यग्रम् ). (8, 3) ibid '. 6 cf. C 30. मज्झओ ( 6, 115 ) barber' ( नापित: ). cf.सज्जिओ ( 8, 47; v. 1. सझिओ, सज्जओ ) ' ibid.'. 31.6, 137 com., SH. 8, 4, 106 ) and g (8, 52 com, SH 8, 4, 161 ) to break' (). 32.,, (4, 12, com., SH 8, 4, 161) 'to turn round, wander' ( श्रम् ). 33. फुम्, फुस् ( 4, 161 com., SH. 8, 4, 161 ) = भ्रम्. 34. थिरणामो (5, 27 ) ' fickle-minded ' ( चलचित्तः; यः क्वचिदपि gfà a asaifa ). cf. fana (Tr.) which, deriving from Sk. fer a Ra, confirms the sense given above. B. Phonological Variation Besides the graphic variants produced through the carelessness or ignorance of the scribes, we have in DN. variant forms which derive from some phonological development in MIA. As Des'ya words had heterogeneous sources, differing among themselves chronologically as well as regionally, it is natural to find in Des'ya lexicons items that exhibit different stages of phonological development or varying dialectal treatment. Comparison and analysis havereve aled the following types of variation : (1) varying treatment of a/ai// before a cluster; (2) variation between cluster with an initial nasal and one without it; Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 19 (3) variation between two contiguous vowels and their contraction; (4) variation between initial 5,7,7 ore and their loss; (5) variation between an aspirate stop and a (6) variation between an unvoiced stop and its voiced form; (7) a la (8) /a; (9) gla(); (10) 7 / its loss, (11) 3 / 2; (12)ą / ; (13) 3/?; (14) 12. (15) a/T; (16) 70/ 5; (17) F1 / Hlqi (18) dental / cerebral; (19) palatal / dental; (20) a) ; (21) nonaspirate aspirate; (22) single consonant , its geminate; (23) nasal i its loss; (24) initial vowel / its loss; (25) initial syllable , its loss; (26) medial vowel / its loss; (27) cases involving assimilated forms; (28) 3 / 31; (29) 311 / 31; (30) cases involving metathesis; Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 (31) cases involving haplology; (32) unclassified cases. (1) 3 / 311 and c/ g variations As Prakrit had always a short vowel before a cluster, 31 and 5 in such a Position were always short. There being no special character or device to represent short sit and short y, they were written loosely either as ait, ç or as a, 5. Moreover, in some dialects, 311, , and ; in close syllables seem to have undergone some change in quality also, as is shown by MIA. and NIA. evidence, alhough its exact character and conditions are as yet more or less undefined. Hemacandra has noted in his grammar these variations (SH. 8, 1, 85; 116). and has also made remarks under DN. 2, 101. At several places in the DN. com. too he has noted such variants. See Pischel 8884, 119, 122, 125, 127 (i). An af (or ) variant (as the case may be ) for the following has been noted by Hemacandra in the commentary (or elsewhere): 35-49. swafest (1, 112, etàaoui (1, 130 ), Jāni 1, 136), 375€ (1, 101), 35970 (1, 103), grafisk (1, 133) 371373 (1, 119). 5690421 (1, 122 ), J591120i (1, 103), (2, 33 ). g5H (3, 14), fers (3, 35; 3, 39), 4907 (6, 106 ), tzzau (7, 14), 3* (7, 23). 50-52. For atza ( 2, 13), 313#**(3, 33) an 3-variant is noted in the com. 012 (4, 44 com; SH. 8, 4, 143 ) and gas (SH, 8, 4, 143 ) to throw' (fan). Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (ii). There are other cases of doublets, which though given by Hemacandra as independent items, come under this category: 53 3E13 (SH 8. 4, 125 ), ateiz (1. 163 ) to snatch.' 54 Format (2 34), Flagzit, (2, 65) jackal'. 55. 5617 7e (2, 50 ), 4 (SH 8, 4, 76 com.) .call' ( 591+r). 56 347 (2, 37 ) 'village headman.' wife ait (2, 48 / one who creates dissensions among the village people and becomes deceitfully the master of the village.' 57. gant (6, 133 ) the beam of a house.' Hout (8 4). ibid.' 58. U ( 6, 94 ), gage (1. 128 ) and all (6 95 ) ___ on the one hand and बोकड (6, 96) and वोकिल्लो (7, 80 ) on the other, :59. #F7F5 (7, 14, 'thrown or blamed ' (aaa), 'con cealed' (ta), put to shame' (aifsa ). cf. ff.37 (7, 28 ) thrown or blamed' ( 37114), concealed' ( A ). 59a. sta (7, 12 com.; SH 8 4, 185) “grind? (fuq), Fault (7, 8) 'grind-stone' (7237). 60 falet 8, 29 ) snoring sound ( Rif#1916: ) ct, a3841 (8 43 ) 'snapping sound produced by the thumb and the middle finger' ( acgfuvara:) (iii) In other cases we have a corresponding 311 - or 3 – variant (or T - or <- variant ) as the case may be, occurring in Pk or Ap. literature and mostly reco. rded in PSM: 61. itazii (1, 155), 'upper garment' Befan (PSM.) ibid.' Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 gefeq (PSM.), 3520 (PC.) ibid.' 62. atafieit (1, 169) .attacked' (81815a:). grafiait (PSM; PC.; MP.) ibid. 63. Paret (3. 10) · child'. cf. aga, aga (PSM.) 'pupil'. 64. 3c93ant (3, 17) 'window'. cf, 970912 (PSM.) 'ibid'. 65. fg8+ (3, 36) 'adulterer'. cf. Ez (PSM; PC.) ' adulteress'. 66. Tot (3, 31 ) 'small lane' ( SETEIT). cf. feften, fået (PSM.) · an opening in the fence: serving as a passage '. 67. (3, 32 ) - worn out household utensils like: winnowing fan etc. ' (stoje pufgqf2014). fgazo (PSM.) ibid.' 68. g'at ( 4, 11; 2, 73 ) man of an untouchable caste" ( 2497: ). siat (PSM.)' ibid. ' cf. Sk. stra, 5ta, 219. 69. fee ( 4, 15 com.; SH 8, 4, 99 ) roar' (5), ( MP. 55, 5, 1 ) · ibid' 70. agi ( 5, 23)‘locust' ( 27H ). fakt, fagi (PSM. ) * ibid.' 71. Meet ( 5, 44 ) elephant." TITIE ( PSM.; Ap. literature ) ' ibid.' 72. Arzt ( 6, 58 ) • a cowherd, a buffalo herd.' fůsiat ( PSM.)‘ibid.' * (6, 147 ) wilful, unrestrained'( Fazat ;) #fesi): (1, 156 com.). HEFS ( SH. 1. 4, 366; PC.) “unrestrained, free, unbound' (T). 73. Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 23 74. 631 ( 8, 70 ) 'stake '(901: ). 13317 (PSM.). ibid. ' (iv). In other cases we have a variant in NIA. derivatives. 75. 33 (1, 85 ) 'well-digger.' cf. Guj. ejte ibid.' (From Kannada entz). 76 g (2, 74 ) 'cottage, room' ( 5 ). cf. Guj. M. anat room, single room used as a tenament' (IAL, 3946 ). 77. 4791 (6, 86 ) noise to scare away'( iftafaa' 1758:). cf. Guj 55121, 191, 457121, 492137 · hissing of an enraged snake, etc '; H a t hiss'. Besides we have alcu' (Guj. ), 3772 (H.), etc. ( IAL. 2547 ); aan ( Guj. ), # (H.) etc. (ND. se ); 45°, gta (Guj., etc.) (ND. f3s ); ŠIA (H. ), etc. (ND. SH ); ote (Guj. ), fèft (H.) etc. fůstat (Guj.); 19 (Guj. ); è13 ( Guj., H. M. etc. ) (ND. Ĉ13 )--these support one of the variants in the pairs given just above. (2) Variation between a cluster with an initial nasal and one without it. Prakrit grammarians have taken note of sporadic nasalization in clusters. They have collected the instances under half or 870ft group. See Pischel § 74. Conversely a nasal cluster has become a long consonant or the nasal is lost. 78. 3fia (1, 26 ) ( 791972: ). Hemacandra rejects ( in com. ) 315fecat which, he says was erroneously read by some. Tr. has eficà. Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24 79. अयतचि, अवअच्चिा (according to some.) ( 1, 47) — Plump, fleshy' ( उपचितम् , मांसलम् ). The forms derive from *अतितञ्चितम् ( Doshi ), *अवतचितम्. cf तम्च् ' to contract,' आतञ्च् ' to cause coagu lation.' ' butter-milk.' 80. अछि (1, 14) आकृष्टम्. अच्छिविअच्छी (1, 41 ) पर पराकर्षणम्. 81. खुड्य (2, 71 ) — stumbling' (स्खलितम् ). This is probably the same as *eaza, deriving from खुइ. cf. उक्खुइ, पक्खाइ etc. 82. गुलुच्छ (7,92) ' turning round ' (भ्रमितम् ) has a variant गुलुछ.. cf. Sk. गुलुच्छः and गुलु'छ: ' bunch'. 83. चुप्पालओ (3, 17) a window' ( गवाक्षः ). cf. चुपालओ . (PSM.) ‘ibid?. 34. चुछो (3, 15) परिशोषित:. तुच्छ' (5, 14) अवशुष्कम्. 85. 'दि (4. 19) ' the roar of a lion ' (सिंहरुतम् ). _cf. Pk. णद्दि from Sk. नर्दितम्. 86. फसुलो, फसलो ( 6, 82 ) ' released ', ' left ' ( मुक्तः ). 87. फुक्की (6, 84), 'washerwoman' (रजकी ). उप्फुकिआ ( 1, 114) 'ibid.' cf. हिक्का (8, 66) 'washerwoman'. 88. बिंबविणय (6,98) 'pillow.' cf. fasa13707" and fàcarsi (PSM.) ibid.' 89. पप्फुभ (6,64), पपुआं (6, 12 ) दीघम. 90. रिक ( 7, 6) — little ' and लिंको (7, 22 ) ' child ' (बाल:). 91. सिंबीर' (8, 28 ) - straw' (पलालम् ). cf. सिप्पीर - straw' PC. 47, 6, 1 (gl. शुष्कतृण); 62, 11, 4 etc; DMP. 779, PSM.; also सिप्पिर. Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 25 सिप्प (8, 28 ); छीप्पीर ( 3, 28) — ibid.' 92. सिप (8, 32 com.; 8, 4, 96 ). सिप्प् (PSM.) — to sprinkle ' ( सिच् ). 93. हिंडोलण' (8, 76 ), हिडालणय (8, 76) when compared with हिड्डोलण (i. e. metathesis of हिल्लोडण 8, 69 ) show ण्ड् for इड or simplification of a conjunct. (3) Vowel contraction There are several cases wherein items having contiguous vowels are found with their vowels contracted. For vowel contraction in Pk. see Pischel 88 165-168. The cases involving q and q also are included here. We have contractions of (i) आअ> आ, (ii) अइ > ए. (iii) अय > ए, (iv) अउ > ओ, (v) अव > ओ, (vi) उअ> ऊ (उ), (vi) एअ> ए, (viii) ओअ> ओ. (i) आअ (आय) > आ 94. करघायला ( 2, 22 ), कग्घाडा ( 2, 53 ) — coagulated milk (किलाटः ). 95. डाअल ( 4, 9 ) · the eye'; दालिअ ( > दाअलिअ ) ( 5, 38 ) 'ibid'. 96. पाडवण (6, 18 ) · falling at the feet'. From पावडण> पायवडण, Sk. पादपतनम. पामद्दा (6, 40 ) ' crushing grain with feet,' From पायमद्दा, Sk. पाद + *मर्दा. 98. राअला, राला रल्ला ( 7, 1 ) — the पियॉ creeper.' 99. वायउत्तो, वाउत्ती (7, 88) ' an adulterer, a profligate' ( विटः, जारः ). Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 (ii) अइए 100. अइराणी (1,58), एराणी ( 1,147) — Indra's consort' ( इन्द्राणी). 101. मइहरो (6, 121 ), मेहगे (ibid., com.) — the village headman' (ग्रामप्रवर:). cf. PSM. मयहरो. (iii) अय> ए 102. वेणिों ( 7, 75) • censure' (From *क्यणिअं, Sk. वचनीयम्). For the shortening cf. Pk. पाणि, Sk. पानीयम् . 103. वयली, वेली ( 7, 34) — sort of creeper ' ( निद्राकरी लता ). 104. मेडभा ( 6, 139), 'a deer snare ' (मृगतन्तुः). This derives from मयड भी > Sk. मृग-दभ: 'a deception for deer'. cf. Pk. दंभा. डंभो. With मृग-तन्तु: cf. lexical मृगजालिका in the same sense. (iv) अउ > ओ 105. तउवट्टिा , तोवट्टो ( 5, 23 ) — sort of ear-ornament called त्रपुपट्टिका in Sk.' 106. बउहारी, बोहारी (6, 97) ' broom ' derive from बहुआरी i.e. बहुकारी 'the multiplier, the bringer of abundance,' the euphemistic coinage for the tabooed word Amit or its equivalents. 107. मउडी (6, 117), मोडी (6, 117) जूट:. (v) अव > ओ () 108. दवत्ति (Ap. literature ) quickly, suddenly '. दुत्ति ( from दात्ति) (5, 41 ) quickly' (शीघ्र ). 109. दवरा (5, 35 ) ' thread ' ( तन्तुः) (cf. Guj. दोरा, H. दोरा ). Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 27 aiti ( 5, 38) · a girdle' (fan). cf. Guj. ait in Old Guj. maigi, Mod. Guj. and in the same sense. (vi) 337 > 3 110. gaz (SH. 8, 1, 119 ) • fine cloth' ( cf. Pk. guz" Sk. 0554 ). ge' ( 5, 41 ) . cloth' (227). (vii) 937 > 111. (afez (7, 77; SH. 8, 4, 89 ) · inlaid (97994). afdant ( 7, 77 ) jeweller' (#01#12: ). (viii) STIST > 311 112. 0131591, 9151 (6, 63 ) sort of creeper' ( faciat 07771) (cf Sk. arazit). (4) Loss of the initial stop. In a number of cases we have alternate forms with the difference of the initial stop. The general trend in Prakrit was to preserve the initial stop, but at the beginning of the second number of a compound, the stop was liable to be treated as in the word-interior and elided, depending upon the cohesiveness within the compound (Pischel. § 184). The words collected below present a mechanical list. No attempt is made to discuss their derivation. Only some of them may have a phonological origin, the others deriving from divergent sources. It will be noted that in the list, words beginning with 4 predominate. In the case of initial aspirated stop, only the aspiration() is preserved. Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 113. अकेल्ली (1, 7) the Asoka tree.' कंकेल्ली (2, 12) 114. अग्घाडो ( 1, 8) the 3111Ali tree.' कग्घाडा (2,53) 115. अवि (1, 10) 1. told, said,' चविअ (from चव् 3, 4; SH. 8, 4, 2) (कथितम् ). 116. अरवि दर (1, 45) | long ' ( दीर्घम् ). दरविंदर ( 5, 52 ) 117. इरिआ ( 1, 80 ) 'cottage ' ( कुटी ). चिरिया (3, 11) cf. मिरिया ( 6, 132) ' ibid'. 118. उक्कु डो (1,91 ) 1'intoxicated, कुक्कुडा ( 2, 37) J arrogant' (मत्तः). 119. उक्कुरुडा ( उक्कुरुडी ) (1,110)] ' heap, heap of कुक्कुरुडा ( 2, 13) refuse or dirt' besides मुक्कुरुडो (6,136)। ( राशि: उत्करः, निकरः मुग्घरुडे (, ,,) अवकरराशिः ). घुघरुडा (2, 109) With उस्कुरुडो and मु° cf. उवहइ and मु(SH. 8, 2, 174); इरिआ ( 1, 80 ) and मिरिआ (6, 132). 120. उच्छिल्ल (1, 95 ) — hole, opening'. कुच्छिल्ल ( 2, 24) 'hole or opening in the fence'. 121. उरी (1,88) } — animal' (पशुः ). कुररी (2, 40) 122 उल्ली (1, 87) — fireplace ' ( चुल्ली). Pk चुल्ली, Sk चुल्ली — fireplace'. 123. ऊआ ( 1, 139) · louse' (यूका ). जूआ ( PSM.) 'ibid'. Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 29 124. SITI (1, 140 ) I sort of pit' ANT (2, 44 ) S ( nafasta:). 125. Bland ( 1, 5) 'day. cf. Franza to-morrow, yesterday, dawn,' F iftra everyday' : 37034a ( 1, 19 )'dawn'. 126. 3'534 (1, 80 ) 'smelled'. ffaqat · smelled' (PSM.). cf. PSM. fia 'to smell’; fansmelling'. 127. yaan (5, 57 ) 'speed' (an:). cf. 299* = pigg speedily, quickly and uifae (afat ) and 1a (8, 75 ) ' a fast rumner, courier' (from Sk. 1717 to run '). (5) Loss of occlusion from initial aspirated stop 128. fget ( 6, 84 )'a dwarf'( 7189: ). fast (8, 67)‘ibid." 129. In the light of these, it is not outright specula tive to suggest that fufiat (6, 47, kite' stands for फिरिडी, which is the same as हिरडी (8, 68 ). 130. 2317 (6, 85 ) blacksmith'. (cf. PSM. 57, 54 'to blow'). CAT (8, 71 ) blacksmith'. 131. Compare fit and feâit: at SH. 8, 2. 174. (6) Variation between a non-initial aspirated stop and a 132. 435971, HER ( 6, 121 ) 'pride ' ( ota:) 133. f3a7l, formal, Hageftat (1, 41 ) enemy, dress' (Sk. 167: and aq:=Pk. 9T). . Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 If Seo and ses are taken as stem.enlarging pleonastic (or diminutive ) suffixes, the base can be derived from Sk. अक्षिगृह or अक्षिहर. 134. fafeffect ( v. 1 fafciento faz'fe' ) (3, 14 ) 'curds' fefefefHaras (v. 1 ferito , (3, 30) - ibid.' PC. 37, 1, 4 has faffectes and 34, 11, 3 has faffefacts cf. feggiant (3, 29 ) cream of curds' (an:) (7. Initial voicing There are only two cases, both of obscure origin and so equally plausibly explicable as instances of devoicing or of some other, not necessarilly phonogical, process. 135. higan (2, 95) “the Bimba creeper, Momordica monadelpha'. #ICE (2, 39 ) 'the Bimba fruit'( 3 Sk.974). Guj. घोलु presuposes गोल्हअं. 136. YA, 54 (6, 106 com., SH. 8, 4,161) 'to wander' (27). (8) Post-nasal voicing Against the general Prakrit trend to preserve unchanged post-nasal unvoiced stop, Sauraseni exhibits a tendency to voice it, if the cluster is -nt- (Pischel, § 275 ). This type of voicing is known to be a characteristic development in the dialects of the SindhPanjab area, 137. aneesi ( 7, 39 ) Siya's attendants' ( 4791: ). This appears to be the same as वंकच्छा i. e. वक्राक्षाः * cross-eyed ones', Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 31 138. a'rtas (7, 42) ‘hag' (*: ). This appears to be the same as *पकेपडु i.e. पङ्के 910: 'fond of falling in mud. cf. Guj. via 43 'a false claimer, a pretender', lit. One who is in the habit of falling upon another's throat.' 139. fofa' ( 2, 11 ) a small piece of wood’ ( 39918 ) mfes 2. 11 ) 'ibid.' cf fafélai (G. 80)' a piece of stick ( such as can be used to cleanse the teeth crevices )';, fatih (PSM.) · sort of grass '; 'bamboo trough.' 140. Frizst and få55 (2, 29 ) an aquatic bird'. 141. Tgai ( 3, 31 ) 'longing and painful uneasiness due to love' (2072077: ). cf. 2 81 ( 242944, according to some ) (3, 58 ) mental distress '( #11:) i. e. due to separation as is clear from Hemacandra's illustration. cf. also 98 ( 6, 134 )'mental agitation' 478 315391, i.e. due to separation as is clear from the illustration. 142. HDI, Ha (6, 138 ) elephant-keeper's wife." 143. Fritt (1, 87 com. ), 3771 (1, 87 ) a device con sisting of a weighted pole working as a lever for drawing water from a well' ( 9541 ). cf. 371 ( 1.87 ) in the same sense. 144. t ( 7, 55 ) the flower-plant Kunda.' This derives from Sk. araret. cf. Pk arrat, argfaen. Connected with qara spring, not with gia to render fragrant, 'to perfume.' 145. faisait ( 7, 65 ) · Rahu.' From विहुंदुओ < विधुतुदः ( Pischel, 8 9). Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 146. f (4, 9) to fall in water ( जले पत् ) . 6 > This is the same as fe( 4, 9 com., SH. 8, 4, 197) to slip down, fall(). PSM. has noted occurrence fea from KP. (7, 42 ). one (9) Volcing of a medial stop cluster. Voicing of an assimilated, but originally voiceless consonant cluster is known from some instances. involving- -. Pischel has noted instances of,> (§ 326). - from fata (probably isolated from occurence with prepositions, e g. afa) provides an instance of क्षू > क्ष - ( - घ् - ). Further intervocalic -- had a strong tendency to become voiced (Pischel, § 200), and this would explain the one instance of -- > -ब्भ्-. 147. (1, 59; SH 8, 4, 181 ) (1, 48; SH 8, 4. These derive from Sk. 181) = see ibid. (Pischel, § 326). 148. faife (7. 70) destroyed' (afa') The synonyms noted are fafe and fafcufer cf. विब्भाडिय ० = विनाशित PC. 14. 1, 4; 79, 10, 6: विभाडण= विनाश 77, 3, 3; विनाशक 77. 10, 5. Bh. 9, 13, 3. It derives from Sk. fa+za. NC. 3, 11, 13 has fa in the sense insulted' (gl, 341, aifea). SDP. 1368. 6 ( दृश् ). " (10) The initial q/ Variation In a number of instances, an initial - seems to receive the non-initial treatment i. e. changes to . The explanation may be the same as one that serves Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 33 for the elision of initial stops (p. 29), or it may be gought in scribal confusion between 9 and . 149. पग्गेज्जो (6, 15) · collection, mass' (निकरः). वग्गेज्जो (7, 38) · abundant, plenty of ' (प्रचुरः). 150. पडाली (6.9 ) - row' (पकिः ) ___वडाली (7, 8) - ibid.' For पत्तठो] वत्तहो see under वत्तद्धो. 151. पम्हला 16, 13) • filament of lotus, etc.' ( किल्क :). वम्हल ( 7, 13 ) · ibid - (केसरम् ) (Hem. has illustrated these with the same expre ssion : णीमपम्हल, णीमवम्हल). 152. पलही (7,4) — cotton ' ( कर्षासः) वलही (7,32) ' ibid '. cf. पलस (6,70) — cotton fruit' and फलही (6, 82) ' cotton', PSM. फडही. 153. पल्लबाय ( 6, 26) a field ' (क्षेत्रम् ). Also 48919' according to Gopāla as noted by Hemacandra in the com. 154. पाऊ, पाउअ (6, 75) ' sugar-cane'. वाऊ (7, 53 ) ibid.' 155. वउलिअं (7, 44 ) · piece of flesh roasted on a spit.' (शूलाप्रोत मांसम् ). cf. पउलिअ from पउलू (6, 29; SH. 8, 4, 90, 'to cook'. At PC. 77, 13, 1 पओलिय is used with वल्लूर ' dried flesh ' ( cf. DMP. 216, 378, 379 ). 156. वत्तद्धो (7, 85) well-versed ' बहुशिक्षितः and PSM. पत्तत्थो, पत्तट्टो - ibid. ' ( = प्राप्तार्थः ) 157. वडिसर (7, 78) — base of the fire-place' ( चुल्लीमूलम् ) cf. पडिअरो (6, 17 ) - jbid.' Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 158. cf. also वंगो ( 7, 30 ) and Pk. पको; व'गेबद्द (7, 42) from पके and पड़ ( ८ पत् ). 159. पप्पीओ ( 6, 12 ) · the cataka bird.' वप्पीओ (7,33) — ibid.' cf बप्पीहो, वप्पीहो ( 6, 90 ) and H. पपीहा, Guj, बयो. 160. पेंढा (6, 50 ), वे ढसुरा ( 7, 78 ) ' muddy liquor ' फलुषा सुरा.) 161. पेडइओ ( 6, 59 ) ' a grain merchant, a bania grocer" (कणादिविक्रेता वणिक् ). वेडइओ (7, 76) — a merchant ' ( वाणिजक:). 162. वीलण' (7,73) — slimy, slippery ' ( पिच्छिलम् ) cf. पिलण ( 6,49,6,86) • slippery ground 7 पिच्छिलो देश:). (11) ब् / variation This is found in many Sk. words also. MSS. show considrable amount of uncertainty on this point. Most Ap. MSS. have only b. Several NIA. languages (e. g. Bengali, Hindi ) have favoured q at the cost of q. Thus there is an orthographic as well as phonological basis for this variation. व् / ब variation ( initially) 163. The following words are said in the commentary to have an initial a according to some authorities : बण्पीह, बमाल, बोल, (6, 20) बरूअ, बलवट्टी (6,91) बप्फाउल बाउहली (6,92) बीलय, बीअजमण (6,93) बेड (6, 95) 164. Some authorities, according to the commentary read वहवासो (7,47) as बडवासो, वेसण ( 7, 75) as बेसण; Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 35 वेसक्खिज्ज (7, 79) as बेसक्खिज्ज'; वोद्रहो ( 7, 80 ) as बोहो; वुण्णो (7,94) as बुग्णो. 165. विसी ( 7, 61 ) · elephant's trappings' (करिशारिः). This is obviously the same as बिसी (I, 83;-6, 105), बुसि ( PSM. ) as ascetic's seat ' and मिसी, मिसिआ (6, 105 ), Sk. बृषी. 166. With वोकिल्लो (6, 80) 'pseudo-brave' ( अलीकशूरः) Compare बुक्क् ( 6, 94; SH. 8, 4,98) : prattle', • boast ' and its derivatives. Evidence from NIA. indicates initial a for acute (Guj. वगैया, बोल (Guj ), बरुअ (Guj, बरू,) बप्फाउल, (Guj. बाफ), बाउल्ली ( Guj, बावली, बीअजमण (Guj. बी, देड ( Guj. बेडो), वोज्झओ (Guj. बोझो). (12) म् > ब् / व् For this development in Prakrit ( especially in Arabhrams'a) see Pischel, $ 251 ( SH 8, 4,397 ) where dropping of Ħ is also instanced. Many NIA, languages (Gujarati is a limited exception ) have changed medial म् to S (). 167. णमसि ( 4, 22) present promised to a deity for fulfilment of a desire, and generally to propitiate' (उपयाचितकम् ). Hem. notes that according to some, the form was णवसि. cf. Sk. नमस्या ' worship, adoration', नमस्यित्त - wor shipped, adored '; M. नवस = उपयाचितकम्. . 168. वलमय (7, 48 ) ' rapidly, hurriedly, soon' (शीघ्रम् ) cf चकविक्ष (7,48) - ibid. ' Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36 169. विब्भवण', विभमण (v. 1. विन्भमण ) (7. 68) 'pillow'. cf. बिंबोवणय (6,98), बिब्बोवण ( PSM. ) ibid' 170. हरिमिग्गो anb हिरिवं गो (8, 63) ' a stick ' ( लगुड: ). The variants are हरिमग्ग, हरिवंग, हिरबग. The latter half of the word seems to be derived from °4101", which has alternative developments 'मग्ग' and 'बग्ग° (or 'वग).cf. आव गो (1,62) from अपा मार्ग through अवावंग and haplologic dropping of ''. 171. मक्कडबध (6. 127 ) 'a chain ornament for the neck, worn across like the sacred thread, over the left and under the right shoulder '. Most likely this word and वकडबध ( 7, 51 ) ' an ear-ornament ' are of the same origin (मक टब घ?).. 172. मयडो or मडओ ( 6, 115 ) आरामः ___cf. वयढा ( 7, 35 ) वाटिका. 173. मुद्दा (6, 133) — a kiss'. बु दी ( 6, 98 ) · ibid,' cf. Ka. Te. muddidu · to kiss', muddu a kiss'. Ta. muttu, mutti to kiss', Ma. muttu, mutti • a kiss' ( DED. 4063 ). 174. वीसालइ (7, 73; SH, 4, 28) — mixes' (मिश्रयति ). It derives from मीसालइ. मीसालू = मीस् । Sk. मिश्र ) + causal suffix - आल -, attested in Pk. तिक्खाल , देक्खाल् etc. (13) Loss of म. 175. विलमा (7, 34 ) · bow string.' विलइअ ( 7, 92) — strong ( as a bow )' derives from विलवि = विलमि i.e विलमा + - इअं. Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 37 176. 6317 ( 6, 85) blacksmith'. 57, 54 (PSM.) 'to blow'; ghT ( 8, 71 ) 'black smith 177: $96*211 ( 6, 84 ) 'the fire of dry lumps of cowdung' ( 531aifa: ). ( 973371 6, 61 ) also has the same meaning cf. 519641 (PSM.) in the same sense. (14) J> . See Pischel § 240; SH 8, 1, 102. 178. $631, geest ( 2, 63 ) merciless, unkind' ( fata a: ). 179. #St (2, 45): the neck' (utai ). cf. Sk. 3 chest, bosom, lap, the interior of anything, cavity, hollow '. 180. spalat (v. 1. egalo ) pathway through conflagra tion'( 498119: ) Tri. and others have asait. Pischel ( $ 222 ) derives. 39189. from qist. But it is the same as Sk. 3f.. See IAL. 1102. cf. Pk. दढ and डडड burnt.' दुहोली (V. 1. दुद्धोली (5, 43 ) row of trees, avenue’ seems to have Sk. or g# as its first constituent. 181. aa'at (7, 75 ) besides Sk. fast, Pk. fàżą and Sk. rasa, Pk. fasan, azal. az'an. 182. Escat (8, 61 ) talkative person, person indulging in empty talk ' ( 964707). cf. Guj 4661 person given to much senseless talk. cf. Pk 7509, 731% 'sort of vessel or container '. Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 183. TEXT (8, 72) hiccough '( fe#1). Guj. हेडकी · hiccough ' presupposes हेडुक्का, हेडकिआ.. . cf. cotton' with its variant 450. (15) <> . See Pischel, § 244. 184. वेदूणा ( or विद्दणा ) besides वेलणा (or वेलणय ) ( 7, 65/ shame, bashfulness' (BIF). 185. Hafant (2, 59 ) cloud'. cf. Sk. Fe'fauft, Pk. #afa oft. (16) 5/variation See Pischel, § 241 186. 88 (2, 6), and get (SH. 8, 2, 174 ) crema torium” ( FHRT1AH ). cf. Sk. Prizrenit ( lex ) ‘ibid.' 187. ggost ( 3, 15 ) 'fire-brand, torch' ( 3891 ). PSM. notes its two occurrences from Pk. literature, as also three variants चुडिली, चुडिली. and घडलिया. MP. has three occurrences, but the forms is rates, glossed as 59131. See DMP. S. v. afos, where M. <3, Ka, gfs 'torch of twig or branches are cited for comparison and on the basis of Ka. Te curukkuexccessive heat or fire' and curu. koui• burning fire brand' a Dravidian origin is suggested, See also DED. 2236 and 2237. 188. #77f (2, 16 ). alternatively falet (com. )' coarse cloth' ( F43274 ). Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (17) र/ल variation. See Pischel, $ 257, 189. अस्मिल्ली (1; 24 ) · a tiger .' भलिअली (1,56) ibid.' cf. PC. अलियाल, अलियल्लि (glossed as चित्रक, व्यान) and MP. exfoafers, See DMP. s. v. erfosafes, Tri. has sfru. 190. करियादी 12, 18) मल्लिका. कणय दी or कणय दी (2,58) पाटला. 191. रिक्क (7, 6), · little, small' ( स्तोकम् ). लिंको (7,22) boy child' (बालः ). cf. M. लेका 'boy'. 192. किम ( 7, 14) माक्षिप्तम्, लीनम्. लिकि ( 7, 28) पाक्षिप्तम् लीनम्. 293. वेलुलि (7,77) वैडूर्य म्. cf. वेलुरिम and वेरुलिम ( PSM.) (18) सून See Pischel, $ 264 Turner, · Some Problems of Sound change in Indo-Aryan,' 1960 p. 29. Bhayani, Some Problems of Apabhrmas'a grammar reconsidered.' Indian Linguistics, 25, 1964, - 71-76. 194. दूसलो, हलो (5,43), ' unfortunate' (दुर्भगः ). 195. विसुली पिहुल (6, 47), ' sort of wind instrument made of straw'. 196. • रेसि (7,9) ' cut' (छिन्नम् ). रेहिम (7. 10) 'with tail cut off' (छिन्नपुच्छम् ). Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 40 197. 981 ( 6, 4) cotton' (H9fa: ) (noted also at SH. 8, 2, 174). cf. 9358" (6, 70 ) 'cotton fruit’ ( 899%SA ). Fet (6, 82 )' ibid.' aset (7, 32). ibid.' PSM has noted occurrences of both पलही and फलही from literature. For the latter there occurs also a variant $$&? (GS. 549 ). (19) FET / 55 Variation. This derives from alternative treatments of an original . See Pischel, § 317–322. 198. effas', 3498f=8037" (1, 40) shaven face' (Fagfaa' gain). the forms presuppose an original containing qe, it is not clear whether the forms derive from Sk. 31974, 197 to chip off; to chop off'. 199. 24487a, 472972, 342979, 81752 8797589, 89059 ayva, to see' (1, 48; 1, 59 com; SH. 8, 4, 181 ). From 1957, Pischel, § 326, 499. 200. gatit (3, 38 ) child, moon'. MP. 50, 12, 12 has this in the sense moon '. The gloss on the world is 915 : At MP. 17, 4, 5 we have BRT ( v. 1. g ) in the same sense. Obviously it should be खुट्टहीर, खुद्द and छुद्द both deriving from Sk. g. A child or moon is meta phorically get: ‘gemlet ’. 201, fezent, fiset ( 7, 6) old man' (*) Possibly a derisive slang expression, deriving from a: 'bear'. Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ cf. Pischel, § 261. 202. of (8, 17) broom' ( समार्जनी ). (20) σ > . C cf. Pk. g, geofta Jain monk's broom'. (from Sk. wipe out '), The word, therefore, derives from Pk. संपु छणी, from Sk. सम् + प्रोन्छु. (21) Cerebralization of dentals C See Pischel, § 218. a' ). 203. at, (5, 1) (Guj. टट्टइआ ( 4, 1 ) ' curtain ' ( तिरस्कारिणी ). ( cf. H. टट्टी, Guj . टट्टी, ताटी ). 204. feet (4, 9) 41 PL. (360) has feet. 38) eye'. hedge. fence' afa: Hemacandra's meaning is misunaderstood by R. who renders it as an image, and by Doshi who takes it to be synonymous with पुतलिका. ffa (5, 39) a fool' (:) is a metaphorical extension of the above meaning. < post, pillar' (E). 205. (5, 33) es, feet, feat (4,7) cloth made from stiched pieces' ('faifa ag'sıfa, eda'aftagaयुगलमू ) cf. Guj. aife', eife in the same sense. 206. (5, 38 ) ' eye '. < (4,9) ibid. Besides there is 4 ( 6, ( 207. कुदीर (2, 39 ) the fruit of the Bimba plant, Momordica monadelpha' (fatal: 404). Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ cf gáz (5, 14 ) the fruit of sweet the variety of the Bimba plant, Momordica monadelpha' (Agtfarag). R. incorrectly renders Rys here as 'charming.' It is in contrast with the fara or variety (as in Tot or fazagost ). Cf. Ta. tontai, Ma. tonti, Ka. tonde, tondi, konde( DED, 2880 ); Sk. afūz#1, afossfit, afuerit; M. atat, aszt. Guj. Astă and M. asat differ from the rest in having a front vowel in the first syllable, against the back vowel of other forms. For the variation between the dental and cerebral cf. diger below. 208. a'ga' (5, 17). Diospyros embryopteris ' (a's). cf. Sk. féin, farg4, Pk, fåg, fagy, a'g, agu; H. dig and Pk. facai, H. Året. 209. o'gt, (4, 3) "Diospyros embryopteris ( cf. Sk. org5, gaat). fiat (4, 3) ibid. cf. Guj. टीमरु, H. टिंबरू which presuppose टिपरम-, fåsage- or fang5. cf. Sk. 777 belly’, lex. Oftast navel', H. zo, Guj. 5# (ND. s. v. ata ). 210. gfaat (v. 1. gfit grati.) ( 6,98 ) buffalow.' Tr. has afit. This seems to be the original form, to be explained as an agentive in 'st from get to inmerse, to be submerged in water.' This points to the characteristic habit of the buffalow. cf. also a# ( 6, 98 ) and y'etzt (6, 106). pig.' Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 43 211. fagogant (7, 65 ) Rāhu' from fag*gat = falou: (Pischel, $ 9). (22) Palatal/dental variation cf. Pischel, $ 215, 216. 212. g'at (3, 15 ) 'completely dried up, emaciated" (apartida:). gae' (5, 14 ) withered, dried ( 24959697 ). 213. 4583 ( 3 4 com.; SH. 8, 4, 194 chop' (an). 2373 (SH, 8, 4, 194, PSM. ) ibid.' But चन्छु can be also derived from Sk. त्वक्ष. 214. (3, 19 goad 'need not be connected with Sk. ata as it can be derived from Sk. ge to impel'. 215. goat (5, 22) (feasa: Sk 07:) and goat (3, 15). Arag: may be of different origins, cf M.'ghec' and Old G. 5798 'fatty substance' etc. 216. faza' (8, 30 ) kingdom' (71647) cf fat ( 8, 30 ) ibid'. faigaa ( 8, 54) . ibid. 217. #ita (6, 116 ) ' chain, fetter' TECJA). 1 6, 141 ) ibid'. 218. cf. also PootaHa7 13, 29 ) the Durvā grass ?.. fhoutanaI (3. 46 ) ibid. (23) a/g varlation. cf. Pischel, § 211. 219. gået ( also ga) 98 ( 6 53; SH. 8, 4, 105 )' to wipe ' ( 73 ). Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44 220. छिप्पीर 13, 26) • straw' ( पलालम ). सिप्पीर, सिप्पिर ( PSM ) ·ibid.' 221. छिहडओ ( 3, 29 ) · cream of curds' ( दधिसरः ). छिहिडिभिल्ल ( 3, 30) (v. 1. छिह ङि' ) ' curds ' ( दधि ). cf. सिह डइल्ल ( 8, 54 ) ' ibid'. cf. Pk छिह'डे, छिह डि and सिंहडा, सिहडि, 222. छिप्प ( 6, 36). छेप्प ( PSM) ' tail' cf. Vedic शेप, शेय्या — tail.' 223. छिप्पालो (3,28) • ox fond of corn' ( सस्यासक्तो गौ:) cf. सिप्प (8, 28 ) ' straw' (पलालम ). 224. पिछोली ( 6, 50 ), पिसुली (6, 47) — a wind instrument made of straw'. (24) Non-aspirate | aspirate variation cf. Pischel, $ 206-209. 225. अचू ( 1, 20; SH 4, 187) = कृष. आंछि (1, 14) आकृष्टम. cf. अय'छ ( 1, 37; SH. 4, 187), आईछ ( 1, 71; SH. 4, 187)-कृष्, and अच्छिविअच्छी (1, 41 ) = परस्पराकर्षणम. 226. जाडी (3 45 ) 'cluster of trees, thicket,' ( गुल्मम् ) झाड (3,57) ' cluster of creepers' ( लतागहनम् ). R. misunderstands लतागहन and renders it as 'a bower of creepers'. That it means ' cluster of intertwining creepers' is clear from the illustr tion under 3, 57. 227. जोडिओ (3 49 ) · a hunter ' ( व्याधः ). झोडिओ (3,60) 'ibid.' 228. पलही (6, 4), पलस (6, 70 ) and फलही (6, 82). Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 45 229. पुस , (6, 53 com ; SH. 8, 4, 105 ) · to wipe ' (मृज). फूस (6, 87 com.; SH. 8, 4, 105) 'ibid. ' 230. अब्भायत्तो ( 1, 31) ' returned ' ( प्रत्यागतः ). According to Gopāla the form is 55717chi and the meaning • followed ' (पश्चाद्गतः ). 231. उप्फ ल् ( 1, 117, SH. 8, 2, 174, = कथ् उप्पाल (SH. 8, 4 2)= कथू. 232. पप्फूज (6,64) • long' ( दीधम् ). पपु (6, 12) - ibid.' 233. चप्फ (3. 20) falsehood ' ( असत्यम् ). SH 8, 3, 38 has चप्फलय= in the sense - liar .' PSM notes also चप्पलअ in the same sense. cf. Tri. चप्पलओ = मिथ्याबहुभाषी and चप्पल = मिथ्यावचः; MP. चप्फल and चप्फलत्त (DMP.); DN. (3, 4) चंचप्पर = असत्यम्, ( Tri. has चंचुप्पर = मिथ्या) 234. प्, र (7,3 com; SH. 8, 4, 194 ) ' to chop' (तक्ष). 235. बुदी (6, 981, भुडीरो, भुडा ( 6, 106) 'pig' and बुदीरो (6, 98) · buffalo.' (25) Single / geminate variation. cf. Pischel, 8 62-65, 87-89, 304 etc. 236. अद्दण्णो and अद्दणो (1, 15) आकुल: cf. आदण्ण = आत ( SH.). 237. ओरल्ली (1, 154) — long and sweet sound ' दीर्घ मधुर ध्वनिः) cf. ओराली · rumbling roar' PC; PSM. etc. Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 46 "238 कोलो (2, 45 ) — neck' (ग्रीवा ). कुल्को (2, 61) — ibid.' 239. जुरुमिल्ल (3. 47 ) ' deep' ( गहनम् ). According to Gopala it is जुरुमिल्लय). (v.1. जुरुमिल्लय'). 240. भमइ, भम्म ड ( 6, 102 com ; SH. 8 4, 161 ) = भ्रम्. 241. णिलको, णिल्लको (4,31) 'spitoon' पतद्ग्रहः). 242. तल, तल्ल ( 5, 19 ) ' bed ' ( शय्या ). 243. दुदुल्लू ढ ढोल ( 4, 15, com.; 17 com.; SH. 8, 4, 189) _ 'to search ' ( (गवेषु ). 244. हिला, हिल्ला ( 8, 66 ) — sand' (वालुका ). 245. तड् , तइड (5, 5 com. SH 8, 4, 137) — to stretch' (तन् ). 246. णडुली and णड्डुली ( 4, 20 ) — tortoise ' ( (कच्छपः ). 247. गेडाली (4, 43.), गिड्डाली ( PC. 8, 2, 1 ) · a head ornament.' 248. सपणा सपण्णा ( 8, 8 ) 'wheat flour for preparing the sweetmeat धृतपूर 249. वेदूणा ( also वेलूणा ), बे दुणा (7, 65 ) ' shame' (लज्जा ). 250. खो and खवे। ( 2, 77) ' the left hand .' 'a donkey.' ___cf. Sk. खर्व : ' mutilated, crippled, imperfect, dwar fish.' (EWA 1. 304; 1AL. 3832). 251. वोविल्लो ( 7, 80 ) — falsely brave, a preudo brave person. ( ( वोकिल्लो stands for बेोक्किलो or बुकिल्लो, इल्ल being a possessive suffix. ( अलीकशूरः ). बुक्क् means 'to thunder, to bark, to shout, to make an emply boast '. cf. बुक्कासारी (6, 95) 'a coward'. This parallels Sk. गेहेनदी and गोष्ठेनर्दी. Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 47 (26) Lost of a nasal 252. māti, a ae (1, 8)'a panel of the entrance door'. PL. (791 has eara in the same sense ( fase is 95% plank' according to PSM and Doshi in PL. but area · door-bolt' according to Doshi in DN. p. 16). 253. 8431, waant (1, 37 ) stale (or wet' hardened dough' (taifwayefaqaf#1 ). (27) Lost of initial vowel cf. Pischel, $ 162. 254. TAM, RF ( 7, 3) = 92:, 903H. cf. Pk. 37FR (PSM), Sk. 3oat:, s1f7677: 'a small earthen water-jar'. At MP. 5, 19, 11 and 93, 2, 4 it is glossed differently with अलग्जर, अलिञ्जर जलभाजण and 343535. Tr. and PL. also record the word. cf. M. ciao a large earthern water jar'. ( DPM. 195 ). 255 E120° (1, 25 ) upper garment.' ( 37 ). gica ( 8, 72, 'a cloth '. (qan). 256. ayago (1, 23), 9: 3 5, 26 ) = 491074. 257. arqu' (7, 57 ) present of food ( 31134191477 ). This obviously derives from Sk. उपायनम् Pk. उवायण with apherisis of zo. cf. Sk lex. anya, Guj 9199* present of sweetmeats during a religious or festive occasion'. In 3855' (1, 162 ) and 352 (7, 18 ) fasat (1, 157), faszt ( 7, 12) and ST (1, 172 ) = 3r189, तृष्णापर; and लोहडो (7,25) = लम्पट:, tha difference is possibly due to the prefix ओं ( < अप-, अव-, उदू-). Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 48 (28) Loss of an initial syllable. cf. Pischel, $ 150 258. J5917° ( accroding to some fazsajao ) (1, 129 ) .ex tensive, free from misery' (fêteorin, rag:ag ). 259. ASTI ( 6 120 ) tumult' (aga:). faseT (7, 72) 'confused noise' ( 7.6573: ). It is not clear whether विमलिअ (7,92) सशब्दम् 'noisy' is connected with this. In Ap. literature set alone is found (see PC. 36, 12, 1; 40, 13, 4; 72 1, 4; 87, 12, 3; differently glossed as 76, afst, 3717). 260. Gignt or arkn0311 ( 7, 61 ) . an astroleger who fixes. the auspicious day for the marriage' (at). faara 1791347 ( 6. 111 ) ' ibid'. DN. 6, 111 gives hat in the sense of faalgt?.. But when it is given as the meaning of aignoit at 7, 61 R. misunderstands it and hence he renders it as 'a minister'. 261. Mget, OE ( 4, 20 ) 'tortoise “ (#539: ) gost ( 5, 42 ) tortoise '. cf, f. ( Amarakośa ), gros, alay (Hemacandra's. Abhidhānacintamani) and got in the same sense, as noted by Doshi (p. 385 ). (29) Loss of a medial vowel. cf. pischel § 148. 262. 181951 (2. 22 ) besides 7,918( < #191981) (2, 53 ) 'coagulated or inspissated milk ( S2: ), DN. 2, 22 also gives 7791771. Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 263. gaan (2, 109 ) frog'. GEZA (2, 109 ) ' ibid. Both go back to *gga (onomatopoetic ). cf. Sk. 36921, 96821, 38*2,*99*67. (30) Assimilation. 264. ( 3, 24 ). The plant forget-me-not. (5f97.57: ). This has resulted from the (DN 3, 24 ) through assimilation of open to the preceding 3. Pk. 'to touch ' might have aided the change under the infiuence of popular etymoloyzing. cf. få from facia, fåh, Sk. facts. (31) Vocalic dissimilation When two syllables containing & occur in a word the first is changed to 37. For a similar dissimilation of 3, see Pischel, $ 123. In view of the tendency of the pre-nasal to develop as $ No. 265, 268, 269, 271 can be perhaps better interpreted as cases of that change and placed under a separate head. 265. 3711fase (1, 28 ) piece of sugarcane' (THTFSF). sin ( 1, 79 )'ibid'. cf. Sk. 191 'stalk of sugar-cane'. cf. also Pk. 31. 31*7107 and girat, g'at, all meaning "charcoal'. 266. zastha (2, 78 ) censured, blamed; rebuked' ( 5913344 ). faf53137° ( 2, 74) censure, blame, rebuke'(391627:). 267. #fale (2, 9 ) backyard of the house? ( 27151017.). fafaci (2, 60) ibid'. Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 50 268. f&and fafšsa' (2, 11) 'small opiece of wood' (39@16). Cf. Pk. fara' . 269. 33: ( according to some act) and feet (4,7) pieces of cloth stitched together' ( 7391 #azaifh aaqvsifa ). Of these a'zo ( 3 ) is supported by Guj. sifaq 'dhoti or sari whose damaged middle portion is cut off and the remaining iwo pieces are stitched together'. 270. feet ( 2, 5) chameleon' (FEGIA: ). farázz ( 2, 74 ) ibid'. Cf. F#f$4.61 (2, 32 ) 'snake' (Sk. 5z, Pk. *** crab' and Sk. 47129, Pk. Fetsu name of a snake-king'). Guj. 41st qraf1 1et chameleon.' M. , Guj. 451, hast, a crab : 271. qafe (6, 10) 'gold' (4797 ). Cf. fact (PL. ) and Tel. pasidi. 272. fofeff (6, 47 ), ferat ( 8, 68 ) ‘kite' (278fawl). 273. auftret ( 2, 73 ), ofizofret (2, 98 ), 26%{$211 (7, 4) all meaning 9191. 274. Preh, gasit ( 7, 32 ) ‘hair '. (32) 5 / s variation. 275. 1947 (2, 69 ), argit (2, 69 com.) 'rough' ( 58:). Cf. Pk. at sticky substance', 'to besmear's also DN. 2, 72; SH. 8, 4, 154 276. afect ( 2, 70 ) sign (wa:).. gresit (2, 70 ) 'ibid'. 277. gaia (2, 93; SH. 8, 4, 36, 144 ) to throw up Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S1 ( उत् + क्षिप् , उत् + नम् ) has the alternative form गुलुगुछ PSM.). Cf also गुलगुल and गुलगु छ ( PSM. ). 278. गुजुल्लू (गुजोल्लू ) ( 2, 93; SH. 8, 4, 202) ' to surge up, to rise up, to be in high spirits' (उत् + लम्) गजोलिल (2, 100 ) horripilated' (रोमाञ्चितम्); ititti___ lated ' ( हास्यस्थानेऽङ्गपशे यत् गिलिगिलावि इति लोके रूढम् ). 279. झडली ( 3, 54). मडुली ( 3, 61) — unchaste woman' (असती). 280. ढकुणो ( 4, 14 ) ' bedbug ' । मत्कुण:). ढिकणो, ढिकुणो ( PSM.) • bug'. ढेकुणो (4, 14) — bedbug '. 281. ढढल्ल ( 4, 15 com.; SH. 8, 4, 161 ) — to wander' (भ्रम् ). (33) ओ /अ variation. 282. झंडुली ( 3, 61 ) ' sport, play' (क्रीडा ). झोंडलिआ (3, 60) • Rasalike play.' 283a. णव्यो, णोयो (4, 17) ' agent, deputy' (आयुक्त:) cf. णव्वाउत्तो ( 4, 22 ) ईश्वर:, नियोगिपुत्रः. 283b. ततडी ( 5, 4 ) · flour mixed with curds' (करम्बः ). क्रेत (5, 4 ) ·ibid'. 284. ढढल्ल ( 4, 15; SH. 8, 4, 161 ) and ढ ढोलल ( PSM.) to wander ' (भ्रम् ). (34) Metathesis. Cf. Pischal, $ 354. 285. अइहारा ( 1, 34 ) · lightning '. (विद्युत् ). From अइराहा, Sk. अचिराभा. Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 286. (1, 37) hardened state dough ' 6 The alternative form is अब सभी from Sk. अम्लसमा acid-like', sour and fermented.' 6 52 ، 287. ऊसल ( 1, 141; 288. छ. कुई ( 3. 24 ) " PSM. notes SH; 8, 4, 202 ) and उल्लस् = उद् + लस् . the plant forget-me-not' (fuzzæ;). also in the same sense (cf. DN. 2, 11 also in that very sense). Its pleonastically extended form कच्छुई would give * छक्कुई by metathesis. The tendency to alternate a cluster of stops with a nasal plus stop would give 289 13 ( 6, 18) falling at the feet; from पावडण ( Sk. पादपतनम् ) 290 बडहारी 6, 97 ) 'broom,; from बहुआरी, SK बहुकारी. 291. मडओ, मयडा ( 6, 115 ) ' garden ' ( आरामः ). 292. ८ ( 6, 123) lord of a forest hideout » ( गह्वरपतिः ). Cf. मयहरो ( PSM.) 6, 121 ). < " a village headman'. (cf age? 293b, f 293a. वेलुलिअ (7, 77 ). cf. वेलूरिअ and वेरुलिअ ( Sk. बेइयम् . ) ( 8, 69) 'noise to scare away animals from the field ' ( क्षेत्रत्र मृगनिषेधरवः ). Metathesis would give fe with which compare हिंडेोलणं ( 8, 76 ) = क्षेत्ररक्षणनादः; हिंडोलणय ( 8, 76 ) — ibid;’ हिंडेालय ं ( 8, 69 ) = क्षेत्रे मृगरदनिषेधः ( or क्षेत्ररक्षणयन्त्रम्, according to some). (35) Haplology. < 294. हरी ( 4, 20 ) knife ' ( क्षुरिका ). This has resulted from णहहरी ( Sk. नख - हरिका ) thro Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 53 ugh haplology. Cf. Pk. णहहरणी, णहरणी — a nail-cutter'; Guj. नरेणी, नेरणी, नराणी. 295. आवग ( 1, 62 ) deriving from Sk. अपामार्ग' through *अवावंग. __ (36) Miscellaneous Under this head are collected pairs of obscure or undetermined relationship. The variations too are sporadic. 296. अयछ ( 1, 37; SH. 8 4, 187) and आइछ ( 1, 71; SH 8, 4, 187). 297. कलवू ( 2, 12 ) ' gourd vessel' and अलाऊ, अलाब् (PSM.) 'gourd'. 298. कलेरो ( 2, 53), ' skeleton ' ( कङ्कालः ), 'dreadful' (करालः); कलेवर' ( PSM.). — skeleton ' ( Sk कडेवरम् कलेवरम् ). 299. चिल्लिरि ( 3, 11 ), झिाझरिया ( 3, 62 ) मशक:. 300. झरको ( 3, 55 ), झरतो ( 3, 55) तृणमयः पुरुषः 301. णिवाओ ( 4, 34 ), णिहाओ (4, 49) स्वेदः. 302. णिविद्धो ( 4, 38 ), णिवित्तो (4, 32 ) सुप्तोत्थितः 303. णिव्वढो (4, 28 ), णिवेढो ( 4, 28 ) नग्न: 304. णिसुद्ध (4, 36) णिसुट्ट ( SH, 8, 4, 259 ) पातितम् . 305. णिरको ( 4, 49 ) णिरप्पो ( 4, 49) पृष्ठम् • 306. चुक्कुडा, चुलुप्पो ( 3, 16 ) छागः 307. वक्कड (7, 35 ), वडप्प ( 7, 84) निरन्तरवृष्टि. 308. णिहुअं (4, 50 ), णिहूअं ( 4, 26 ) मुरतम् 309. गिर गी ( 4, 31 ), णीरगी (4, 31 ) शिरोऽवगुण्ठन; 310. णिहो ( 4, 33 ), णिव्बूढे। ( 4, 33 ) स्तब्धः Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54 311. गाउडो ( 4, 47 ). णेउलो ( 4, 44 ) सदभाव. 312. णिवच्छण, णेच्छण ( 4, 40 ) अवतारणम्. 313 खोलो ( 2, 80 ), थोलो ( 5, 30 ) — part of a garment" ( वनेकदेशः). 314. दुक्ख and दुत्थ (5, 42) जघनम्. There is also दुम्ग ( 5, 53 ) in the same sense. 315. दृणो ( 5. 44), धूणों ( 5, 60 ) · elephant.' cf. थूणो (5,. 29 ) - horse', 316. पउढ, पऊढ (6, 4). पउत्थ (6, 66 ) · house' ( गृहम् ). 317. डिंडी ( 4, 7) — pieces of cloth stiched togather'. रिंडी (7, 5 ) — patched garment' (कन्याप्राया ). 318. पडवइ ( 6, 14). — sharp' ( तीक्ष्ण ). मडुवइ (6, 146) — ibid'. 319. पुलासिओ (6,55) अग्निकण . मुलासिओ (6, 135 ) स्फुलिङ्गः. 320. पुआइणि ( 6, 54) पिशाचगृहीता, उन्मत्ता, दुःशीला. मुआइणि (6, 135 ) डुम्बी. cf. पुआई (6, 80) पिशाच.. 321. पुरुपुरिआ (6, 55 ) उत्कण्ठा. मुरुमुरि (6' 136 ) रणरणकः cf. रुअरुइआ (7,8 ), रुहओ (PSM.) उत्कण्ठा. 322. विलं' (7, 88 ) — clear, pure' (अच्छम् ). विल्ह (7, 61 ) — white' (धवलम् ). 323. वेप्पु (7, 76) (also वेप्पो 7, 74) भूतादि गृहीतम् .. सिंपुर ( 8, 30 ) भूतगृहीतम् . 324, पथुच्छ्रहणी ( 6, 35) श्वशुरकुलात् प्रथममा नीता वधूः. हत्थच्छुहणी (8, 65) नववधूः. 325. अच्छिहरुलो ( 1, 41 ) द्वेष्य:, वेष:. हत्थिहरिलो (8, 64) वेषः. Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3. CORRECTION OF ERRONEOUS INTERPRETATIONS In the word list that follows, under each entry first we have reproduced the relevant Desya item with its place of occurrence in DN. and its Sanskrit meaning (after the DN. Com.). It is followed by English meaning as given by Ramanujaswami, but which we hold to be incorrect. This item is given here under the lable 1, (R)'. Next follows the correct interpretation under the label '2. (C.)', along with discussion where necessary. Etymological suggestion is rarely, if ever, thrown out. 326. अचल ( 1, 53 ) गृहपश्चिमागणम्, गृहपश्चिमप्रदेशः • 1. (R.) the western part of a house'. C 2. (C.) the backyard or back part of a house." " 327. अच्छिविच्छी ( 1, 41 ) परस्पराकर्षणम् . 1. (R.). 'mutual attraction '. 2. (C) 'mutual pulling'. cf. (PSM.) to pull; af drawn near but correctly' pulled '). , 328. अजराउ ( 1, 45 ) उष्णम्. C 1. (R.) heat '. 2. (C.) hot '. < 329. अज्जो (1, 5 ) जिनः . 1. (R.) 2. (C.) a Tirthankara'. < Mahavira '. * See p. 10; 11. of K. 38, 7; (1, 14) आकृष्टम् (R. Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56 330. 1311 (1, 33 ) ter pot aftaal. 1. (R.) pearls in a chest ornament '. 2. (C.) 'a design of pearls in a chest ornament; 331. 35&si3 (1, 41) Tanah. 1. (R) watchfulness'. 2. (C.) ' attended upon; taken care of'. 332. 27031#*t (1, 45 ) anfa:. 1. (R.) dissatisfaction '. 2. (C.) ' restlessness caused by love's longing '. 333. 30617317 (1, 38) agafavansafh274*:. 1. (R.) a pit'. 2. (C.) az is a sort of cup made from leaves, paper etc. Hence the secondary meaning is that which has a cavity or depression in the middle. The illustrative stanza in DN. has 2016 's 'having cheeks with cavities '. PSM, gives - empty' ( fr ) as one of the meanings of ach and cites the following passage in support: Fra aantal afÀFATHPT071 sfo'. Here too the meaning' a thing depressed in the middle' fits well. The cheeks are here said to have become cup-like due to deep cavities resulting from emaciation. 334. agaf3(1, 41 ) afhufia 1. (R.) “watchfulness'. 2. (C.) see under staffhzy'. 335, Bpooplo (1, 7 ) faalkagata i faalga asa za te वा विवाहार्थं वध्वा एबम् वराय यद् दानम्. Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 57 1. (R.) 'dowry or a pressent from the bride to bridegroom for marriage 2. (C.) dowry, or the ceremony of offering the bride to the bridegroom at the time of marriage.' 336. saat, yarat, sjaafhent (1, 37) Feifaqafqaa.fu&t. 1. (R.) cooked grain wet with being kept over a night'. 2. (C.) dough wet or hardened because of staleness'. For afuert' dough' see IAL 2665 (There under the materials given from Guj. it should be correctly noted that 2014, .futai ( 27.01 ) means dough,' while 9.07*7 means “broken grains of rice'). 337. Hai ( 1, 7) grega. 1. (R.) « a kind of game'. 2. (C.) a kind of gambling game in which cowries or similar pieces are concealed in the closed palm and there is a stake on guessing correctly whether the number is odd or even'. 338. sya' (1, 9 ) FE. 1. (R.) • light'. 2. (C) small'. 339. zafa waat (1, 8) 1761437*:. 1. (R.) « a plank attached to the doorway'. 2. (C.) ' a door panel '. 340. 87819311 ( 1, 22 ) 391 39Animfaai. 1. (R.) 'going along the way'.. 2. (C.) 'a woman who follows '. Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 58 341. B ( 1, 52 ) $9=427ag. 1. (R.) 'saffron-coloured'. 2. (C.) · dyed in Indian madder ? 342. Beper (1, 54 ) #saf. 1 (R) a fan wetted with water". 2. (C) a wet cloth 343, 277'777 ( 1, 15 ) 214:. 1. (R.) a glance.' 2. (C)'a side glance ': ( 2914: ). 344. 34788 (1, 56 ) #fè. 1. (R.) “the buttocks'. 2. (C.) “ the waist '. 345. 33311 (1, 2) ang59:. 1. (R.) the form of a man made of grass'. 2. (C.) a scare-crow or dummy made of grass, etc.'. 346. 843831 (1, 47) 99afaka; net faza:. 1. (R.) · killed in a well '. 2. (C. 'one who has died an unnatural death by falling from a height or throwing himself in a well, etc.' 347. Balea (1, 21 ) Feat 1. (R.) 'distressed ’, 2. (C.) “ spiritless, depressed : 348. 31auit (1, 55 ) qt:, qf516:, 764264. 1. (R.) 'overflow”; “ the plank of a house '. Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2. (C.) 'flow' or ' a door-panel '. For अंबेसि ( 1, 8 ) and अवणो the meaning is given as. But in the com. on 1, 8 it is clarified. as गृहद्वारफलहकः . 349. अवत्त (1, 34 ) विसंस्थुलम्. J. (R.) unsteady'. 2. (C.) agitated, disturbed from its proper place or setting ruffled '. 59 6 a canal, or passage for water'; C 350. अवयाणं ( 1, 24 ) आकर्षणरजुः. 1. (R.) a cord to draw anything near'. 2. (C.) a tether '. 351. अवयारो ( 1, 32 ) माध्याभुत्सव विशेषो क्रियते. afèfèagáay1aa1QION: < " 1 (R) a festival in the month of Magha '. 2. (C.) particular festival celebrated on the Magha fullmoon day, with observances like using: a sugarcane piece for a tooth-pick, etc. 352. अवयासिणी ( 1, 46 ) नासारज्जुः. " 1. (R.) nose-thread '. 2. (C.) nose-rope of animals'. ( Sk. अपर्षणी.) 353. अवराहो, अवरोहो । 1, 28 ) कटी 1. (R) the buttocks'. 2. (C.) the waist '. C < 354. आअली ( 1, 61 ) झाटभेद: . 1. (R.) a kind of bower'. 2. (C.) a sort of thicket'. cf. झाड and जाडी. Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 60 355. आइप्पणं ( 1, 78 ) पिष्टम्, उत्सवे गृहमण्डनार्थ सुधाछटा, तन्दुलपिष्ट क्षीर ं गृहमण्डनाथमित्यन्ये. 1. (R) 'a ground substance'; "whitewash ". 6 2. (C.) flour; lime-plaster used for decorating 6 houses on festive occasions '; a paste of rice flour used for drawing decorative designs in the house (entrance, courtyard, etc.'), according to some. cf. Beng. qa1. PSM. wrongly separates तन्दुलपिष्टक्षीर* and गृहमण्डनार्थं म and takes them as two differnt meanings, आदीपना can give us आइप anfcq, the latter giving अल्पना. 356. आउर्स ( 1, 65 ) कूर्चम्, 1. (R.) a brush'. 2. (C.) 'beard'. cf. its another meaning a in PSM. Doshi wrongly takes between the eyebrows'. 357. आडुआली (1, 69 ) मिश्रीभाब:. · 1. (R.) the state of being mixed'. 2. (C.) a mixture ( prepared by mixing powdery or similar substance with a liquid ). cf. Hem.'s illustration and Guj. ' 'to mix (in the above number)'. Doshi understands the word in the sense of adulteration PSM. in the sense of admixture'. > 358. आणाई (1, 64 ) शकुनिकाख्य: पक्षी. 1. (R.) a kind of bird', 2. (C.) see under ai. noted to mean hair < Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 359. 31434 (1, 67 ) agaman 1. (R.) dressing room '. 2. (C.) ' a casket for the anklet ’. cf. Guj. q 'a case for keeping spectacles etc." from T& 360. 3719143aT (1, 72 ) SF, FATEH. 1. (R)'a nest', 'a cage '. 2. (C.) a nest? Hem. has given aan as a rendering of this in the text. 361. 31 (1, 78 ) zifafana i. e. 317.mah ; $728. 1. (R.) 'not alone'; 'difficulty.' 2. C.) ‘not lonely, inhabited, populated'; · narrow, closely packed '. PSM. interpreted as pervaded ’. 362, 3121 (1, 65 faiz 1994. 1. (R) a danger at hand'. 2. (C.) an impending danger'. 363. 31170 ( 1, 71) 294, 70474. 1. (R)“illumination ’: 2 (C.) •ā burning fire, confiagration,' With 974 cf. Pk. 981901 and Guj. qëag' fire, conflagration'.' 364. ggit (1, 66 ) aj. 1. (R.) a tail'. 2. (C) a child'. Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 62 365. इदडढलओ ( 1, 82 ) इन्द्रोत्थापनम् __ 1. (R.) 'awakening Indra'. 2. (C.) • cermonial removal of the Indra's Banner (Indradhvaja ) as the concluding rite of the Indramaha festival '. Refer to the illustrative stanza. 366. इल्ली ( 1, 83 ) वृष्टिनिवारणम् , वर्षवाम्, 1. (R.) — a shelter from rain '. - 2. (C.) — an umbrella'. cf. इल्लीर ( 1, 83) वृष्टिरक्षणम् , वृष्टिवारणम्. 367. इल्लो (1, 83) कृष्णः, कृष्णवर्ण:. 1. (R) black colour '. 2. C.) · black, dark-coloured '. 368. ईस ( 1. (R.) कील: कीलक:., 1. (R.) · a wedge '. 2. (C.) 'a nail, a stake'. 369. ईसओ (1, 84 ) रोन्झाख्यो मृगः. 1. (R.) — a kind of animal'. 2. (C.) — a kind of antelope'. cf. Guj रोझ. 370. उअहारी ( 1, 108 ) दोहनकारी, दोग्ध्री. 1. (R.) ' a milch cow'. 2. (C) a milkmaid, a milking woman'. 371. उक्कोलो, उव्वरो, उवा, उव्वाहा ( 1, 87) धर्म:. 1. (R.) — warmth '. 2. (C.) ' heat '. Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 63 372. उक्खंडिभ, ओक्खंडिअ ( 1, 112 ) आक्रान्तम्. 1. (R.) seized '. 2. (C.) attacked by, overpowered by '. 373. उक्खंडो, उघाओ, उद्दामो, उद्धाओ, उप्पीलो, उब्बरो (1, 126 ) विषभोन्नतप्रदेश:. स्थपुटः, • 1. (R.) unevenly raised'. 2 (C.) an uneven raised place. ' 374. उग्गुलु छिआ ( 1, 118 ) हृदयरसोच्छलनम्. 6 1. (R) disturbance or upsetting of the heart'. 2. (C.) upsetting of the stomach accompanied by a strong vomitting sensation '. cf. मउली. उपाओ ( 1. 126 ) See उक्खडो 376. उच्छलिअं ( 1, 111 ) छिन्नत्वक्. 1. (R.) skin torn off'. 2 (C.) with the bark peeled off'. cf. the illustration and Pk. of back, skin'. < " 6 377. उधोलो ( 1 131 ), उच्छुल्लो ( 1, 131 ) श्रम, खेदः . 1. (R.) sorrow'. 2. (C.) fatigue '. " ، 378. सज्जड (1.96 ) उवसम् 6 1. (R.) banished, desolate ". 2. (C) deserted ', cf. Guj 333 " • 379. sfafifast (1, 122 ) safeå 1081: 91979. 1 (R.) one above the other '. Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64 2. (C.) stacking of pilling arrangemet of utensils like pots, etc., one above the other in the descending order of their size '. cf. Guj. 3, M. cats. 380. उद्दमों ( 1, 126 ) See उक्खडो. 381. उद्देही ( 1, 93 ) उपदेहिका. " 1. (R.) a minor body (which grows on the diseased parts of the body ).' a white-ant'. See the illuswith a mouth as piercing as " 2. (C.) a termite', tration (fags that of a white-ant '), and Guj za. 382. उद्धाओ (1, 126 ). See उक्खंडो. 383. उप्पीलो ( 1, 126 ) 384. उपेहर्ड, उम्मच्छविअ, उल्हसिअं ( 1, 116 ) उद्भटम्. 1. (R.) excellent ' 2 (C.) intense, fierce'. • 6 3743* (1, 124 ) हरु:. 1 (R.) violence'. 2 (C.) . 385 उब्बूरो (1, 126 ). See उक्खंडो. 386 अम्मच्छविअं ( 1, 116 ). See उपेहड. 387 در ( 383, उलिअं ( 1, 81 ) निकूणिताक्षम 1. (R) closed eye '. 2. (C.) with eyes glancing sideways'. stubornness, obstinacy'. 389 उल्हसिअं ( 1, 116 ) See उप्पेहर्ड. 390. उच्चरो ( 1, 87 ). See उक्कोली. Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 65 391. 3891 ( 1, 87). See 3472. 392. 3091gz' (1, 136 ) 2012971, etrapt4. 1. (R.) ' eagerness ', 2. (C.) 'yearning due to lovelorn condition : see 393, zajat ( 1, 87 ). See 2971ei. 394. zogu' (1, 123 ) 323#. 1. (R.) 'excellent '. 2. (C.) “intense, fierce ?. 395. agzit (1, 89). 299. 1. (R.) censure : 2. (C.) - fault'. 396. Savo (1, 139 ) Touai. 9°947 ( 3, 31 ) ibid.' 1. (R.) · Cupid, the god of love '. 2. (C.) · yearning and restlessness in the lovelorn condition cf. 971 (1, 136) given as a meaning of 3691ga' and rendered in com. with alcgxh. 397. aafkaa ( 1, 146 ) Tipasigoda nf77, 1. (R.) the form of a woman made of silk cotton flowers ? 2. (C.) - fresh pod of the silk cotton tree with its flowers. 398. 337. (1, 152) 47a9a7%. . 1 (R.) cleaning the teeth '. Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 66 2. (C.)' a tooth-pick!. 399. alfs98 (1, 150 ) #afaarna 1. (R.) - displaying the hair ’, 2. (C.) 'spreading out the hair '. 400. Banz' (1, 159 ) 31° di Trentor etap 1. (R.) anything first offered to another and then grasped with the hand'. 2. (C.) “snatched after pushing away another person's 401. 31179317 ( 1, 151 ) 319ra:. 1. (R.) ' ended'. 2. (C.) ' dejected '. 402. stafit (1, 169 ) 311#Fa:, 31* 10: 1. (R.) ' seized', 'seizing '. 2. C.)' attacked', 'attacking '. cf. soat in PC., MP. etc. 403. zle fut (1, 171 ) 311517H 1. (R.) seized'. 2. (C.) ' attacked, 404. extr°fts (1, 171 ) see ale fast 405. Sifat ( 1, 155 ) 3fa1817. 1. (R.) 'a short period. 2. (C.) 'recent time, time that is not long past'. 406. 3116'7" (1, 156 ) arafa fanai #tei. 1. (R.) ' a gesture expressive of negation'. . 2. (C.) a game involving saying 'no''no?" Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 67 -407. ओलिभा ( 1. 153 ) उद्देही, उपदेहिका. 1. (R.) - a minor body (which grows on the diseased parts of the body )'. 2. (C.) 'white-ant, termite'. See उद्देही. .408. ओलुपओ ( 1, 163 ) तापिकाहस्तः. 1. (R.) a go-between'. 2. (C.) - a spatula-shaped turn-spit used to turn chapatis under baking'. तापिकाहस्त: is a Sanskritization, cf. the Guj. deri vative alagt, gaat in the same sense. 409. ओहट्टिों ( 1, 159 ) see आज्झाय. 410. कज्जवो (2, 11 ) तृणाद्युत्कर: 1. (R) ' a stack of grass,. etc '. 2 (C.) — sweepings or litter, containing grass, etc'. 411. कडइओ ( 2, 22 ) स्थपतिः. 1. (R.) 'a chief, king'. 2. (C.) ' a mason '. -412. कडतला ( 2, 19 ) वक्रमेकधार' लोहायुधम् 1. (R.) ' a sickle'. 2. (C) — a one-edged, crooked iron weapon.' -413. कणिआरिअ, कण्णस्सरि, कण्णास्सरि, काणच्छी (2, 24) काणाक्षिदृष्टम. 1. (R.) · looked askance'. 2. (C) — amorous side glance '. 414. कण्णसरिअ ( 2, 24) See कणिआरिभ Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 415. कण्णोच्छडिआ, कण्णोढत्ती ( 2. 22 ) दत्तकर्णा, या भाषा परवाक्य" गृहणाति. 1. (R.) 'ovehearing.' 2. (C.) — a womn listening intently with a view: to retort'. 416. कण्णोडत्ती (2, 22 ). See कण्णोच्छडिआ. 417. कण्णोस्सरिअं ( 2, 24 ) See कणिआरिअं. 418. कतवारो (2, 11) See कज्जवो. 419. कंबरो, कोत्थरं ( 2, 13 ) विज्ञानम्. 1. (R.) — wisdom'. 2. (C.) 'skill'. 420a. कयारो (2, 11) see कज्जवो. 420b. कवासो, कविसा (2, 5) अर्धजङ्घा, मोचकमित्यर्थः. 1. (R.) — an armour for the legs'. 2. (C.) ' a sort of shoe'. See अद्धजंघा (1, 33), मोचं (6, 139). 421. कविडं ( 2, 9), किविडी ( 2, 60 ) गृहपश्चिमाङ्गणम्. 1. (R.) · the western courtyard of a house'. 2. (C.) · the backyard'. 422 कविसा (2, 5 ). See कवासो 423. काणच्छी ( 2, 24). See कणिआरिझं 424. काणत्थेवो (2, 29) विरलाम्बुकणवृष्टिः, ____ 1. (R.) 'a shower of rain'. 2. (C.) 'a drizzle.' 425. कावी (2, 26 ) नीला, नीलवर्णा. Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 69 1. (R.) blue 2. (C.) -indigo '. cf. Sk. lexicons i, atsauf · the indigo plant '. But H. 77$ means 'moss'. cf. Sk. नीली, जलनीली · moss'. With नीली, cf. Guj लील - moss'. 426. Fai (2, 27) #29767. 1. (R.) lead'. 2. (C)'a lead-sheet'. -427. f$9317 (2, 31 ) $47:. 1. (R.) poor, pitiable '. 2. (C.) “a miser '. 427. f**2277 ( 2, 31 ) $47:. 1. (R.) poor, pitiable '. 2. (C.) 'a miser'. 428. farfari (2, 60 ) See #fà. 429. 37968(2, 13 ) See 34F631. 430. myf, FEI, #1, #145fian (2, 33 ) 40st. 1. (R) an angry woman'. 2. (C.) Pārvati, S'iva's spouse'. See the illustrative stanza. 431. ga1, azt (2, 62 ) Fachtha: 1 (R)-onc who abandons the stolen property'. 2. (C.) 'one who forces others to abandon the stolen things'. 432. Efsano (2, 43 ) arcffi:. 1. (R.) 'sending a brahman.' 2. (C.) 'forced service rendered to a brahman' fata means forced labour'. (cf. DN. F"f8391, and Tu service'). 433. 3418 (2, 35) See $24. Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 70 434. कुरकुरिअॅ ( 2, 42) रणरणक. See ऊसण. 435. कुरुलो ( 2, 63) कुटिलकेशः. ___ 1. (R.) — curly hair'. 2. (C.) ' having curly hair'. 436. कुहिणी ( 2, 62) कूर्परः. As the Sk. rendering was erroneously read by" R. as कपूरः, he has wrongly given — camphor ' as. its meaning instead of 'elbow'. 437. कूवो ( 2, 62 ). See कुढो. 438. कोटिंबो ( 2, 47) द्रोणी. 1 (R.) 'a wooden tub'. 2. (C.) ' a boat'. 439. कोत्थर ( 2, 13) विज्ञानम्. I. (R.) - knowledge '. 2 (C.) · skill'. 440. कोसट्टइरिआ ( 2, 35 ). See कुट्टयरी. 441. कोहल्ली (2, 46) तापिका. 1. (R.) — a go-between '. 2. (C.) 'a baking pen'. 442. खडहडी (2, 72) तरुमर्कट:. 1. (R.) 'a monkey'. 2. (C.) · a squirrel'. cf. Pk. खाडहिला, Guj. खलूडी ‘a squirrels'. 443. खोडपज्जाली ( 2, 70 ) स्थूलेन्धनाग्निः. 1. (R.) — conflagrtion'. Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2. (C.) fire from burning big logs of wood ". cf. Pk.log of wood', G. e, eg 'ibid.'. 444. गजोल्लिअ (2, 100 ) हास्यस्थानेऽङ्गस्पर्शो, यत् गिलिगिलाविअ इति लोके रुढम्. " 1. (R.) touching the body in a place where a cry of joy is produced'. < < 2. (C.) touching the body in sensitive places to excite laughter', i. e. tickling or titillating. The colloquialism cited in com. is preserved in Guj. fi tickling, titillation". 445. गणणाइआ ( 2, 87 ) चण्डी. 6 71 C 1. (R.) an angry woman'. 2. (C) 'S'iva's consort, Parvati '. The word obviously derives from Sk. Durgā. cf. lex. and besides the usual Ganes'a '. < ( a pasture'. 446. गत्ताडी ( 2, 82 ) गवादनी. 1. (R.) 6 2. (C.) a trough (or a particular place ) in the cattle yard holding cattle feed'. C 447. गाणी (2, 82 ). See गत्ताडी. 448. गोअंटा ( 2, 98 ) गोचरणा:. afı lex. " meaning Siva', has this meaning in lexicons. cf. also its Guj. derivative (f.) with the same meaning. 1. (R.) 'tenders of cows'. 2. (C.) cow's feet'. The illustrative stanza makes this clear. Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 449. घरोली ( 2, 105 ) गृहगोलिका ( V. 1. गृहगोधिका ). 1. (R.) a small ball '. C 2. (C.) a house lizard'. Sk. lex. 4, गृहगोलिका, the variant गृहगो धिका, Guj., a small house lizard' and the illustrative stanza make our meaning clear. 460. घारी (2, 107 ) शकुनिकाख्यः पक्षी. fa (3, 9) ibid. '. पिरिडी (6, 47 ) शकुनिका. 6 72 ibid. ( 8, 8) fast (8, 68) ibid. C ( C C < R. renders meanings of the first two words with 'a hensparrow', of the third with a bird', of the fourth with a kind of bird' and of the fifth with a vulture '. cf. also (4, 64) afina: a kind of bird '. (R.) But actually all mean the same thing, viz., a kite (bird). H. ato from चिल्ला and Guj. समळी, समडी cognate with सठली and perhaps with Sk. शकुनिका, Pk. सउणि, सउणिआ) have this meaning. For fa, cf. H. fa to scream', Pk. faff (DN. 3, 11) a cricket, a mosquito They derive from a root meaning 'to send sharp notes', 'to scream 451. घुसिरसा (2, 109 ) अबस्नानम्, मसूरादिनां पिष्टम् . 1. (R.) 'the flour of a certain pulse'. E 2. (C.) unguents (like the flour of lentil, etc.) rubbed before bathing'. Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 73 cf. Barana noted by PSM. from Nayā. 1, 13 and Vivāga. 1, 1 in the sense of bathing with soap etc.' cf. Guj. At in the sense given above. 452. 77@gu (3, 4) dansi, aqu115ą. 1. (R.) beautiful to look at '. 2. (C.)' show or dramatic performance.' See the illustrative stanza. 453. agar ( 3, 8 com.) scafasan. 454. agafat ( 3, 8 ) #52azTeastafiqarafa. 1, (R.) - a jewel’ for the first and 'a jewel hanging from a gold chain for the second 2. (C.) It is not just any jewel, but the jewel which serves as (or occupies the place of ) the tilaka on the forehead, This refers to a headornament consisisting of a gold - chain with a jewel for pendant that would occupy the place of the tilaka mark on the forehead-resembling the present day दामणी ( or probably earlier राखडी ) or its modified from aicut worn in Gujarat. 455. ar 31 ( 3, 7 ) Eagaayi. 1. (R.) · half covered body'. 2. (C.) “a lady with partly covered body'. 456. fwa( 3, 10 ) 2014. 1. (R.) charming '. Doshi. attractive”; also play '. PSM. 'sexual enjoyment'. 2. (C.) As the phrase falsafdzfazi in the illustrative stanza under ( 3, 10 ) shows, 10 means here Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 74 797 or HET 'waist'. Hearing that her boy has climbed up a tamarind tree, the mother taking her baby on the waist rushes to call the boy. --this baba is the purpose of the illustrative stanza. So also 1417, given as one of the meanings of 'gfüt311 ( 3, 23 ) may have the meaning of जघन, मध्य 'waist'. Looking to the meaning 87, one is tempted to suggest fang ( the middle ') as the correct form for fler. 457. fafhot ( 3, 11 ) 1979: 1. (R.) 'a ram,' 'hog'. Doshi also takes it in the sense of a ram. PSM. understands that as tranfaa, gostariat, ama. 2. (C.) fra primarily means "hairy', 'shaggy' and the illustrative stanza ( under 3, 11) shows that this is the intended meaning. There the enemies, defeated and driven to the wilderness are described as fafaoi shaggy 'i.e.' with long, unshaven growth of hair '. 458 3003317 ( 3, 17 ) quriga:. 1. (R.) powdered '. 2. (C.) The com, on 3, 17 makes it explicit that the sense here is to be distinguisaed from • besmeared with powder' ( agfaagria: ). So struck with the powder 'is the proper sense. as is shown by the illustrative stanza. 459. g17 (3, 26 ) R=331, 3454€.. 1. (R.)' a kind of plant '. Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 75 1. (C.) 'a bear .. 2. (R.) has understood अच्छभल्ल correctly under खच्चलो ( 2, 69 ). 460. छुछुमुसय (3,31) रणरणकः. See under ऊसण. cf. जुजुमुसयौं ( 3, 58) मनोदुःखम् and मुसह (6, 139) मनस आ कुलता 461. जुरुमिल्ल or जुरुम्मिलय ( 3, 47) गहनम् 1 (R.) ' difficult ', ' grave'. 2. (C.) · deep', ' intense '. 462. जोपणालआ ( 3, 50 ) जोयारी धान्यम. 463. जोवारी ( 3, 50 ). 1. (R.) — corn'. 2. (C.) • jowari; a sort of millet.' cf. H. जोन्हरी, M. जोंधळ. Guj. जुवार, H. जुआरि. 464. झरेको, झरतो ( 3, 55 ) तृणमयः पुरुषः. 1. (R.) 'grass shaped like a man'. 2. (C.) — a strawman ', ' a scarecrow'. It is the ____same as Sk. चच्चा. cf. also अबडओ. 465. झोट्टी ( 3, 59 ) अर्धमहिषी. 1. (R.) ' a species of she-buffallo'. 2. (C.) — a young buffalo yet uncalved'. cf. Guj. झाटी, झोटडी in that sense. 466. णिवूढेा (4, 29 ), पउढे। ( 6, 4) गृहपश्चिमाङ्गणम् . 1. (R.) The western courtyard of a house'.. 2. (C.) - The backyard of a house'. Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . 76 467. (4, 7 ) ffem. 1. (R.) a boil'. 2. (C.)'a bamboo basket'. cf. H. GIAI, 3107, Guj. 13, Biest, PSM. and the illustrative stanza. 468,469. áfazi (5, 5), ga2777 (5, 5) izÀg 694731211. 1. (R.) 'the saffron colour of wheat '. 2. (C.) the suffron tinge that develops in wheat (as a short of disease ).' It is called here 11. In Guj. it is known as he which also means 'red ochre' or its colour. 470. f311 ( 5, 53 ) sie #1. 1. (R.) a secondary body (which grows on diseased part of the body ). 2. (C.) 'white-ant'. cf. H. ###; sad and safen (1, 94 ) and G. white-ant'. .471. afgair ( 5, 49 ) 2499:. 1. (R.) ‘a pore of the skin'. 2. (C.) 'a leather bag ( used as water-carrier ). This is clear from the illustrative stanza. 472. doia ( 5, 56 ) qfigfort. 1. (R.) “a maker of garlands ’. 2. (C.) ' a milk-maid carrying a milking vessel'. 910 ( 6, 37 ) means digH. -473 ÈMER ( 6, 27 ) Tc4fqh1510TH. See 5.1907", forza. Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 474. ggcent ( 6, 70). The second meaning is given in Pk, as qfazifauit, in Sk. as aigazi funt. 1. (R.) 'a cow which avoids milking'. 2. (C.) a milkmaid carrying milking vessel ?. This is the same as aimed (5, 56 ) which also is paraphrased as qfagifirit. It is possible that in Hemacandra's sources izce was rendered by qeifurt ( 6, 31 ), both applyiug to a buffalo which has calved a long time back and which gives plenty of milk; but the sources might have confused परिहारिणी with पारिहारिणी and hence the second meaning of agreft viz., attacificit. 475. 97701 ( 6, 64) 910964 57: 1. (R.) 'a kind of fruit'. 2. (C.) 'head of an arrow'. 476. 95a5hrs (6,51 ). The Pk. meaning is discussed by Doshi (p. 432) along with the variants. His suggestion that the text should read agahy, and the meaning 'a ball niade of hair' as supported by the illustra tive stanza appears quite sound. 477. 92311 ( 6, 82 ) 494:. 1. (R.) ' a board , • a slab '. 2. (C.) a shield. 478. difcre ( 6, 96 ) naviq. 1. (R.) “ litter, carriage or conveyance' 2. (C.)'a boat, a raft?. Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 78 cf. PSM, Old Guj. arfga, Sanskritised as alta 'a raft'. 479. 4 8 ( 6, 102 ) 1972:. 1. (R.) 'hanging down, pendulous ?. 2. (C.) long'. See the illustrative stanza. 480. Hah ( 6, 113 ) EC175574. 1. (R.) disturbance or upsetting of the heart '. 2. (C.) 'vomitting sensation in the stomach '. cf. Guj. was f. - ibid'. See under gris fè311. 481. Alià ( 6, 123 ) #79127:. 1. (R.)'a wild elephant'. 2. C) - varandah '. See PSM. under मत्तालब and मत्तवारण. 482. ** ( 6, 147 ) 4274:. 1. (R.) 'the wife of the moon '. 2. (C.) 'The rainy season insect Indragopa'. In Hindi it is called atragat ( Sk. araya ), say or argay. 483. Ha (6, 126 ) vaazi gafstal. 1. (R.) 'a female mendicant wearing white garments.' 2. (C. 'a Svetambara Jain nun '. 484. gegria (6, 136) 17281*:. 1. (R.) · Cupid, the god of love'. 2. (C.) longing due to love-lorn condition '. See FAM. Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 485. tafes211 (7, 10) a134178: 1, (R.) · a place filled with sand'. 2. (C.)'a cyclonic sand storm '. . 486. TJAL (7, 22 ) f4412: 1. (R.) ' authority'. 2. (C.) 'a topical divison ( in an anthology etc.). cf. the divison in assis in thc anthologies like T5H1511, etc. Sanskritized as 1991. it a actuallyis derives from पर्याय 487. 914707317 (7, 37) 95Craigiai. 1. (R.) · One who receives what is lost ’. 2. (C.)' onc who recovers a lost thing '. 488. qignut, 916797377 ( 7, 61) Hrait 1. (R)'a minister'. 2 (C.) 'an astrologer who fixes days for marriages'. if ( 6, 111 ) is actually recorded with the meaning विवाहगणओ, Sk. विवाहगणकः which is the same as our aig70311. 489. fafesleast ( 7, 70 ) asfakhag:. 1. (R.) 'a tender and weak body'. 2. (C.) 'one who has a tender and weak body'. 490. FET (7, 74) fough 1. (R.) dyed or coloured'. 2. (C.) 'dishevelled' (lit. 'carded as cotton ). cf. fůz (PSM.) to card,' Guj. stag', and facin (7, 63 ) fushat. 491. affaea' (7, 78 ) 8924. 1. (R.) 'difficulty'. Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 80 2. (C.)'a pressing crowd '. 492. à1€ (7, 81 ) patrofdag. 1. (R.) “ supported and rolling '. 2 (C.) ' filled and emptied '. 493. सउली see under घारी. 494, 959537' and 419921( 8, 13), Pk. asfazi", Sk, safhaa. 1. (R.) ' excited '. 2. (C.) 'sharpened'. This is clear from Pk. Nafasi and from the deriva tion of 41053" from 317. 495. 96731 (8, 6) gift. 1. (R.) “a sort of ladle. 2. (C.) ' an iron weapon '. ganit has also the meaning · a heavy iron bar used for digging': 496. #101934see f4337. 497, 498. AlĘ"7317, AITFUI (8, 27) Flage:. 1. (R.) a cow's hoof'. 2. (C.) · Tribulus lanuginosus '. 499. IF (8, 61 ) maat. 1. (R.) ' an ascetic's tstaff to support his hand. 2. (C.) ' a seat (of mat etc. ) to be carried in hand. 500. ET (8, 62 ) Hasut:. 1. (R.) thirsty'. 2. (C.) 'yearning', 'longing '. 501. हिरडी see under घाग, Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4. SOME DES’YA ITEMS FROM SVAYAMBHU'S PAUMACARIYA I-XX (1). ITEMS COMMON WITH THE DN. 502. Əfsu (1, 37, 78; SH. 8, 4, 174) ‘meet' ( + 170 ) cf. 264 (PC. 6 12 9,7 139, 8 98, 171, 11 10 etc. ). 'to confront in a battle, fight, fall upon’; 87f6427 (PC. 17 9 3; p pp. aTHE 4 7 10, 4 8 1, 10 9 9 etc. )'ibid'. 31fHE (VPC. 6, 182; 98, 27; PSM.) is a w. r. for SFHE. So also afogs Sad.; PSM. See DMP. No. 5, 6. 503. 2 (SH. 4, 39 ) offer, give ' ( 219 ). cf. q PC, 13 3 10; 21 5 8, 21 13 3 ibido ( gl. 21); Bfea MP. 25 6 7, 31 28 3 (DMP. 75 ). 504. 393311 (1, 36).anger'a:. cf. 2934 PC. 20 11 4 gl. faniaa: 505. BETO ( 1, 25) ( an upper garment' (BFAR). TTU (8,72 ) 'a cloth' (qan ). cf. 37120 14 7 8, 14 10 5 (the compound can be interpreted as containing अहोरण or होरण ) (gl. 39f2aaqah). 506. 3721147 ( 1, 65 ) force' (34); according to others, long' ( 18:). cf. 31914 (PC. 77 9, 17 3 8, 17.79) to exert force' (gl. 7271 Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 82 507. golfo ( 1, 131 )‘lower garment' (pai). cf. P.C. gulfo PC. 9 31, 20 3 3 lap' (fax: ) MP. 22 15 10, 56 77'folds of a garment near the lap' (gl. Hetqan ). See DMP. 816. 508. stoltest (1, 126 ) “a collection' ( gia:). cf. stato PC 13 6 3, 31 2 1, 66 3 1 etc. ibid. 509. 328€ (1, 92; SH. 8, 4, 116 ) break’ (F). cf 36375 PC. 14 5 4, 15 3 9 ‘hide'. cf. 377, fog in the senses of break’ (4, 15; SH. 8, 4, 116) and ' hide' (4, 51; SH. 8, 4, 55). '510. 316124 (1, 117; SH 8, 2, 174; PSM ). 31913 (SH. 8, 4, 2; PSM.) 'tell, narrate ( 54,). cf. 31419 (PC. 3 9 5; 29 8 7-v. 1. 3612 , 55 2 7-v. 1 34912; gl. 72, fa + 317 + 641). 511. etgau ( 1, 155 ) · an upper garment' (3#). cf zetu PC. 14 3 3, 18 5 8 ‘ibid' 512. stafinat ( 1, 169) attacked' (antara: !. cf Bitrufiu MP. 75 4 12, 78 9 21 etc. 'attacked, proceeded to fight '. 3797 PC. 12 9 3, 15 7 8 etc.; MP. 61 11 3, 86 9 2 etc.' attack, proceed to fight? (gl. g&i3591). See DMP. 823. DMP. 823. :: 513. pant (1, 164 ) ' a servant ’ (997:) Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 83 cf. av PC. 7 6 5, 66 6 3 etc.; MP. 6 5 5, 23 12 4 etc. 'serve' (ha) and Bits PC. 2 9 6, 25 3 10, 68 8 2 'service' (hat) See DMP. 744. 514. ( 2. 20) ‘torn, rent '( aifena). cf, 98 MP. 52 18 8, 54 5 21, 88 12 11 'tear, cut '; #c9f237 PC. 15 4 5, 15 5 3, 17 8 8 etc; MP. 11 19 10; 'torn '; $6920 MP. 2 177 cutting asunder'. See DMP. 526, 527 515. #173H ( 2, 50; SH. 8, 4, 168 ) 'play, rejoice'( 14.). cf. 41f44 (v 1. 48f3 ) PC. 14 11 8 'sexual intercourse' ( gl. gian ); lef2 PC. 73 11 4 ibid.'. cf. PSM. कोड्डम and को डमिय. 516. forfes ( PC. 16 3 10, 16 7 6, 57 1 4 etc. MP. 2 18 8, 9 26 3 etc. ) definitely, excessively, constantly“ (glerfagiaa, sagitan , ogram) See DMP 1042. 517. gxfè (SH. 8, 4, 422) 'surprising, wonderful' (272477 ;. cf. PC zæfiaa 1 10 1 meaning possibly 'claiming marvels ', though gl. interpretes it as making dogmatic assertions' ( Estitigan ). 518. 31 (3, 36 ) 'an adulters (17:); for SH. 8, 2, 174 ‘an unchaste woman' ( 21 ). . cf. fees PC. 69 2 3, MP. 54 12 6; PC. 5 13 9, 5 15 2 an adulteress' (gl. gent ). Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84 519. feet (3, 44) harassed, oppressed (fazifan:, कदर्थितः cf (PC. 10 7 5, 10 8 4, 25 18 4, 33 99 etc.) harass, oppress'. cf. PSM., etc. See DMP. 1337, 1410. ( 520. चिच्चरो ( 3, 9 ) flat-nosed ( चिपिटनास: ) 523. 6 cf. छिव्वर (v. 1. छिव्विर ) PC. 12 11: छिव्वर (v. 1. flat or depressed (with fofeat) MP. 76 6 13 respect to nose )' (gl. g). ८ See DMP. 972. No. See 13 earlier in this book. 521, छिल्लर (3, 28 ) ' a small pond or puddle' ( पलवलम् ). ibid. ', Guj. fe, H. ais, disc. cf. PC. 19 6 5 522. MP. 1 16 4, 19 18, 6, 83 2 7, 13 1 8 etc. gua PC. 20 10 5, 23 6 7, 46 4 3, 60 1 2, 72 15 5, 74 16 7; MP. 7 24 10, 70 'getting entangled in '. 18 11, etc. " cf. q (SH. 8 4 150), Sk, 123 to become perplexed or confused'. See DMP. 909. (2, 86) Rahu. 6 cf. PC. 8 11 4, 20 9 7, 27 10 6, 77 12 2 ibid.' (gl. (ग्रहबैरी राहु:). cf. (2, 2) (Dhatupatha 26, < an enemy' (:). C 524. गंजाल्लिअ ( 2, 100) horripilated' ( रोमाच्चितम् ). cf. PC. 17 11 10, 20 10 8, 26 1 1, 61 12 8 etc; MP. 14 14 12, 36 16 7 etc. ibid'. " Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ cf. गुं ंजुल्लू (2, 93, SH. 8, 4, 202) ; गुजेाल्ल ( SH. 8, 4,202) shine forth,radiate, sport'. appear See DMP.991. 525. खंड (2, 67 ) grass ' ( तृणम् ). 6 cf. ibid.' PC. 5 7 1, 83 11 3, 83 12 1. 526. fog (4, 40; SH. 8, 4, 158) to bend down with burden ' ( णिमुढइ : भाराक्रान्तो नमति ). ? cf. ff PC. 13 8 4, 62 1, 62 11 9 drooping,' broken ' ( gl. शिथिलीकृत, भग्न ). C 85 < 527. (5, 5; SH. 8, 4, 137; PSM.) to stretch' () cf. a'afa PC. 19 17 6, 63 1 6, 65 2 4 stretched ' ( विस्तारित ). C 528 धुअगाओ ( 5, 57 ) 'a bee'. cf. धुयगाय PC. 5 14 9, 1445 ध्रुवगाय 56 14 2, 73 14 3 ibid.' (Sk. :) 529 परिक्क ( 6, 71 ) extensive ' ( विशाल ). cf. PC. 14 13 5; MP. 9 24 12, 66 10 12 etc. 6 extensive, abundant' (gl. y, ay" )( = Sk. яfa + रिक्त; cf. अतिरिक्त ). See DPM. 377. " 530. पच्चवर ( 6, 15 ) a pestle ' ( मुसलम् ). ibid.". cf. PC. 15 2 531. पच्चार् ( उपालम् ). 6 C ? 6, 29; SH 8, 4, 156) taunt, censure < cf. PC 6 1 9, 13 3 8, 15 5 5 etc MP. 7 5 5, 52 20 19 etc.‘jeer, taunt, upbraid'. See DMP. 1096. J Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 532. 86 (SH. 8, 4, 420)' on the contrary' (sega). cf. qafe, PC. 10 6 3 (v. 1. qàtede quàiface), 11 8 7 (V. 1. पच्चे हिलय पच्चलिय, ) 1649; 43 3 4 ( v. 1. पच्चल्लिउ, f) ibid. Bh. qf, PC. 71 13 9 with the faceturned away ' ( ? ) विपरीत पराङ्मुख ? ); ( Sk. प्रत्यनीक). 6 f 533. पाणाली ( 6, 40 ) slapping with both hands' ( हस्तद्वय 6 प्रहार: < cf. f PC. 14 6 1 splash of water' ( struck with hand) (gl. 75021 ). 534. परिच्छ (6, 71 ) ' clever ' पटु. cf. f PC. 58 8 6, 66 3 3 ; PC. 23 13 4, MP 14 1 20, 17 14 2 etc. a77. af PC. 48 5 2; PSM.; MP 38 8 10 2. पारिहच्छि PC 12 1 8 वेग. पडहच्छ MP. 85 14 2 शीघ्र MP. 69 26 4 hastened. Cf. DMP. 1091, 1104, 1105, 1106. 535. पुण्णाली ( 6, 53 ) ' an unchaste woman' पुंश्चली. cf. PC. 12 9 10, 15 14 2, 37 12 8 etc. MP. 15 6 6, 18 1 7 etc. See DMP. 1115. 536. फुल्ल धुओ (6, 85 ) a bee' (भ्रमर: ) cf. PC. 7 13 5, 26 2 6 etc. MP. 49 2 3. cf. MP. 73 27 6, 96 7 9 ibid' < फुल्लद्धय MP. 9 10 8. Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 87 See DMP. 156, 157, 158. 537. 1 ( 6, 110 ) a foolish person' ( HE: ). ##*, (6, 110 ) . a disagreeable act' (eftan). cf. PC. 14 2 9 * (v 1. y#, y'H) “artless' ( in the compound y'#57717'an artless' naive woman' (cf. Guj. H423171 ibid.'); MP. 71 6 11 y'YS 12 ( v. I. yycat) 'ibid.'. See · Apabhrams'a and Old Gujarati Studies. II' Bhāratiya Vidyā 18, 1958, p. 69, DMP. 114). 538. FANTA (6, 105 ) .cricket' ( efÀ ) cf. PC. 19 3 3. 539. #369647 ( 620 ) pride' (va: ). cf. PC. 3 8 9,4 3 8 etc. MP. 15 15 11. See DMP. 1153. 540. #7a17 ( v. 1. #79157) (6, 122 )'intoxicated '( #9: ). cf. PC. 14 2 6 #ala' an elephant' (cf. H. #2511 ‘intoxicated;' PSM. 4913 = Sk. 47, Guj. Ana « an elephant '. 541. 431 ( 5, 140 ) 'violence' ( 23ca1T: ), 'order' ( 313 ). cf isg' perforce', 'forcibly' with great difficulty' PC. 18 3 2, 38 75, 39 19 4 etc.; H3 PC. 13 4 10, 22 5 8 etc. (gl. 7312 ); Guj. Hie, His, His ' perforce' with great difficulty '. See DMP. 409, 410, 411, 412, 414. 542. Hiffas, 41816 (6, 129 ) 'granting assurance of safety or protection ' ( 3779991797). Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88 hittato comfort ( one who is threatened or afficted ) and assure protection 'PC. 10 2 1, 11 9 8 etc. Hotte, ibid.' MP. 78 24 19, 20 25 4 (v. 1. #it), 32 26 3. See DMP. 417. #fte (f.) comfort, consolation ’ PC. 5 6 7. 543. HPE (6, 120 ) pride' (taip ) cf. PC. 3 98, 10 9 6, 11 7 2 etc. See DMP. 1163. 544. JH (6, 136; SH. 8, 4, 106 ) break' (+51) cf. PC. 4 8 7, 8 6 2, 17 9 4 etc. See DMP. 1181, 1182. 545, Agf0211 ( 6, 148 ) wife's sister ', maternal uncle's daughter' ( 59141, ADICHA1 ); HE 97311 (6, 148 com.) paternal uncle's son' (fuasana:). cf. ETT ' paternal aunt's son, 'maternal uncle's son', 'brother-in-law' (i. e. husband's brother or wife's brother ) PC. 6 1 3, 17 10 6. See DMP. 778. 546. rata ( 7, 4; SH. 8 4 48) swing to and fro' (131). cf. PC. 14 3 7, 13 7 4; 13 12 8 etc. See DMP. 1187. 547, 97€ ( 6, 94; SH. 8 4 98 ) 'roar '(1759). cf. q* 'scream,' caw 'PC, 19 34, 52 1, 68 117 cf. DMP. 696, 697, 698. 548. Faight PC. 10 6 6 'daughter' ( gzi ). tài cf. SH, 8 4 330(3): fag PSM, G. H. ah, H. Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 549. faz? ( 7, 71; SH. 8 4 137 ) : streteh' (aa, fat1127) cf. PC. 16 14 7. Also fafian PC. 41 2 1 74 9 10. cf. PSM. faza, fafiy fatfr331: DMp. 1241. 550. aufs (7, 95) deceived ’ (gaisia ). cf, deceive' PC. 18 12 6. 8 10 4 etc. MP: 14 108, 98 7 4, See DMP. 1256. 551. (7, 95 ) blind', 'darkness :: cf, qar PC. 5 2 1, 10 1 8; Ànget 5 4 6 at sunsc! (3 #ple, 49419721?). 552. arget ( 7,96 ) : tender ', pleasure-loving or volu ptuous ’ (41401, faareft). cf. PC. 19 17 9, 30 5 8, 62 11 6; MP. 3 1 11. 553. maii ( 7, 96 ) · disrespect, contempt ', ' angered'. cf. aasan angered' (#141, 491faca ) PC. 4 1 10, 7 5 8, 8 6 1, 20 8 4 etc. cf. arfau DMP. 1262. 55-2. 1991n (8, 11 )‘long' (859). cf. 7-4177717 length' PC. 4 6 7. 555. 136.11 ( 8. 52 ) a cloth' ( 974). ef. 72% (f.) a piece of cloth held above the head of a person carried in procession, to serve as a canopy' ( fraaa72: ) PC. 14.2 4. 556. fagiste ( 8, 31). curds' ( afta). cf, PC, 14 9 3. 24 13 5, 34 13 6,39 8 5, 71 89.90 6.6. Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2). ITEMS NOT RECORDED IN THE DN. 42 5 5: MP. 19 2 4, 102 8 9 abundant, ira) (DMP. 799). 557. PC. 2 16 4, 35 14 3, 56 3 14, 70 15 2; 87 4 7, much, plenty of' (gl. ago, C 558. PC. 11 8 6, 15 3 1, 52 2 7 attack, engage in battle '. cf. PSM. 68. 559, PC. 11 2 7, 12 11 5 etc. solely and entirely one's own (gl. स्वाधीन, समस्त); Guj आवगु, आगवु 'solely and entirely one's own 'See DMP. 807. " 6 560. आवट्ट PC. 7 6 6. 17 3 4, 29 99, 50 8 10, 66 9 5, 70 3 10, 81 13 5 go to perdition, be destroyed, disappear ( विलय प्राप्, वि + नश् ). 561. a PC. 7 11 9 ओद्ध 17 174, 46 ( नियन्त्रित ). 21 5 9, 25 20 7, 49 5 7, etc. 11 10 subjected, subdued " * " 562. PC. 64 14 2; MP. 84 11 14, 89 12 6, 101 16 15 to offer, hold forth, stretch forth'. Guj. gibid.', Kan. oḍdu ibid.'. See DMP. 818. cf. . 563. PC. 13 4 8, 58 49; a mountain hollow or glen.' 4 Bh. 3 24 7, 4.31 564. PC. 31 3 6,,43 17 8, 81 10 6 loosely पर्वत ) Guj खडक ' rock'. 'rock' (gl. Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 565. R PC. 13 10 9, 40 16 3, 82 2 7, 82 12 5; MP 8 1 11, 58 19 8 etc. hostile rankling; malice mixed with anger due to enmity' (gl. See DMP. 899. 1, वैरक्रोधः). 566. PC. 13 4 8; MP. 2 13 9, etc. hollow, a hollow, chasm, See DMP. 900. 567. गणियारि PC. 5 147, 7 3 3 etc. 91 蓄 25 5 2 etc. a cow-elephant ' ( aftafi ). 570. 571. ff See DMP. 902. 568. (f.) PC. 4 10 4, 4 10 7, 4 10 9' splash, MP. 17 13 6, 74 1 22, 74 8 6, 83 3 1. cf. Guj " छालक; H छलक; a splash '; Guj. झलकावु, छलकावु, H. to splash out from a container '; PSM. free to splash'. See DMP 483, C " 15 18 8, 20 5 6 deep cavity'. 569. PC. 2 13 4, 26 11 3 to muddle (water), to make turbid or muddy, to set into commotion or agitation'. cf. af SH. 8, 4, 439(3) muddled, disturbed'. (n.) PC. 2 7 3 cattle. Guj. Ribid. PC. 25 2 6, 25 5 6, etc. MP. 35 1 4 (with respect to eyes under the influence of strong emotion) expanding, moving to and fro or bulging '. cf. PSM. fag, fagfe=faran. See DMP. 1033. < MP. 16 23 5, י Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 92 572. fursaç PC. 4 8 4, 10 10 3, 17 12 10; forag PC. 36 6 8 cut off, chop off : 573. jar PC. 12 36, 54 61, 62 31 destruction, • perdition '(gl. fain:, 79: ): MP. 18 1 9, 70 15: alar 91 37.hell' (gl. 274., 947: 929.) (cf. PSM. ghai and al' kinds of hell '.) cf. DMP. 569, 670. 574. faths PC. 1 10 5, 39 4 7, 39 4 9, 696 II etc. MP. 39 9 5, fà #371 73 13 6. a woman's wat). See DMP. 490. 575. u (f.) PC. 17 6 3, 58 6 5, 75 21 1 - 2 sort of arrow'. a PC. 75 17 3 ibid. .. cf. PSM. तीरिया ( in the compound तीरियासरा trom the Samaraicckaha the interpretation quiver' doubtfully put forth by PSM. is incorrect ). MW. S. v. ate, difat, Persian tir. 576. 43927 PC. 429, 487, 17 9 3, 20 8 6 etc. MP. 16 23 6, 60 11 12 etc. "crush, pound, destroy' (qui). See DMP. 1077 cf. M. dalvatņe: trample :, G. dā!ovalo "total destruction. 577. a (f.) 17 6 2, 17 6 9, 52 10 1 challange (to fight ) ( 34161an ). 578. ani2 8 11 1 (w. r. IKT), 84 1 3 'a demon prowling at night' ( gl. ufàat:, 112€: ). Sk. Hirai. cf. Sk. lex. 11 night '. Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 93 579. पाराउ PC. 76 1, 7 7 4, 15 4 8, 19 17 7 etc. MP. 52 19 14 with the face turned away' (1ZFA). 580 पोम PC. 13 9 1, 26 2 2, etc. MP. 27 14 16, 38 15 4 ( प्रशस्, लघू ). See DMP. 1126. 581. फम्फाव (य) PC. 3 6 9, 8 12 2, 73 3 8 etc. JC. 2 1 8, 2 13 4 ( बन्दिविशेष ) cf. DMP. 1304. 30 8 4, 31 6 2, 582. मइयवट्ट PC. 1565, 24 107, 48 13 4, 56 22, 58 10 5, 64 6 7 etc. 'destroyer' ( विनाशक, मर्दक ) ( mostly at the end of a compound). 583. 3 PC. 8 9 9; Bh. ' pride' (). cf. PSM 34, मडप्पर, मडम्फर . 584, PC. 17 13 10; MP. 85 14 6, 91 21 11; JC. 2.23 11 cooked food'. 32 13 10, 61 10 7 etc. 'to praise ' cf. Sk. parvan. G. 588, < C • 9 14 6, 242 8, a sort of bard' 585. PC. 4 97, 17 3 2 etc; MP. 145 11, 16 26 12 etc. overflow, flood' (derived from Sk. A 'flow'). cf. G. to flood', रेल (f.) C a flood '). See DMP. 559. 586. PC. 4 7 10, 61 9, 17 9 3, 25 15 2. stop' check, cf. H., G. g. occurring in Hemacandra's ParisistaSee DMP. 599. 587. PC. 15 12 3, 18 3 7, 19 8 10, 25 3 7, 70 11 10, 72 14 9 etc. to be sure', 'certainly', PC. 14 2 6' festoon of green leaves etc.' ( H. बंदखाल, वंदनवार ). Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 94 589. afca's PC. 18 8 9, 27 3 9, 29 9 9, 30 9 5, 68 9 1, 84 16 2; afsh MP. 25 18 11, 78 19 33, 80 4 13 etc. 'violence' ( 7817912). cf. PSM. afhzi. See DMP. 161. 590. faks:93 PC. 14 9 8. 15 11 1, 37 87, 37 11 3, 58 7 6 etc. 'agitated', 'perturbed' ( 919 ). cf. SH. 8 2 174. 591. Tabiat PC. 8 9 5, 12 8 6, 17 7 3 etc; MP. 28 19 8, 83 4 8' agitated 'perturbed' (facay, 5719675) See DMP, 1250. 592. a PC. 10 10 2,11 6 36 a push'. cf. PSM. fec. 593. 825, 25, FAST PC. 4 5 9, 15 11 3, 33 8 6, 45 23, 48 1 1, 53. 102, 58 9 9, 61 2 2, 80 3 6, 82 2 6, 83 8 6; MP. 7 12 5, 39 5 13, 77 3 14. - offer ', . keep ready? See DMP, 1270 and zzz to offer · DMP. 818,819 (Guj. zieq', silag' 'to offer '). 594. #154 (f.) PC. 19 10, 1, 261 1, 44 9 4 53 12 9, 60 9 9 etc.; MP. 5 15 9, 81 61. (Guj. His 'embrace'). embrace' See DMP. 1279. 595. fübarife PC. 86 3 9: JC. 4 3 8. ia piece of cloth held above the head of a person taken in procession, to serve as a canopy?. (cf. PSM. 1 17811, Old Guj., fafif ). See DMP. 1370. Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 95 596. di PC. 6 1 10; MP. 29 15 2 'pierced' ( Ved. sñt to rend'). cf. PL. 924 zffisit=fira: See DMP. 253. 597. gps PC. 17 6 5, 58 6 6, 61 1 4. a sort of piercing weapon cf. a MP. 84 6 4; NC. 7 7 10,- to pierce', en to throw' SH. 8 4 145. See DMP. 1311, 1312. cf. MP. 7 5 10, 76 8 6 etc; PC. 52 9 3. 'to fix on a stake, to pierce' yangfos • acts of mutual piercing' (H. ESAL 'to pierce'). See DMP. 1313. Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SOME VARIANT READINGS IN HEMACANDRA'S DESĪNĀMAMĀLĀ* We shall start with the discussion of a few textual variants from Hemacandra's Rayanārali or Desināmainālāl (= DN.). The near-chaotic orthographic variations among the DN. MSS. would pose a serious problem for anybody undertaking to edit it. Some idea of the magnitude and character of that problem has been given by Pischel in the introduction to his DN. edition. In a umber of cases he had to resort to etymology or NIA. derivatives as the dominant criterion for selecting from the variants, even when this involved disregarding strong MS. evidence. On course Pischel was quite conscious oị the danger inherent in such a mode of selection, and as befitted a true scholar, he frankly admitted the tentative character of some of his accepted readings. Since then numerous Pk. and Ap. texts and a few valuable Pk. lexicons have been published. Important lexicographical works and studies in the sphere of NIA. also have appeared. It is now high time to reconsider (and, if necessary, revise) the text of DN. with respect to the form and meaning of some of the words listed therein. The words ulloca- (DN. I, 98), siidhi (8, 29), pivva(6, 46). Ovaddhi--il, 151), cirva- and civara (3, 9) are considered below from this point of view. Read before the Prakrit and Jainism Section o! The twentyfirst session of the All India Oriental Conference held at Srinagar in October 1961. 1. Ed. Pischel, R. (first edition, 1880; revised second edition by Ramanujaswami. P., 1937); by Banerji, M. and Sheth, H. (Part I, 1931); by Doshi, B. J. (with Gujarati translation. notes, etc. : Part I, only entitled Desisaddasaigaho, 1947. complite text entitled Devabdasorigrol. 1974). Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. Allowa- versus ullocr- (1.98) canopy' (vitāna-). MS. cvidence and the Pājalucchinānuamālū2 (=PL.) of Dhanapäla (c. 970 A.D) favour ullova Pischel has selected ullocabecause that is the Sanskrit form. One would think of this reason rather as going against alloca-. Preservation of an intervocalic (- would be something of an anomaly in Pk. Usually it is either lost or alternatively (but rarely) it becomes3 -j- or -cc. Further ullova(ya) is actually attested from Ap. texts. See for example savvaithu- ri pasariya-u!lorarit Mahāpurāņa4 3. 9, 18) With the canopies spread everywhere. voudhu-elevaringa-ulloraran (Paumasiricariu. 2, 233 a. Witi a divine canopy hung (ver'. The fact that in the second of the above passages ullovayan rhymes with ujjovayaiit, guarantees genuineness of the spelling with -". wliova- instead of ulloc-9 is casily explained by the Ap. tendency of inserting it - after -- or -o-. 2. Edited by B. J. Doshi, 1901. 3. Grammatik, $$ 186, 202. 4. Puşpadanta, Mahāpurāụcı, ed. by P. L. Vaidya, I, 1937. The word also occurs at 8, 7, 15. 5. Dhānila, Putumasiricarili, ed. 1. C. Bhayani. S.J.S., 24, 1948. The work is prior to 12th century A.D. 6. This form is recorded in PSM; occurs with corrupt spelling at Pawaziricuriu 2. 198: is also found as a variant for ullova- at: PL. 5. 217. 7. For such an intrusive -- in is. see Jacobi, H. Bhavisatiakahā briroduction, $ 3; Alsdori L., Harivamsapurūnu (1936), Introduction. $ 13: Tagare, G. V., Historical Grammar, of Apabhrainsa, 1948, § 30; Bhayani, H. C. Paumacariu. I. 51. $ 31: Sanda merasaka. grammor. SS Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 98 2. simtā versus simdha ( 8. 29 ) 'whistling through nose' (nāsikanāda-). From among the variants simdhā, sindā, simţà Pischel has selected the first, “only in consideration of Sindhi simdha (fem.) ‘a whistle, whistling'". But we know that siți (or a closely similar form) is inherited by many NIA. languages. Consider, for example, Nepali and Bengali siți, Hindi and Panjabi siți, Lahanda sit, Sindhi siță, Gujarati siți, Marathi śiți. Most of these words go back to *sițțiā. Its nasalized variant would be simțiā which is but an enlarged form of simță. These facts would now support sińţă against simdha. 3. picca- versus pivva- (6, 46) 'water' (jala-). Going against a substantial majority of his MSS., Pischel has preferred pivva- over picca-, because 'the word is apparently derived from pibati'. But now we have some evidence to support in this case too, the MSS. against Pischel. Puspadanta's Nāyakumäracariu" has the following passage : apusiya-nayaņa-cuyamsua-piccam annāyaḥ niva ghosai niccam (5-10, 20-21) 'O King, without wiping the waters of tears trickling from the eyes, he (i.e. the Sabara) always shouts loudly : “injustice”! Here the gloss equates picca- with jala-. As the word rhymes with niccam in the next line, the spelling with -cc- is quite definite and there is no scope for suspecting any confusion of -cc- and -yv-. Hence picca- is to be preferred to pivva-. . 4. ovatti versus ovaddhi (1, 151) 'knot of the garment (nivi). All the printed editions have ovaddhi. Some of the MSS. read 8. Vide Nepali Dictionary, s. v. siți. 9. Ed. by H. L. Jain. The work was composed in early mid tenth century. The passage was brought to my notice in a different connection by my student Mrs. Ratna Sriyan. Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 99 ovatļi. PL. has uațți. The case is decided in favour of ovatti by Gujarati, Marathi oți 'part of the lower garment, crossed to form a knot on the waist'. From the mode of forming this knot (viz., by first crossing the cords formed by the twisted border-parts, and then tucking them up on the sides), we can suggest derivation of ovațţi, uațți from Sk. ud-vart- or apa-vart-, Pk. oatt-, ovatt-. 5-6 cirva- and civvara- versus cicca: and ciccara- (3, 9) 'flat-nosed'. In the light of G. cibum 'flat-nosed', M. cibā 'flattened'. etc., 10 the real form was in all probability civva- and not cicca-. civvara is an extension of civva-. cf. G. cavad, cavvad, civvud 'tough'; Sk. cipița- 'flattened', etc.,11 G. coppat, capļu 'flat'. Moreover an allied form chivvara- (v. I. chivvira-) 'flat' (quali. ņāsa- ‘nose') is attested in the following Apabhramśa passage from the Paumacariu of Svayambhū (9th cent. A.D.): chivvura-ņāsem paviraladamtem (1, 2, 11 b) 'by him who is flat-nosed and has sparse teeth.' These facts decide in favour of civva- and civvara-. Next we shall examine a few pairs which can be shown to be doublets. These are : oddampia- (1, 171) and orampia- (1, 171); osaria- (1, 171) and osia- (1, 158); oggāla- (1, 151) and oala(1, 151); ohařsa- (1, 168) and charisa- (1, 169); kummaņa- (2, 40) and kurumāņa- (2, 40). 7-8. oddampia- (1, 171) and orampia- (1, 171) 'destroyed (naşta-), "attacked (akrāntā-). Both the words derive from Sk. ud-+ *ramp-. Treated as unitary, it became * uddainp- or oddamp-. With ud- treated as a constituent, it became *uramp- or oramp-. For the near-free variation between MIA. u. (Sk. ud-) and o- (Sk. apa-, ava-) of prepositional origin see Schwarzschild's Gleanings from the Vasudevahindi (Bharatiya Vidya, 1958, 22-26). Uncompounded ramp- (variant forms : rampha-, ramh-) means 'to scrape, 'to chisel. Its derivatives 10. Vide N. D. s. v. cibirce. 11. Vide N. D. s. v. ciură. Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100 are Pk. rampa- 'shavings', G. rämpi12 'scraper for leather', Pk. rappCattack'. Pk. oratta- (=vidārita-) presupposes Sk. udsava-Japa- +* rapta-, With the pair oddampa-, oramp- cf. no. 11-12 below. 9-10. osaria- (1-171) and osia- (1,158) 'with the face downwards', 'with the downcast look' (adhomukha-). Both the words derive from Sk. apašrika- 'deprived of beauty', "lack-lustre', and hence 'losing face?. Anaptyxis produced osaria-, assimilation was responsible for osia-. The first part of G. ośiyā! u 'feeling helpless dependence under obligation, need or shame' may be connected with osiya-. For osiu- (1, 150) 'weak’, alternative derivation from Sk. avaśa- +suf. -ika- cannot be ruled out. 11-12 oggāla- (1, 151) and oäla- (1, 151) frivulet (alpam srotah). PL. has uggāla-. The source-word is SK. ud-gāra-. With the two different treatments of the preposition, 13 we get the doublets. beginning with ug- and u-, with the respective variations og- and o-, so that we have both oggála- and oāla-. 13-14. chamsa- ((1, 168) and oharisa- (1, 169) 'stone-slab for pre paring sandal-paste by rubbing'. Both the words derive from Sk. *ava-gharşa- 'hard rubbing'. The intervocalic cluster -rs- had two possible developments: either it developed as anusvāra +-s-14 or, as a semi-tatsama loan, it underwent an anaptyxis and became -ris-15 We have comparable instances in Pk. ghams- (Sk. gharş-), nihařs- (Sk. -nighurs-); gharis(Sk. gharş-). Semantically avagharşa- developed the shades (1) the result of the action of rubbing sandal-wood (hence the meaning candana recorded for ohařsa- at DN. 1, 168), and (2) the means or implement for the same purpose (candana-gharşana-silā). oharisais preserved in G. orasiyo16 'the rubbing-slab to grind anything 12. Vide N. D. S. v. rāmbo. 13. See under No. 7-8 above. 14. Grammatik § 74. 15. ibid, § 135. 16. Also noted by Doshi in his translation of DN. 1, 169. Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ upon', made up of oras- and -iyo, of which the first constituent derives from oharisa-. while the second is a pleonastic suffix derived from Sk. -ika- + -ka-. 101 15-16. kummana- (2, 40) and kurumāṇa- (2, 40) 'withered'. Trivikrama has given kumm- as a verbal substitute for Sk. mlai- 'wither'. We can, therefore, consider kummaṇa- as an agent noun in -aṇa-, formed from Pk. kumm-. Similarly we can also look upon kurumāṇa- as made up of kurumā-+-āṇa- (suffix). kumma- and kuruma- are derivable from Sk. kurma-, the former through assimiltion, the latter through anaptyxis. For such a two-fold development of clusters beginning with r-, compare the observations and references under Nos. 13-14. chauma- from chadma, paüma- from padma- and suhuma- from sükşma- are other instances of anaptyctic -u- before -m-. suhuma- also parallels kuruma in shortening the root-vowel. A denominative kūrmāyate would give Pk. *kurumai and hence the past participle kurumāṇā-. Alternatively *kummai would become analogically kummai and hence kummana. The semantic development can be easily figured out as 'behaves like a tortoise', 'contracts', 'withers'. As in the case of the pair o harisa- (G. orasiyo), ohamsa-, Gujarati has inherited the -preserving form. Compare the cognates like G. karma- 'wither' (karmanum 'withered'), M. komne, H. kumhalänä, etc. all genetically connected with Sk. kurma-. Finally we take up two more Deśya words with a view to consider their derivation or meaning. The words are uluhamta(1, 109) and oluhamta- (1, 163). uluhamta- (1, 109) 'crow'. The suggested derivation18 from Sk. uluka-hanta 'the killer of owls' is beset with two difficulties: hanta would be too much 17. 17. Vide N D. s. v. kumläunu 18. Ramanujaswami, Doshi, op. cit. Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 of a Sanskritism for a Deśya expression, and we are required to assume ulu in the place of ululy)a-. Better we take the expression as made up of uluha- + -asta- meaning the death or destroyer of th owl'. Besides the usual ulu(y)a- Sk. ulūka-, we have here the analogically formed uluha-, under the influence of Pk. animal names in -ha- (e g. vasaha-, usaha-, gaddaha-, rāsaha-, tittiha-, dunduha-, karaha-, saraha-, salaha-, etc.) corresponding to similar Sanskrit names in -bha-19 (e.g. vşşabha-, rşabha-, gardabha-, rāsabha, titţibha-, dumdubha, karabha-, sarabha, salabha-, sairibha- etc.). Another quite similar instance is Pksunaha-,20 besides sunaa-. The -bha (instead of vaw) and -ha- respectively of Pk, kacchabha-, kacchaha- (Sk kacchapa-) are to be similarly explained.21 As the owl is kākāri, so the crow is naturally ulükānta-, 18. olumpaa- (1, 163). Hemacandra paraphrases this as täpikä-hasta-. Ramanujaswami strangely enough translates this as 'go-between'. PSM, also appears to have understood the Sanskrit expression only partly, because its rendering 'tavā-kā hāthā' ( = 'handle of the baking pan') does. not give the exact sense of tāpikā-hasta-. Really speaking täpikāhasta- means 'the spatula-shaped turn-spit used while baking chapatis, etc.' It is (as Doshi has rightly understood) the same word as G. tävitho- or tavetho-. täpikā 'frying pan' for 'baking. pan'?) is noted by Monier Williams from the Harşacarita tāpaka-, täpika (or its variants *tapaka-, *tapikā) lie at the basis of Pk. tāvia-, G. tavo-, H. tavā- 'frying pan', G. távdo 'big frying pan', Pk. tavani 'frying pan', G. tavi, 'baking plate', 'frying pan', tāvdo earthen baking pan'.22 hasta- in the sense of 'an implement with 19. Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar, $ 1199; Burrow, The Sanskrit Language, 197. 20. Pischel (Grammatik, $$ 206, 598) explains the -ha- by assum ing a suffix *-kha- as its reflex. 21. Differently at Grammatik, $ 208. 22. Vide N. D. s.v. tăi, tawā. Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 103 handle is used by Hemacandra also in the expression däru-hasta'laddle (DN. 3, 1, s v. caṭṭū). hastaka-, in the sense of 'turn-spit' is noted by MW. from the Harṣacarita. Cf. its Gujarati derivative hätho 'handle'. It is interesting to note that corresponding to Sk. tapika and tāpikā-hasta- and its Gujarati derivatives tavi and tāvitho, Konkani has käilä and kailāto (wherein käilä is the same as kahalli, noted at DN. 2. 59 in the sense of tavani, further explained as apupādi-pacana-bhāṇḍa-). Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ORIGINS OF MULTIPLE MEANINGS OF DES’YA WORDS* For studying the problems relating to the Deśya side of Prakrit lexicology, Hemacandra's Dešināmamālā (= DN) is the most obvious basic source. A critical examination of the Deśya items it records, leads us to several fresh lines of investigation. I have tried to follow a few of them in my Studies in Hemacandra's Dešināmamālā (Banaras, 1965)1. Here I propose to indicate and illustrate another such line of exploration based on orthographical considerations, and affording us glimpses into the character of Hemacandra's Deśya sources. In my above mentioned studies I lave devoted considerable space to examining the orthographic variation among the Deśya items of DN., and have tried to show how in several cases the scribal confusion might have been responsible for producing spurious words. But alongside with it, there was another fertile source of confusion and error, viz., the orthography and the homonymy of the Sanskrit and especially Prakrit words given as meaning-equivalents for the Deśya items. This source of errors is subtler and more complex than the orthography of the recorded Deśya items themselves. Prakrit abounds in homonyms and where illustrative materials were absent or undecisive, ambiguity frequently led lexicographers into wrong tracks. Hemacandra has actually commented on a few cases of this type in the commentary on DN. 6, 8. For example, he has stated that some authorities, misguided by wrong spelling in their sources, had given ari-feat: a heap of berries' (instead * Read before the Prakrit and Jainism Section of the twentythird session of the All India Oriental Conference held at Aligarh on the 27th, 28th and 29th October, 1966. 1. Included in the present collection. Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 105 of the correct ate-faqa: “a gang of robbers”) as the meaning of 98127. This error had obviously resulted from reading as a. Again under D N. 8, 12 Hemcandra has reported another such case. Udūkhala's commentary on Abhimānacinha's Deśya lexicon first blundered in taking 9731311 as the Deśya item and Flasit as the meaning-word (instead of the other way round). It committed a further mistake in understanding #igsit as equal to Sk. 3718a: 'struck with an arrow'). This he ultimately took as the meaning of 97313it, which in fact means a 'snake'. Here the cause of the latter mistake is homonymy. Similarly under DN. 8, 17 Hemacandra has pointed out that one authority mistsook aafian (given as the meaning word for, a fost and agrogurt) for aos 311, and accordingly attributted it the wrong meaning daughter-in-law' (instead of the correct one, a broom', literally, 'a multiplier'.) These cases sufficiently illustrate the confusing force of orthography and homonymy in the Prakrit (and Sanskrit) words, given as meaning-equivalents for Deśya lexical items. It appears that Hemacandra succeeded in clearing only a few cobwebs-he ruled out some alternatives where his authorities provided him definite guidance. Elsewhere he recorded divergent alternatives supported by different traditions. A little critical probing, however, reveals that the plethora of multiple meanings and formal variation among the recorded items in DN. is to some extent a consequence of orthographic and other confusions and misinterpretations accumulating over centuries. The following few cases are offered in support of this observation. Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Deśya items Prakrit meanings Remarks Sanskrit meanings with English translation (1) 372ůh 'excessive" (2) Fq'clean, clear' 1. nafas (3, 62) (1) 3777778 (2) 37o 377774 read as 3kasi (=317473H) would be the source of the meaning स्वच्छम्. 2. fe'ffes (4, 10) (1) aftaladi qah starched cloth (2) Fafaat F: 'slipped hand' (according to some) (1) arsa art. The meaning-expression afog वत्थे if read as खलिए हत्थे would (2) afsit cat be the source of the alternative meaning. Cf. fūarat (4, 34) and for 7377 (4, 49) both meaning ‘sweat'; and feat, 37 (4,7) 'cloth made up of parts stiched together (Guj. sifet'). 106 3. sgat (4, 11) D'7317 (5, 15) (1) Etuigoz: 'old bell' (2) sturez: 'old poť (1) paat (2) 52831 'sit and its synonym (3, 59) bave the sense the bell put round the neck of a buffalow'. The first is evidenced in Gathāsaptašati 172. The form तुडूओ seems to be the result of Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Desya items Prakrit meanings Sanskrit meanings with English translation Remarks scribal confusion between 7, 3, 5, , etc. praat: can be a mistake for Tica: One manuscript actually reads FREE for Fia'at 4, 11 (commentary). 4. z'aferait (4, 15) (1) #FFET गामजक्खो read as गामरुक्खो would be the source of the alternative meaning. 107 (1) T A: 'the guardian gah of the village (2) MAIA: 'the village tree' (according to some) (1) Tia: 'Cruel 5. fofaret (4, 48) (1) foretat (2) farist: ‘disappointed (2) FORTET If the grant of fore 'ai touched the head-line at the upper end of the vertical stroke of the first, and if the midstroke of the latter was blurred in the manuscript, fore at would become forzzat, Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Deśya items Prakrit meanings Remarks 6. ततुक्खोडी (5, 7) Sanskrit meanings with English translation वायकतन्त्रोपकरणम् a weaver's implement' त्वरायुक्त: 'hurrying' तुरी तुतुक्खुडि। (5, 16) तुराजुत्ते Both seem to be one and the same word. The source of the meaning of the second form was the misinterpretation of gig as cafia. The components are clearly तंतु 'fibre' and खोडी 'wooden stick'. 7. तलसारिअ (5, 9) 1. गालि 108 (1) गालितम् 'distilled' (2) नालिक:2 i.e. मुग्धम् 'foolish' (1) विगलति drips' (2) तृप्यति is satisfied' गालिए read as णालिए (or नालिए) would be the source of the alternative meaning. As तिप्पइ (Sk. तिप्-), a by form of focus (sk. féaq-) 'drips', 8. थिप्पइ (5, 30) 1. At 5, 22 तुरी is given with the meaning तुलिकानामुपकरणम्. Here तुलिक-बायक 'weaver' and not 'painter' as it is misunderstood by Ramanujaswami. In the form थूरी it is recorded at 5, 28 with the meaning वाअयभ' - तन्तुवायोपकरणम. 2. Siddhahema 8, 4, 422 (15), where नालिअ is given as equivalent to मूढ. . Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Deśya items Prakrit meaning Remarks Sanskrit meanings with English translation 9. थिरसीसो (5, 31) (1) बद्धशिरस्त्राणः 'helmeted'. ... (2) निर्भोक: 'fearless' 1. बद्धसिरको 2. भयरहिओ was homomymous with तिप्पड़ (Sk. acufat) 'is satisfied," the latter sense was erroneously assigned to थिप्पइ. If बद्धसिरकको (-बद्धशिरस्क: is read as पद्धसिरक्को (स्तब्धशिरस्कः), it would yield the meaning "with unbending head" i.e. "fearless" वयण can stand for वदन as well as वचन so we would have दरकुपितवचनसकेाचनमन्मौनमू. 109 1. दरकुविअवयण- सकाअणं 2. मोणं 10. थुकिम (5, 31) (1) दरकुपितवदनसकोचनम् 'contraction of face in slight anger (2) मौनम् 'silence' 11. पेंडओ (6, 53) (1) षण्ड: ‘eunuch' पेंड (6, 81) (2) खण्डम् 'piece' षण्ड was frequently misspelt खण्ड, and manuscripts confused ष and ख. (Cf. षण्ड and खण्ड 'multitude', 'grove'). Thus षढे was read as n'ê and misinterpreted to mean a piece'. Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Desya items 12. सिंदुर (854) Sanskrit meanings with English translation (1) रज्जुः 'rope ' (2) राज्यम् 'kingdom' Prakrit meanings 1. रज्जू 2. रज Remarks In view of सिंदु (8, 28) = रज्जुः and of सिंदी (8, 29 ) and सिंदाला ( 8, 29 ) = खर्जूरी the first meaning is genuine. The second meaning seems to have originated in the confusion of 5 and रज्ज. सिंदूर ( 8, 30 ) and सिज्जूर (8, 30) may be just orthographic variants of f and hence their meaning may have been an error. copied as रज्जए would give us राज्य instead of रज्जु. 110 Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 111 In this connection the complicated case of पारिहट्टी (6, 72) with its synonyms and multiple meanings is of special interest. The original and the only genuine meaning of पारिहट्टी is चिरप्रसूता महिषी 'a she-buffalo that has calved long ago.' This is supported by its Mod. Guj. form 93. पारिहट्टी came to be confused with परिहट्टी, परिहट्टी (6, 21 ) means आकृष्टिः i.e. आकर्षणम् 'drawing, attracting'. परिहट्टी, आयड्ढी and पयड्ढणी (=off) all mean the same thing, viz., drawing, attracting.' Because of the confusion, the meaning 3 was also attributed to पारिहड्डी. Hemcandra accepts that meaning for पारिहड्डी. In the citation from Gopala, given in the commentary, both and पारिहट्टी are given in the meaning of पयड्ढणी i.e. आकृष्टि:. Again परिहारिणी ( 6, 31 ) too like पारिहट्टी meant primarily a buffalow that has calved long ago.' But it seems to have been confused with fe a female door-keeper.' The commentary on 6, 31 records an earlier view to this effect. And because पारिहारी and पारिहट्टी commonly shared one meaning, viz., चिरप्रसूता महिषी, पारिही also was supposed to have the meaning प्रतिहारी. In this way we can account for the three meanings द्वाःस्था, आकृष्टिः and प्रतीहारी given for पारिहट्टी and पयड्ढणी. = There is another word, पडुत्थी ( 6, 70 ), which has बहुदुग्धा 'yielding plenty of milk' as one of its meanings. This meaning is allied to चिरप्रसूता Its another meaning is given as पारिहारिणी : दोहनहारिणी. दोहनहारिणी means 'a woman carrying the milking pot. ' Under 5, 56 Hemacandra has given this with two meanings : 'a woman carrying the water-pot' (uf)3, 'a woman carrying 3. Ramanujaswami has misunderstood qff here as 'a maker of garlands'. q is noted by Hemacandra (6, 37) with the meaning a milking pot'. Similarly of occurring in the 6, 70 commentary (as a rendering of gift of the text) is misinterpreted as 'a cow which avoids milking." Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 112 the milking pot (970efauft). Here also it seems that the meaning पारीहारिणी is based on a confusion. Really it should be परिहारिणी which is the same as farggai Afect i.e. aega. And the agreft itself does not seem to be genetically different from पडिच्छिआ (6, 21) with its tell-tale meanings प्रतीहारी and चिरप्रसूता HEN. The orthography is responsible for zet in one form and songs in another. Some of the DN. MSS actually read 437 for Era. Further the numerous meanings of agat (6, 67) deriving from homonyny provide a good illustration of the multiple confusion in Deśya lexicography created over centuries. The recorded meanings of age are 1. asfaat' = (fafaaly) ‘an opening in the hedge'. 2. Ai! (= ari:) ‘a passage way' 3. gee = 5:5ft*:) 'of bad character' 4. T = Foteta12:) a sort of neck ornament' 5. #fogg (=w FESICH ) a hole in the neck' 6. 007131 = 8991c:) “a pitiful cry.' Except gifts all the rest seem to be the products of one original word and one original meaning. His: is the general sense for the particular afafaa H. The meaning #getatt: signifying a particular ornament' seems to be based on misinterpretation. At 2, 24 कंठदीणारो is recorded with the meaning वृत्तिविवरम् , while here पएरो is said to have वृतिविवरम् and कष्ठदीनार: as two different meanings. The fact seems to be that one of the sources of Hemacandra used the expression वइविवर (or वृतिविवरम ) for rendering the meaning of aget, while another source used szettet (F03&tat?:); but somebody understood the latter in its primary sense of a dinar worn as neck ornament4 instead of the idomatic sense 'an 4. Compare Sk. falow meaning "a gold coin' and the same used as neck ornament. start took the place of foF. in later times. Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 113 opening in the hedge'. This latter seems to have originated as a metaphor. The circular hedge with entrance in the front can be easily looked upon as the ornament around the neck with the pendent in front (or the open ends at the back). The meaning fizforge seems to have resulted from a blend of कंठवीणारो and वइच्छिद्द. छिद्द (also छिड) is equivalent to विवरम् . DN. 3, 35 has recorded the forms for and found in the sense of RF, and stop (2, 24) and safeteg (2, 64) in the sense of afafaaeh, besides * (3, 31; elsewhere fart, for "f8911) in the sense of a small passage way (mostly in a hedge). There seems to be a free exchange between the words for 'an opening' and 'an opening in the hedge'. Besides the above given words compare alquit (7, 55) fesą and anaforan (7, 58)= *=*gafa:. che empty space' also means afafaac (2, 27). Another notable thing about some Deśya words connected with the meaning "entrance in an hedge' is that they are basically words signifying a hut'. कुडिआ (Sk. कुटिका) and कुटीर (Sk. कुटीरम) have the meaning afafaaly (2, 24) besides the meaning 'a hut'. Conversely कुडिच्छ meant a hut' besides वृतिविवरम्, and वार्डतरा deriving from as 'a hedge' and 'an opening', is recorded in the sense of 'a hut (7, 58).5 . The sixth sense of पएरो, viz., दीगणाआ can be suspected to derive from it due to some scribal confusion. A strong element of speculation is quite obvious in the above discussion, but that would be more or less inevitable in any such discussion because of our indirect and quite meagre sources of knowledge of Deśya lexicography prior to Hemacandra. 5. There is one more word in the same sense : fat (2, 24). Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE BHĀSĀ-LAKSANA CHAPTER OF GITĀLANKĀRA 1. Introduction* ... The Gitālankāra, traditionally ascribed to Bharata, is a work on music. It has been edited by Daniéou and Bhatt from a single manuscript.1 The date of the work is not known. The editors are of the opinion that the Gitālankāra is an ancient work, much earlier than the Națyaśāstra of Bharata, but the view considering it as a very late work is well-founded. The last chapter of the Gitālankāra numbered fifteenth and called Bhāşälaksana, gives a long list of Prakrit dialects and devotes one Gāthā to each of them to illustrate a few of their characteristic words. The dialect list is in Sanskrit (like all the earlier chapters), but the illustrative verses are in Prakrit. * Abbreviations used : ABH. : Hemacandra's Abhidhānacintāmaņi. edited and translated in Gujarati by Vijayakastūra Sūri, 1957. DB. : The text of the Prakrit portion of the Gitālankāra as given by Daniélou and Bhatt. DN. : Hemachandra's Dešināmamālā edited by R. Pischel; second edition by P. V. Ramanujaswami, 1938. GT.: Gitālankāra. Guj. : Gujarati H. : Hindi. IAL. : Turner's Comparative Dictionary of Indo-Aryan Languages. MW. : Monier Williams' Sanskrit Dictionary. PL. : Dhanapāla's Pāialacchināmamālā edited by Bühler; translated in Hindi by Bechardas Doshi, 1960. PS. : Prāksta-sarvāsva of Mārkandeya, edited by K. C. Āchārya, 1968. PSM.: H. Sheth's Pāiasaddamahannavo. R.: The reconstructed text of the Prakrit portion of the Gitālankāra, SH. : Hemacandra's Prakrit Grammar (= the eighth chapter of the Siddhahemaśabdānusāsana) edited by P. L. Vaidya, 1958. SK. : Sanskrit. SMP.: A critical Study of Mahāpurāņa of Puspadanta by R. N. Shriyan, 1969. Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 115 It was S. M. Katre who first pointed out in 1939 the importance of this chapter of the Gitālankära.2 He presented a list of the names of Prakrits given in the Gitālankāra and published the text of the fifteenth chapter. Now we have an edition of the whole work. The text of the fifteenth chapter of the GT., especially that of its Prakrit portion is very badly preserved in its only available manuscript. It is highly corrupt and full of serious errors. So much so that neither Katre nor Danielou and Bhatt could attempt a translation or even a summary of the contents of the illustrative verses.3 The text as it stands appears mostly chaotic. On the face of it, it does not seem possible to make out any connected sense even from single lines or their portions. Under the circumstances, any attempt to make word-division is also in danger of being considered nothing but futile guesswork. The present effort of conjecturally reconstructing the text, in so far as it could be done, has a very limited aim of making out something from a nearly hopeless text. Quite obviously such guesswork is always highly risky and subjective, and the results are patently disproportionate to the time and effort involved. The first six verses of ch. XV of the GT. give the list of Prakrit dialects, said to have a total of fortytwo. Most of the first verse and a part of the second verse are missing. Danielou and Bhatt have tried to restore tentatively the missing portion on the basis of indications found in the subsequent part of the chapter. The text of the first six verses along with that of the seventh verse which introduces the subsequent illustrative section is reproduced below after Danièlou and Bhatt. (The obviously incorrect Ms. readings are given in the footnotes). महाराष्ट्री किराती च [ सौराष्ट्री मागधी तथा लाटी.डी च काश्मीरी पौरस्त्या पश्चिमोत्कला ॥ १ पाब्चाला चापि पैशाची ] म्लेच्छी चैव तुरा [ नि]का । सोमकी चालकी काञ्ची मालवी काशिस भवा ॥ २ Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 वेदिकाः च कुशावर्ता तथान्या 2शूरसेनिका । भाजी3 च । गूर्जरी चैव रोमक्री मेदसंभवा ॥ ३ मारवी कानमखी च देवकी पञ्चात्तना ।। सैन्धवी कौशिका भद्रा तथान्या भद्रभोजिक। ॥ ४ कुन्तला कासला पारा यावनी कुकुरी तथा । मध्यदेशी च कम्बोजी [मलया चा]-त्यमा स्मृता ॥ ५ द्वाचत्वारिंशतिः प्रोक्ता एता भाषाः प्रसंख्यया ।। एता विमृश्य कयौं गीत गीतविचक्षणः ॥ ६ लक्षणानि च सर्वेषां कथयिष्ये यथाक्रमम् । संक्षेपेण समस्त तु न शक्य त्रिदशैरपि ॥ ७ This is followed by the Prakit verses with the introductory remark 379 asft. At the end of the chapter the title is given as भाषालशणाध्याय. In the course of our examination of the illustrative section below we shall see that in their attempted restoration of the names of the dialects, Daniélou and Bhatt are on quite uncertain grounds regarding the names लाटी, गोंडी, उत्कला, पेशाची, तुरानिका and मलया. Probably पाञ्चाली is ninth in the order and पाश्चात्या (or पश्चिमा) is. eleventh, but Daniélou and Bhatt have assumend the reverse of that order. So the last Pada of the first verse has to be something like प्राच्या (or पूर्वा) पाञ्चालिका. Further the fourteenth name is in all probability तुषारिका, and. not तुरानिका; the Ms. has actually तु रिका in v. 2, and तुरंवारा (i.e. तुक्खारा) in v. 21. The last name is most probably औडा (or औडिका) and not मलया. कानमूखी is very much suspect and possibly it is a corruption of कान्यकुब्जा. The number of languages is given as fortytwo (v. 6.). The subsequent verses 8 to 48 present a few lexical characteristics of each of these Prakrits. As there are fortytwo languages, but fortyone characterising verses, we have to assume that either somewhere 1. देविका. 2. सूरसेनिका. 3. बौधी. 4. मोद.. 5. मालवी. 6. कोशला. Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 117 two languages are accomodaed tin one verse or, alternatively, one verse is missing. Danielou and Bhatt think that v. 40 illustrates in its two halves and respectively. Further they understand v. 47 also deals in similar fashion with two languages, namey and . They take the last verse, numbered fortyeight, as topically not forming a part of the 1, but rather as a conclusion to the work as a whole, disregarding the patent fact that the language of the verse is Prakrit while the whole work excepting the verses illustrating the dialects is in Sanskrit. In fact the whole of v. 47 illustrates the dialect and the last verse of ch. XV illustrates the dialect. We think that one verse illustrating is missing after v. 40, eventhough the Ms. does not indicate any gap at that place. ध for ग्ग, ज A critical consideration of the text of the Prakrit verses of the GT. as preserved in its single Ms. reveals the following facts about its corruptions and lapses. There are numerous lacunae in vv. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 36, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46 and 47. The copyist of the Ms. (or of its prototype), besides omitting or adding letters, has misread or confused numerous letters : ल for ण, त्थ or थ for व्व, ह for अ, ज्न for म, म for त, ह for ढ, ख for ग्ग, सो for ओ, भ for र, त्थ for च्छ, for छ, र for ड, ड for र, व for च च for व, र for व for त, त for व, य for म ज for ग, य for प, च for द्द, पfor य, व for य, ग for झ, द्ध for કૈં, य for इ, व for ठ, ह for व, व for ध, के for क्ख, उ for तु, म for न, ध for प्प, द for ड, टूट्ठ for हु, म्ह for ब्भ, ल for य, द for ज, स for म, न for ग, र for व, क for and so on endlessly. Omission of post-consonantal signs for and 3, addition or transposition of Anusvāra, single letter for the double ones, etc. are other frequent errors. पु, g for 3, for छ, ह In what follows, the text of each verse and the observations on it are presented in the following order: name of the dialect, text according to Danièlou and Bhatt, reconstructed text, notes, the Deśya items identified. We have checked the text of Daniélou Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 and Bhatt with the original manuscript and the few places where we differ from them in the reproduced text are indicated by portions. enclosed in parantheses. The missing letters are indicated in the original Ms. by the corresponding number of dashes, which are: shown as so many crosses in the text reproduced here. 2. The Text and Notes _ [१. महाराष्ट्री] DB. रल्ली भलवो सीहो कइया तिणतद्दिषिणे यथा(षा)। ___तह हलिओं(ओ) विदु(हु) वग्धो णाइत्थो पढमभासा(स)ए ॥८ R. पुल्ली1 भणिओ सीहो कइयातिण तद्दियक्खि(१) णायव्वा । तह अलि अल्लि हु वग्धो णायव्वो पढम-भासाए । Notes : 1. DN. 6, 79 : वग्ध - सीहया पुल्ली. 2. The latter portion of the first line except the: last word is obscure. 3. DN. 1, 56 : अलिअल्ली मिअमए अ वग्धे अ. Items identified : 1. पुल्ली =सीहो 'lion'. 3. अलिअल्ली-बग्धो 'tiger'. [२. किराई / किराती] DB. लिज्जाइय अन्ने द्वि(द्दि)ट्ठ मंजिठजंजुअं मुलायत्थं । तह गुत्थि(च्छ)ओ पहट्ठो सुहियं रीणं किराई(इ)ए ॥९ R. णिज्झाइअअं1 दि8 मंजिठट् मजुअं तु णायव्वं ! तह गविओ पहट्ठो सुढियं रीणं किराईए । Notes : 1. SH. 8-4-6 has noted णिज्झा - in the sense of दर्शन.. According to PSM. णिज्झाइअ-=दृष्ट.. 2. The Kashmiri word for मजीष्ठा 'the Indian madder' is monzu, derived fron Pk. मंजुआ, Sk. मञ्जुका. See IAL. 9717,9720. Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3. DN. 6, 9 : दरिअम्मि पहट्ठो Pk दरिअ - ( = Sk. दृप्त) = Pk. गव्विअ- (Sk. गर्वित - ). • 119 4. DN. 8, 36 : सुढिओ संते. PK. संत- ( Sk. श्रान्त - ) = Pk . रीण - . रीण is frequent in Apabhramśa. See SMP ., item No. 1194. Items identified : 1. णिज्झाइअं = दिट्ठ ' seen'. R. 2. मंजुअं-मजिट्ठ' 'bright red'. 3. पहट्ठो = गव्विओ ' arrogant'. 4. सुढियं = रीण' ' exhausted', * DB. दुल्लखं अजल (अल) जुत्तं गाहुडिगाहो तरो मंडो । सोरट्टियाए भणिओ तं दोहथीहओ णासो ॥ १० [ ३. सोरडिया / सौराष्ट्रका ] दुल्लग्गं अणजुत्तं " गाहुडि गाहो [तहा ] तरी बेडो" । सोरट्टियाए भणिओ थद्धो [त]ह थीणओ* णाओ ॥ Notes : 1. DN. 5, 43 : दुल्लग्गं अघडमाणम्मि. अणजुत्तं = अयुक्तम्. For the negative prefix अण- see SH. 8-2-190. 2. DN. 2, 89 : गाहम्मि गाहुली. गाहुडि is either a corruption of gf or is a derivative based on an alternative diminutive suffix -उड as in Ap. बप्पुड from बप्प.. 3. DN. 6, 95 : बेडो तरीइ. Mod. Guj बेडो 'boat'. 4. DN. 5, 30 : णिण्णेह-दय-दरिएसु थिष्णो; PSM has noted थीण as a varient of थिण्ण- It derives from Sk. स्त्यान• and like थद्ध- ( Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 3. बेडो-तरी 'boat'. 4. थीणओन्थद्धो 'puffed up'. [४. मागह-भासा / मागधी] DB. अणकं डोअलसमओ मागहे भासाए पट्टभा(ल)रयली । साहाला कंकोली भूवहुं(रूवडु) तामर भणिय ॥ ११ R. अणकडो(?) अलसमओ(१) मागहभासाए पट्टला (१) रयणी । साहालो(१) क केल्ली रूवड तामर भणिय ॥ Notes : 1. The first item is quite obscure. 2. पट्टला is otherwise unknown in the sense of रयणी 'night. At in the Ms. seems to be a corruption of रयणी. 3. According to DN. 2, 12 क केल्ली means the Aioka tree. साहाला possibly stands for साहालो, which is noted in PSM, in the sense of a tree in general. It corresponds to Sk. शाखाल-(i. c. शाखिन्-), but it is not known in the sense of अशोक. 4. DN. 5. 10 : रम्मम्मि तामरो. Apabhramsa and old Gujarati रूवड (Mod. Guj. रूड, Hindi रूडा) means "beautiful'. It is a considerably late word, derived from SK. रूप- with Ap. suffix -डअ-. Items identified : तामर रूवड 'beautiful'. [५. सुत्था (१)] DB. सुत्था एसा लत्थी विरह कुसुभज वत्थ (थ)। दुल्लध अणजुत्तं तुगी रयणी धवो भत्ता ॥ १२ R. सुत्थाए(१) सा लच्छी विरह [भण्णइ] कुसुभज वत्थ ।। दुल्लग्ग अणजुत्त तु गी* रयणी धवो भत्ता ।। Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Notes: The first word gives the name of the dialect. It is in the locative singular. Possibly we have to read सुम्हाए. सुझ- ( Pk सुम्ह - under SH 8-2-74 ) is wellknown as the name of a country in West Bengal, But the name of the dialect is definitely not Lați as assumed by Daniélou and Bhatt. 1. For सा=लक्ष्मी see SMP., item no. 1278. 2. DN. 7,91 : विरहो रह कोसु भेसु and 7, 68 को भयम्म विरहाल. Hemacandra has paraphrased कोसुभ with कुसुम्भरक्तं वस्त्रम्. The latter part of the first line is short by four Matras. So is supplied conjecturally. For दुल्लग्ग see note no. 1 under verse 10 above, DN 5, 14 : तुंगी रयणी. धव - is quite an old Sanskrit word, current also in Prakrit. 3. 4. 5. Items identified : 1. 2. 121 Notes : 1. सा=लच्छी 'wealth', 'Godess of wealth'. विरह = कुसुंभिअं वत्थं " bright red cloth (dyed with the Indian madder)' 3. दुल्लग्ग = अणजुत्त' ' improper . ' 4. 5. तुंगी = रयणी 'night'. धवो = भत्ता husband'. [६. गोल्ला ] DB. जाइल्लो जोइडवा पल्ली वग्धो परं सुवो सद्दो । R. छाइल्लो 1 जोइक्खो पुल्ली आलासो विसकीडो थेरो वग्धो पडंसुवो सद्दो | विरिंचो अ गोल्लाए || DN. 3, 35 : छाइल्लो अ पईवे and 3, 49: जोइक्खो दीवम्मि. 2. DN, 6, 79 : वग्धा सीहया पुल्ली. 113. Cf SH. under 8-1-88, 26, 206 पड सुआ = प्रतिश्रुत् = प्रतिशब्दः, प्रतिध्वनिः 'echo' ( PSM ). आलासो विसकीडो त्था (च्छा) रो विरिवोअ गोलाए ||१३ Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 4. DN. 1, 61 : विंचुअम्मि आलासो. Pk. विसकीडो is Sk. विषकीट: 'poisonous worm'. So scorpion' seems to be a specialized sense. आल- means 'animal poison' and Abhidhānacintamui gives आलास्य- as a synonym of नक- 'crocodile. 5. DN. 5, 29 : थेरो के; com. थेरो ब्रह्मा. The name of the dialect is गोल्ला and not गौडी as sumrised by Daniélou and Bhatt Golla country, as a part of Mahārāşțra is wellknown in medie. val literature. For example MW. notes the word from Hemacandra's Parisisaparvan and PSM. from Malayagiri's Avasyaka commentary. Items identified : 1. छाइल्लो जोइक्खो 'lamp'. 2. पुल्ली =वग्धो 'tiger'. 3. पड सुवो-सद्दो 'sound' (ie. possibly 'echo'). 4 आलासो-विसकीडो 'poisonous worm'. 5. थेरो=विरिंचो 'God Brahma'. [७. कासीरी / काश्मीरी] DB. कासीरी अपयट्टो मोरो केलो नरा हिवो तु गो । विच्छेए तु विलासो तह सूरो पूरणो भणिओ ॥१४ R. कासीरीए पहट्ठो मोरो केलो' नराहिवो तु गो । विच्छेओ हु विलासो तह सुप्पो पूरणो भणिओ ॥ Notes : कासीरीए पइट्ठो काश्मीर्या प्रदिष्टः ("indicated') or प्रदृष्टः ('seen'). 1. केलो मोरो 'peacock' is otherwise unknown, Is this possibly a corruption of चोरो थेणो ? 2. तुगो meaning नराहिवो 'prince' is also otherwise unknown. Names of many Rasprakūta kings ended in -तुङ्ग. Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 123 3. DN. 7, 90 : विलास - जघणेसु विच्छेओ. 4. DN. 6, 56 : पूरण सुप्पे. According to also masculine. Items identified : 3. विच्छेओ = विलासो 'dalliance', 'amorous sport'. 4. पूरणो = सुप्पो ' winnowing basket'. * [ ८. पुव्वा / प्राच्या (?)] DB. पज्जाए तासु पुरिसेो दिट्ठ भणिअं (य) महीसज्ञा (ज्झा ? ) । तह पर हिल्ल खिच्च अत्तासा सूहरो हीरो ॥ १५ R. पुव्वाए तासु (?) पुरिसो दि 2 (?) भणिय मही (?) सज्झा (?) । * खिच्च ं अत्ता" सासू हरो हीरो तह उरुपुल्ल Notes: पंजोए is probably a corruption of पुवाए. 5 1. The first Desya item cannot be made out. 2. सिह (Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 124 [९. पंचालिया । पाञ्चालिका DB. मेहुणिहं तह भणिए तीरोपवलो अय जुलो नउलो । _अंपचायाय मोरो रीहो x x x x xxx मकारो ॥१६ R. मेहुणिआ वहु-भइणी तीरो(?) पवलो (१) अ मगुसो नउलो। पंचालियाए मोरो रीहो(?) ......मकारो (?) ॥ Notes : 1. DN. 6, 148 com. : मेहुणिआ पल्या भगिनी मातुलात्मजा च. 2. तीरो पवलो is unclear. It is possibly a corruption of नीडो पयलो. cf. DN. 1, 7: पयलो नीडे. 3. DN. 6, 118 : मगुस-मुग्गुसु-मुग्गसा गउले Hindi and Marathi ___have मांगूस. अपंचायोय is taken as corrupt for पंचालियाए. Daniélou and Bhatt take it to be equivalent to पश्चिमभाषा. Items identified : 1. मेहुणिआ वहु-भइणी 'wife's sister'. 3. मगुसो-नउलो 'mangoose'. [१०. -] DB. गिरिय लिथे विधोस तु x पीवरो तदा भणिओ । सारंगो तह भसलो सारो सय उकवला ॥१७ R. गिरिपल्लिया वि घोसं1 तु......पीवरो तहा भणिओ । सारंगो तह भसलो सारोसय उक्वला(?) ॥ Notes : 1. Cf Abhidhānacintamani, 1002 : घोषस्त्वाभीरपल्लिका. . 2. The Desya item is lost. There is a gap of five Mātrās after g. 3. भसल- (=Sk. भ्रमर-) is quite common in Prakrit. PSM. has given नमर- as one of the meanings of सारंग. Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 125 4. This fast portion is quite obscure and it is also metrically defective. Most likely it contained a Deśya item with its gloss and also the name of the dialect. Daniélou and Bhatt assume that the name of the dialect is gemacht. But it is uncertain. 379erg, 375g or 3791284 is metrically untenable in the final position. They violate the structure of the Gātha Items identified : 1 Traffiti AIT 'mountain-village'. 3. HASIEHTİTTY 'bee'. [ 38. qfEgH-HAT/GAFAT ] DB. पचमभासो भणिया मयण x x x xx रो तीरं । . गीयं गुट्टाबद्ध र जांजालं वत्थं व ॥१८ R. FJH-HIAT-HIUT 201......231 ati i a 1974 (?)...35 FS (?)4 789 (?) 711 Notes : 1. The name of the dialect is unclear. There is no support for taking it to be equivalent to act as is done by Daniélou and Bhatt. पचय-भासा is possibly a corruption of lega-HAT. 1. 2. There were possibly two Deśya words with their glosses in the latter portion of the first line. The last word seems to be the gloss of the preced. ing Desya word which is lost 3. गुठावद्ध is otherwise unknown in the sense of गीय 'song'. 4. The last Deśya item and its gloss are not clear. DN. 1, 136 notes Fit i e, in the senses of बलात्कार- and दीर्घ Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 126 [82. -] DB. JE HET FETT * xxx gay i पिंगल (तं) तं नारी कंटार इत्तेहो ॥१९ Notes : Nothing can be definitely made out of this passage except that Here is a corruption of 2003. Daniélou and Bhatt have suggested पिसाइअं नेय as an emendation of पिसु...सव्वेय in the first line. But there is nothing to support this guess. It is more likely that fag... stood for पिसुणो or पिसुणिय. It can be also suggested that second line began with सव्वेय (or सम्वेय); the second line as it is, is short by five Mātrās. There is also nothing to support the word division given by Daniélou and Bhatt with the exception of the word भल्लइ (i.e भण्णइ). The name of the dialect also cannot be made out. It is likely to have been in the lost portion. Or is it given in the beginning ? [P3.NET ] DB. F(@esto ga HÀNafi FETET * * xxl गुज्जीतेलं आट्ठी जहा पुल्ल ॥२० Notes : The name of the dialect is het i.e. Feast. The first portion is to be read मेच्छीए पुण भणिओ. No Deśya item or its gloss can be identified from the rest. The second line is also metrically defective and it is short by some eight Mātrās. Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 127 [88. TFT / ITA] DB. giay # ATT HURT HEBT GET Pictet i इxxxx इत्त पुष्ककाकोओ आभणिया ॥२१ R. तुक्खारीए य सेजा सित्थारो भद्दिओ तहा कण्हो । 5. .....TT8(?) 99721(?) #73841* for 37T 11 Notes : giar is a corruption of Jfera (i e. the dialect of the TFT country or Tokharıstan). The anusvara signifies gemination of the following consonant, and at stands for El. In verse 2 also the Ms. reads Ixial which is to be taken as तुषारिका (or तुखारिका) and not as It as wrongly guessed by Danielou and Bhatt. 1. संथार - (Sk. संस्तार-) and सत्थर- (Sk. स्त्रस्तर-) are commonly used in Prakrit in the sense of bed. 2. DN 6, 100 : भट्टिओ कण्हे. There भद्दिओ is noted as a variant reading for fit, and that is the correct form of the word, because we find hie317 and not 347 used to signify Krishna in the Apabhramsa epics of Svayambhū and Puspadanta. 3. and 4. Nothing can be definitely made out from the second line. If the fourth item is 1987 it is recorded at DN. 2. 48 in the sense of ERITIA, and 598371 (if it is corrupted as 9591 in the text) is also noted with the same sense at DN. 6, 84. Items identified : 1. FATTT=251 'bed'. 2. HIEBHOPPET Krishna'. Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 128 [24. athan] DB. इौंदवह ईदो ओदासा लोहरिलो xx। [#1]#21 RE À 7Xxx 1122 R. Tag ätät THOM(?) TRTWI......! ... ESIT H............ 11 Note : 1. In very late Sanskrit Say is known in the sense of air-. See for example the Hindi-Sabda-Sāgar. We have in Prakrit cita-, 1979- (DN. 1, 81) and part- (Sandeśarāsaka ). 2. The second item is obscure, The gloss is possibly aftur. Metrically the latter part is defective and short by several Mātrās. In the second line one lacuna is at the begi. nning and another at the end, Daniēlou and Bhatt assume that the name of the dialect was given in the beginning of the second line and hence they supply the letter से before मयाहिओ. But मयाहिआ is Sk, q1199: and as such it seems to be the gloss for the Deśya item that possibly followed it in the last portion. 4 suggests 0773 or TT, after which appeared the Desya item. If, as in Mahārāştri, the Deśya word for lion was here also cach. then the latter part of the second line can be reconstructed as मयाहिओ भण्णए पुल्ली. The name of the dialect was contained in the lost portion either at the end of the first line or at the beginning of the second. Item identified : Tanzar a kind of rainy insect'. Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 129 . [१६. चोली/चोलकी] ....... DB. ए णरणणाहो भल्लइ वहलो सुराहिओ मसलो ।। वसुआ वदि हुसुक्क सद्द पुण पुरी इयत्थं ॥२३ . R. [चोली]ए णरणाहो भण्णइ हिलो(१) सुराहिओ "मसलो(?) । वसुआइद हु सुक्क *सद्द(?) पुण पुरी इयत्थं ॥ Notes : The first line is short by four Matras and the name of the dialect is also missing. The name चोली is to be supplied in the beginning before the °ए of the locative. 1. वहल- is otherwise unknown in the sense of णरणाह-. 2. मसल- is otherwise unknown in the sense of सुराहिअ.. 3. SH. 8-4-11 : उद्वातेरोरुम्मा वसुआ; वसुआइय-शुष्क (PSM.). 4. सह. is otherwise unknown in the sense of पुरी. DN. 6, 1 gives गामडाणे पद. . . Items identified वसुआइद =सुक्क 'dried up'.. [१७. कंची / काञ्ची] DB. रलि च्छामो असमत्थो केवीए पट्टव्यमणो. तुंड । सूबखयणं अरिपल्ली भणए वग्यो ।।२८ . _R णित्थामो' असमत्थो क चीए पव्वमणो(?) ।........ __ तुंड : सूवर-वयणं अरियल्ली* भण्णए वग्यो । Notes : 1 PL. 470 : ओलुग्गो नित्थामो and DN. 1, 164 com. : ओलुग्गो सेक्को निश्छायो निःस्थामा चेति व्यर्थः. नित्थामा obviously derives from Sk. निःस्थामन्. Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Notes : 130 2. पछवमणो is obscure and the text here is also metri - cally defective. 3. तुण्ड is quite familiar in Sanskrit ( and Prakrit) with the meanings 'a beak, snout (of a hog etc.), trunk (of an elephant), the mouth.' 4DN. 1, 24 : अरिअल्ली सद्दले. Items identified : 1 णित्थामो = अपमन्थो 'week', ' lacking in strength'. 2. तु ड = सूर - वयणं ' snout of a hog'. 3. अरियल्ली = वग्घो tiger' * [१८. मालवि / मालवी] DB. रत्था (च्छा) × x असुलहो कूलग्घोणोअ xx भणिओं । अंतणव कुरीरं मालविए मेयलो विगो ॥२५ R रच्छा' [मओ] अ सुणहो " कूलं सेणा अ... भणिओ । उडअं" तणय-कुडीरं मालविए मेयलों विंझो || 1. DN. 7, 4 : रच्छामओ - साणो. 2. For कूल सेण्णा see note no. 1. on verse 30 below. 3. उडअ- is a regular tadbhava from Sk. उटज- तणयकुडीरतृणकुटीर . 4. मेल - sk. मेकल- is the name of a mountain in the Vindhya range. Sanskrit lexicons give मे कलकन्यका and मेलाद्रिजा as synonyms of the river Narmada. Items identified : 1 रच्छामओ = सुणहो 'dog'. 2 कूलं = सेणा ' army'. 3. उडअं= तणयकुडीरं ' grass-hut'. 4. मेयलो = विंझो 'the vindhya mountain ' Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 131 [१९. कासी काशीसंभवा] DB. लपि उच्चा तह वोरी कासीए पिंडरी चोरी वे चे)लु पट्टउ वा(वो)रं नाहणी xxx xxxxxxx ॥२६ R. लंपिक्खो' तह चारो [भण्णइ] कासीए पिंडरी' चोरी । चेलं पढें उवोरं (?) नाहणी............॥ Notes : 1. DN 7, 19 : लंपिक्खो तह चोरे. The first line is short by four Mātrās. So 27007 is supplied conjecturally. 2. पिंडरी is otherwise unknown in the sense चोरी. __But Sk. पिण्डार, Pk पिंडार- ((पेंडार- according to DN. 6 58, 'buffalo-herd' has acquired the mean. ing of 'free-booter', 'marauder' in many NIA. languages. eg H पिडारा, G. पीडारो, पी ढारो, P. पिडारा. See IAL, 8172. 3. चेल- and पट्ट- are commonly used is Sanskrit and Prakrit in the sense of garment. The rest of the verse is obsure and defective. Items identified : 1. लंपिक्खो -चोरो 'thief'. 2. पिंडरी-चोरी 'theft.' 3. चेलं-पट्ट 'garment'. [२०. वेदि । वेदिका . DB. लुट्ट() मोसो भणियं वेदीए कुरमरी तहा वंदी । हेरंवो तह पडहो थेणो चोरो चलं पीलं ॥२७ R. 'लुट्ट भणिय मोसो वेदीए करमरी तहा बदी । हेरंबो तह पडही येणोचोरो बल पीण। Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 132 Notes : 1. Sk, लुण्ट्-, लुण्ठ-, Pk. लु ट्-. लुट्ट- 'to plander', 'to rob', Pk. लुटः 'robbed' Guj Hindi लूट 'booty'. See IAL. 11078.. 2. DN. 2, 15 : करमरी बदी (हठहृता स्त्री). 3. DN. 8, 76 : हेर बो...डि डिमे चेअ. 4. थेण- is a regular tadbhava from Sk. स्तेन.. 5. cf. DN. 6, 88 : बलिओ-पीणो. Items identified : 1. लुट्ट मोसो 'booty' 2. करमरी-ब दी 'woman imprisoned in war'. 3. हेरंबो=पडहो 'drum'. 4. थेणो चोरो 'thief'. 5. बलं पीण 'fat'. [२१. कुसवत्तय-भासा / कुशावर्ता] DB. कुसुमउत्तय भासाxतह च्छुरीच्छुरीया मुणेयत्था 1 पिंडवलो xx दवग्गो कुहवाहापि अंजाला ॥२८ R. कुसवत्तय-भासिए तह......'छुरी(?) छुरिया मुणेयव्वा । पिंडधवो तह खग्गा कूवं घाहाविरं जाण ।। Notes : The text of this verse is marginally added in the the Ms. 1 कुशावर्ता (verse 3) suggests कुसवत्तव as the proper Prakrit form here which also presrves the metre. It seems that after are there is a lacuna of four Mātrās, otherwise the structure of Gathā is violated. Possibly the Deśya word corresponding to it or छुरिया filled that place. Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . 133 2. DN. 6, 59 gives पेडधवो खग्गो. We assume that the text_here is a corruption of पेंडधवो तह खग्गो. The Mss. often confuse a with q, and art can well be a corruption of खग्गो. 3. कूवार- in the sense of धाहा 'cry for help when in distress is frequently used in Apabhramśa. See SMP. no 882 (for घाहा see SMP. no. 128). For ETTEIBOLT- see PSM. Items identified : 2. पिंडधयो-खग्गो 'sword'. 3. कूब =धाहाविअ 'cry for help in distress'. [२२. सूरसेणी / शूरसेनिका] DB. संगा भल्लइ वग्गा सा प्रतिक्कं च सूरसेणाए । - भाइल ओं(ओ) वर उर ओं(ओ) अरिया असई मुणे अत्थ ॥२९ _ R. संगा' भण्णइ वग्गा साय तिक्ख च सूरसेणीए । भाइलओ वर-तुरओ अडया असई मुणे अव्वा ॥ Notes : 1. DN. 8, 2 : सगा सडी वग्गा. 2. सायं =Sk. शातम्-तीक्ष्णम्. 3. DN. 6, 104 भायलोजच्चतुर गो. 4. DN. 1, 18 अडया=असती. Items identified : 1. संगा-वग्गा 'reins'. 2. साय =तिक्ख 'sharpened'. 3. भोइलओ=वर-तुरओ 'a horse of good breed'. 4. अडया=असई 'unchaste woman'. Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . 134 [२३. भोजी] .. ____DB. कुल सेणा वच्छ पुडीए अंविय च विवरीर। भोजीका इरपुरिसो भडिला असई करीनाजी(sरी) ॥३० ___R. 1कूल सेणा वत्थं मुडी पविय (?) च विवरीरं । भोजिए काइर-पुरिसो भडिलो असई करीनारी"(१) । Notes : 1. DN. 2 43 कूल =बलपच्छा-सैन्यस्य पश्चाद्भागः. 2. DN 6, 133 मुडी मिरगी (cf. DN. 4, 31 com. गिरंगी तथा णीर गी शिरोवगुण्ठनम् ). Here मुडी is given in the general sense of garment. 3. पविय is likely to be a corruption of पल्हस्थिय (or पल्लटिय, पल्लुटिय)=Sk. पर्यस्तम् cf SH. 8-4-200 : पर्यसः पलोट-पल्लट-पल्हत्थाः . For विवरीर , see the illustration under SH 8-4-424. 4. cf Sk. भडिल- 'a servant'; भडिल- is coupled with भड- 'a pimp' at 5-96 11 in the list of Desi words given in the Prakrit chapter of Kramadiśvara's. Samk siptasara. 5. The Deśya item given here with the meaning of असती remains unidentified PL_91 gives अहिसारिआ (Sk अभिसारिका)-दुःशीला i.e. असती. Items identified : 1. कल =सेणा ‘army'. 2. मुंडी=वत्थ 'garment'. 3. भडिलो-काइर-पुरिसो 'coward'. [२४. गुज्जर-भासा / गूर्जरी] DB. छिंभु(च्छ) विभलइ गुज्जरभासाए माहर संगं । वालु कि ह(भ)डियाजत से घासं खलं जुस्सं(सं) ॥३१ Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 135 R. fè get 240015 37 TGT-21A1C PAIET fåter argento Facuica gadt amet gas (?) 11 Notes : 1. DN. 3, 16 f3371 E-HITE; SH. 8-2-174 fat=js; PSM. fas=adt. 2. cf Hindi, Rajasthani AET 'lion, tiger'; Gujarati Art 'wolf', 'a wolf-like animal'. Not attested in Prakrit or Apabhramśa. It seems to be a very late word. In the text the accusative is irregularly used for the nominative. 3. According to ABH. चिभिटी (or चिर्भटी) and वालुकी are synonymous, ag is used in Hemacandra's Parišişta-parvan (MW). In Prakrit arg is attested from Hāla's Sapatsataka (PSM.). For NIA. deriva. tives of FH2- etc. (in Lahanda, Panjabi, Sindhi, Konkani and Marathi) see IAL. 4826. There Guj. THE, I also should be included. IAL. has not noted any derivatives from arst. 4. Hah- derives from Sk. 428- (m.n.) and is a commonly used Prakrit word. 5. This item and its gloss are doubtful. Items identified : 1. f 35=37# 'unchaste woman'. 2. ET=fè a lion'. 3. arg arrasat cucumber' 4. 398=9# 'grass', 'fodder' Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 . [२५. रोमय-भासा | रोमकी] DB. रोमयभासा भणिओ पावी सघो सहारवो वडवो । वंग तह अकलंक विसलं सज्ज वियाणेहि ॥३२ R. रोमय-भासा-भणिए पावो सप्पो सहारवो(?) वडवो(?) । ... चग तह अकलंक विस*ल(?) सज वियाणेहि ॥ Notes : 1. DN. 6, 38 : पावो सप्पे. 2. सहारवो वडवो is unclear. The last word should be __ rather वडवा (unless वडवो stands for वडवाग्नि). Even if we take सहारवो as a corruption of महारवो (or महारवा) it is of no help, because neither FETETT is known in the sense of agafia, nor hertar in the sense of agat 3. DN. 3, 1 : चंग चारु । 4. विसल' is otherwise unknown in the sense of सन ......... - quickly', or 'ready'. Can it be वसणं मज (i.e. व्यसन - =मद्य-). Items identified : 1. पावो-सप्पो 'snake'. 3. चंग =अकलंक 'spotless'. । . [२६. मेय-भासा / मेद-संभवा) DB. गदी मगलतूर जगर कवच मुणेयत्थ । परिघो परिवारों कलिव कठौं च मेयभासाए ॥३३ R. गडी1 मंगल-तूर जगर [तह] कवच मुणेयव्वं । परिघो परिवारो किलिवं पड मेय-भासाए ॥ it means Notes : 1. In Pāli and Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit 'gong'. Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 137 2. जगर - = कवच - is common to Sanskrit and Prakrit. See Hemacandra's remarks under_DN. 3, 41, Hence he has included जगर - in his ABH. 3. Pk परिग्गहो - परिवारो 'king's retinue'. Pk परिग्गहो, Ap. परिग्गहु has developed in Old Gujarati as परिघु and later it appears as Occurrence of such a late word among the Deśya words of the Gitālaṁkāra is quite significant. 4. In Prakrit and late Sanskrit ब ड and पंड- are known in the sense of eunuch. See IAL. 9124 and 7717. Items identified : 1. गंडी = मं गलतूर' 'trumpet etc. played on auspi cious occasions'. 2. जगर = कवच' ' armour'. 3. परिघो = परिवारो 'king's retinue'. 4. पंड (or वंठ, बड' ) = किलिव' ' eunuch'. * [ २७. मारव - भासा / मारवी] DB. मारवभासा भणिओ धवलो सुरो अमंगलो अग्गी । चप तह विट्ठ पुत्थं (च्छ) पुरिसो कलो मली धुसिउ (ओ) ||३४ R. मारव - भासा - भणिए धवलो 1 सूरो अ मंगलो छिप्प तहि पुच्छ पुरिसेो कलोमली + Notes : 1. धवल is otherwise not known in the sense of सूर('sun' or 'brave'). DN. 5, 57 gives धवल - =यो यस्यां जातावुत्तमः. So with some stretching धवल - can mean शूर-. अग्गी । धुसिउ ( ? ) ॥ Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 138 2. PSM. has given 37f12- as one of the meanings of मगल (n). According to the Ghyasutras मंगल. (m.) is a name of Agni (MW.). The Rajasthant Sabad kos of Sitaram Lalas has noted मांगळ, मंगळा- मगळि 'fire' from Old Rajasthani literature. 3. DN. 3, 36 : छिप्प भिक्खा-पुच्छेसु. 4. The last part of the second line is obsure. Possi. bly we should reconstruct as पुरिसा तह तोलणो भणिओ. cf. DN. 5, 17 : पुरिसम्मि तूहणो तोलणो अ. Actually the DN form deute is based on a questionable MS. tradition, It should be ढोल्लणो. cf. ढोल्लो in Apabhramsa, Rajasthani, Panjabi etc. and ढोलणो in Panjabi in the sense of नायक 'hero', 'lover' or later 'bridegroom'. Items identified : 1. धवलो-सरो 'brave'. 2. मंगलो अग्गी 'fire'. 3. छिप्प-पुच्छ tail'. [२८. कानमूखी(१)] DB. इम्हो तह यवलदो हरिसो च दो अकाचपओ । साहील सुपउत्त मक दिस(य)हं तु लावंदी ॥३५ R. 1इब्भो तह य धणडूढो हरिसो(१) चदो अ काचपओ(१) । __ साहीण हु पउत्त(?) मंक (१) दियह (?) तु लावंदी(?) ॥ Notes : 1. PL. 194. अडूढा इन्भा धणिणो; ABH. 357 : इभ्य आढयो धनीश्वरः In the specialized sense of वणिक् only, Hemacandra has treated 507- as a Desya word (DN. 1, 79). Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 139 2. हरिसो is oherwise unknown in the sense of चंदो 'moon'. काचपओ is perhaps a corruption of काणमूहीए ( or कण्णउजीए ? ). Metrically the end portion of the first line is short by three Mātrās. 3. उत्त· is otherwise unknown in the sense of साहीण(ie स्वाधीन ) DN 6, 66 gives पउत्थ. with the mea• nings घर - and पवसिअ -. 4 मंक दियह is obscure. मंक- is otherwise not known in the sense of दियह- 'day'. DN 8, 2 gives संखो with the meaning मागध - ( Pk मागह - ). तुलादी is perhaps a corruption of तु णायं ति. Item identified 1. इब्भो = धणडूढो 'rich'. * [२९. देवकी] DB हयमीए × × × भा (ता) लच्छी फलो ( फारो) कूओ सुहासिअं सेलौं । उद्दास संताओ चडेणअं लज्जियं भणियं ॥ ३६ R. देवइए (?) सा लच्छी 2 फारो (?) कूओ सुहासिअं सेलं ( ? ) । उड्डासो + सताओ वेलणअ' 5 लज्जियं भणियां ॥ Notes: On the basis of verse 4 is to be taken as a corruption of देवइए, but the difference between the letters is such as does not inspire any confidence, If some letters are missing, the verse as it stands would have several Mātrās in excess. - 1. For सा=लच्छी see note 1 on verse no. 12. PSM.. has noted Яr also in the same sense. Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140 2. 3. फारो कुओ and सुहासि सेल' are obscure. Neither the Deśya items nor their glosses can be definitely made out. 4. DN. 1, 99 : उड्डासो तावे and in the commentary उड्डासो संतापः.. . 5. DN. 7, 65 : लजाइ विलिअ-विदणा वेदणा तहेअ वेलूणा and in the commentary केचित् वेलणय लज्जेत्याहु . Items identified : 1. सा-लच्छी 'Goddess of wealth'. 4. उड्डासो सताओ 'heat'. 5. वेलण लजिय 'shame', 'being ashamed'. [३०. पंचपट्टणी / पञ्चपत्तना] DB. आहच्च असx x x सील हससि च पंचपट्टली भणिए । ___ मंडलओ तह सुणओ ताही लित्थणी सालिद्दा ॥३७ R. आहच्च अच्चत्थ (2) *सीलं(?) हसि(?) पचपट्टणी-भणिए । मंडलओ तह सुणहो ताहीलिथणीसालिड्ढा(?) ।। . . Notes : 1. DN. 1, 62 : आहच्च अच्चत्थे. But what follows आहञ्च in the text seems to be considerably different from अच्चत्थं. 2. The second Desya item cannot be made out. ...... 3. DN. 6, 114 : मंडलो साणे. 4. This part of the second line is completely obscure. Item identified : 3. मंडलओ-सुणहो 'dog'. Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [३१. सिंधुय-भासा / सैंधवी ] DB. सिद्द (द्ध) यभासा भणिए तहापवलो भूपियासिओ हेरो । दाल व ओ महो सहउ (ओ) गवलं अवसेहिसं भलिय ||३८ R. सिंघुय भासा भणिए तह पवणो 'लू ( ( ) पिसायओ ढयरो । दालवओ) महोसहओ (?) गवलं अह सेहिर + भणिय । 141 Notes : 1. cf. 7, 24: लूआ मयतण्हाए: Hindi, Guj लू 'hot wind'. 2. DN. 4, 16 Com. : ढयरो पिशाचः ढयरो ढेरो. first portion of 3. Nothing can be made out of the the second line, Metrically too it is defective. Can it be रोल बओ भमरओ ! cf. DN, 7, 2 : भमरे रसाउ - रोल बा. 4. DN. 8, 44 com. : सेरिभो महिषेऽपीत्यन्ये, Sk. सैरिभ, Ap. से (रेह- 'wild buffalo. See SMP item no. 256 257. सेहिरis due to metathesis. Items identified : 2. दयरो पिशाच. 'goblin'. = 4. सोहर (सेरिहं :) गवलं' ' wild buffalo'. * [ ३२. कोसिया / कौशिका ] DB. तहा कासिया भल्लइ दुहिया xxxx स्सो । R तह कोसिया [ ए ] भण्णइ दुहिया'. [सो]हि णवो पिडारो मउली थूणी पअमधारे ( ओमझे ) ॥३९ . स्सो । [म] हिसीवा पिंडारो डिअली + थूगा पआमझे ( ? ) ॥ Notes 1. The Degya item corresponding to the gloss gal and possibly another Deśya item and its gloss are lost. Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 3. cf. DN. 6, 58 com : पेंडारा महिषीपाल इति देवराजः and DN7, 41 com. : वच्छीवो गोपः DN 6, 130 माहिलो महिसिवालम्मि also is worth considering. 4. DN. 4, 9 डिअली थूणा and PL. 360 थूणा दिअली. Items identified : 3. पिंडारा = महिसीवा (or माहिलओ) 'buffalo-herd'. 4. डिअली =थूणा post'. * [३३. भद्दा / भद्रा ] DB. भ( स ) ६ भगाए तह (हं ) ... वि ( चि) यगो रोगी x x सीसं । जलणं भल्लइ दीणं हत्थो साहापवो ईवा ॥ ४० R. भद्दा भणिए तह... वियगो ( १ ) 1 रोगी ( ? ) xxसीसी । 8 जयणं भण्णइ जीणं हत्थो सोहा + य णायव्वा ॥ Notes: Daniélou and Bhatt suppose that the first line of verse 40 illustrates the Bhadra dialect and the second line illustrates Bhadrabhojikā in accordance with verse 4. But there is no mention of Bhadrabhojikā or any other name in the second line of verse 40. so it seems that the whole of the verse 40 illustrates only Bhadra and the verse for Bhadrabhojika is missing. 1-2. As the text has gaps made out. Possibly the the second Deśya item was to the DN means सदृश - and निर्भर- and according to here, no Desya items can be last two letters suggest that which according the PL. समसीसी means सादृश्य-. Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3. DN. 3, 40 : जयणं हय-कवचम्मि; PSM जीण- 'saddle' ; Sk. जयन - ' armour for cavalry' (MW ); जीन 'leather bag, woolen cover' (MW) Hindi जीन, Guj जीन (from Persian zin ) ' saddle'. 4. One of the meanings of Sk. शाखा is 'arm'. 143 Items identified : 3 जीणं जयणं 'horse's armour'. 4. साहा - हत्थो 'arm'. Note : [ ३४. भद्रभोजिका ] [The verse is possibly missing ] * R. कु [तल ] ... वइख (१) * पासंड मितुवेद (१) [३५. कुंतला / कुन्तला ] DB. कु × × × × ×व इषहीरो लज्जा खलो कोणो । पाखंड' नि(मि) तुवेदव्व धीओ पहरो स इ सन्नी ॥४१ * ही री ' लज्जा [तहा ] खलो (१) कोणो । वंधीआ (?) पहोरो (?) मइ " सन्ना ॥ 1. The beginning portion of the first line is defective, so the Deśya item and its meaning cannot be recovered. 2. cf. DN. 8, 67 : हित्थ-हीरणा लज्जा and हिरी ( Sk. ह्री) = लजा . 3. खल- is otherwise unknown in the sense of कोण'corner' or कोण - is also not known in the sense of 'rogue'. Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 144 4. The text is quite obscure. Possibly we should _read पासंड मिच्छत्त i.e. पाषण्ड-=मिथ्यात्व-. 5. वधीओ पहरो is metrically defective. Whether we have here ब दीपहरी or घ घओ य घरो (DN. 2, 105) nobody can say. 6. Pk. सण्णा (Sk. संज्ञा) has मति- as one of its meanings. Items identified : 2 हीरी=लज्जा 'bashfulness'. 6. सन्ना-मइ 'intelligence'. * - [३६. कोसला कोशला] DB. तह कोस(म)लय भणिओ मुखो ठेरो असीविओ साही । गोला भणई नाई थे। कसरो मओ न हरा ॥४२ R. तह कोसलाए भणिओ वुड्ढो(?) ठेरो असीविआ सूई ?)। गोला भण्णइ गाई थोरी(?) * कसरो मओ(?,नहरा(?) ॥ Note : 1. ठेरो (Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 145 3. DN. 2, 104 gives it as one of the meanings ___of गोला. 4. According to DN. 2, 4 कसरो अहम-बइल्लो. It is not known in the sense of थे। i.e. वृद्धः or ब्रह्मा. But Sk. स्थौरिन् (ABH. 1263) or स्थूरिन् (Mw.) means an ox. So थेरो may be a corruption of थोरी. 5. मओ नहरो is obscure. नहरो means 'nail' and मओ means 'deer', 'beast'. So it seems the text here is corrupt. Items identified : 1. ठेरा-वुडूढो 'old man'. 2. सीविआ-सूई 'needle'. 3. गोला=गाई 'cow'. 4. कसरा=थोरी 'ox', 'an ox of low breed'. [३७. पारा] DB. टिघी भणइ विलओ पूसोकीलो पलेविसं सरिअं। मल्लाणियाय जणणी पाराए अकिया बहिणा ।। ४३ R. टिप्पी भण्णइ तिलओ पूसो कीलो पलेवि सरि । मल्लाणिया य जणणी पाराए अक्किया बहिणी ॥ Notes : 1. DN. 4, 3 : टिप्पी टिक्क तिलए. cf. Guj. टीपकी in the same sense. 2. DN. 6, 80 : पूसो हाल-सुगेसुं. कीला कीरा (Sk. कीरः). 3. DN. 6, 18 gives परेवयंपादपतनम्. And as कीरो became कीलो so परेवयं might have become पलेवय. But the gloss सरिसृतम् 'passed', 'gone'. Alternatively Pk. पलीवि प्रदीप्तम, ज्वलितम. Thus neither quite fits here. Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 146 4. cf. DN. 6, 112 : मम्मी मल्लाणी मामा य मामीए. As the words माइ, माउआ 'mother', and मामी 'maternal uncle's wife' were secondarily used to mean friend' (see Dn. 6, 147 and SH_8-2-195), so मामी and its synonyms acquired the secodary sense of 'mother'. 5. DN. 1, 6 : अक्का बहिणी. Items identified : 1. टिप्पी तिलओ 'ornamental forehead mark'. 2. पूसो=कीलो 'parrot'. 4. मल्लाजिणणी 'motar'. 5. अकिया बहिणी 'sister'. [३८. जावण-भासा । यावनी] DB. जारणभासा xxx ओ गोडुखिली तहा वेशा। xल्लिरि भल्लई स सवो कुहुणी रत्था[च्छा] महेो जत्ता ।।४४ R. जावण भासा[भणिए पा]ओ गोड्डो' केली तहा वेसा । [झिल्लिरि भण्णइ मसओ कुहिणी* रच्छा महो' जत्ता । Notes : 1. गोड-, गोड्ड- =पाद- (PSM ). See also IAL. 4272. 2. cf. Dn. 2, 44 : केली असई. 3. Dn. 3, 62 : चीहि-मसएसु झिल्लिरिआ. 4. Dn. 2, 62 : कुहिणी कुप्पर - रच्छासु. 5. He meaning 'festival (religious or secular) is quite . . common in Prakrit. It can well . signify यात्रा ... .religious festival or procession'. Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Atems identified : 1. गोड्डो = पाओ 'foot'. 147 [३९. कुक्कुरी / कुर्कुरी] DB. × × × × × सुगह वाकुरी एसेट्ठी... होतघो । अ अंगो कलपना सवला चला फरेराक... ॥४५ R. 2. केली = वेसा ' prostitute'. 3. झिल्लिरि = मसओ 'mosquito'. 4. कुहिणी = = रच्छा 'street'. 5. महो = जत्ता 'religious festival'. .Notes : The manuscript reads हल्लिश ?) पु( 4 ) रं (or रे ) after सेट्ठी. कुक्कुरीe and णायवो are obvious emendatiou But nothing can be made out of the Deśya items or their glosses. * Notes: After [ ४०. मज्झिम - भासा / मध्यदेशी] DB. xx भइ द विरंग (सां) मंझिमभासाए वारिअ पीअं । लंवासा + ठ ठ ठ ठ (० * ० ० ० ) कुट्ठिलिद्दा लासरxxx||४६ in the second line the Ms. reads सालवव. What is read by Daniélou and Bhatt as only small circles. भइ वीस (?) मज्झिम-भासाए वारिअ पिच्च ं । वो सालवव Xx कुट्ठिलिद्दोलासर ( ? ) x × × ॥ ठ ठ ठ ठ are Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 148 Only the item at the end of the first line cam be made out. DN 6, 46 gives floa. For for Pischel has noted forz' and iTo as variant readings. That the correct form is gea and not foot or food is estabished by the occurrence of that form in Puşpadanta s Nāyakumăracăriya(5-10-21). See SMP. item no. 1352. For FETTETS We may suggest that perhaps it is a corruption of het diat. In Bhoja's Śrmingåramañjarikatha (Dhonahā occurs as the name of a bawd (Index of proper names, p. 92). Item identified : 19 = FTST water'. [88. garg / Fear ] DB. ......773,52[zr] tr 3 912 95 संखो वंदीह जीहा गावोकसला मलायीले(लो) ॥४. R. - -- 10T3 TET 2 ST #ESTI | GHI Tester? [THI ĐẠI* go ttr( ) || Notes : The first line is short by six Mātrās in the beginning. One Deśya item and its gloss were possibly contained in that portion Daniélou and Bhatt have wrongly assumed that the first line of this verse illustrates the Kamboji dialect and the second line illustrates the Malayā dialect. They ioterprct the following verse as the concluding statement or summing up of the whole chapter. But the whole of the verse under discussion illustrates only one dialect, viz, Kāmboji, and the last verse illustrates the Audri dialect. The derivation of the form fact is unclear. It appears to stand for काम्बोजकी or काम्वोजिका. Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 149 1. The first item and its gloss are missing. ... 2. DN. 2, 51 gives 'weak', 'afflicted' and 'foam' as the meanings of For The moaning 'disease given here differs from them. Possibly we should read रोई. 3. Dn. 5, 41 : संखम्मि दीहजीहो. 4. For the meaning 'ox' for कसल- i.e. कसर- see note . no 4 under versc 42 above. 5 For बलो पीणो see note no. 5 under verse no. 27 above. Items identified : 2. क डा=रोओ 'disease'. 3. दीहजीही खंखो 'conchshell'. 4 कसला=गावो 'ox'. 5. बला-पीणो 'fat'. [४२. उड्डा / औड्री] DB. x x x x उद्दाये गेय भल्ल (ल्ल) सुकल तुली वीणा । तोलो तह यपसारा सुत्थाणायला भणि(ओ) ॥४८ . . R. x x x x उडाए गेय भण्णइ सुकलं तुणी वीणा । तोलो (१) तह य *पसारा(?) सुत्था(।) णयला(?) भणिओ ॥ Notes : The first line is short by six Mātrās in the beginning. सुकलं meaning गेय 'song', पसारो meaning तोलो (i.e. तोणो 'quiver') and the last item (represented by either सुत्था or णयलो) are either obscure or otherwise unkown. For तुणी-वीगा cf. Dn. 5, 16 com. : तुणओ सुखाख्यतूर्यविशेषः. Item identified : 3. तुणी वीणा. Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 150 3. Concluding Remarks At the end of this article we have given an alphabetical index of all those Bhāṣā words from the Prakrit portion of the GT. which we could isolate and identify with reasonable certainty. Their number is about ninetysix. About three fourths of these are recorded as Deśı words, with the same form and meaning, in Hemacandra's Deśināmamālā. A few words are such as have made their earliest appearance in late Apabhraíśa or in the early stage of New IndoAryan, and a few others are not Deśi words, at all, but quite regular Tadbhavas, deriving from Sanskrit. Many of these words are familiar to us from Prakrit and Apabhramśa literatures. They form a part of the common stock of the literary vocabulary and there is nothing regional or dialectal about them. 3371, 371, 372, 3641, 353, FA, FFT2T, sigurt, List, arh, 4, 7, fotos, Fan', 327, for 5811931, gif, 2011, 912), gal, fuva, gat, gat, feit, FET, HET, 21, affor21, fel, aga, TAITT, 91, gfer', afere are found in the Prakrit and Apabhramśa works irrespective of the regions of their authors. Moreover, in a few cases the same word is said to be characteristic of more than one dialects (e.g. 3faat or 3faat, sens, ', 27). It is true that in a few cases the regional affiliation of the word can be clearly supported. ast (at21621), Te and perhaps atout (Arzal), after (मेदी if we take it to be connected with मेदपाट or Mewar), नाहर (USA), ATÂT (91521f4.T) are a few examples, as shown by us by drawing attention to the correspondences from the NIA. Ianguages. But against this we have several cases in which a word known to be peculiar to a particular NIA. language is here said to be peculiar to some altogether different dialert. For example, derivatives corresponding to #(ftriat), fent (111), HEFUT311 (1189172) are found characteristically in Kashmiri, Gujarati and Marathi respectively. Besides, quite usual Prakrit words are said to be characteristic of Dravidian dialects like a n and 21st or foreign: dialects like 991), TT and J1qaft. Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 151 On the whole we are left with the strange impression that somebody arbitrarily selected two hundred and odd traditional Deśya Prakrit words and arbitrarily distributed them among the dialect names based on an exhaustively compiled regional list. For there seems to be very slight connection between the particular dialects and the Bhāṣā-words given under them, though it should be conceded that the text being considerably defective, we have before us only a mutilated picture, and hence it would be hazardous to draw any definite conclusion in this matter. Moreover we know that there was a tradition of long standing to define colloquial regional speech-forms on the basis of very few (about two, three or so) phonological or lexical features popularly felt to be differential. Bharata's Nāțyaśāstra tells us about the characteristic frequency of certain sounds in accordance with the particular regions. Uddyotana's Kuvalayamālā (779 A.D.) enumerates and illustrates eighteen regional dialects. Bhoja's Srngāraprakāśa (11th cent. A.D.) illustrates several regional varieties of Apabhramśa. The Rāulavela, composed probably a century or so later, gives a glimpse of eight different forms of contemporary dialects and Mārkandeya enumerates after an earlier authority4 twenty one varieties of 'Apabhramśa', besides the three main types defined by him and others. Eastern grammarians also mention them. Lastly, it is not unrewarding to make some speculation about the source utilized by the author of the Gitālankāra for his Bhäşālakṣaṇa chapter. From our identifications it is quite clear that numerous Deśya words were known to Hemacandra and the author of the GT. in the same form and in the same meaning. However, in several cases the actual expressions used to gloss the Desya items, though synonymous, are different in the two works. The difference is much more than what we can account for by assuming adjustments enforced by metrical necessity. Hence we have to rule out Hemacandra's Desinamamālā as a direct source for the Bhāsālak samas of the GT. This leaves us with the alternative that both the DN. and the GT. have used the same Deśya lexicon as one of their sources. Incidentally this provides a fresh and strong authentication also for the Dešināmamālā. Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 4. Index of the identified Bhāṣā words अकिया १३ बहिणी sister. अड्या २९ असई unchaste woman. भत्ता १५ सासू mother-in-law. जरियली २४ वग्घो tiger. मलियल्ली ८ घग्घो tiger. भालासे १३ विसकीडो poisonous worm. इंदवहू २२ इदाओ a rainy insect. इन्भो ३५ धणड्ढो rich. उडा २५ उटज grass-hut. उसो ३६ संताओ heat. उम्पुल १५ खिच्च dish of rice and pulse, khichri. की ५७ रोओ disease. करमरी २७ बदी woman impri___soned in war. कसरो ४२ थोरी ox. कसला १७ गावो ox. sicut 88 23331 street. कूल २५, ३. army. कूव २८ धाहावि cry for help in distress. केली ४४ वेसा prostitute. गडी ३३ मंगलतूर trumpet played ___ on auspicious occasions. गाहुडि १० गाहा crocodile. गोको ४४ पाओ foot. गोला ४२ माई cow. घोस १७ गिरिपल्लिया mountain village. चंग ३२ अकलक spotless. चेल २६ पट्ट garment. छाइल्लो १३ जोइक्खा lamp. छिछइ ३१ असई unchaste woman. छिप्प ३४ पुच्छ tail. जगर ३३ कवच armour. जवसं ३१ घास grass, fodder. जीण ४० जयन horse's armour. झिल्लिरि ४४ मसभा mosquito. टिप्पी ४३ तिलओ ornamental or auspicious forehead mark. ठेरो ४२ बुडडा old man. डिअली ३९ थूणा post. ढयरो ३८ पिझाओ goblin णिज्झाइ ९ दिठ seen. णित्थामा २४ असमत्था weak, lack ing strength तामर ११ रूवडअं beautiful. तुगी १२ रयणी night तुड २४ सूवर-वयण hog's snout. तुणी ४८ वीणा lute. थीणा १० थद्धो puffed up. थेणी २७ चोरो thief. थे। १३ विरिौंचे। God Brahma. दीहजीहो ४७ सखा conch-shen. दुल्लग्ग१०, १२ अणजुत्त improper धवा १२ भत्ता husband, नाहर ३१ सिंघ lion. पई ३३ किलिव eunuch. पडंसुवो १३ सद्दो sound. Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ परिधा ३३ परिवारो king's retinue. पट्ठा ९ गव्विओ arrogant, पावा ३२ सप्पा snake. पिंडरी २६ चोरी theft. पिंडारा ३९ महिस्रीवेा buffalo-herö. पिच्च ४६ वारिअ water. पुल्ली ८ सीहा lion. पुल्ली १३ वग्घो tiger. पूरणो १४ सुप्पो winnowing basket. पूसा ४३ कीला parrot. बल' २७ पीण fat. बलो ४७ पीणो fat. बेडा १० तरी boat. भडिला ३० काइर- पुरिसा a coward. भद्दिओ २१ Krishna. भसला १७ सारं गो bee. भाइलओ २९ वरस्तुरओ a horse of good breed. मंगलो ३४ अग्गी fire. म गुसा १६ नउला mongoose. मंजुअं ९ मंजिट bright red. मंडलओ ३७ सुहा dog. मल्लाणिया ४३ जणणी mother. महा ४४ जत्ता religious festival. मेयला २५ विझा the Vindhya mountain. 153 मेहुण १६ वहु-भइणी wife's sister. रच्छामओ २५ सुणहो dog. लक्खे। २६ चोरो thief. लुट्ट २७ मोसो booty. वसुआइद २३ सुक्क' dried up. वालुकी ३१ चिभडिया cucumber. विच्छेओ १४ विलासो dalliance, amorous sport. विरह १२ कुसुं भि वत्थ bright red cloth (dyed with the Indian madder). वेलण ३६ लज्जियं shame, being ashamed. संगा २९ वल्गा reins. सत्यारा २१ सेज्जा bed. सन्ना ४१ मइ intelligence. सा १२, ३६ लच्छी wealth, Goddess of wealth. सायं ३९ तिक्ख sharpened. साहा ४० त्यो arm. सीविअ । ४२ सूई needle. सुढिय ९ रीण exhausted. सेहिर ३८ गवलं wild buffalo. हीरी ४१ लजा bashfulness. हीरो १५ हरा God Siva. हेरबा २७ पहा drum. Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 154 Notes 1 Le Gitālamkāra, by Alain Daniélou and N. R. Bhatt, ' Pondi chery, 1959. 2 S. M. Katre, ‘Names of Prakrit dialects', A volume of. Indian and Iranian studies presented to E. Denison Ross, edited by S. M. Katre and P. K. Gode, 1939, pp. 192–197. 3 In the Inquiries into the spoken languages of India (=Census of India 1961, Vol, I, Part XI-C(i), R. A. Singh, while attempting a critical survey of Middle Indo-Aryan languages and dialects, has also made use of the fifteenth chapter of the Gitalamkāra. He has tried to locate the various Prakrit dialects. listed there on the basis of their names and has reproduced the text after Daniélou and Bhatt. But he too has not attem pted its interpretation. 4 See PS., introduction, p. 104-105. Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ IMPORTANCE OF JAIN LITERATURE FOR THE STUDY OF DESYA PRAKRIT [1] The term desi (alternatively, desya, deśaja etc.) has been used in several distinct but interconnected meanings. Ancient Indian works on poetics defined Sanskrit and Prakrit as languages of literature, The latter comprised a cluster of literary idioms (Sanskrit-dependent, considerably 'artificial and highly stylized) like Māhārāsţri, Apabhraíśa, Paišācī, śāuraseni, Māgdhi etc. Sanskrit and Prakrit had to be learnt through formal instruction, and manuals of grammar and dictionaries were periodically composed by way of text books. Prakrit grammars provided a set of rules for Sanskrit poets for turning Sanskrit into Prakrit of different varieties. On the basis of phonological difference and derivability from Sanskrit, Prakrit words were traditionally divided into three categories : Tatsama, Tadbhava and Deśya. Those words which had the same sounds and meaning as their corresponding words in Sanskrit were Tatsamas; those which had modified sounds but the same meaning as their Sanskrit correspondents were Tadbhavas; those which were not derivable from Sanskrit i.e. not accountable either as Tatsamas or as Tadbhavas and hence considered to be substitutes for Sanskrit words of correspondingly saihe meanings were Deśya words. The Deśya class of words, traditionally used in literary works, were listed with meanings in special lexicons, like Hemacandra's Rayaņāvali (also popularly known as Deśināmamālā), which iself refers to numerous earlier similar compilations. The term defya or desi was usually and most frequently employed in this sense. It designated that stock of Prakrit words which was found in the works of standard Prakrit authors, but which, unlike the rest of Prakrit words, was not derivable (according to the then accepted grammatical canons) from Sanskrit. Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 156 Manuals of Prakrit grammars had started to be composed from about the second century A.D. as shown by Vararuci's Prākṣta-prakāśa. Desya lexicography too seems to have its beginnings there-about. Among the earlier authorities on Deśya words cited by Hemacandra we find the name of Sālāhana, the famous royal poet and compiler of an anthology of Prakrit lyrics, the Saptašataka, who is generally assigned to the period of the second century A.D. From Hemacandra we also know that a dozen or more Deśya lexicographers preceded him, but their works are lost to us : we are completely in dark about them, excepting a few citations and allusions in later works. The importance of the Jain writings for studying Deśya words is twofold. Some Jain writers have made direct contribution to Deśya lexicography. But the indirect contribution of the Jain literature in this regards is even much greater. In Sanskrit and Prakrit there is vast amount of literature, religious, exegetical and parrative, composed by the Jainas. It comprises canonical texts and their commentaries (Cūrņis, Bhāşyas, etc.), religious monograpbs (Prakaranas) and the enormous amount of narrative workslegendary biographies, tales, parables, anecdotes etc. The language of these works is marked by casual or liberal use of Desya words. Hence they are an invaluable source for studying the character, function and history of the Deśis. But so far very little work has been done in this regard. Hence, in the present short sketch, no precise or reliable account of the materials available from those sources can be given. We offer just a few observations and rather haphazard illustrations with a view to impress on the readers the importance of studying the Jain writings from this view-point. [2] We come across a considerable number of Deśya words in the language of the Jain canonical texts. The following few words casually gleaned from only two or three texts may serve to illustrated: अल्लिय to resort to ईसत्थ archery अच्छभल्ल bear उड्डाह censure Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 157 sfoggiq7 thief's accomplice उद्देहिया termite ओम थिय headiong कक्खड harsh, fat कड्य curtain कुट with maimed hands खउर gum खड्डा pit खरंट to smear खाडहिला squirrel खिस to censure खेल spittle खाड log of wood गडी cart गुठो bad horse गोल्ल olibanum गोल्हा the Bimba plant घघसाल mendicant's home चडिक्किय angry चडगर multitude, pomp चडवेला slap चम्मे? whip चिक्खल्ल mud चिलिलिली(णी) curtain fafafoqa wet and sticky चोय skin, bark छल्ली bark छाण cow-dung छिक्क touched छुक्करण shooing छिवाडिया sort of book छुरघर razor-case 915 to release झाम् to burn झोड to cause to shed झोसण search टिट्टियाव to rattle डगल slice उहर child, small डाल branch ढिंक crane तप्पण groats तुयट् to turn on sides थक्क occasion थिग्गल patch दवदवस्स quickly पहकर multitude पाणालि slap पामिच्च borrow पाराई pickaxe fafefifiat kind of musical instrument पिरिली continuous पेहुण peacock's feather पोड fruit 9177 swollen and depressed पोग्गल flesh पोट्ट belly पोलड to cross over Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 atro hollow qat loin-cloth, piece of cloth fosfoy lung बप्प father बरुड matmaker बिलकोली deceptive change of voice at f body ats shaven-headed भंडी cart भिलिंग to anoint मगुस mongoose Hoteh large ant माढि armour fafafte to flare up i मेरा boundary 5537 cotton TTE rice-flour लंचा bribe लडह beautiful लेच्छारिय smeared argiti hooting वग्धारिय hanging down वल्लर field वहिलग beast of burden सएजिग्झ neighbour सयराह quickly adeformed Similarly a much bigger list can be easily prepared from the huge com metarial literature. Not only words but new formative suffixes and postpositions are found which afterwards gained wider currency in New Indo-Aryan. Several past passive participles extended with wella- (like gaellaya-, jāellaya-., laddhellaya-. siddhellaya, kahiellaya are found in Haribhadra's commentaries. taņaiņa used with genetive to signify 'due to, on account of, müla meaning ‘near' and ccaya as a possessive suffix are also attested from the same source. The proportion of Deśya words in the Kathā-literature is still greater. We may note some Deśya words from the Vasudevahimdi and the Kuvalayamåla. From the Vasudevahimdi : अवारी shop 3713 useless उम्मत्ति infatuation कडिल्ल jungle Sarafia sweetmeat-seller खोट्टी servant girl गणियारी cow-elephant 9a to throw Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 159 डिडिय vagabond वेटलिय bundle नहरण nailcutter मयहरय headman, chief पइरिक्क lonely मेहुणिया maternal uncle's daughter परियंदणय lullaby Past passive participles in -elliya आणिएहिलय, उद्दालियल्लिय, दिण्णेल्लय, पडिहत्थेहिलय, हएल्लिय। From the Kuvalayamålā : अलीढ untouched आलेहड fond of आडियत्तिय agent आहट to dccrease 37172833 yearning कंकेल्ली Asoka tree आलप्पाल meaningless prattic कदोह lotus 31154 niche कडप्प multitude, stack आलुख to touch कडित्त gambling board 31121 to strike, to beat कणिक्का dough उक्क टुल्लय longing कल्ल dumb उक्कुरुड garbage-heap कालवट्ठ bow 3493 to pluck किट्ट dirt उत्तावल hurrying कुभीरय aquatic creature उप्पित्थ frightened कुडंग bower उप्पील multitude कुडिच्छ hole, opening कुहय magic trick उन्फाल to tell कुहाड axe उरुपुल्ल cake siet sort of weapon 2113 earth-digger कोल्हुय jackal ओरहिल roar कासल्लिय gift आरुप scraping खल oil-cake ओलग्ग to serve खल्लइय contracted Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 160 a'zi drum asfay spread तडविय CE to fall short खेडय shield खेड sport गद्दब्भ harsh noise गांदी cluster of blossoms गोस morning गोसग्ग morning acq to seize चच्चिक्क adorned च pupil चडप्फड to be restless चमढ़ to destroy चिलीणय sticky dirt चीरि cricket चुपालय round window तरवारि sword तल्लिच्छ eager ति गिच्छि pollen थुड क्लिय sulky दिल्लि दिलिय child दुष्परियल्ल unfathomable दाज्झ offense, treachery द्रंग village निद्धमण sewage निलुक्क् to hide fazas to result assifo head-ornament पच्चल able पच्चुटिफडिय bounced back पडियग्ग् to serve पत्तट्ट expert 931's youthful पुल्लि tiger पोट्टलय bundle वईल्ल ox बलामोडिय forced बोल्ल to speak चेवालय चापालय, छप्पण्णय man of taste and culture fga to touch छूढ thrown छेछइया unchaste woman जपाण palanquin जामइल्ल watchman झोलिया bag ठक्कुर village-chief डिभ, डिभरूय child डांबिलय Domba Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 161 भल्लुकी vixen भेल्लिय attacked मद musical instrument मंगुल bad. ugly मडह small मुट having, bodily defect मुम्मुर chaff-fire मुसुमूर to found मूयल dumb मेढी supporting beam मेल्ल to leave, to place . रंग to crawll रक्खवालguard रम्माउल beautiful रिछोलि row a to hum रेह to appear beautiful लल्ल speaking लल्लार Jindistinctly लीव child वंफिय eaten वच्च ordure वन्जर to say वट्टइ to be sure वणे possible वलग्ग to mount वलत्था horse's stable वव्वीसय musical instrument वारुआ quickly वाहियाली riding ground विरय rivulet विसट्ट bloomed विहडफड agitated वुण्ण dejected वेगसर mule वेल्लहल tender वोक्किल्ल boasting वोद्रह youth वोल्लाह kind of horse संवच्छर astrologer सिलिका small stick, chip farsa child सुडिय exhausted सेराह kind of horse मावणय bed-room हलबोल din हलहल agitation हल्ल to stir हल्लफल agitated haste हिरिमथ gram Past passive participales in •eli- : कयल्लय, छाएल्लय, जायल्लय, जिमियल्लय, धरियल्लय, पयलिएल्लय, पक्केल्लय, पूरिएल्लय, साल्लय, मारिएल्लय, मिलिएल्लय. झट्रेल्लय, वियत्तिएल्लय, वुत्थेल्लय. 11 Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 162 New derivative suffixes : Diminutive Possessive Habitual Postpositions Redublicatives : -, -3, -377 : $ : -57 : 479, 191, afaa : 3 4-4f5, 317352910, s'afaa'a, 35977 परत्तय Vasudevahidi and Kuvalayamālā are primarily prose narratives. Tales in verses also contain a good amount of Deśya expressions. Padalipta's Tarangavati is lost, but its verse abridgement tells us that the original contained numerous Deśya words. Apabhramsa had a stronger tendency to use Dośīs. Svayambhū’s Paumacariya has about five hundred words3 aud Puspadanta's Mahāpurāņa about thirteen hundred4, which can be classed as Deśya. The Puhaicamdacariya of Santisūri, composed in 1105 A.D. contains about eight hundred Deśya words5. These three works which have been studied from the point of view of the use of Deśya words may help to give some idea of rich amount of Deśya words and expressions that lie scattered over hundreds of Prakrit and Apabhramsa works. [3 ] In the field of Prakrit lexicography the only extent work prior to Hemacandra's Deśināmamālā is Dhanapāla's Pāialacchināmamālā, composed in 973 A.D. The proportion of Deśis coutained in it is quite small as compared to the Tadbhavas, and nowhere it can compare to Hemacandra's work. Even then it has its value as a pre-Hemacandra source. Next we pass on to the most extensive and outstanding extent work of Deśya lexicography, viz., Hemacandra's Rayaņāväli or Desinamamālā. Hemacandra aimed at preparing an up-to-date authentic lexicon of Deśya words for Prakrit writers and readers on the basis of various previous works. It was a very difficult and taking task Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 163 rin view of the fact that something like utter cofusion prevailed at that time in the field of Deśya lexicography owing to disagreement among authorites, immature writers, ignorant scribes and poor condition of preservation of old texts. It highly redounds to Hemacandra's credit that, owing to his scientific attitude and practical approach, he succeeded in introducing considerable measure of order where disorder reigned. As a consequence, the Deśināmamālā had such a success that it eclipsed almost all the earlier Deść lexicons, which in course of time went out of use and eventually disappeared altogether. The success achieved by Hemacandra in this regard owes much to his adoption of some definite principles and methods in compiling his work. He sets up five criteria for defining the character and scope of ithe Deśya words : (i) Those words which were confined to the ordinary speech of the peoples in various regions like Mahārāșțra, etc (i.e. words of regional dialects) were to be ignored. (ii) Those Prakrit words only which were handed down through the tradition reaching back to a hoary past were to be noted. (iii) of these words only those were Deśya which were not analysable as complexes of root and suffix, and which could not be derived from Sanskrit through the grammatical processes of Loss, Intrusion, Modification etc. (iv) Certain Prakrit words inspite of being analysable and derivable from Sanskrit, were to be considered Deśya, if in their Sanskrit form they were not found recorded in standard Sanskrit lexicons. (v) If the meaning of a Prakrit word could be explained through metaphorical transfer as compared with the meaning of the corresponding Sanskrit form of that word, that word was not be considered Deśya. Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 164 Hemacandra introduced certain methodological innovations, in the arrangement and presentation of his lexical material. This made for greater orderliness and clarity and enhanced the reference value of his work. He adopted an alphabetical order for the items selected, and under each letter-head he arranged the words according to the number of syllables. Items with multiple meanings were separately grouped. He composed verses to illustrate the use of the recorded items : these also provided the necessary context to remove ambiguities where the glossing word (in Prakrit or Sanskrit) had several meanings. Against the earlier practice, he excluded the verbal substitutes (dhātvādesas) from the lexicon and assigned them to the Prakrit grammar because of their special. characteristic of combinability with derivative affixes of Sanskrit origin. But for the sake of convenience and to avert any sudden break with the tradition, he also noted them in his commentary on the Dešināmamālā. This commentary also served the purpose of a clearing house: Hemacandra critically evaluated earlier words in Deśya lexicography, distinguishing inaccurate and authentic ones from their opposites. In his work he incorporated the materials from the latter sources. In numerous cases of doubt or disagreement, he selected and rejected after properly weighing the available evidence, noted the alternatives where he found them equally authoritative and left the choice open where no decisive evidence was available. We can well imagine the enormous effort involved in this sort of task. and appreciate the high scholarly spirit which saved the Deśya lexicography from utter confusion and threatened oblivion. Hemacandra's Deśināmamālā gives the meanings of about four thousand words. If we count a word with multiple meanings as so many separate words, then the number may go up by a thousand. On the other hand the total would go down by a few hundred if we leave out those items which are mere orthographic or phonological variants of some other items. or are such as can be shown to be the result of some confusion or error.? Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 165 विद्युत् Even a superficial examination of the Deśīs recorded by Hemacandra makes obvious some of its striking characteristics. A majority of these words are such that they are not known so far from any other source. The Pāiasaddamahannavo (and other modern Prakrit dictionaries) do not cite for them any other authority. It is however a fact that a considerable amount of Prakrit and Apabhramša literature has remained as yet unpublished. Our experience so far shows that newly published Prakrit works are found to contain Deśya words which had remained so far unattested from the published literature. A considerable number of words of the Dešināmamālā are such that though technically considered Deśya by Hemacandra's criteria, are quite good Tadbhavas-and Hemcandra himself is fully aware of this alternative opinion. The following are a few instances out of hundreds : अइहारा अचिराभा अइरजुवा अचिरयुवति: नववधूः अगुज्झहरो अ-गुह्यधर: रहस्यभेदी अग्गक्ख धो अग्रस्कन्धः रणमुखम् अग्गवेओ अग्रवेगः नदीपूरः अग्गि । आग्निक: इन्द्रगो कीटः अंकुसइअ अंकुशित अंकुशाकारम् अजुअलवण्णो अयुगलपर्ण: अम्लिकावृक्षः अज्जो अर्य: जिनः अणेकज्ञा अनेक + ध्यः चन्चल: अत्थग्ध अस्ताघम् अगाधम् अन्धान्धुः कूपः अप्पज्ञो आत्म + ध्यः आत्मवशः अरिहइ अहति नूनम् अवगो अपाङ्गः कटाक्षः अंधू Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 166 रिक्तपुट:: अतिक्रान्त दिनम् जारः वल्मीकः. संग्रामः. अरण्यम् बासगृहम्. वृश्चिक: अभिण्णपुडो अवरज्जो अविणयवरो अहिहर आउर" आउल आलयण आलासो आलीवण इंदग्गी इदमहकामुओ उण्होदयभडे कआ एक्कघरिल्लो एक्कसाहिहलो ओरत्तो ओलुग्गा ओसीस कमणी प्रदीप्तम् तुहिनम् श्वा भ्रमरः. यूका .. अभिन्नपुट: अपर + युः भविनयपर: अहिगृहम् आतुरम् आकुलम् आलयनम् आलास्यः आदीपनम इन्द्राग्निः इन्द्रमहाकामुकः उष्णोदकभाण्डः यूका एक+ गृह + 'इल्ल' एक + शाखा + 'इल्ल' अवदृप्तः अवरुग्णः अपशीष: क्रमणी कुट्टाकः कुटीरम् कुड्यलेपनी कुलपांसन: क्रोडः कोशलिकम खद्योतः क्षुद्रम् कुट्टाओ कुडीर कुडलेवणी देवर:. एकस्थानवासी गर्विष्ठः. निःस्थामा जपवृत्तम् . नि:श्रेणिः चमकार: वृति विवरम् सुधा कुलकलङ्कः ग्रीवा प्राभृतम् नक्षत्रम् लघु निःसहः अक्षमाला धनु:. मृतम् कुलफसणो कोलो छोसलिय खज्जोओ खेआल. खेदालु: गणेत्ती ग डीव गय गणयित्री गाण्डीवम गतम् Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 167 . मेघः नि:स्नेहः छागी मूर्ख: इन्द्रः आदर्श: गयणरह गयसाउला गामेणी गोसपणे घणवाही घरघटो घरयं दो चपरचिंधी चक्खुरक्षणी चिंधाल छडक्खर छप्पण्णो छाइल्लो छिण्णोब्भवा छुद्दहीरो छुरमही छुरहत्थे छेत्तसोवणयं जन्छदओ जपेच्छिरमगिरो गगनरति: गतस्वाद+'ठल' ग्रामैणी गोसंज्ञः घनवाही गृहघण्ट: गृहचन्द्रः चतुरचिह्नः चक्षरक्षणी चिह्न 'आल' षडक्षर: षट्प्रज्ञः छाया+'इल्ल' छिन्नोभवा क्षुद्रहीर: सातवाहनः लज्जा भुखम् स्कन्दः विदग्धः प्रदीप: दूर्वा क्षुरमदी जहणरोही जहाजाओ जालघडिआ जेमणय जोई गणी डभिओ पदिणी णखत्तणेमी णहमुहो णहवल्ली क्षुरहस्त: क्षेत्रस्वपनम् यच्छदः यद् + प्रेक्ष + इर + मार्ग + 'इर' जघनरोहः यथाजात: जालघटिता जेमनकम् ज्योतिरिङ्गणः दाम्भिकः नन्दिनी नक्षत्रनेमिः नभोमुख: नभोवल्ली शिशुः,शशी नापित: नापित: क्षेत्रे जागरणम् स्वच्छन्दः यो यद् दृष्टं तदेव मृगयते करुः जड: चन्द्रशाला दक्षिणहस्तः इन्द्रगोप: यूतकार: . गौः विष्णुः धूकः विधुत् Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 नाभिदाम नाभिविच्छेदः निवसनम् निकृतिः निःश्मश्रः निवृत्तः निभृतम् नि:सीमितः ताम्रकृमिः ताम्रकुसुमः उल्लेोचमध्यदाम जघनम् 7 वस्त्रम् दग्भः तरुणः मुप्तात्थितः तुष्णीकाम् निवांसित: । इन्द्रगोपः कुरबकः अत्यर्थम् तीव्रम् हप्तः निभी कः णाहिदाम णाहि विच्छेओ णि सण णिअदी जिम्मसू णिवित्तो णिहु णीसीमिओ तंबकिमी तंबकुसुमो तिव्व तोवट्टी थिण्णो थिरसीसो थूलपोणो थेणिललि थेरासण दहिठप्फ दिअधुत्तो दिअहुतं दिआहमो दिव्वासा दुअक्खरो दुइमो दुम्मुहो दुरालोमो धवलसउणो धारावासो धारावासो धुभगाओ धूमंगो त्रपुपट्टिका स्त्यानः स्थिरशीर्षाः स्थूलघोण: स्तेन+'इलिलअ' स्थंविरासनम् दधिपुष्पम् द्विजधूर्तः दिवाभुक्तम् द्विजाधमः दिग्वासाः द्वयक्षर: दुदुम: दुर्मुख: दुरालोकः धवलशकुन: धारावाशः धारार्षः ध्रुवगाय: धूमाङ्गः सूकर: हृतम् पद्मम् नवनीतम् काक: पूर्वाहणभोजनम् भासपक्षी चामुंदा .. षण्हः देवरः मर्कट: तिमिरम मेक: मेष: भ्रमर: भ्रमरः Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 169 गवाक्षः तटाक: कृत्तिकाः धुमद्वारम धमध्वजः धूमध्वजहिष्यः धूममहिषी धूमशिखा पक्वग्राहः नीहारः पक्वश्वापदः नीहार: मकर: शरभः समर्थः एरण्डः रुद्रः धूमदार धूमद्धओ धूमधयमहिसीओ धूममहिंसी धूमसिहा परकग्गाहो पक्कसावओ पक्को पंचंगुली पंडरंगो पयलायभत्ता पल्लटजीहो पवरंग पाडलसउणो पायप्पहा पिअमाहवी षिट्ठत पिंगगो पुडइ बप्फाउलं बहुमुहो बभहर बहुरावा भयवग्गामा भाउज्जा भिसिआ भुक्सा भूअण्णो भूमिपिसाओ मइमोहणी मउ मयूरः रहस्यभेदी शिरः हसः कुक्कुट: कोकिला पक्व: पञ्चाङ्गुलि: पाण्डुरागः प्रचलाक-भक्तः पर्यस्तजिह्वः प्रवराङ्गम् पाटलशकुन: पादप्रहण: प्रियमाधवी पृष्ठान्तः । पिङ्गाङ्गः पुटकितम् वाष्पाकुलम बहुमुखः ब्रह्मगृहम बहुराबा भगवद्ग्रामः भ्रातुर्जाया बृसिका बुभुक्षा भू+ यज्ञ: भूमिपिशाच: मतिमोहिनी मृदुकम् मर्कट: पिण डीकृतम् अत्युष्णम् दुर्जनः कमलम् शिवा मोढेरकम् कृष्टे खले यज्ञ: ताल: सुरा दीनम् Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मंगलस मज्जा मज्झिमगड मडवोज्झा मडे मणिणायहर मणिरइआ मधाओ मयणिवासेा महगो मसि माहाना महाबिल' महालवक्खो महावल्ली महासउणो महासद्दा महुमुहो माउआ मारिलग्गा माह मुहरोमराई मुहल मुअलो मेग मेहच्छी र इलक्ख रच्छामओ रत्तच्छो रतय रणिद्वय 170 मङ्गलसाध्यम् मर्यादा मध्यमकाण्डम् मृत + वाह्या मृतः मणिनागगृहम् मणिरचिता मान्धाता मदनिवासः महागः मसृणमू महानट: महाबिलम् महालयपक्षः महावल्ली महाशकुनः महाशब्दा मधुमुखः मातृका मारीलग्ना माघम् मुखरामराज मुख + 'ल' मूक + 'ल' मर्यादा क्षीरम र तिलक्ष्यम् रथ्यामृराः रक्ताक्षः रक्तक' रजनीध्वजः बशेष क्षेत्रम् उदरम् शिविका समुद्रः कटिसूत्र आय: कन्दर्पः उष्ट्रः रम्यम् रुद्रः व्योम भाद्रपदे श्राद्धपक्षः नलिनी उलूक: शिवा पिशुन: दुर्गा कुत्सिता कुन्दकुसुमभू भ्रुः मुखम् मूक: जलम जघनम् हसः बन्धुकम कुमुदम Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 171 रसाओ रसाला रिच्छभल्लो रिठ्ठो रेवईओ रामलयासय लासयविहओ वइराअणे नका वगच्छा वच्छ रसादः भ्रमरः रसाला मार्जिता ऋक्ष + भद्रः ऋक्षः अरिष्टः काकः मातरः. रेवत्य: रोमलताशयम उदरम लासकविहगः मयूरः वराचन: बुद्धः पडकः कलहुकम् वक्राक्षा: प्रमधा: पार्श्वम पक्षः वनश्वपाकी कलकण्ठी वस्त्राश्रयः वस्त्रकुटः उपायनम भोज्योपायनम शुकः वाचाटः वालपाशः शिरआभरणम् वासाती कुन्दः वासपाल: मन्त्री बिवाहगणकः विलुप्तहृदयः यः काले काय कतु न जानाति विषमयम् भल्लातकम् विशारदः विधुन्तुद: बेतालः अन्धकार: वेणुनाशा भ्रमरः स्वैरवृषभः धर्मार्थ त्यक्तो वृषभः सदालासकः मयूर: सती-शिशुः स्कन्दः सप्तविंशतिद्योतनः शब्द + 'आल' न्पुरम् समुद्रनवनीतम् अमृतम, चन्द्रः . बणसवाई वत्थ उडे। वायण वायाडे वालवासो वासदी वांसवालो वाहगणओ बिलुत्तहिअओ विसमय विसारओ विहुडुओ बेआलो वेणुणासो सइरसहो सइलासओ सइसिलिंबो सत्तावीस जोअणों सद्दाल समुहणवणीम .. इवा Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ सिंगिणी सिसिर सिंह इल्लो सिहरिणी सिहरिल्ला सिहिणा सिही सरावहासिआ सीहणही सुरजे सुहसाणी सूरद्धओ सोलहावत्तओ हरिचंद हरी हिज्जो अअं अअ खो अइगय भइरो अइणिअ ईसओ निक्कणो 172 शुङिगणी शिशिरम् शिखण्ड + 'इल्ल' शिखरिणी शिखर + 'इल्ला' शिखिनौ शिखी शिरउपहा सिका सिंहनखी सुरज्येष्ठः सुखस्वाना सूर्यध्वजः षोडशावर्तकः हरिचन्दनम् हरित् यः Allied to the above, and more or less distinguishable from it is another group of words, whose Sanskritic origin is not so obvious, but which can be made out with some effort. Note for example the following words : उलुहलिओ उदूखलिक: ततम् अकांक्ष: अपिगतम् (Vedic ) अतिराजा अतिनीतम् (Vedic ) गौः दधि बालः, मयूर: मार्जिता मार्जिता स्तनौ कुक्कुट : लज्जा करमन्दिका वरुणः मयूरी दिन: शङ्खः कुङ्कुमम् शुकः कल्यम् तृप्तिरहित: विस्तारितम् आयुक्तः आनीतम् ऋष्यकः मृगविशेषः नि + वुक्कू + अन वायस: So also बुक्कणो काकः, उबुककं = प्रलपितम्, बुक्कासारो = भीरुः वकिल्ले] = अलीकशूर : contain बुक्क् 'to boast', ‘to babble’. निःस्नेहः प्रविष्टम Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 173 दव दुग्धुट्टा हस्ती दबाभिमुखम ग्रीष्ममुखम द्वि+घुटपिन् देहणी from fat 'smear' आसिअओ =आअसिओ आयसिक: लोहमय: ओहो , ओहरिसी अवघर्ष: चन्दनघर्षण-शिला ध्वस्तम नष्टम पाडवण =पावडण' पादपतनम पवजी पर्वजः नख: वउहारी = बहुआरी = बहुकारी सम्मानी भसुआ from भषू + उका शिवः भुक्कणो from भुक्क देवा याभीसि from मा भैषी: अभय-प्रदानम मग्गापणरो मार्ग + अनु + इ + इर अनुगमनशील: रखो खक: 'from रु, to roaw मन्थानः राणि रोदनिका डाकिनी ag: Vedic लावण्यम वम्मीसरी ममें श्वरः कामः वलय गी वलयाशी वृतिमती सिंधुओ (from सिंह + उक) सिराहा (from स्नुह) Past Passive participles like खण्ण (खात), खद्ध (खादित), रिद्ध (रद्ध) etc. are to be explained as analogical formations. A very large number of words from those recorded by Hemacandra have been inherited by the New IndoAryan languages. They are very valuable for the history of non-Aryan element of the NIA. vocabulary and convessely, some uncertainties about the proper form and meaning of the Des'ya words can be cleared with the help of the corresponding NIA. words. For example सिंटा and not सिढा is the correct form (DN. 8.29: सिंढा नासिकानादः) as shown by Gujarati # etc. ??is the correct form and वऊ हिमम् Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 174 (DN. 6, 66 TSET = Jata:) in view of Gujarati qaj: 953311 (6, 8 = चरणाघात:) पट्टआ as shown by Gujarati पाटु. Besides this lexical importance, the Deśya materials of the Dešinämamālā prove to be a valuable source for data on Middle Indo-Aryan word-formation in view of several suffixes. like 3, , -3, -3, -3417, -531, -5, gry, Foto etc. From quite a different angle the Desināmamālā proves further its great importance for us. Numerous items are useful for shedding light on the cultural condition prevalent in the later part of the first millenium. Names of severai popular festivals, customs and games are recorded by Hemacandra. We may draw attention to the explanations of words like 31521uft, 3100gti, 37150907, 31101 - a61, sf117:07, 3181, etuit, fi gz2AT, 09321, afici, 91393371, HEIS779T, AI, ana, 1959ÈT, gfi 311 etc. We have here very rich materials for studying religious, sociological and economic aspects of the society of those times. Trivikrama's Prakrit grammar is almost wholly dependent upon Hemacandra for its section on the Deśya words, and it is quite obvious that Hemcandra standing at the dawn of New IndoAryan also symbolized the end of fresh lexicographical activity in Prakrit. Before we close this brief account it is necessary to point out a third source of information about the Deśya expressions, for which all the credit goes to the Jain writers. Since the period of the Cūrņis Jain writers practised a style of writing in which Prakrit was liberally interspersed with Sanskrit. From about the eighth century another style becomes current in which the Sanskrit is characterized by an undercurrent of Prakrit that becomes in course of time more and more pronounced and vigorous. The narratives found in the Bhāșya, Carita, Dharmakathā, Kāvya and Prabandha literature of the Jainas are composed in a peculiar kind of Sanskrit, the so-called Jain Sanskrit, which contains numerous Prakrit (and later on, New Indo-Aryan) words, expressions and idioms Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 175 in a Sanskritic garb. Upamitibhavaprapancakatha of Siddharşi, the canonical commentaries of Abhayadeva and others, Hemcandra's Trişaştiśalākāpuruşacarita, Harişeņa's Bịhatkathākoşa and the Prabandhas of Merutunga, Rājaśekliara and others are the typical examples. Some of these texts have been already studied from this point of view,8 but the literature being vast much remains still to be done. It is hoped that even this sketchy account would not fail to impress upon the reader the great value of Jain writings for the study of the Deśya words and hence for the history of Middle and New Indo-Aryan. This field of study has unfortunately attracted very few scholars. So long as this area is not fully explored, we cannot hope to fill large gaps in the history of Indo-Aryan. Notes 1. For two small efforts by way of making a beginning in this direction, see the following two articles of mine : तीन अर्धमागधी शब्दों की कथा (मुनि श्री हजारीमल स्मृति-ग्रथ). त्रण देश्य आगभिक शब्दो (माहनलालजी स्मारक-ग्रंथ) 2. am 303507 111347 gifsaga 253173111 देसी-पयाइ मात्तु सखित्तयरी कया एसा ॥ 3. See the word-index to the three volumes of Svayambhū deva's Paumacariya edited by H. C. Bhayani, 1953, 1960. 4. See R. N. Shriyan, A Critical study of the Deśya and rare words from Puspadanta's Mahāpurāņa, and other Apabhramsa works, 1969. The Paumasiri-cariya of Dhāhila (ed. by M. C. Modi and H. C. Bhayani), has numerous Deśya words. The number for the Vilāsavaikahā of Sādhāraṇa (ed. R. M. Shah) has about one hundred and fifty. The word-index given in other Apabhramsa works like the Karakanda-cariya, the Jambūsami-cariya of Vira etc. also contain Deśya words. Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 176 5. See the word-index (prepared by R. N. Shriyan) to Santisuri's Puhaicamdacariya edited by Muni Ramnikvijaya, 1972. In the Index of Deśya words given in the third Appendix to Śilanka's Caupannamahāpusisacariya (ed. by A. M. Bhojaka, 1961), composed in 869 A.D. some five hundred items are listed. Similarly from the Akhyanakamanikosavṛtti of Amradeva (ed. by Muni Punyavijaya, 1962), composed in 1134 A.D. about four hundred Deśya words are noted in the third Appendix to that work. Actually both those works contain many more Deśya words. 6. See H. C. Bhayani, Studies in Hemcandra's Desināmamālā, 1966. 7. See H. C. Bhayani, Origins of multiple meanings of Desya words', Vidya, 9. 1967, pp. 30-37. 8. For an account of the studies in Jain Sanskrit by M. Bloomfield, J. Hertel, M. D. Desai, Helen Johnson, A. N. Upadhye, B. J. Sandesara, J. P. Thakar and J. Deleu see H. C. Bhayani, see Introduction to Prabandha-pancasati, edited by Mrgendra Muni, 1968, Surat. Post seript: In 1988 Jain Vishva Bharati of Läḍnun has published Desi Sabdakośa edited by Muni Dulahraj which is a compilation of Deśya words from (1) Jain Agamka literature and Hemacandra's Deśināmamālā, (2) from the Păiasaddamahannavo and the word-indexes given at the and of various Prakrit and Apabhramsa published works, and (3) from the list of Dhatvadeśas given in Prakrit grammars. Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NOTES ON SOME DEŠYA WORDS I Some non-standard Sanskrit words in the Subhāşitaratnakoşa (1100 A.D.) 1. Ap. afset, Sk. arfest, a fool. For various reasons, a number of stanzas of Vidyäkara's Subhāșitaratnakoşa (edited by Kosambi and Gokhale, HOS. 42, 1957–here abbreviated as SRK.) presents difficulties of interpretation. One obvious source of these difficulties is Prakritisms or dialectal expressions. The present effort to clear up a few of the obscurities is chiefly based on Middle Indo-Aryan materials and it is intended to supplement Ingalls' discussions in the Notes to his translation of the Subhāşitaratnakoşa (= An Anthology of Sanskrit Court Poetry, HOS. 44, 1965—here abbreviated as SCP). The opening verse of the 1764054 of the SRK. (verse 191) is as follows: विश्लेषो जनित: प्रियैरपि जनरुज्जम्भित नालिकर मित्रेणापि खरायित तरुणया दीघायित तृष्णया । गुवी वल्लभता जरधिगता दोषाकर: सेव्यते हा काल: किमय कलिन हि न हि प्राप्तः स घमागमः ॥ It is a punning verse, and contains the trope Chekāpahnuti. The words are to be understood as applying ostensibly to the Kalı-yuga, but really to the advent of summer. Ingalls translates SURFHC area: as 'What things do not burst forth, my friend ? (or, lotuses have blossomed).' As applying to the Kali-yuga, Ingalls understands are as a 31166 2.:. But the resulting sense is far from satisfactory. Any acceptable interpretation of arferti: should harmonize with the other unpleasant qualities enumerated in the verse : estrangement from the loved ones, roughness of friends, popularity of stupid persons, cultivation of vices, etc. The interpretation of af offered in the $CP. violates this condition. Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 178 The fact is that alfa here is a homonym. It means (1) ‘a lotus', and (2) ‘a fool. In the latter meaning, it is the same as Apabhramsa affossi. Under Siddhahema 8, 4, 422 (15) Hemacandra has given a feszi and aa as substitutes for 72 in Apabhramśa, and has cited the following illustrative verse : जो पुण मणि जि खसप्फसिहअउ, चितइ देइ न दम्मु न रुअउ । रइवसभभिरु करग्गुल्लालिउ, घरहि, जि कोंतु गुणइ सो नालिउ ॥ “He who ruffled by amorous feelings just keeps thinking and thinking without spending a dramma or a rupee, and who wanders hauntedly hither and thither is like a foolish fellow who goes on brandishing his lance just inside his home'. Again Dešināmamālā 5, 9 gives arrest (= 979, 'foolish') as the second meaning of the Desya word तलसारिअ. So guiat arrest means ‘Fools have flourished (or, lotuses have blossomed).' 2. Pk. forare, ofte, Sk. fa: 'languid'. Verse No. 202 in the SHA1 of the SRK. is a pen-picture of the water-buffalo in summer. The fourth line with Ingalls' translation is an under : मग्ने। वारिणि दूरनिःसहतया निद्रायते सेरिभः ।। ... with all annoyance gone, he [ = the water buffalo ) sleeps.' In the Notes gefa l t is similarly rendered as 'with annoyance far removed'. But fà:#7 here is the same as Pk. fŪTEHE, ofthe 'languid', 'sluggish', 'weak”. Generally it refers to the limbs of the body or general physical condition. For example in the illustration cited under Siddhahema 8, 1, 93 ( F 213 371173') it qualifies 347. In Lilāvai 1101 the qualifies 22707 'face' (The eloquent langour apparent on the face of a lady waking up is said to arouse jealousy of the cowives). Hāla's Gähäkosa (or Gäthāsaptaśati) 1, 65 has TNT 3 with languid limbs.' , Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 179 Monier Williams records it as occurring in the Sisupālavadha, Kathāsaritsāgara and Rajatarangini. It is significant for the diction of the SRK. to note that some Deśya lexicographers considered af (with the meanings 'a carriage ox' and 'a buffalo') to be a Deśya word.1 3. Pk., Sk. 'a wet towel'. SRK. 212 starts its list of summer refrigerants with the Goals that are said to serve for an upper garment. SCP. freely renders : as 'A bodice soaked in cooling water.' Strictly speaking (fem.) means 'a wet cloth' (used as a garment etc.). It conventionally occurs among the cooling remedies in swoon or for allying the burning caused by love-in-separation. See for example Caupannamahāpurisacariya, p. 213, 1.3; Paumacariu 15, 11, 7; 18, 5. 4 (here uncommonly neuter); 22, 5, 5; 26, 8. 7; Svayambhucchandis 1, 72 (6); Paumasiricariu 2, 67. Monier Williams has recorded from the Bālarāmāyaṇa and the Vikramänkadevacarita, and if from the Kadambari. Hemacandra's Abhidhānacintāmani records जलाद्र in the sense of क्लिन्नवासस्, At Sisupālavadha 1, 65 it has the specialized meaning 'a wet fan.' 4. Ap. (fem.), Sk. 'fierce heat'. Ingalls translates as (SRK 232) as 'the glittering flame of underwater fire' (SCP. 232). On he remarks that it is unexampled and given by the native lexicons with the meaning 'sunlight', 'brilliance'. It the form (later ) the word was current in Prakrit, Apabhramśa and Old Gujarati-Rajasthani literatures. It occurs in Ślanka's Caupannamahāpurisacariya (9th Cent.) on p. 12, 1.12 : "The rows of clouds allayed the burning that was caused by fierce 1. See Hemacandra's Deśināmamālā 8, 44, commentary. Gāthā saptasati, 2, 72 uses af in the sense of a buffalo. Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 180 heat' (काल विणीहि समिओ झलसतावा). Compounded as विरहज्झल (metrically it should be fairgo) it occurs at Samdeśarāsaka (possibly 13th cent.) 137 f : उल्हवइ ण केणइ बिरहज्झल... । 'None allays the fierce heat of separation.'2 As 7, it occurs in st. 113 (eti fai 97 R EI) of the Old Rajasthāni ballad Dholā-Māru. On the other hand in the Old Gujarati verse-tale Mādhavānala-Kāmakandalā composed by Gaņapati in 1528 A.D., 95 is used in a description of the mounting heat of the month of Vaišākha : quas 93 914 (8, 35). . Hindi 75, means 'intense burning, flame'. For a few other NIA. derivatives see Turner's A Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages (= IAL.), entry no. 5354. These occurrence's leave no doubt about the meaning of 93 (931). The meaning 'sun-heat' noted in Monier Williams on the basis of native lexicons comes fairly near to what we found from the actual usage. But 'brightness' is wide. The go with the meaning ‘mirage' (quasi) recorded at Deśīnāmamālā 3, 53 seems to be a semantic development from the metaphorical meaning (T&> 500). 5. Pk. Sk. 45A ‘aversion, loathing'. The liné कलमलोत्कलित न तु मे मन: (SRK. 381) is translated by Ingalls as 'But my heart was never restless'. About #s, he remarks that it is a Prakritism and points to Hindi 9343 restless, trembling' in support.3 The Pāiasaddamahannavo ( = PSM.) gives 2. The rendering farafa5a17 in the Sanskrit commentary seems to be based on the fancied derivation of 37 from 5913), 3. Properly speaking Hindi कलमल as also किलबिल, कुलबुल means 'wriggling'. Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 181 ‘pangs of love' and 'trembling, disgust as the meanings of 725HS. The meaning 'disgust' fits better in the passage it cites. In Svayambhu's Paumacariu (91h Cent.), the word occurs in a passage (12, 12, 7-8) describing the state following frustration in love : 'देससयगइहे वि विरहग्गि गुरु । पजलइ उपायइ कलसलउ, उण्हउ ण सुहाइ ण सीयलउ' । ‘And Sahasragati's fire of Viraha flared up. It produced in him an intense loathing---nothing cool or hot cold comfort him.' The gloss on 7. ory3 at 36, 2, 6 in the Apabhramśa Mahāpurāņa of Puspadanta (972 A.D.) explains it as Eszlafrada: '(mental) depression born of jealousy'. Accordingly the line from the SRK, can be precisely rendered as 'But my heart was never filled with restless aversion'. Sciafca literally means 'boiled', hence 'utterly restless'. Compare Pk. 382, Gujarati za 'to boil. Compare the New IndoAryan materials under Utkalati (1716) in IAL. 6. Pk. Sk. y a 'sudden heaving', 'flush'. In SRK. 532 (= Amarušataka 12), the words of the young lady that delayed her love's departure are described as 49154515 193. Here 9537oT is usually taken to mean the sound of falling drops'. Monier Williams records also another shade of meaning for the word, namely, the sound of flapping' (of elephant's ears, etc. ). In the Caupannamahāpurisacariya, FEET occurs twice as a verb. In both the places it signifies the heaving or throbbing caused in the cloud-mass by violent winds. Once the cloud-mass is compared to a drove of buffaloes driven by a cowherd girl fuencaifesa15a4 saaa fet AEID' Afga q! p. 12, 1.14)- Else 4. The printed text (Prakrit Text Society Series No. 3) has fueraifoits. But obviously it should be corrected as füsnagig. Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 182 where the clouds are said to thunder due to the heaving arising from the oscillation caused by the wind (4a3a1507235315 aguera p. 139, 1.17). Sudden heaving, flushing' seems to be the basic meaning of झलज्झल् (or झल्लज्झल). Associated with बाष्प, it probably signifies the tremulous flush of tears in the eyes, as we find in the Gujarati word ysafoui (neut. pl.). Compare also Hindi na 'shimmering', Jual 'to move a fan to and fro', etc., as given under IAL. 5351. At SRK. 917 b, the rising moon is described as destroying darkness by means of झलज्झला of the mass of light ज्योत्स्नाजाल9359affHT GFP-1F 74: "). Here also the rising moon-light is coceived as some streaming liquid with flushing movements. 7. faca 'to step, to walk'. fagyfra whairsamdy54 (SRK. 5226 ) is translated as they should walk with successive swinging of each arm’ (SCP. 522 ), and Ingalls considers the word fafeefa heres uspect. asa 'to toss to and fro, to swing' is attested in the Pancaviñsa-Brāhmaṇa (Monier Williams). Besides this aisai and are in the sense of a particular mode of moving is recorded from some late works and lexicons. But Hemacandra's Abhidhānacintāmaņi (st. 1500 ) notes are al among the words meaning 'walking' (the other words of the group are ofa, fare, $JI, qflag and 97 ). Further Old Rajasthani has the word ofta (fem.) a foot-step', ‘a foot-print. It occurs in the Dholā-Māru (st. 384, 498; diminutive trafsar at 366, 367). These occurrences authenticate fagala in the SRK. They also show that by about the tenth century aise had developed the sense of walking. Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 183 8. Pk. 137. Sk. usF 'to overpower, to subdue, to conquer'. The word अगजित in the phrase साम्राज्यमगञ्जितम् (SRK. 564 b) is understood by Ingalls in the sense of 'Uncontemned, unquestioned' on the basis of 731 'contempt'. But is common in Late Prakrit and Apabhramśa literatures in the sense of 'subdue, overpower, conquer.' Compare for example amofin fait sa 'as if overpowered by his greatness' (cited in the PSM, under गजिअ) and अवरोप्परु जोताह सामिउ ग जिउ जाह 'whose master was overpowered even while they were looking at one another (Siddhahema 8, 4, 409). Gujarati Tigal 'to be overpowered, to yield' also preserves the original meaning to a degree, Hence A19154RSAL would mean 'an unconquered or invincible kingdom'. The meanings 'to disregard, to despise, to prove superior', etc. attached to 17 are secondary. 9. Pk. 31751f831, selfeet, Sk. 311-81fan 'abraded, scraped, rubbed'. In the forms 311831fes and 31171fa the word occurs four times in the SRK. Ferraifeai 91%*T: (677 a) हलाग्रात्कीण.यां परिसरभुवि ग्रामचटका sofia Farg'a azalfrariagilea : (1162 ab ) aməifzagar: 1 (scil. q#12t:) ( 1185 b ) gigèaiazza VISA I (scil s&T) ( 1186 b) Ingalls suggests the meaning 'struck' besides torn given by Schmidt. Prakrit 3778379 and its derivatives have two different meanings, viz. (1) 'dash', and (2) draw or pull with violent rubbing'. In the latter sense it is attested in st. 160 of the Gathāsaptaśati (370gtical, वत्थद्धतपस्थिए). The alternative form अक्खोड् seems to have mostly Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 184 the second meaning, if we judge from the instances recorded in ihe PSM. In the four passages cited above the meaning 'abraded, scraped forcefully' suits all the contexts. The first passage refers to the nail scratches on the sides; the second, to the sparrows scraping with their clawtips the soil in the furrows and rolling thereon; the third, to the herons rubbing their mouths against their feet; and the last, to the charging bull grazing the ground with his hoof. - For NIA. derivatives, see IAL. 1033 (*äkşoțayati). 10. Pk. परिमलण, Sk. परिमलन 'rubbing all over'. In the verse from Sriharsa's Ratnāvali (2, 12 = SRK. 709), परिमलन is a Prakritism, having the same meaning as Sk. परिमर्दन. परिमलण and परिमलअ occur respectively at Gathāsaptasati 5, 28 (परिमलणसुहा) and 7, 37 (परिमलिआ गोवेण) besides elsewhere. मलs is given as synonymous with he (Sk. -12') in the Prakrit verblist of the Siddhahema (8, 4, 126) and its numerous occurrences are noted in the PSM. Sk. gfis 'fragrance' (lit. 'that which results from rubbing, crushing or trituration') has the same source as परिमलन. 11. Deśya karani, Sk. karani "form, shape'. In the first line of SRK. 878 ( =Viddhaśālabhanjikā, 2.22 ) the sun's orb is described as fataisijafqos foi faut, which is translated by Ingalls as 'bearing the rolled-up life of the departing day'. In the Notes he has given 'accumulation’ ‘globulation' as the meaning of pindakarani. But karani means “form', as correctly noted in MW. The word appears to have been adopted from Prakrit by later Sanskrit writers. At PL. 239 (Item 786) it is noted with the meaning rūva 'form'. At DN 2, 7 also it is recorded in the same meaning, but with Hemacandra's significant remark in the Commentary that the 5. For its NIA. derivatives see IAL. 9870 (*marati). Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 185 word was to be counted as Deśya only if it was not seen used in Sanskrit. PSM. has noted the word in the senses of 'form' and resemblance' from several sources. It is found in Hala's Sattasai. In Gāthā no. 300, the moon reflected on the beloved's cheek bearing the lover's tooth marks is said to carry 3⁄4àifa'għ3⁄4a'zan for i.e. the form (or resemblance) of a conch vessel tinged inside with red-lead. The commentators have rendered karani variously with Sk. rupasādṛsya- and akṛti- In the Gatha no. 498 of Jinesvarasuri's Gāhārayaṇakoşa (edited by Bhojak and Shah, 1975) the bracelet slipped down from the wrist of a Virahiņi is described as fĦमहीरुहवियडालवालकरणि समुन्वहइ ie bearing resemblance to the impressive basin of the tree of love'. Thus karani served the same purpose as sanābhi, chala, viḍambin etc. used to imply Utprekṣā. In the verse under discussion निर्य वासरजीवपिण्डकरणि is equivalant to °f. On account of its fading warmth the orb of the setting sun appeared as if it were the lump of Day's soul on the point of departing from its body. The image is that of a dying person in his last moments, his hands getting colder and colder. There is the usual pun on kara. niryat goes with jivapinda- and not with divasa-. Rajasekhara has similarly used karani- at Balarāmāyaṇa VII 69d, where golden chaplets dropped from the sky are said to resemble hatchets raining on the battle ground : स्वर्णापीडै: खमुक्तद् - घणकरणिभिनूतनो युद्धमार्ग : scil. ( सूत्रित). In the twelfth century Malayagiri while defining the technical term sthapana 'representation' has quoted the following Sanskrit verse : यत्तु तदर्थं वियुक्त तदभिप्रायेण यच्च तत्करणि । लेप्यादि कर्म तत्स्थापनेति क्रियतेऽल्लकालम् ॥ In the discussion on the subject he has used ākāra- and akṛtisynonymously with karani- The first line in the above citation is just Sanskrit rendering of the following first line from Jinabhadra's definition of sthāpanā : जं पुण तयत्थसुन्न तयभिप्पाएण तारिसागारं । Here Pk. āgāra is translated with Sk. karani Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 186 12. Sk. pratisadȚsa- 'matching', 'quite similar.' Ingalls thinks pratisadȚía occurring at SRK. 866d to be strange. It is evidently a Sanskritization of Pk. padisariccha or padisärikkha. Immediately I cannot give citation, but other similar Prakrit formations hardly leave any doubt about this matter. Compare Pk. tulla- and paditulla 'similar, tulla- and samatulla- 'equal, sarisaand sumasarisa- ‘alike'. padi (and sama in specific cases) started as emphatic prefixes, but in later usage they tended to be redundant or pleonastic, as can be seen from Pk. padithira - (= thira), padithaddha-(= thaddha-) padibhagga-(=bhagg-), padiruddha- (=ruddh'a) padisammuha- (=sammuha.) etc. 13. Sk. dhyāma- ‘charred', 'blackish'. dhyāma, in 2541992 faizal (SRK. 878 d) is a wrong Sanskritization of Pk jhāma-'burnt'. jhāma is quite productive in Prakrit as can be seen from jhān- 'to burn', jhāmia- 'burnt, darkened', jhāmaņa- 'burning’, jhāmala- 'dark', jhāmalia 'darkened' etc. Sanskrit dhy- being the most usual source of Prakrit jh-, Pk. jhāmu- and jhāmala. were Sanskritized as dhyāma and dhyāmala-. Jain Sanskrit it especially noted for such Sanskritizations. MW. has recorded dhyāmalikr- from the Dharmaśarmābhyudaya, a Jain work of the thirteenth century, besides dhyāmikarana- and dhyāmiksta- from the traditional lexicons. dhyāma-, dhyāmikarana-, dhyāmikrtya- and dhyāmikta- occur in Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit. Vide Edgerton's Dictionary of BHS. Actually Pk. jhāma- derives from Sk. kşāma- 'charring, scorched' (from ksai- 'to burn'). For the NIA. derivatives see IAL. under *jhāma- (entry no. 5366). Turner has not noted dhyāma-. 14. Pk. uvvasa-, Sk. udvasa- 'deserted'. In SRK. 964c the moon at the dawn is described as 329A93973fà ‘pale as an empty honeycomb'. According to Ingalls chatra- means "honeycomb' (compare Hindi chattā 'ditto') and its qualification udvasamadhu means dried Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 187 of honey'. He has also noted that udvasa- meaning 'exiled, gone' is unrecorded. " In Pk. uvvasa- means 'deserted'. We find in the Puhavicamdacariya of Santisuri (composed in 1105 A.D., edited by MuniRamnikvijaya, 1972) the expression uvvasa-desa a deserted country'. Udvasa appears to be a Sanskritization of Pk. uvvasa-. Probably udvasamadhucchatra- is made up of the two constituents uvvasa- 'deserted' and madhucchatra. 'honeycomb'. Like madhukosa-. madhujāla- and madhupaṭala, madhucchatra- means 'honeycomb'. The Hindi derivative comes possibly from its abbreviated form. 15. Sk. kārpatika-, Pk. kappaḍia- 'ragged beggar'. In Prakrit, Apabhramśa and Sanskrit usage the word mostly means 'a beggar in rags (karpata)'. 'Pilgrim' if at all can be only a contextual sense. NIA. derivatives too have preserved this meaning. Vidc IAL. no. 3071. Ingalls has taken rathyākārpaṭika at SRK. 980a to mean a pilgrim in the street, but it is better to render it as 'a street beggar'. Abbreviation SRK Subhāṣitaratnakoṣa of Vidyakara edited by Kosmbi and Gokhale, 1957. SCP An anthology of Sanskrit Court poetry by D. H. H. Ingalls, 1965, PSM = Păiasaddamahaṇṇava. MW-Monier-Williams' Sanskrit Dictionary. IAL A comparative dictionary of Indo-Aryan languages by R. L. Turner. PL-Dhanapala's Paialacchinämamālā. DN-Hemacandra's Deśināmamālā. 11. From Mulaśuddhi-prakaraṇa-vrtti of Devendra-süri (1090 A.D.)* The Prakrit of the Mulaśuddhi-vṛtti has numerous words, constructions and idioms which are significant for the study of Apabhramśa and Early Gujarati. The following few words and forms, picked up in a casual reading of the first thirtyfive pages only, would suffice to illustrate the point (Abbreviation : DN. = Desināmamälä of Hemacandra. SH. =Siddahema of Hemacandra). fos (3, 56) g'a (cf. DN. 3, 39; SH. 8, 2, 174; PC. 5, 13, 9 etc.) Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 188 fefem (3, 65) ‘wayward rascal (cf. the Dim”ins of Lāța described in the Padatāditaka Bhāņa.) saran (20, 3) $=1714 (cf. 9734 at Samdeśarāsaka, 143). € (5, 6, 7) 'tree'. (cf. 713 'thicket DN. 3, 57; Guj. 'tree'.) ENIGST or tap (fem.) (5, 15; 17) 'front portion of the upper garment covering the lap'. (cf. 5 (masc.) 'ibid' DN. 2, 80; Guj. 177 ibid', 'lap'.). aiatza (5, 7) act of sweeping' (cf. af 'sweeper', 967 ‘broom'. Abhidhā'racintāmaņi, 363, 1016; aggia, aiart 'broom’ DN. 6, 97; Hindi gerai, TET.) Hora (5, 11, 5, 6, 25) ‘some sweetmeat etc. sent as present to one's kin living afar”, from Pk. 997, Sk. and the diminutive suffix= 377.). cf. Guj. 17; 'home-made lunch taken outside'. 950st (?) (5, 19) The verse-line in which this word occurs is as follows: बज्झति तरुवरे, चंचलतुरयाण वरवलच्छीओ । The corresponding passage in the Ārāmaśobhā in the Samyaktvasaptati commentary of Samghatilaka, written in 1365 A.D.. reads तरलतर गवलच्छा वज्झति समंतआ तरुमूले । (Here arist is an obvious mistake for g717). Thc word is the same as 7364 (v.l. qag) which occurs at Samdeśarāsaka, 169 (in the compound form girafcafe), and which the Sanskrit commentary renders as तुरङ्गमशाला. The word also occurs in the form of चलत्था (compounded as 3799%E71) in the Jain Sanskrit of Pūrņabhadra's * Ed. by A. M. Bhojak, Prakrit Text Society Series No 15, 1971. Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 189 Pañcākhyānaka' (composed in 1199). See the glossary in the Harvard Oriental Series edition No. 11 (p. 276, 1. 15). For the present, the period of currency of the word can be fixed as from 11th to 14th century. We may also note here a few interesting forms and constructions from the MC. The possessive suffix -574-2 is found in the forın 37071522101 (Mūlasuddhi, Gāihā 26) and garaagfe (3, 41). _ धिसि घिसि (3, 120) deriving from धिगसि घिगसि, and meaning fan fast occurs several times in Haribhadra's Apabhramśa epic Nemināhacariu composed in 1160 A.D. It occurs in other Prakrit works also composed in or about the twelfth century. The possessive suffix -275- (SH. 8, 2, 159; Pischel's Comparative Grammar of Prakrit Languages, § 600) is found in URI (v. 1. Afgan) (20, 18) ‘those having wine' and ##SAT (20, 19) 'those having meat'. Its connotation here is nearer to Hindi 'vālā, Gujarati ‘vaļa. Za qua fe (6, 13) 'the hot summer gusts blow'. cf. Guj. लू वाय छे in the same sense. III. From Puhaicamdacariya of Sāntisūri (1105 A.D.)3 Puhaicamdacariya is linguistically noteworthy because of its liberal use of Diśya words. Some of these words were known to 1. This has been already noted by me on p. 104 of my introdu ction to the Sardeśarāsaka. 2. See H. C. Bhayani, “Three Old Marathi Suffixes’, Vidya, 12, 2, 1969, 4-10. To the forms with the possesive -57- collected there from Early Prakrit literature, grafica 'belonging to the hostile forces' occuring in the Niśitha Cūrņi of Jinadāsa is to be added. 3. Ed. by Ramiņikvijaya Muni, Prakrit Text Society Series no. 16. 1972. Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 190 us exclusively from Hemacandra's Desināmamālā (or similar colle ctions). Their occurrence in a literary work about fifty years prior to the latter has several interesting implications. It authenticates some of the items of the Deśināmamālā which were unknown otherwise. It suggests a source, probably one or more earlier Deśí lexicons, which was commonly available to sāntisūri and Hemacandra. It also helps to clarify doubts about the precise form and meaning of certain words. A number of words reveal tlie influence of the contemporary popular dialects and indicate the emergent trends in the literary diciion. 304297, 35781, 491aa, 713'3, 171, ZATRAST, ETTE, qaro, afet can be cited as instances. These Deśya words have been collected by Prof. R. Shriyan in the word-index given at the end of the work, giving meanings and refrences to relevant literature. Still a few words require special comments. At 63, 8 occurs 91973 which is explained by the Tippaņa as Fathlfafaata. Now onwards from the eighth century2 we find in several Prakrit or Old Gujarati works a word 919 , 9143, 9135 in the sense of 'a dancing girl performing at a darbar or a festive occasion'. 91945 seems to be the earlier form of 9737, but the etyomology remains obscure. The root of qaza (86, 9), 'slipping' is preserved with metathesis in Gujarati g'to slip'. ___ In वल्लरे कल्लरे (83, 9), कल्करे seems to be a jingling reduplication of granit, comparable to Gujarati formations 7190-AN, 31172 2. Cf. qu'au135010 (7, 23, p. 25) and qfar fa 915315 (26, 100, p. 231) (in a description of celebrations at the birth of prince) in the 31131177.4futanara of Āmradevasūri (1133 A.D.). For Old Gujarati see Svādhyāya 5, 1, 1967 p. 30- Pāiasaddamahannavo has recorded several occurrences from the Samarāiccakahā. Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 191 etc. In that case the rise of this reduplicative pattern of jingling word-formation can be dated prior to the eleventh century. We have already evidence of early occurrence of another reduplicative type from a poem inscribed on a stone slab from Dhar in Malwa, which offers two instances of the jingle-formation one with v- (i.e.b-), 431-931 and another with s-, मंडण3).3 Compare also occurring at p. 172, st. 596 of the Doghaṭṭi. At 128, 16 is perhaps a corruption of a cavern, a hollow', as can be seen from the following Apabhramsa version of the Gatha at 6, 67, occurring at Siddhahema 8, 4, 422: जिवँ सुपुरिस तिवँ घघलइँ, जिव नइ तिवँ वलणा हूँ । जिवँ डुगर तिवँ कोट्टर हूँ, हिआ विसूरहि काइँ ॥ Incidentally the context in which the Gatha referred to above, occurs fully bears out my contention that means and not quarrel,' which is but a corruption.4 The Gathā is meant to corroborate the remarks that it is the distingnished persons who are specially subject to calamaties (गरूयाण चिय विवयाओ हुति). विडय at 84, 30 and वेड्डय in the compound सुत्तवेड्डय at 116.20 seem to mean 'simulation' (N). For a discussion of fag felt distasteful or disgusting' (underlying feat, the correct form for eft at 49, 13) and the interpretation of the relevant Apabhramśa verse see further in the present collection. 3. See Bharatiya Vidya, 17, 3-4, 1957, p. 135, v. 47; p. 136, v. 52. 4. Svadhyaya, 5, 1, 1967, p. 32-33. 5. The same expression occurs in Ratnaprabha's Doghatti Commentary on the Upadesamala (composed in 1182) on p. 165, 1. 11. Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ तीन अर्धमागधी शब्द जैनधर्म और दर्शन के मूल-स्रोत होने के कारण तो जैज आगम-ग्रंथ अमूल्य हैं ही। इसके अतिरिक्त केवल ऐतिहासिक दृष्टि से भी आगमगत सामग्री का अनेक वित्र महत्त्व सर्वविदित है । भारतीय आय भाषाओं के क्रम विकास के अध्ययन के लिए आगमिक भाषा एक रत्न-भण्डार सी है । इस दृष्टि से अधमागधी को लेकर बहुत-से विद्वानों ने विवरणात्मक, तुलनात्मक और ऐतिहासिक अनुसन्धान किया है. मगर बहुत कुछ कार्य अब भी अनुसंधाया की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है । विशेष करके अनेक आगमिक शब्दों के सूक्ष्म अर्थ-लेश के विषय में और उनके अधिचीन हिन्दी गुजराती आदि भाषाओं के शब्दों के विषय में गवेषणा के लिए विस्तृत अवकाश है । इस विषय का महत्त्व जितना अर्वाचीन भाषाओं के इतिहास की दृष्ट से है उतना ही अधमागधी को रसिक और परिचित बनाने की दृष्टि से भी है । यहाँ पर तीन अर्धमागधी शब्द की इस तौर पर चर्चा की है. ये शब्द हैं -विदछु डी - 'आटे की लोई,' उत्तुपिय 'चुपडा हुआ, 'चिकना' और पयण - 'कडाही । १ विटुंडी 'नायाध मकहा' अङ्ग के तीसरे अध्ययन अण्डक में मोरनी के अंडों के वर्णन में अंडों को पुष्ट. नि पन्न व्रणरहित, अक्षत और पिठुडी डु'' कहा गया है. इस विशेषण में 'पिटुडी' का अर्थ अभय ? वसू र ने इस प्रकार किया है- 'पिष्टस्यशालिलोहस्य. ५ डी पिण्डा,' फहस्व प उक्त विशेषण का अर्थ होगा चावल क आटे 'चावल के आटे क पिण्ड जैसा श्वेत' । पिद?'डी' शब्द गिढ+उडी से बना है. पिट्ठ =संठ 'पिष्ट ' विष्ट का मूल अर्थ है 'पीसा हुआ, बाद में उस अर्थ हुआ चूर्ण' और फिर अन्न का चूग। ‘मराठी 'पीठ' 'आटा, हिन्दी पीठी, गुजराती 'पीठी' आदि का सम्बन्ध इस 'शिष्ट'-'पिठ के साथ है 'नाज के चूर्ण' इस अर्थ वाले 'आटा' 'लोट' (गुजराती) और 'पीठ' इन तीनों शब्दों का मूल अर्थ केवल चूर्ण' था. इनके प्राकृत रूप थे-'अट्ट,' 'लाट' और पिट' । शेष 'उडी' का अर्थ है, पिण्डि का' या 'छोटा पिण्ड'. जैसे यहाँ पर 'पिटुड' में 'ड' का प्रयोग 'पिठ' के साथ हुआ है वैसे ओघनियुकितभाष्य में 'ड'का विस्तारित रूप 'उडग. 'मस क साथ (मसांडग) विराकथन Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 193 में हियय (हृदय) के साथ हियय उडय हुआ है । 'पिण्डनियुक्ति में मसुडग रूष मिलता है । इसके अतिरिक्त 'नायाधम्मकहा' के पंद्रहवें अध्ययन में भिच्छुड शब्द 'भिखारी' अर्थ में प्रयुक्त है । इस में भिक्षा+-उड ऐसे अवयव हैं और इनसे 'भिक्षा-पिण्ड पर निर्वाह करनेवाला' ऐसा अर्थ प्रतीत होता है। भिच्छुड के स्थान पर भिखंड और भिक्खोंड भी मिलते हैं । संस्कृत में उण्डुक 'शरीर का एक अवयव' और उण्डेरक 'पिष्टपिण्ड' के प्रयोग मिलने हैं। __ अर्वाचीन भाषाओं में मराठी उडा लोई" और उडी 'भात का पिण्ड', गुजराती ऊंडल ‘गुल्म-रोग' तथा सिंहली उण्डिय 'गेंद' में एवं हिन्दी मसूडा सं. मांसोण्डक, प्रा. मंडय में उंड शब्द सुर क्षत है । टनर के अनुसार उड मूल मं द्राविड़ी शब्द है । तमिळ में उण्टे, मलायालम में उण्डो, और कन्नड में उण्डे ये शब्द 'गेद' या 'गोल पिण्ड' के अर्थ में प्रचलित हैं. इन सब में पिठंडी का (चावल के आटे की लोई' यह अर्थ समर्थित होता है । २. उत्ततिपय 'प्रश्नव्याकरण सूत्र' में तीसरे अधर्मद्वार में चौरिका के फलवण'न में वयस्थान की ओर जाते समय चौगे की भयभीत दशा चित्रित करते वहा गया है : मरण -भ उप्रपण-सेद-आयन-णेहुत्तप्पिय-किलिन्न गत्ता । 'जिन के गात्र मरण-भय से उत्पन्न स्वेद के सहजात स्नेह से लिप्त और भीगे यहाँ पर उत्तप्पिय शब्द 'स्नेह-लिप्त,' 'चिकना' इस अर्थ में आया है । "विपाकश्रुत' में भी इसका प्रयोग हुआ है। ज्ञातार्धम-कथा' में, 'कल्पसूत्र में, 'गाथा सप्तशती' में 'चुपडा हुआ', 'लिप्त' इस अर्थ में, 'ओधनियुक्ति-भाष्य' में 'स्निग्ध इस अर्थ में तथा 'सेतुबन्ध' आदि में 'घो' इस अर्थ में तुप्प शब्द प्रयुक्त है । हेमचन्द्राचार्य ने 'देशीनाममाला' में तुप्प के 'म्रक्षित' 'स्निग्ध' और 'कुतुप अर्थ दिए हैं । 'अभिधानगन्द्रकोष' में तुप्पग्ग जिसका अग्रभाग म्रक्षित है । और तुप्पोट्ठ 'जिसका ओष्ठ म्रक्षित है' दिए हैं । अपभ्रंश साहित्य में तुप्प के कई प्रयोग मिलते हैं । तुम्प से नामधातु उत्तुप्प बना और इसके कर्मणि भूतकदंत उत्तप्पिय का अर्थ है 'स्निग्ध पदार्थ से लिप्त' । ऐसे उद् लगाकर नाम से क्रियापद अनाने Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ की प्रक्रिया प्राकृत उद्धृलिय 'उद्धूलित', 'धूलिलिप्त', उद्घविय 'उद्धूपित' इत्यादि में है । तुप से इसी अर्थ में तुलिय 'वृतलिप्त', 'चिकना' बना है, और 'गाथासप्तशती' में इसका प्रयोग है । तुप्प से सिद्ध मराठी तूप शब्द 'धी' अथ में अभी प्रचलित है । कन्नड में भी इसी अर्थ में तुष्य शब्द व्यवहृत होता है । मूल क्षण - वाचक तुप्प, चोपड और मक्खण (सं. म्रक्षण) तीनों शब्द बाद में 'वी' 'तेल' 'मक्खन' जैसे स्निद्ध पदार्थों के वाचक बन गए हैं । ३. वयण 194 'नायाधम्मका ' के 'शैलक' अध्ययन में अशुचि वस्त्र की शुद्धि - क्रिया के वर्णन में कहा गया है कि वस्त्र को 'पयण आरुहेइ' । वृत्तिकार ने अर्थ किया है 'पाकस्थाने चूल्ल्यादौ वाऽऽरापयति' । यह तो भावार्थ हुआ क्योंकि वस्त्र को पाकस्थान में अथवा चूल्हे पर चढ़ाने से पच्चन का सामान्य अर्थ समझा जाता है । चढ़ाने की क्रिया पर बल देने से लगता है कि यहाँ पयण या पचन शब्द प्रक्रिया के अर्थ में नहीं, पर साधन के अर्थ में लेना उचित हैपचन 'पकाने का पात्र' | चूल्हे पर कडाही में गरम पानी में मलिन वस्त्र को उबालने से उसकी स्वच्छता सिद्ध होती है । 'सूत्रकृताङ्गनियुक्ति' मं तथा 'जीवाजीवाभिगमसूत्र' में पण या पथणग का 'पचन-पात्र' के अर्थ में प्रयोग है ही । अर्वाचीन भाषाओं में गुजराती पेणी 'कडाही', पेणो 'कडाहा' एवं नेपाली पैनी 'मय निथारने का बरतन' मूलतः प्राकृत के पयण, सं. पवन से निष्पन्न हुए हैं । अर्वाचीन प्रयोग के आधार पर किसी ने संस्कृत में मी' पचनिका शब्द बना दिया है इस तरह आगम-थों के अनेक शब्दों के इतिहास की शृंखला प्रवर्तमान भाषाओं वयन्त अविच्छिन्न रूप में चली आई जान पडती है । i Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ त्रण देश्य आगमिक शब्द प्रास्ताविक प्राकत भाषाओमा प्रचुर प्रमाणमां वपरायेला देश्य शब्दोनो शास्त्रीय अने व्यवस्थित रीते बहु ओछ। अभ्यास थयो छे । हेमचंद्राचार्य अने धनपालना देश्य कोशो, प्रान व्याकरणामां संगृहीत देश्य सामग्री अने अर्वाचीन विद्वानोना प्राकृत कोशोमां देश्य शब्दो अंगे केटलुक कार्य थयुं छे खरु। पण समग्र रीते देश्य शब्दोना उद्गम, प्रकार, प्रयोग अने मूल स्रोतोनी व्यवस्थित विचारणा बाकी छे । एटलुज नहीं, एवी विचारणा हाथ धराय ते पहेलां देश्य सामग्रीनी दृष्टिरे महत्त्वना प्राकृत थानी आलोचना थवी जाईए । ते दिशामां पण घगु औछु थयु छ । प्राकृत साहित्यमा प्राचीनता, प्रमाण अने समृद्धिनी दृष्टिए जैन आगमोनु स्थान अद्वितीय छे । देश्य शब्दोना अभ्यास माटे ते अनेक रीते अमूल्य छ । तेमना पर भाष्यात्मक पुष्कळ सामग्री उपलब्ध छे, जेमां शब्दोना अर्थ निणय माटेनां प्राचीन परंपरागत साधनसामग्री जळवायां छे । अहीं छठा अंग 'ज्ञाताधम कथा'मां प्रयुक्त त्रण देश्य शब्दो अंगे थोडोक ऊहापोह को छे । आ शब्दो आगम-साहित्यमा अन्यत्र पण मळे छे । अहीं 'देश्य संज्ञा विशाळ अर्थमां-'संस्कृतेतर, अज्ञात, अल्पज्ञात के अस्पष्ट भूलना शब्दो' ए अर्थ मां समजवी । १. धणि 'तृप्ति' ... उद्यान के वनपंडना व कमां वृक्षोनुं वर्णन करतां, अथवा तो पुष्पोनु वर्णन करतां जे एक विशेषण वपरायु छे, ते छे : महया ग घद्धणि मुयंतं (ज्ञाता.' ना आठमा अध्ययन 'मल्लि'मां सिरिदामगड - श्रीदामकाण्ड 'शोभीती पुष्पमाळाओं गूथी बनावेलो लटकतो गजरो' एना वर्णनमां आ विशेषण वपरायु छे । अन्यत्र पण शरूमा जणावेला संदर्भोमां 'उत्तराध्ययन', (सूत्र ३ वगेरेमां तेनो प्रयोग छे ।) अभयदेवसूरिए गधद्धणिनी संस्कृत छाया गन्धध्राणि आपी छे, अने अर्थ 'गंघतृप्ति' ‘एटले के “तृप्तिकारक सुगंध' एवो को छे । 'पाइअसद्दमहण्णवा' मां Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 196 आ अर्थ स्वीकारायो छे, अने स्वतंत्र रीते तेमां धणिनो अर्थ 'तृप्ति' 'संतोष' पण आग्यो छे । रत्नच द्रजीना अर्धमागधी-कोशमां गधद्धणि नो अर्थ 'गंधना जथ्यो, समूह' एवो को छे। अभयदेवसूरिनी व्याख्यामां योग्य रीते ज गध्राणि नु विवरण सुरभिगधगुण तृप्तिहेतु पुद्गलसमूह को छे । तेमांथी कोशे 'गधसमूह' शब्दो लई लीधा. 'अभिधान राजेन्द्र' मां धणि रूपे एक शब्द 'उत्तराध्ययन' (सूत्र ३)मां एवा निदेश साथे 'सुभिक्ष', 'विभव' ऐवा अर्थ मा आप्यो छे ते पण शंका नेतिरे तेम छे। तेज कोशमां घाणि (छाया ध्राणि) तृप्ति'ना अथ मां, अने 'राजप्रश्नीय', 'जीवाभिगम'मांथी गधाघाणि (छाया गधाघ्नाणि) शब्द 'घ्राणेंद्रियनी निवृत्ति करनार गंधद्रव्य' एवा अर्थ मां नांध्यो छे. तेमां र्धािण ए' धणिने बदले अपपाठ के प्रमादथी अपायु जणाय छे । प्रामाणिक शब्दस्वरूप धणि ज छे. प्राकृत कोशोमां धणि शब्दनो एक प्रयोग 'तृप्ति उत्पन्न करवानी शक्ति' ए अर्थमां विशेषावश्यकभाष्य मांथी पण नोंधायो छे ।। धणि नी छायारूपे आपेलो ध्राणि संस्कृत कोशोमां नथी नोंधायो. मूल धातु |ति, वति. ध्रयति पाणिनीय धातुपाठ (२२,११)मां 'तृप्ति' अर्थमा आप्या छे. पण तेतेा संस्कृत साहित्यमांथी कोई प्रयोग नथी नोंधायो । 'नघंटुक' (२,१४)मां आपेला शताधिक गत्यर्थक धातुओमां जे ध्रोति, ध्रति, ध्रयति आप्या छे, ते धातुपाठना तृप्ति-अर्थक धातुथी जुदा जणाता नथी. ___ आ ध्रा के ब्रै उपरथी ध्राणि नाम (हा उपरथी हानि वगेरेनी जेम) थाय, तेम ध्रति रूप जातां ध्रणि पण थयु होय । ते उपरथी प्राकृत धणि । संस्कृतमां धे, ध्राणि के ध्रणिनो प्रयोग नथी मळ्यो, पण अपभ्रंशमांथी अने अर्वाचीन भाषाओमांथी तेमना के साधित शब्दोना प्रयोग टांकी शकाय तेम छ । पुष्पदंत कविना अपभ्रंश काव्य 'सहरचरिउ' मां धाइ 'धराय, तृप्त थाय' ने धणि तृप्ति, धरव' वपराया छे । अण्णम्मि जिमिम्मि अण्णो कहं धाडू (३, १३, ८) 'एक जण जमे तेथी बीजो कई रीते धराय ? । मिमि भुक्म्यि दुक्खिय सुक्ख-थणि थणु जीहइ लिहमि ण लहमि र्धाण (२, ३६,७) Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 197 (माता) हरणी भूखी-दुःखी हती । तेनां आंचळ सुकायेलां हतां. हुं आंचळ जीभथी चाटतो, पण मने धरायानो भाव न थतो ।' स्वयंभू कविना अपभ्रंश महाकाव्य 'पउमचरिउ' मां घर अने धध वपराया छे: एत्थ वर्मतहं णाहि धर (७५, ९, १०) अहीं वसनाराओने (कशो) सुखसंतोष नथी ।' वहुकाले पाव उघउ कियउ (७५, १३, ३) 'धणे वखते कृतान्त तृप्ति पामशे-कृतान्तने धरव थशे.' ना पर होसइ अन्ज धव (५७, १३, १०) 'थशे तो आजे घरव थशे ।' अहीं धउ उपर प्राचीन टिप्पण तृप्ति मळे छे धरना मूळमां संस्कृत भ्रयः समजाय छे. घर (स्त्री.) क्रियानाम ध्रा उपरथी थयो जणाय छे. धव के धय अपभ्रंश दाय ने दावनी जेम क्वचित् मळती 'यू' ' ' ना विनिमयनी प्रक्रियाने आभारी होय. धर हेमचंद्रना अपभ्रंश व्याकरणमा आपेल उदाहरणमां पण मळे छ : मई जाणिउ पिय-विरहियह कवि धर होइ वियालि (८, ४, ३७७) । में जाण्यु के प्रियजनथी विरहित लोकोने रात्रे तो कशीक शांति थती हशे । गुजरातीमां धर (स्त्री.) 'संतोष, धरपत' अने 'धरावु' शब्दो संस्कृत धाति, प्राकृत धाइ उपरथी आव्या छे ! मूळना शब्दार भी संयुक्त व्यजनोनो रकार जाळवी राखवानु गुजरातीनु वलण छ । धरावु उपरांत धरव के ध्रव अने धरपत पण गुजशातीमां.नाम तरीके वपराय छे । घरवनु घडतर प्रेरक घरबवु उपरथी क्रियानाम तरीके ययु मानी शकाय : बनावयु उपरथी बनाव वगेरेनी जेम । गुजराती धपवु, राजस्थानी धरपणोना मूळमां कर्मणि प्रेरक अंग ध्रप्प होय । ते उपरथी नाम धरपत । पंजाबी धरापनाना संबंध पण आ शब्दो सापे ज छे । अने नेपाली धर 'शांति, सुख, संतोष ' पण, टम र सूचवे छे तेम स. धृतिमांथी नहीं, पण धामाथी छे. २. पोच्चड-पोचु ' ३ चोप्पड- 'स्निग्ध, खरडेलु' 'मल्लि' ज्ञातमां अरहन्नगने जे तालपिशाच बिवराववा आव्यो तेना वर्ण कमां एक नीचेनु विशेषण छ : Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . 198 वस-रुहिर-पूय-मंस-मल-मलिण-पोच्चड-त! अहीं ‘वसा, रुधिर, परु, मांस अने मळथी मलिन तनु (ऐटले शरीर) एटलु तो बरोबर छे. पण जे पोच्चड एवो पाठ छे, ते शुद्ध पाठ जणातो नथी । अभयदेवसूरि अहीं पोच्चडना अर्थ विलीन पीगळेलु' करे छे ।' पण तेने माटे कशो आधार नथी । पाच्च, पोच्चड आगमसाहित्यमांथी तेम ज अन्यत्र प्राकृत साहित्यमांथी जाणीता छे । त्रीजा 'कूम' ज्ञातमा ज पोच्चड वपरायो छे । ढेलना ईडाने वारंवार हलाव्यु-खखडाव्यु तेथी ते पाच्चड थई गयु. अहीं अभयदेवसूरि तेना अर्थ असार करे छे । पण ते भावार्थ छे । हेमचंद्रे 'देशीनाममाला'(६,६०) मां पोच्च शब्द 'सुकुमार' अर्थमां नोंध्या छे । गुजराती पोचु शब्द आमांथी ज सधायो छे। एटले पोच्च, पोच्चड एटले ‘पोचु', 'नरम', 'कूणु'. ई डु। वारवार हलाव्याथी पोचु पडी गयु, परिणामे असार थई गयु । पोच्चडना आ ज अर्थ छ । प्राकृत कोशमां पोच्चडना बीजा वे अर्थ 'मलिन' अने 'अतिनिबिड' नांधाया छे । तेने आगळ विचार करीशु । हवे आरंभमां आपेला 'ज्ञाताधर्मकथा'ना टांचणमा पोच्चडना अर्थ 'पाचु" लेतां ए विशेषण -समासना कशो संतोषकर अर्थ" थता नथी. विचार करतां लागे छे के अहीं पाठ पोच्चड नहीं पण चाप्पड जाईए. पोच्चडनो व्यत्यय थई कोई कारणे प्रमादथी अहीं चाप्पड थई गयु छे । चेप्पिड धातु हेमचंद्राचार्य नक्ष लीपq 'चोपडवु', खरडवू' अर्थमां नांध्यो छे ('सिद्धहेम'-८, ४, १९१, तथा 'देशीनाम माला' ३, १९ उपरनी वृत्तिमा । प्राकृत कोशोए पण चेप्पिडिय- 'चोपडेलु' अने चप्पिड' 'तेल जेवो स्निग्ध पदार्थ' ए प्रयोगो नेांध्या छे. एटले अहीं पोच्चडने बदले 'चोप्पड पाठनी अटकळ करतां अर्थ नीचे प्रमाणे थशे : "चरबी. लही, परु, मांसना गंदवाडथी मलिन अने खरडायेला शरीरवाळो. ।' आनुं औचित्य उघाडु छे । आवी ज परिस्थिति 'प्रश्नव्याकरण'ना एक संदर्भ मां छे । प्राकृत कोशोमां पोच्चडना एक अर्थ 'अतिनिबिड' आपेलो छे । आनो आधार छे 'प्रश्न: व्याकरण'मांनो एक प्रयोग अने अभयदेवमरिए करेलो तेनो अर्थ । संदर्भ प्राणिवध करनाराओ जे नरकमां पीडा भोगवे छे, ते नरकना वर्णनना छ। ए नरकोना एक विशेषणमां नीचेना शब्दो छ : १. अथवा जुगुप्सित । जुओ आगळ 'प्रश्नव्याकरण'मांना संदर्भनी चर्चा Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 199 मेय-वसा--मंसपडल-पोच्चड - पूय-रुहिरुक्किण्ण विलीण-चिक्कण--रसिय...... अहीं अभयदेवसूरिनी वृत्तिमा पोच्चडनो अर्थ 'अतिनिबिड' 'उक्किण्ण' नो अर्थ 'मिश्रित' अने 'विलीणना अर्थ 'जुगुप्सित' आपेलो छ । आथी समग्रनो अर्थ संतोषकारक नथी थतो । अहीं पण पोच्चडने बदले चाप्पड समजीए अने उक्किण्णनो अर्थ उलिन्न 'भीनु, लदबदतु' अने विलीण (के चिलीण) नो अर्थ 'पचपचतु” लइए तो समासनो अर्थ नीचे प्रमाणे थशे : ___ 'मेद' वसा ने मांसना थरथी खरडायेलां, परु ने लोहीथी लदबदतां, पचपचतां ने चीकणा रसवाळी .....' __ आमां वर्णननी सुश्लिष्टता तरत ज जणाई आवशे । पोच्नडनो चोथा अर्थ 'मलिन' कोशमां 'निशीथचूर्णि' ११ उमाथी नोंधायो छे । आ संदर्भ हु जोई शक्यो नथी । पण बाकीना प्रयोगो जोता, अने 'ज्ञाताधर्म' वाळा संदर्भमां मलिण ने पोच्चड साथे छे ते जोता, त्यां पण चाप्पड मूळपाठ होवानी घणी शक्यता छ । पछीनी प्राकृत, अपभ्रश, प्राचीन गुजराती अने अर्वाचीन भाषाओमां चेप्पिड के साधित शब्दोना बहोळा प्रयोग थयेलो छ । 'सुपासणाहचरिय' (१२मी शताब्दी)मां कणयोप्पडाइय 'दाणा, घी, तेल वगेरे' प्रयोग मळे छे. अपभ्रंश काव्य 'जसहरचरिउमाँ डड्ढउ चोप्पड पुणु मइ डह (२, २४, ३) 'वळी बळयु घी-तेल बाळे छे. । एवो प्रयोग छे. स्वयंभूना अपभ्रंश महाकाव्य पउमचरिउमा चोप्पड घीना अर्थमां वपरायो छे. रणसंग्रामने भोजननु रूपक आपतां चक्रने घीनी धार कही छेः मुक्केषक-चक्क- चेाप्पडय-धारु (५८, ६, ४) 'जेमा एक चक्ररूपी घीनी धार छाडवामां आवे छे ।' 'योगप्रदीप'नी प्राचीन गुजराती टीकामां घी जेवो स्निग्ध पदार्थो'ना अर्थ मां चापड वपरायो छ । भने नेह चेपड आनदरूपीउ अमृत, तेणई' करी नई चेपिड पूरीह (लोक ४३ उपरनी टीका) । दीवामां घी पूरवानी अहीं वात छ । Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 200 गुजरातीमां चापड, चोपड घी, लाकडा विगेरेने लगाडवाना रोगान. अने चोपडु चीक छे । हिंदी चीकनी-चुपडी बातें जाणी छे । नोपाळीमां चुपानु, पंजाबीमा चुपडा उणा, मराठीमां चोपड स्निग्ध पदार्थ' वगेरे अर्वाचीन भाषाना प्रयोगो छे. जुओ टनरनेो नेपाली कोश, चुर्पानु अने चाप शब्द परनां टिप्पण | चापडना मूळमां चुप्प (देशीनाममाला, ३. १५), 'सस्नेह' एटले के 'स्निग्ध' छे नेपाली ''चे 'प' - 'गुंदर,' 'लाई आमांथी आव्यो छे । 'देशीनाममाला' (३, १७) मां नोधेला चुप्पलअ 'नवु रंगेलु' वस्त्र' एशब्दने आ 'चुप' के चोपड साथ कशो संबंध हशे के केम ए चोक्कस कही शकातु नथी चुप जेवाज अर्थ मां तुप शब्द (दे. ना. ५, २२ ) परथी तुप्पलिअ 'घृतलिप्त' थयुं छे ते समान्तर घडतरना उदाहरण तरीके टांकी शकाय तेम छे । Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SOME STRAY-WORDS (1) APABHRAMSA UVVIṬṬHA-lost taste”, became insipid' Below I have collected from Apabhramsa and post-Apabhraṁśa literatures, about ten passages, attesting the word uvviṭṭha-"lost taste', 'became insipid' or forms allied to it. The word has remained so far unknown or obscure because it was easily and mostly confused with MIA. ucciṭṭha- (i.e. ucchiṭṭha- Sk. ucchiṣṭa- 'left over', 'leavings'), on account of several factors like (1) frequent scribal confusion between -vv- and -cc-, (2) the greater familiarity of ucchiṭṭha- ucchiṣṭa- and (3) the environments being non-characteristic for the meaning of either uvvittha- or ucciṭṭha-. The passages follow. The references with critical comments on the passages cited will be found at the end of the paper.* 1. From the Svayambhucchandas of Svayambhu' (about close of ninth cent. A.D.). "The fair girl was seen sleeping in the courtyard, and the moon lost all taste even for his own moonlight.' From the Sarasvatikaṇṭhābharaṇa of Bhoja2 (tenth century 2. A.D.): gori amgane suppanti dittha candaho appani jonha-vi uvviiṭṭhā (6, 42/1) pamkaa pamki vahelia, kuvalaa khitta dahi väḍihi bimba-vi ghallia, ghittau candu nahi kara-naanahara-vaanahi, tahi lilävaihi nia-sitthi-vi uvvitthi, nãi paāvaihi (4, 211) 'Lotuses were discarded in mud; blue lotuses were cast away in the puddle; the Bimba fruits were thrown to the hedge and the *'m' is used here to indicate vowel nasalization in non-English material. 'my' indicates nasalized 'v'. Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 202 moon was dismissed to the skies : in view of the hands, eyes, lips and face of that sportive damsel, even his own creation became disgusting to the Creator”. 3. From the Chandonuśäsana of Hemacandra ( twelfth cent. A.D.)3 tuha puhaisara-sehara kitti akittima surahia-disimuha jāmvahi saggi paitthia tāṁvahi takkhani surasundari-loahu surataru-kusuma-māla-dhruvu hua mana-ubbihia (7, 57/1) i O best of lords, as your true fame having perfumed the quarters entered the heaven, that very moment the ininds of the heavenly damsels certainly lost all taste for the wreaths of Mandāra flowers'. 4. From the Purātanaprabandhasamgraha* (before fifteenth cent. A.D.): pamke pankajam ujjhitam kuvalayanı cā'pāranire hrade bimbi cā'pi vộter bahih prakațitā kşiptah śaśī cā mbare yasyāḥ pāņi-vilocanādhara-mukhān vikşya sva-srstir vidher uddvişte'va purātani samabhavad daivād vidhaychā tāın (p. 15, st. 40) This is a near-literal Sanskrit translation of the passage cited in 2 above, with s slight variation towards the end. 5. From the Vasantavilāsas (c. fourteenth cent. A.D.) mãi mũ dukha anĩthaum, dithau gaimai na ciru bhojanu āja übithauń, mithaum svadai na niru (st. 41) ‘O friend, there is no end to my grief, I cannot bear to look at the fine sari. Food has lost now all taste. (Even) water has become devoid of its (natural) taste': 6. From the Cihurgaticaupai of Vastiga (before fifteenth cent.) : māthaum dhavalauri deha jājari, vāmkau vārisau jhūmbai latari ghara-humtau navi kyāhaim jāi, saghara kutamba ūbithau thāi (st. 58). Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 203 "The head has become white and the body decrepit; the back is bent and the saliva drips. He does not move out at all from the house. He is becoming disgusting to the whole of the family. 7. From the Virahadesāuri Phāga (before sixteenth cent.); . hasi hasi pūchaum vātadi, priya sejadi baitha sarvasu anti samosamyaum, visariu dukkha ūbitha (st. 50) "Sitting in the bed, all smiles, I enquire from my beloved about this and that. Now my all and everything lie with him (?). I forgot clean about the (earstwhile) disgusting grief : 8. From Sūradāsas (sixteenth cent. A.D.) süthi moti-lādū mithe, vai khāta na kabahum ubithe ! (10/183). The moti-lādīs are quite tasty. But you do not eat them. Since when have they lost taste (for you) ? 9. From Tulasidāsao (sixteenth cent. A.D.): yaha jānatahu hurdaya apane sapane na aghāi ubithe i 10. From an inscription from Dhār10 (c. thirteenth cent. A.D.) [kam]yyū-vimyyahim je thaņa disahim te nihāli sava vathu uvísahim (st. 50) 'For one who has looked at the breasts that appear through the choli, everything else becomes tasteless'. These passages clearly show that Ap. uvvittha- ubbittha-, Sk. uddrista-, Old Guj. ubțiha-, Old Braj-Awadhi, ubitha- meant 'lost taste', 'became tasteless', 'disgusting', 'loathsome', 'odious', 'aroused strong aversion' etc. The verbal base in NIA. was uvis-/ ubis- derivable from Sk., ud- + dris-. Ap. Uvvis-, !1 wyvittha- are paralleled by Ap pais-, paittha- and rais-, vaittha- (Guj. pes, peth-; bes-, beth-). Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Notes 1. Ed. by H. D. Velankar in Rajasthan Puratana Granthamālā, No. 37 (1963). The edited text reads viucchiṭṭhā in the passage -cited here and translates it with Sk. vyucchiṣṭa. The idea the Moon felt disgust for his beloved Moonlight' is more attractive than 'the Moon felt, his beloved Moonlight was undesirable like leavings'. 2. The text given in the Kavyamālā edition (No. 94) of the Sarasvatikaṇṭhābharana is considerably corrupt. Pischel tried to improve upon it in his Materialien zur Kenntnis des Apabhraṁśa (1902), p. 55 st. XIX. Alsdorf in his Apabhramsa-Studien (1937), p. 93 reconsidered Pischel's suggestions and interpretations and offered his own emendations and interpretations. Alsdorf's view that the stanza is in the Räsävalya metre (ie. 12+9=21 morae per Pada, with three light syllables for the last three mora) is quite sound, but the text adopted here differs in several points. from either Pisehel's or Alsdorf's. I give them below: Pischel's here adopted Printed reading pamkaa khittau dahahim valihim vivillio ghattio nahahi vaanahim tahi lilävaihim -sitți vi uccitthiņa im paävaihim 204 pamkaa khittaa dahahi vallihim vivillia pattio nahahi -siddhi vi uvviṭṭhi navai paāvaihim Alsdorf's pamkaa khitta dahi vallihim vivillia ghattio nahi vaanchim vaanehim tem iha lilävaihi tahi lilävaihi -sitthi viuccitthi nai paāvaihim paṁkaa khitta dahi väḍihim vi ghallia ghattiu nahi vaaṇahim tahi lilävaihi (according to the In the light of Bhoja's rendering vṛtau MSS. G. Gh) in the hedge', vāḍi-. 'hedge' seems to be the original reading for the printed väli-. So also instead of taking the printed vivillia as connected with Pk. vellai 'goads', 'spreads', -sitthi-vi uvvitthi nai paāvaihim Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 205 or as vivellia 'spread', it is better to take it as standing for vi ghallia ‘also thrown', in harmony with the synonymous vahelia, khitta and ghattia of the other lines. uvittha- is confused as elsewhere with ucciłtha-. Pischel's suggestion for deriving it from vi- + ud- + viş- too has nothing to support it. The Sanskrit version of this stanza given further in the paper under 4 has vști and udviştā, which go to support our view, though the interpretation prakirņa by Bhoja and the prakațitä of the Sk. version, for the printed vivillia are quite different from the suggested reading 'vi ghallia'. To say that Prajāpati, disgusted with his own creation, wildly threw everything away is more charming than to say that he found it like something ucсhista. 3 Ed. by H. D. Velankar in the Singhi Jain Series, No. 49 (1961). The editor has properly accepted here the reading ubbitthia for the variant ucchitthia. This ubbițțhia is in a way precursor of the Early Hindi ubitha-. The commentator has significantly translated it with a priva and avallabha. 4. Ed. by Muni Jinavijaya in the Singhi Jain Series No. 2 (1936). See the discussion in note 2 above. In the printed text we have svasȚstim orudvişļā and dridhā yehatām. That the original reading in the Prakrit version was not ucchittha is supported by the udrista (ie, uddrista) of the Sk. version. 5. Consequent upon our discussion, Prof. K. B. Vyas has accepted in his Gujarati edition (1957) of the Vasanta-viläsa the reading ubithau for the uchithau of his earlier edition and has cited the Sarasvatikanthābharaṇa occurrence in support. M. C. Modi (Rājasthān Purātana Granthamālā, No. 1963, p. 97) takes uvithau as standing for ucithau = ucchişta. N. Brown too (American Oriental Series No. 46, 1962) has accepted ūahithau in the Shorter Recension and uchithau in the Longer Recension, though he has recorded the variants uvițhau, übithaum and abithaum. In the word- index too he has given the meaning ucchișța. But obviously there is no point here in saying that the 'food' has become 'defiled' i.c. unacceptable to the Virahiņi. The actual Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 206 meaning is that in the condition of separation everything including water and food looses its taste--becomes insipid. :: 6. Published in the Gurjararāsūvali. ed. by Thakore, Desai and Modi in the Gaekwad's Oriental Series No. 118 (1956), pp. 77-87. The printed text has ūbhithaul, which is but a corruption of ūbithau. In the glossary given at the end of the Gurjararāsävali, Modi has tentatively suggested thrown out as its meaning and derived it from Pk. udbhatļā, Sk, udbhrastā, though on the otherhand quite correctly he compares the word with Hindi ubishnā, ubithnā. 7. Published in Prācin Phāgu Saingrah edited by B. J. Sande sara and S. D. Parekh in Prācīn Gurjara Granthamālā No.3. Second Impression 1960, pp. 223-230. In the glossary given at the end übitha is tentatively interpreted to mean nibida, gādh. 8. The lines are cited from Braj-bhāșa Sūr Kośa by Dindayal Gupta and Premnarayan Tandan (1962), s. v. ubithnū. These very citations (will some variants) are given in the Hindi Sabdasāgar (1914), S. V. ubithnā. 9. Cited under ubithnă in the Hindi Sabdasāgar (1914). 10. H. C, Bhayani, Prince of Wales Museum Stone Inscription from Dhār' (Bharatiya vidya, 17, 3-4, 1957, pp. 130–146; 19, 1-4, 1959, pp. 116-128). See the word-index s. v. uvis-. 11. As uvvittha- was confused with ucchittha-, so upvis- was likely to be confused with uvvasa- 'deserted'. Kuntaka's Vakroktijivita has the following illustration (1, 20) : lilāi kuvaiaam kuvalaam-va sise sa muvvahanteņa seseña sesapurisāņa purisaāso samuvvasio. Here if we take samuvvasio 'made desolate', 'deprived of field of action as a corruption of samuvvisio 'made odious', deprived of all interest', the poetic import of the stanza is. enriched. The translation then would be 'The serpent king Seşa, in carrying on his head the orb of the earth as playfully as if he were carrying just a blue lotus, deprived the manly effort of all the rest of men of its zest'-i.c. made it pale into insignificance'. Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2. Pk. USURUSUMBHIA- CHOKED WEEPING' Desināmamālā (=DN.) I 142 gives usumbhia- and üsurusumbhiain the sense of 'choked or restrained weeping' (Sk.ruddhagalam rodanam). The Päiasaddamahaṛṇavo (=PSM.) has not recorded any other source for these words. We can now point out two occurrences of ūsurusumbhia- from literary works. Once it occurs in an Apabhramsa verse cited in a tenth century Sanskrit work on Alamkara. Another occurrence is in a twelfth century Prakrit work. In the Locana on the Dhvanyaloka II 3, Abhinavagupta has cited an Apabhramsa verse which in the printed editions appears in a corrupt form. The text given in R. S. Tripathi's edition is as follows: This is to be restored as follows: .**. osuru sumthi äim muhu cumbui jeņa amiarasa ghonṭāņam paḍijāṇiu teņa osurusumbhiãe, muhu cumbiu jena amia-rasa-ghomṭāna, paḍijäṇiu tena \\ The Sanskrit chaya and translation are given below: ruddha-galam ruditāyā mukham cumbitam yena amṛta-rasa-nigaranāni pratijnätäni tena || He who has kissed the mouth of a girl weeping with a choked throat, has known indeed how the gulps of nectar taste'1. T 1. On the basis of the pratika of the cited verse given in the Kalpalataviveka (early twelfth century), V. M. Kulkarni also has attempted to restore the verse. See none Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit works on Poetics, Vol. I, 1988, p. 9. Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208 The metre of the verse can be identified as Vidyullatā, an Antarasamā Catuspadi with the scheme 11+10 Mātrās (i.e. 10+9 Mātrās in actual practice) for each half, See Chandonusasana, VI 20-28. ghomța- is the same as Hindi. Gujarati ghül, Ap. ghunța- (See Siddhäħema, 8, 4, 423) and is connected with Pk. ghott- drink? (See Siddhahema, 8' 4, 10, Turner. Indo-Aryan Languages, 4481 *ghutt-.). Abhinavapupta paraphrases the first word of the citation as kopa-kaṣāya-gadgada-manda-ruditayāh i.e. ‘of a lady weeping in a subdued and convulsive manner under the emotion of anger born of injured pride. The rendering in the Kalpalatāviveka is irsyāsyuksobhitāyān. It seems that the meaning-element of anger due to jealousy or injured pride accrues from the context and may not be inherent, if we are to rely on the gloss given in the DN. Corresponding to the from ūsurusianbhia- in DN. we have hëre osurusumbhia. But in numerous Prakrit words a prefixal ü- derived from Sk. ud-. upa- or ava- often alternates with o-. either orthographically or phonologically. The morphological difference, however, is more notable. Hemacandra knows the word as a substantive, referring to the act of weeping, while in the Locana citation it refers to the agent. This difference can be explained on the assumption that üsurusumbhiais a past passive participle like say rudita- which can have both these functions. Hemacandra's meaning finds support from a Prakrit narrative work which preceded DN. by some fifteen years. In Nemicandra's Ākhyánaka-maņi-kośa-výtti composed in 1133 the following. verse occurs as a part of the Düti's description of the heroine's plight as she conveys it to the hero : ruiriě ruyāviya-pariyanāě tuha suhaya pesavijjanto I na samappai osarasumbhiehi lahuo vi sandeso Il (Akhyānaka-mani-kośa-vstti, VII 63). It means : 'Dear Sir, weeping and making her friends weep, she began giving a message for you, which although quite short Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 209 could be hardly finished by her due to convulsive feats of weeping'. Here the word osarasumbhia- is a substantive. The spelling here supports the initial o of the form in the Locana passage, but it differs from the latter and from the DN. form in having -sara- for suru-. An interesting fact to be noted is that the second line of the improvised verse in the DN. commentary on I 141, which illustrates the use of usumbhia-, usurusumbhia- etc. seems to echo the initial part of the above-cited verse from the Akhyānakamani-kosa commentary. Compare the following portions : ruirie ruyaviya-pariyaṇāe usumbhiena tie kayamusurusumbhiam sahinam piv The identical wording suggests that either Hemacandra borrowed for this purpose from Nemicandra or, alternatively, both of them used a common earlier source. In all probability the verse in question is borrowed by Nemicandra from some earlier work because the preceding two verses of the three-verse message are taken from Gāthāsaptasati of Hala (they are the same as IV 89 and IV 67) and the passage is sinificantly prefaced by the remark annam ca'. Elsewhere too in the work there are several such borrowings. In Vardhamana-sūri's Jugāijiņiṁdacariya (1104 A.D.) too usumbhiya occurs with the variant usurasumbhiya in the following passage (p. 35) paino gune saramti usumbhiya-palāva-gabbhiṇaṁ rovium pavatta 'Recalling the virtues of her husband, she started to weep with choking and bewailings'. One more occurrence is to be noted from the MadhymaKhamda of the Vasudevahimḍi (c. 7th cent. A.D.) in the following passage on p. 58: Somasirie saira-parudidae amsu-salila-dhārāhim sitto sumbhida-saddeņam paḍibuddho ham 'Being drenched with the streams of tears of Somasri weeping unrestrained, I was awakened by her choked gurgling sounds'. Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The origin of ūsurusuṁbhia- is obscure. The initial u (here as also in the synonymous usumbhia-) seems to be an upasarga as has been already suggested. Pk. ūsuṁbh- Sk. ullas- (Siddhahema, 8, 4, 202) obviously derives from Sk. ud-+umbh- 'to shine forth'. Another Pk. osumbh (PSM.) is equivalent to Sk. ava + patay(and Pk. nisumbh Sk. ni- + patay-). These verbal roots seem to be quite different from the basis of usumbhia- meaning 'choked weeping'. If our analysis of usurusuṁbhia- as ū- + surusumbh-+-iais correct, then surusumbh- can be interpreted as an intensive form of sumbh-. Compare the structure of some other more or less obscure Prakrit verbal bases like dhuruḍhull-, tiritill-, bhuruhumd (and a few others like uluumd-, uluhul-, runurunt-, musumūr-, gulugumch, nirinijj-, tiviḍikk-, galagajj-, etc.). As dhuruḍhull- is clearly a reduplicative of dhull- the same relation-ship can be assumed between surusumbh and sumbh-. Another possibility is that surusumbh- is onomatopoetic. 210 Our enquiry has shown that the Deśya word under discussion was known in the following forms and meanings : üsurusumbhia osurusumbhia osarasumbhiausumbhia (1) choked weeping' (subst.) (2) 'weeping (adj.) with a throat' choked (usually due to jealous anger). Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PK. THUDUMKIA-'SULKY AND SILENT' There is a degree of uncertainty about the precise form, meaning and derivation of the Prakrit word thudumkiya-. From Dhanapāla's Pāialacchināmamālāl ( 973 A.D.) and Hemacandra's Defināmamālā (1045-1050 A.D.) we have the following information : . thudamkiayam = roseņam uņbikkam vayanam (Päialacchināmā mālā, v. 214). thudumkiam = (i) dara-kuvia-vayaņa-samkoaņam (rendered in the commentary as ‘dara-kupita-vadana samkocanam'), (ii) moņaṁ (Com. : maunam). (Deśināma māla, V, 31). Bühler, Doshi and Sheth? understand Pk. vayanant in Dhanapāla's gloss as equivalent to Sk. vacanam and hence they take 'scolding', 'angry words' as the meaning of thudamkiaya- according to Dhanapāla. Doshi obviously equates unhikkam in the gloss with Sk, uşņam, and accordingly translates the meaning-phrase as 'ros se niklä huä garam garam vacan' (i.e. “hot words due to anger'). PSM. does not record unhikka-. The Sanskrit rendering, however, in Hemacandra's commentary, noted above indicates that vayanam in Dhanapāla's gloss means vadanam and not vacanam. Further, Hemacandra's maunam leads us to believe that the doubtful umhikkań in Dhanapāla's gloss is but a corrupt reading for the original tunhikkarit, and accordingly Dhanapāla's gloss on thudamkiaya- means 'face silent through anger'. This 1 I have used here the 1960 edition prepared by Bechardas Doshi. It incorporates English equivalents from Bühler's. edition. In the Pāiasaddamahannavo (abbreviated henceforth as. PSM.). 2 Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 212 -closely matches Hemacandra's meanings 'contraction of facial features due to sulkiness,' and 'silence'.Probably both of them have commonly used here some earlier source which recorded thuḍumkia- with the meaning 'sulky and silent face'. PSM. has not noted any occurrence of thuḍumkia- from Prakrit literature. We can now point out at least two works, one in Prakrit and one in Apabhramśa, wherein our word is attested. In Silanka's Cauppanna-mahāpurisa-cariya, written in 869 A.D., we find it in verse no. 185 on p. 196. The text and the meaning of the Gatha are as under: takkhaṇa-metṭākāraṇa-rosa-thuḍukkia-kaubbhaḍa-viāsā ( ? aṁ ) I sahai anunnavamtie jie suya-cumbiyam vayaṇam3 Il (Happy is the woman) whose face lights up as, conciliatingly she kisses her young son, sulky, silent and puffed up under instantaneous and groundless anger.' For the thudukkiya of the edited text in the cited passage. one of the Mss. reads thuḍumkiya. The Desinämamälä Mss. also have variants with -da- or -ḍukk-. Another occurrence of thuḍumkiya- is in the Apabhramsa epic Ritthaṇemicariya of Svayambhu written towards the end of the ninth century A.D. Therein at 5, 11, 4 we find the following half-verse: mahurahiu tahim kale thuḍukkiu 'At that time the lord of Mathurā wore a sullen and silent expression.' Here thudukkiya- is used as a preterite verb derived from thudukk- 'to become sullen and uncommunicative', 'to scowl.' From these two occurrences it becomes clear that though usually thuḍumkiya- referred to facial expression, 'face' was no part 3. The syntax and meaning of the Gatha are not quite clear. But that does not come in the way of making out the general context and thrust of the meaning of thuḍukkia-. Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 213 of its meaning. Grammatically, the word is past passive participle, and as such it can function as an adjective, and secondarily as a substantive. According to old commentators and modern interpreters the word khuḍakka- (v. 1. khudukka-, etc.) in the following Gatha (= Gāthā-saptasati, III, 26; cited also in Bhoja's Srigaraprakāśa and Dhanika's Dasarüpävaloka )4 means roșamuka- 'sulkily silent'. diaham khuḍukkiãe tie kauna gehavāvāram garue vi manṇudukkhe bharimo pãamtasuttassa il i.e. I yearningly recall her, doing the household work sullenly and silently for the whole day and then, inspite of intense resentful. pain, lying down close to my feet.' Now in its numerous occurrences khuḍukk- always means 'to rankle', 'to cause piercing pain'. For example, khuḍukkai occurring at Siddhahema 8.4. 359 (4) is equated with Sk. salyāyate by the commentator. And exactly in this sense it is used in the Akhyānaka-manikośa-vṛtti (written in 1134) at P. 19 V. 42; p. 64, v. 87; p. 208; v. 505; in the Puhavicamda-cariya (written. in 1105) at p. 20, 1.21; p. 48. 1.18; and in several other Prakrit works. This leads us to believe that the original reading in the above-cited Gatha is likely to have been thuḍukkiäe instead of khuḍukkiäe. The variation in the form between -ukk- and -umk- is widespread in Prakrit in the case of the onomatopoetic formations in -kk (deriving from Sk.-t+-kr-). We have chikkia-/chimkia, dhikkia-dhemkia, jhulukkia- jhulumkia- etc. The fact that in numerous cases the NIA. forms are nasalized as against the corresponding non-nasalized forms of literary Prakrit for example (Gujarati thumk-, phumk-, bhumk-, etc., against Pk. thukk-, phukk-, bhukk-, etc.) suggest a dialectical status for the nasalized MIA. forms. 4 See, V. M. kulkarni, Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics, Vol. I, 1988, p. 155. Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 214 For the change thudumkia-> thudamkia- we find support from several other words wherein the second of two u-s in consecutive syllables, is changed to a-. Compare for example kurula- : kuralamuramda- : muranda-, musumdhi- : musamdhi, cuduli- : cudalikudumba- : kudamba-, muggusa- : muggasa-, kukkusa- : kukkasa-, tunburu- : tumbaru, etc. Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The word dviraṭikā occurs twice in Jambhaladatta's VetāJapanca-vimsati of unknown date, but most probably anterior to the 16th century A.D.1 Emeneau's note on the word reads as follows:2 "It occurs in the phrase kṛpaṇena dviraṭikām kartayitva. I have hazarded the translation: 'dealt a sharp blow with his sword' which is admittedly merely a guess. Conceivably the word is based on vrat, 'to make a noise, crash (as an axe)'. In that case the words may mean 'giving an echoing stroke with his sword."3 LATE SANSKRIT DVIRATIKA Now, karatyitvā usually means 'having cut', and this weakens whatever meagre value Emeneau's guess has As these are the only known ocurrences of the word under discussion, we have to fall back upon the consideration of the Vetālapañcaviṁśati passages wherein it occurs. I reproduce below from Emeneau's edition the original sentences containing the word dvirațikā along with translations and the relevant context :4 ઃઃ the king in just that way went there to the river-bank and saw the Corpse as it had been described. And, when it saw the king it felt great fear. Then, when the king had gone to it and stretched out his hand to draw it towards him, the Corpse which was inhabited by a goblin went to the topmost branch of that tree and hung there. Then the king laughed and said to the Corpse Listen, you Corpse! Why are you trying to escape far 1. M. B. Emeneau, Jambhaladatta's Version of the Vetälapancavimsati, American Oriental Series No. 4, 1934, p. xi. 2. Ibid., p. xxi. 3. Emeneau continues: "But it should be observed that the word is not textually sound. The reason for the observation is obviously the fact that two Mss. read dvivātikām and vivaṭikāyāṁ in the place of dviraṭikām at Vetal, 12, 7 and one reads drivātikam at 12, 20" 4. Emeneau, op. cit., pp. 11-13. Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 216 away ? See ! I shall climb this noble tree and bring you down.' Then the Corpse through fear of him fled from that limb to another. As it moved, however, Vikramāditya caught it on a single branch.” tato rājā svairart svairam taruvaram āruliya krpānena dviraţikām kartayitvā taror adhahsthānān mộtakam ādāt. "Then the king, when he had climbed the great tree very cautiously, dealt a sharp blow with his sword and carried off the Corpse from below the tree...... “While the king, having said this, got down from the tree and put forth his hand to seize the Corpse again, the Corpse fled and went to the topmost branch of the tree and hung there. That Corpse in this way troubled him five or six times." tadā rājā vimộśya tarum áruhya tadagraśākhāyāṁ dviraţikāx kartayit vā mộtakam pātayitvā tadupari jhampāṁ dattvå patitah. "Then the king after reflecting climbed the tree and when he had dealt its topmost branch a sharp blow and had made the Corpse fall, he jumped and fell upon it." In Somadeva's verison of the Vetālapancaviñsati, in the corresponding context, King Trivikramasena's first attempt to locate and catch hold of the Corpse is described as under :5 tasya skandhe citādhūmadagdhasya kravyagandhinah 1 so paśyal lämbamānam täri bhūtasy eva savam taro! Il āruhya că 'tra bhūmau tam chinnarajjum apătuyat 1 patitas cātra so 'kasmāc cakranda vyathito yathā 11 "The (simšapā) tree was scorched with the smoke of funeral pyres and smelt of raw flesh. .. .. .. and he saw the Corpse hanging on its trunk, as it were on the shoulder of a demon. So he climbed up, and cutting the string which held it, flung it to the ground, 5. Durgaprasad and Parab, The Kathāsaritsägara of Somaderabhatte. third edition, N. S. Press. Bombay, 1915; 75, 51-52. Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 217 And the moment it was flung down, it cried out, as if in pain.”6 Here the king is said to remove the Corpse by cutting the string by means of which it hung from the tree. The corresponding passage in Sivadāsa's version of Vetālapancavimšatikā is as follows : simšapāvşkşasyopari samāruhya churikayā pāśam ācchidya mrtakai skandhe krivā....', "....climbing up the simšapā tree, cutting the bonds with a knife, placing the Corpse on the shoulder...." Later Gujarati versions have also the same detail of bringing down the Corpse by cutting the strings that held it hanging from a branch of the tree. 8 Accordingly, dviralikām kartayit vă can mean only 'cutting the chords'. And now, if we remember that Gujarati dordi means 'a thin chord or string', we can easily see that dviraţikā is nothing but a Sanskrit back-formation from dordi, or more exactly its earlier reflex. The Early Gujarati form would be doradi or doradiya. dowas Sanskritized as dvi- (on the basis of literary Gujarati do=Sanskrit dvi, 'two'.) and -radiya as -raţikā. Actually doradiya derives from Sanskrit dora-, 'string', plus diminutive-pleonastic suffix, diyā.9 Pkt. has doro-, dori and doriyā, and doraka- along with the hyper-form davaraka- are noted for Late Sanskrit.10 of the numerous derivatives of dora- in Modern Gujarati, dor (m), doro (m.), dori (f.) and doriyo have correspondences in 6. C. H. Tawney, The Ocean of Story (edited by N. M. Penzer), vol. 6, London, 1926, p. 167. 7. H. Uhle, Die Vetālapancavimśātikā des Sivadāsa nach einer Handschrift von 1487, Leipzig, 1914, p. 24, dt. 17-18. S. See Devasila's V etāla Pacavisi (1562), st. 51; the anonymous prose version, p. 91, 11.6.8 (both edited in Vaitāl Pancavisi by J. G, Modi, Baroda, 1916); Sámal Bhai's Veral Pacifi (ed. A. S. Patel, Bombay, 1962), 1, 463. 9. Hemacandra's Siddhahema, 8, 4, 429-32. 10. For NIA. derivatives vide R. L. Turner, Dictionary of the Nepali Language, London, 1931, s. v. doro. Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 218 one or more of the NIA. languages. But the forms with the suffix -d.-, viz. dorḍum (n.), dorḍi (f.) are peculiar to Gujarati. This would lead us to infer that the language of the source-work of Jambhaladatta's Vetālapañcavimsati contained some Gujaratisms. This surmise would be in keeping with the fact that Old Gujarati influence is observed also in the language of Śivadāsa's version," in Pūrṇabhadra's Pancākhyāna12 and in other similar collections of popular tales in Sanskrit. 11. J. Hertel. 'Śivadāsa's Vetālapancavimsatika, Festgabe Streitberg, 135 ff. (referred to by A. B. Keith (A History of Sanskrit Literature, 1953, Preface, p. xii). 12. Ed. Hertel, HOS 11-13, 1908-12. Vide, also Keith, op.cit., p. 261. Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ LINGUISTC PECULIARITIES OF LILAVATI-SARAL OF JINARATNA Jinaratna's scholarly knowledge of Sanskrit classics, lexicons and grammars is revealed in his free choice of words, farms, and expressions irrespective of their being standard, substandard, obsolete, in vogue, rare or customary. As has been pointed out further bellow, a strong undercurrent of the spoken dialect of the day can be detected in the numerous idioms, proverbs, and lexical usages of the Lilāvati-kathā-sāra (LS.) which are frequently nonSanskritic and which have Late Middle Indo-Aryan or Early New-Indo-Aryan parallels. LINGUISTIC PECULIARITIES The Sanskrit of LS. is not the Standard Classical Sanskrit, but a type of Mixed Sanskrit usually called Jain Sanskrit. Several scholars including Bloomfield, Upadhye and Sandesara have so far offered their studies of Jain Sanskrit with regard to a particular text or group of texts.2 Great linguistic diviersity has been a patent characteristic of India since the earliest time. Due to development of regional dialects during the Middle Indo-Aryan and New Indo-Aryan periods on the one hand, and concurrent literary use of Sanskrit, Prakṣits and Apabhramśa on the other, a highly complicated picture of linguistic contacts and convergences has characterized the middle and modern stages of Indo-Aryan. | Edited by H. C. Bhayani, 1983. 2 For a brief account of the work so far done and some important references see Bhayani H. C., Introduction in Gujarati) to Pancafati Prabandha sambandha (also called PrabandhaPancasati), ed. by Mrgendra Muni, 1968, pp. 7-9. Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 220 The resulting mixed Sanskrits were of various types, depending upon the proportion and intimateness of the admixture. It now seems quite evident that taking into account the inscriptional Sanskrit, the Mani-pravāla type of language mixtures, Persianized Sanskrit of some later works and the language of many modern Sanskrit writings and discourses, the categorizations like Buddhist Sanskrit and Jain Sanskrit appear simplistic and superficial. Proper understanding of mixed literary languages during various periods of Indo-Aryan demands a much more sophisticated model of classification which takes into account the kind and amount of influence on the phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon and semantics of the Standard Classical Sanskrit. This is however no place to consider these issues, and in the following note on some noteworthy features of the Sanskrit of LS. I will go by Bloomfield's classification. (1) One large group of words and expressions of LR. derive directly from the Sanskrit grammatical and lexicographical literature. Jinaratna freely uses forms of various types of aorists, perfect (including the periphrastic variety), desiderative, frerquentative, various types of denominatives5 and Cvi-formation, and in the case of the last four, occarrence of the forms of various tenses is remarkable, because it is unusual. Forms with suffixes like ņamul and itac, compounds and nominal and verbal derivatives for which Sanskrit grammars give special rules and lists, monosyllabic nominal bases ending in a consonant, and unu 3 4 See for example Sukumar Sen (ed.), Sekasubhodaya, Bibliotheca Indica no. 256, 1963. See in this connection M. W. Sugatbapal de Silva, 'Convergence and diglossia' in Southworth and Apte (eds.) Contact and Convergence in South Asian Languages, 1974, pp 60-91. Kalpa-latāślista-pārijāta-lilāyita (XI 263) is an instance of the past passive participle of a denominative formed from a long compound. 5 Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 221 sual pronominal forms like asmi, asi, asakau are freely used. Two features of the vocabulary of. LS. are noteworthy in this connection. Firstly there is a remarkable proliferation of descriptive synonyms. To cite only one example out of scores, LS has 719, क्ष्माशक, अवनिनायक, भूधव, क्षितिधव, भू पुरन्दर, महीमेघवाहन, पृथ्वीपाकशासन, agarlait and many more similar expressions for ‘king'. Secondly, for some of the rare usages of words and grammatical forms in LS., we find parallels from either wellknown classical works like the Harșacarita, Mālatimādhava, Sirupālavadha, Bhattikāvya, Naișadhiya, Pancatantra, Kathāsaritsāgara, works of Rājasekhara etc., or from Jain works like the Parisiştaparvan. Jinaratna belonged to the great tradition of Jain monks who were well-versed in Sanskrit Kāvya and Sāstric literatures and many of whom were keen to give evidence of this in their writings. (2) Use of technical terms of Jain philosophy, mythology and dogmatics is another customary feature of the Jain Kāvya and Kathā literatures in Sanskrit, and this characterizes the language of LS. also. Some of these terms are Sanskrizations of originally Prakrit terms. (3) Use of words and expressions deriving from Prakrit, Apabhraíśa or Old Gujarati is another feature of LS., which it shares with numerous other Jain works in Sanskrit. In the Glossary references have been given to Turner's dictionary of IndoAryan languages in the case of the words of New Indo-Aryan source, and parallels from Gujarati have been also pointed out. Many of the idioms and proverbs also found in LR. derive from Apabhraniša or Old Gujarati. Several proper names (e.g. Jasaravi, Jasāditya, Devadinna, Devada, Vaggada, Dehada, Somadi, Rannadi, and several names in the list given at IV 57-64) are Prakritic. Of course most of such material of Prakritic or New 6 LS. has numerous passages indicative of its author's knowledge of Arthaśāstra, Nimitta-śāstra, Sakuna, Nīti, Darśanas etc. Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222 Indo-Aryan origin appears in a Sanskrit garb. This is true also of the un-Sanskritic causals like yācāpay- XIV 312), vandāpay- (XXI 25), vardhāpay, sulkāpay- (VI 93), śikṣāpay- etc. which are backformations from MIA. causals in āv-. There are numerous cases of translation-loans or calques from Old Gujarati. It should be observed however, that on the scale of using vernacularized Sanskrit LR. is considerably lower than say, the Jain Sanskrit Prabhandhas or the Sanskrit works of the authors like Subhašilaganin. Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GLOSSARY .... ( The numbers refer to chapter and verse.) अक्तनिहुडुक्की 9.78 A kind of अपवरक 4:380; 6.488; 11.133 A medical herb. room, inner appartment अक्षत्र 2.79 (N). An injustice, (Pk. ओअरय; Guj. ओरडा; tyrrany or maltreatment. IAL 4.450). '. Incorrect for अक्षात्र, Old Guj. अपहस्तित 19.50 driven out (Pk. : अखत्र. See रत्नचूडरास 1.53. अवहत्थिय) ____DS. refers from Jain texts] अय:पुत्री 12.337 iron doll अचिरप्रभा 15.319 विद्युत् अरिहन्तृ 19.7 तीर्थङ्कर अच्छोट 10.143 To unwind the अर्धचन्द्रप्रदान 7.48 seizing by neck binding string (Pk. 308913) अर्वा 7.126 on this side (of अट्ट 6.415; 7.186; 10.132 हह, __the river) shop (Pk.). अहंतू 19.6 तीर्थ कर अड्डण (n.) 3.63, 12.239 अलिक 1.66 भाल shield (Pk.). अवचूल 8.31 a pendent crest अध्युपंपन्न 10.126 अत्यासक्त (Pk. अवलग 2.144 to serve (Pk. __ अज्झुववण्ण) ओलाग. DMP. IAL अनात्मनीन 7.236 आत्महीन 822) अंपटु 4.380 sick अवतर 1.139 descent (occurs भब्रह्म 5.27; 29 अब्रह्मचर्य (Pk. also in शिशुपालवध 1.43) , अबभ्भ) अवदान 16.87 glorious act अमिमर 6.20 वध, मारण अवसर दा- 11.293 to give an अभिमर 12.8 killer (Pk. अहिमर) audience अभिसन्धि 9.141 अभिप्राय अवहार 7.229 suspension of arms अमारि 17.9 royal order of not अवहित्था 6.478, 14.248 dissi. ___killing animals. i mulation अमारि-घोषणा-दान 1.56 हिंसानिवारण अवारपार 14.407 endless (Pk. घोषणाकरण (Pk. अमारि = अवार) हिंसानिधारण) असको 14.101; 17.2-3; 9.138 असौ अम्बुवास 10.133 fragrant power असमाधि 11.246. mental unrest for perfuming water. (Pk. असमाहि) Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 224 असात 15.46 पीडा (Pk. असाय) असिपुत्री 2.217 kinfe अस्ताघ 6.73; 7.124 गमीर, very deep (Pk. 3179117; cf. IAL 980) अश्वीय 7.131 A troop of horse man (31921 • IV 2.48) अङ्कुट 8.62 hook अङकुल्ल 5.197 अकोठ (Pk. अंको ल्ल; IAL 133) अड्गावहोलिका 4.181; 14.479 स्नान, bath (Pk. अंगोहलि Guj. अंघोळ IAL 142) आयाम 21.50-51 gruel of rice water आचम् 13.142 to be clean (Pk. आयम्-) आचामाम्ल 18.67 a religious austerity called आयम्बिल (IAL 1070) आभाणक 5.147; 10.136 a proverb (IAL 1228) आरक्ष 3.96 guard (Pk. आरक्ख; __DN. 1.15) आरटित 3.192 bawling (Pk. आरडिय, Guj, आरड to bawl) आरत: 3.30 before (Pk. आरओ) आराडि 2.121 shriek (DN. 1.75 आराटि) आर्या 9.37 पार्वती (Pk. अजा) आली 7.182 श्रेणी आवेष्ट 2.95 strangle (IAL 1447) आशातना 12.351 desecration आसडक 4.63 name of a man ईरितुम् रा 4.116 to allow to move ___or act ईषा in पर्य केषा 5.135 side-piece of a bed (Guj. $A; IAL 1620) उच्चण्ड 3.244 to throw up, to shoot upward. (Pk. उच्चडिय 'raised up') उच्चाटय 9.41 to ruin by magic उच्छोटय 11.329 having untied or set free उज्जघटे 8.134 opened उत्तारण 1.129 materials used to remove or ward-off the effects of evil eye or black magic (Guj. उतार, तारण; IAL 1791-92) उन- 6.371 अवतृ(Guj. ऊतखु) उतृप 8.18 in रसोत्तृपः (१) . उद्ग्रहण 6.122 raising, lifting up उद्धृलन 1.76 besmear ( with powder) उद्वसित 5.193 गृह उद्धृत्त 4.18; 5.206 5.27; 15.29-30 one who has left one kind of existence to be boțn in another; rose to higher birth-scale (Pk. उव्वट्टिय). उद्धव 17.11 उत्सव Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 225 उद्धारक दा- 6.258 to give on ___ credit (IAL 2018) उद्दाल 9.205 to snach (Pk.) उद्यानिका 20.145 going to picnic in a park (Pk. उज्जाणिया) उन्मिण्ठ 9.164 हस्तिपक-रहित (Pk. मिठ = हस्तिपक) उत्पाट 3.49 to cause to carry (Pk. उप्पा; Guj. उपाड; cf. IAL 1809) उत्पाट 5.290 rooting-up (Pk. उम्पाड; IAL 1820) उत्पाटय 7.267,14.526 to carry (Guj. उपाइवु) उत्पुच्छन 1.48 raising of the tail (उत्पुच्छ from कारिका; अष्टा. VI 2.196) उत्फल 12.215 to jump (IAL 1837) उपदा 7.136; 234 respectful present to the king उपधि 18.19 उपकरण (Pk. उवहि) उपपदू 12.113 to be born in the class of gods उपस्कर 4.344 small things of merchandise (IAL 2264) उक्कल 8.164 to jump उललोच 2.279 canopy एक-साथेन 6.230 together, in a company (Guj. एक साथे) एषक 2.59; 6.521 एष (अष्टा. VII 3.47) एषिक। 9.41 एषा (अष्टा० VII. 3.47) कथानक 4.236 talk (Pk. कहाणय IAL 20705) कपिशीर्ष 11.124, 125 small pinnacle ornamenting the fortwall (IAL 2157) कम्बिका 11.135 लीलायष्टि करका 2.184 hail-stone (Guj. करा: IAL 2782) कर्पर 4.213 skull (Pk. कप्पर) कर्पटिन 6.280 wearer of rags कल्ये 4.328 yesterday कषकपट्टिका 3.233 touch-stone कण्टिका 3.78 thorny hedge कण्टिक्रा-वृति 2.80 hedge of thorny bush (IAL 2679) कलान्तर 4.30 interest काचपिच्य 4.103; 4 286 useless, bothersome discussion, prattling (Guj. कचपच) कामल 5.27 jaundice (Guj. कमळो) कामहेला 1.152 amarous dalli ance of woman काल्हण 4.63 name of a male काषायी 7.14 काषायवस्त्र कालपृष्ठ 7.253 धनुष (Pk. कालव) कामेण 2.64 sorcery, magic (IAL 3075, 3.189 (?) magic charm किराट 7.13; 6.439 वणिज (pejor atively) Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 226 किराटक 4.44 vile-merchant (IAL 3173) किरी 12.236 शूकर किं-प्रभु 7.239 कु-प्रभु कीकट 2.143 penniless (abusively) कुटुम्बिन् 8.168, 178 farmer (IAL 3235) कुण्डलय 17.15 to encircle i.e. to cancel (as in an account book) or destroy कूपिका 6.163, 174 कूप pit, small well (IAL 3400) कुहक 4.170 deception, fraud 8.144 केलि 1.66 कदली (Pk. केली, old Guj. केलि (IAL 2712) कोटीर 11.27 मुकुट (पार्श्वनाथचरित 11.1.52) कोष्ठपूरण 3.163 filling a square (a literary game) कोड 8.13-16 शूकर कोशलिका 1.66 उपहार • क्रम 3.184, 4.231 foot चरण (Pk. कम) क्वथित, कुथित 6.36, 8.53 become purtrid (Pk. कुहिय Guj.कोहवू IAL 3282) झूण 3.61 offence (Pk. खूण) क्षत्रिय 7.238 incurable disease क्षीरपाण 14.219 drinking of milk खटखटारव 7.146 empty noise खुण्डल 15.2 खण्ड खातिका 7.23 ditch (IAL 3862) खानि 2.131 mine (Pk. Old Guj. ___खाणि; IAL 3873) खानी 6.415 खनि खिल 3.70 desert, barren खिस 15.16 निन्दू (Pk.) खेटक 17.17 shield खेल 5.18 to play (Pk; IAL 3918) खेलय 1.32 क्रीडय् , खोटिक 4.38-43 a counterfeit • coin alloyed with base metal (cf. IAL 3931, Guj. खोटु alloyed,Panj.सोट alloy) गन्त्रि 2.125 cart (Sanskritized form of गड्डी, IAL 4116) गन्त्रिखेटन 7.17 driving a cart (Pk, गड्डी cart, खेडू to drive) गब्दिका 7.3; 14.214 a cushioned seat (Pk. गद्दिआ; Guj. गादी; cf. IAL 4053) गर्जन 5.72 city of Gazna (Pk. गज्जण) गर्जनक 5.86, 15.95 name of a city गर्जि 1.304; 6.515 (मेघ)गर्जन (IAL 4046) गलगजि 12.297 grunting (Pk. गलगज्जि) गलि 5.308 lazy bullock (Pk. ___ गलि; Guj. गलियो; IAL 3975) गुरुवन्दन: याति 3.86 comes to pay homage to a guru (A Prakritism) Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ गूटक 2.113 bale, bundle गूर्जरत्रा 15.2 Gujarat पृष्ठ विधान 8.139 mode of penance by offering body as a prey to vultures (Pk. गिद्घपिटठ; see PSM ) ग्रहिलित 5.29 11.466 crazy; or maddened possessed (Pk. गहिलय) ग्रहिलीकृत्य 6.199 having made crazy house-lizard गृहोलिका 2.212 (Pk. घरोलिया; Guj. घरोळी IAL 4431) गोनस 2.201 a kind of large snake (Pk. गोणस; IAL 4288) गोमयज्झका woman 6.261 engaged in removing cowdung गोरब्व 8.167, गोवर 3.121 name of a village (Pk. गोव्वर IAL 4316) गोष्ठिक 4.7 priest of Jain temple (Guj. गोठी) गौरव 1.150 dinner given by bride's party (Guj. गोरख ) गौरव्य 14.221 worthy of being honoured ग्रामकूड 3.140 village head-man (Pk. गामऊड; DN 21.89; Kan. गाउड, गावडा) घर 1.149 to shape, hammer (Pk. घडू; IAL 4407) 227 घन 1.29, 3.75, 14.482 mich, many बहु ( Pk. घण, Guj.घणु, IAL 4424) घनाघन 5.323 वर्षामेघ घर्घर 1.82 नूपुर (cf. Pk. घग्घर, Sk. घरा, घर्घरिका girdle of tinkling bells) धातुक 11.506 घातक घुसृण 9.8 saffron ( Pk. घुसिण ) घोटक 7.197 horse चञ्चरी 19.193 चर्चरी (Pk.) चञ्चा 11.86 13.32 scare-crow; straw-man चञ्चुर 1.289, 10.20 चपल (Pk; मञ्जरी III 23 ) चरटक 13.74 चौर चतुर्ह ेट 12.55 market at cross road (IAL 4626) चतुष्किका 4.45 a set of four gagf(probably)a group of four guards (Guj. चोकी keeping watch, watch post; cf. IAL 2629) चन्द्र 2.63 कर्पूर (cf. I 76) चन्द्रक 15.50 sore (Guj . चांदु ) चन्द्रमौलि 3.64 a turban marked with brilliant spots (Pk. मउलि; Guj. मोळियु turban ) चपेटां दा - 11.415 to slap चरण 5.339 संयम, चरित (Pk . ) चरण 2.279 तपश्चरण चरिका 3.87-90; 7.48 भिक्षुकी, परिव्राजिका Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 228 चर्मिन् 7.247 armed with shield चस्तरि 6.502 विनोद-वार्ता (DN. 3. 2 चत्थरि हास) चान्द्र 1.76 कपूर (Pk. चंद) चारुण्य 9.220 (for चारण्य) चारणमुनि योग्य चीरिका 6.201 strip of cloth, rag चुत 14.387-88 to squeak (IAL 4843) चूला 1.85; 4.185 चूडा (Pk.) चैत्य 3.52 temple चोक्षाचाक्षव्यवहार 11.10 conduct observing the distinction of religiously clean and unclean (things) चौरिका 2.36 चौर्य (Pk. चोरिआ) छगणिका 3.106 dried cake of _caw--dung (Sk. Pk. छगण, Pk. Egjoft; IAL 4952, 5007 छगण-हारिका 6.276 woman engaged in removing cow dung छन्न 3.157 secretly (Guj. छानु) छुटित 4.63, 11.342 escaped छुप्ति 11.193 defiling touch or conduct (Pk. कुत्ति, IAL 5057) छरि 5.199, 14:475 dagger (IAL 3727) छेद 6.87 हानि (Pk. छेह) जनगम 8.8 चाण्डाल जाजिक 3.94 courier जादर 12.383 वस्त्रविशेष जाल्हण 4.63 name of a male जिष्णु 7.227 जिगीषु जीवन्मृतिका 1.34 जीवन्मृता dead though alive ज्योत्कृत्य 6.260, 9.65 5.285 नमस्कृत्य (cf. Pk. जोक्कार =नमस्कार) झलक्कित 11.512 दग्ध (Pk. झल क्किय) झलझलती 1.83 shining (IAL 5352) झलत्कार 8.33 flashing brightness (cf. Guj. झळकवु to glitter) टगमग (with ईक्ष) 3.45 to stare (Guj. टगमग with जो- to see) ठक 4.336; 6.249, 11.217a cheat (Guj. ठग, घूर्त; IAL 5489) ठकित 6.212, 11 218-290 cheated वञ्चित (Guj. ठग्यो) ठक्कुर 6.260, 10.110 a Rajput village-chief, सामन्त (IAL 5488) डिण्डीर 12.383 फेन डिम्भक 2.97, 6.202 child. young ._boy (DMP. 539; IAL 5553) डिम्भरूप 2.54 child (Pk. डिंभरूप cf. (IAL 5553 डुम्ब 4.110 a man of low, un touchable caste. Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ डौकू 14.252 to present तकम् 21.58 तद् तके 17.19 ते तडगड 7.184 oil mart (?) तटी 4.183 सरित् (Ap. तडी) तर्णक 1. 239 वत्स तत्पार्श्वऽभ्यस्य 10.128 having studied under him तलवर्गिक 4. 286 feudatory तलवर 4.38-40 city-guard ( Pk.) वर्ग 7.200 रक्षक (?) तलिक 1.66 (in भास्वत्तारणतापनीयतलिकम् ) तलिक तारण was a type of festoon (Guj. तलियां तारण) तायिन् 19.29 त्रायिन् रक्षक नारामैत्री 1.132 affectionate 229 > exchange of glance, love · at first sight, ( Pk. तारामेत्ती at कर्पूरमञ्जरी 28.3; Guj. तारामैत्री, तारामैत्रक) तीर्थिक 1.248 तलकंदा- 4.328 to lock (cf. Guj. ताळु देवु ) तिलिमा 12.170 वाद्यविशेष (Pk.) follower of a religious sect (Pk. तित्थिय ) तीत 3.34 अतीत (Pk. तीअ ) तीर्ण 7.222 crossing तूष्णी 5.295 मौन ( Pk. तुहि ) तुण्ड 2.109mouth (pejoratively ) (DMP. 112, 117; IAL. 5853) तुम्ब, तुम्बक 6.170, 171 hollowed gourd used as vessel for holding liquid (Guj. तू बडु, IAL 5668) तुवरी 4.32 alum तूलिका 7.32 mattress ( Pk. तूलिआ ) तूष्णिका 1.264 मौन aufafa 8.117 thirtythree तेमन 1.149 sauce, secondary dish (See तिम्मण DMP. 110; IAL 1843) श्रुती वाद 11.42 your ears. themselves produced haluciation of noise त्वच् 9.4 cinnamon तव जिव्हा वलि: क्रिये 3.218 1 offer myself as victim for well being of your tongue'; an idiomatic expression of extreme praise (Ap. बलिकिज्जर सिद्ध • VIII 433.8) ० 1.152; 2.269; 7.188; 8.158; 12.206; row, group, troop श्रेणि ( Pk ) थूत्कृत 19.38 spat out, discarded afos 12.285 (?) afoe 6.54, afosa (6.38 a garment made by sewing two rags (cf. Pk. इंडि, Guj डांडियु) Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 230 दन्तकलह 15.18 wrangle दन्तपवन 5.141 small piece of .. wood to clean teeth (IAL 6157) दम्भ (N) 3.153 a burn (Old Guj. डंभ, Mod. Guj. डाम; डांभ to burn) दलिका 11.30 काष्ठ (Pk. दलिअ) दीनार 4.143 a gold coin दुष्ठुकृतम् 14.82 दुष्कृतम् देवकुलिका 2.106 small shrine (IAL 6526) देवड 4 63 name of a male देशना 1.202 धर्मोपदेश देशहिण्डिन् 2.137 wandering from place to place देशिन 4.337 preaching (देशना “preaching sermon' in Sk. . Jain literature (Pk. देसणा) देशिन् 6.42 a foreign traveller (वैदेशिक) देष्टार: 6.242 उपदेष्टार: देहड 4.63 name of a male दोषिक. यिक 6.117; 7.180 cloth merchant (Guj. दोशी) द्रुत 5.192 ran away द्रोणमेघ 3.201 a rain cloud making heavy downpour (Pk. दोणमेह) धनायतू 4.203: being desirous of wealth? : धादिवाहक 14.267 सार्थवाहजन (१) धान्यकीट 3.7 insect found in ___corn (Guj. धनेडु; IAL.6779) धन्यिका 5.288 धन्या धाटी 6.333 dacoity धारा 6.304; 14.253 अश्वगति-विशेष pace of horse धाविका (f.)4.87 a washer धूली-भक्त 1.150 विवाहविधिविशेष धोरणी 5.318 continuous volley (Pk. धारणी) ध्यामल 5.25 dark, dirty (San skritization of Pk. झामल, IAL 5369) नटित 8.44, 48 आकुलित न पश्चान्नाग्रतः पश्यति 10.32 he was blind to everything else around (cf. Guj. कशु आगळ-पाछळ जोतो नथी) न पूर्यते 5.53, 6.59 is not enough (Ap. पुज्जइ, Guj. पूगे) नरेन्द्र 4.199 वैद्य नस्ता (नस्या ?) 10.122 नासारज्जु nose string नागरित 6.70 anchored (Pk. नंगर, Guj. लंगर) नारीकुञ्जर 10.20 elephant-figure composed of the figures of women निकार 7.199 अपमान . निाचेल 7.31 upper garment Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 231 पञ्चालिका 15.5 doll निरुन्छयत् 10.146 नीराजयत् (cf. कुमारसंभव XIII 18 निरुच्छन) निरुञ्छित 12.216 नीराजित (metaph orical) निरोप 6.266 आज्ञा: निरोपित 3.67 ordered (Guj. निरे।५) निधमन 16.34 drain, gutter (Pk. णिद्धमण) निध ट 9.121 निष्कास निधाटित 3.270; 7.218; 11.423 _____driven out (Pk. निधाडिय) निमेंर 12.13 निमांद (Pk. मेर= मर्यादा) निमन्तु 7.232 निरपराध नि:प्रतिकर्मता 12.8 संस्कार-प्रसाधना भाव (cf. Pk परिकम्म, पडिकम्म) निश्रा 12.350 आश्रय (Pk. णिस्सा) निष्ठाप 3.30 to destory (Pk. णिट्टव-) निशकता 4.124, 125 mercilessness निःसामान्य 14.38 असामान्य (Pk. __णीसामन्न) निस्वान 7.170 भेरि (Pk. णिस्साण Old. Guj. निसाण) नि:स्वानेष्ववलन् घाता: 3.263, 7.205 sounding strokes fell on kettle drums (cf. Old. Guj. idiom वलिउ नीसाणे घाउ).. पटवास 10.133 fragrant powder for perfuming clothes पटु 5.153 स्वस्थ physically well पट्ट 9.174 सिंहासन (Pk.) पट्टराझी 2.165 chief queen (Guj. पटराणी) पशाला 6.487 main hall पट्टिका 3.192 wooden slab for writing (Guj. पाटी) पद्या 10.35, 12.28 मार्ग, से।पानपति _steps (of a ladder) पराप्त 6.164 प्राप्त (cf. Pk. पराव to obtain) परिपथन 1.197 obstruction परिपाटी 4.230 visiting holy places one by one on a round (cf. चैत्य-परिपाटी; (Old. Guj. चैत्यप्रवाडी) पलल 8.23 मांस पल्लव 3.169 hem of garment (Guj. पालव) पाटक 4.352 residential area in a town (Guj. पाडा) पात्र 12.169, 6.126 गणिका पादः (अवधार्यताम् ete.) 1-214, 242 गम्यताम् etc. (used respectfully Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 232 in a formal discourse (cf. Guj. पधारा which ultimately _derives from this usage) पादापगम 18.20 अनशनविधि (cf. Pk. पाओगम, पाओवगमण) पादोऽवधारय 5.299 to take a step to go 4.166; 202, to go to express respect. पान 11.292, 7.188 चाण्डाल (Pk. पाण) पानीयहारिका 2.183 woman fet ching water Pk. पाणियहारी, H. पनिहारी, Guj. पाणियारी (IAL 8088) पानीयं न सहते 5.96 the water does not suit your health (Guj. तने पाणी सहेतु नथी) पापद्धि 8.44 मृगया पादमूले: 5.339 from, at the ___ hands of (Pk. पायाले) पारापत 5.110 पारावत पारी 1.152 tablet, cake (of camphor) पावें 3.86 near 4.266; 5.168, ____ 14.79 (Pk. Guj. पासे) पाली 4,179, 182, bank (Pk.) ___(IAL. .8041) पाल्हण 4.63 name of a male पाषण्ड 11.231, 2.36 a false hypocritical religious .:: practice (Guj. पाखड). पिच्छिल 1.41 अतिस्निग्ध (cf. JAL 8152, 8253) पिट 15.16 to beat पुटी 10.141, 43, 46 small packet (Guj. पडी IAL 8253) पुण्डरीक 17.12 वेतछत्र पुत्रभाण्ड 2.106 children and grand ____children (Pk. पुत्तहड, DMP. 1017) पुत्रिका 10.19 doll पुरुषा भूया: 16.37 be a man, show your manliness or bravery (Guj. भायडे। थजे) प्रति 7.48 stinking प्रत्कृ- 2.79 to cry out as con plaint (Pk. पुक्कर, IAL. 8246) पूर्यते 6.505 is sufficient पृष्ठे लग 7.283 to follow पृष्ठक 12.139 board used as Ms. cover पेटक 11.292; 12.230, 236 troups of singer actors पात 2.95 short dhoti (Guj. पातियु; IAL. 8400) पोत, पोतक.6.182, 183 shoot (IAL. 8399) प्रक्वण 1.82 to tinkle प्रक्षरित 2.235 armoured (Pk.. पक्खरिय; IAL 8432) प्रखेल 13.2 to play प्रगुण 6:69; 9.69 ready Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 233 प्रगुणम् 14.187, 9.69 restore to . health, cure प्रगे 1.65, 2.278, 7.123 on the morning of the next day प्रति 7.288 copy प्रतिग्राह 6.263 military service प्रतिच 5.157 to look after a patient (Pk. पडिअर ) प्रतिचारिका 5.310 परिचारिका (Pk. पडिचारिया) प्रतिचारिन् 18.23 परिचर प्रत्यनीक 4.255 प्रतिपक्षिन् , विरुद्ध(Pk. पडिणीय) प्रतिलाभन 1.162 return present प्रतिलाभना 1.55 giving alms or present to monks & others (cf. Pk. पडिलाह, पडिलाहण), प्रतिलाभित 14.402 was given as alms प्रतीच्छा 5.119 स्वीकृति (Pk. पहिच्छा) प्रदीपन 2.124 setting on fire, imflammation (Pk. पलीवण, Guj. पलेवण IAL 8665) प्रपादापक 5.106 donor of road side water-reservoir for travellers (for 991 see IAL 8681) प्रबोधय 5.133 दीप to light प्रसू 5.285 जननी प्रस्तर 4.200 stone (Pk. Guj. पत्थर; IAL 8857) प्रस्फारित 6.408 made to swell प्रहरक' दा-2.56, 4.2 to keep watch (Guj. पहेरो देवा) प्रहीणक 1.150 sending gifts of eats as a part of marri age ceremony (Pk. पहेणय) प्रातिवेशिक 10.66 neighbouring (Pk. पाडिबेसिय) प्राभृत 1.142, 4.334 उपहार (Pk. पाहुड) प्रेल 5.285 to push away (Pk. पेल्ल IAL 9002) प्रेलित 9.166 प्रेरित (Pk. पेल्लू-) फाल 14.476, 501 jump (IAL 13834) फेटा 6.351 (?) फेरु 10.72, 12.252 jacakal वब्बूल 11.504 Acacia Arabica बलाहिका 14.246 बलाका बाहयिका 7.23 residential area outside defensive moat surrounding a city (Pk. बाहिरिया) विम्व 12.315; 14.293 image or idol of a god बोहित्थ 6.96; 12.40 ship (Pk. . वहित्र IAL 11461) भन्न 6.269 ran-away (Pk. भग्ग) Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 0366) अड्गानक 17.16 stampede in a battle (Ap. *'71913, Guj. भगाण) भटवाद 12.225 bravery (Old Guj. भडवाउ) भट्ट 2.117, 7.188 a member of भाट community, a petty panegyrist in search of patronage, bard (Pk. Guj. भाट, IAL 9366) भषण 2.57 भषक, श्वन (Pk. भसण) भाटक 4.30 fare (Pk. भाडय, Guj. भाड) भाटी 6.333 charge to be given to a prostitute भाण्डशाला 2.15 warehouse (IAL 7441) भाणित 14.90 told through agency भाभ्भिक 6.261 town-crier (cf. Rajasthani, Guj. Hiift) भावसार 4.7a devout Jain-layman भिक्षाक 8.74, 9.107 भिक्षुक (अष्टा. III 2.155) भिण्ड 8.181 filax, hemp (H. G. भी डी; IAL 9492) भिदा 14.467 भेदन भीरू 14.432 सुन्दरी, अप्सरा (१) भुक्ति 4.239,245. enjoyment or ownership (in देशभुक्ति; राज्य. भुक्ति) (Pk. भुत्ति, IAL 9521) भुजि 6.369 भोजन भुण्ड 2.55; 6.341 शूकर hog (DN. VI 106; Guj. भंड) भूरि 10.126 gold भोगिनी 9.40 king's concubine मगध 17.13 मागध मख्ख 15.15 picture-scroll dis player मणी 1.84-125; 6.418, 2.279 (f.) मणि (Pk. मणि; H. मनि, मणि (f); IAL 9731) मस्क 7.238 मदीय मत्सी 15.43 a female fish मनित 14.101 promised मन्त्रिन् 9.145 a snake charmer मम्द 5.95, 96 sick (Guj. मांदु) मन्दकुहित 6.212 struck by saturn (inauspicious planet) मन्दाक्ष 1.42 (in मन्दाक्षमन्दाक्षी) लज्जा (MW. refers to हर्षचरित for this sense; DN. VI. 141 gives मतक्ख as देश्य word with the meanings लाजा/दु:ख) मन्मनम् 1.32 अव्यक्त वचनम् (Pk. मम्मणम् ; Hem. considers मन्मन to be Sanskrit) Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 235 मरे 11.263 possibly an excla mation of curse, 'Death to it.' 'Let it be' (Guj. मरे) मलविका 4.350 loft मस्तके पातय 3.139 to dash on the head, to suffer the bad consequences (Prakritism) महस 2.253; 12.157; 4.372 उत्सव festival महन 7.166 पूजन महाढक्का 7.76 भेरि महानट 5.46 शिव महार्घ 10.136 precious (Guj. मोघु'; IAL 9954) महेला 11.11 महिला मात्रा 1.17 शक्तिवर्धक-रसायन-मात्रा (Guj. मात्रा) मारि 1.204; 2.178 प्राणिवध (Pk.) मारि 8.180 मारी goddess of pestilence मार्ग 4.42 to ask for (Pk. मग _____Guj. माग) माल्हण 4.63 name of a male मासिकभक्त 12.111 one month's मुण्ड 3.79 head मूर्छा 4.257, 15.105 गृद्धि, आसक्ति __ (Pk. मुच्छा ) मूली 6.244 roots having magic power मेदिनी 5.182-83a Meda-woman (Medas were at times identified as चाण्डाल; IAL 10320) मेल 14.175 समागम मेलनी 15.73 meeting, gathering मेहला 1.152 महिला मोट्टायित 5.115 silent expression of return of love यका 14.24 या यववारक 11.138 यवाङकुर (cf. Pk. जवारय, Guj. जवारा) यानपात्र 4.30 नौका (Pk. जाणवत्त) रणरणक 5.110 longing due to seperation from loved one रमा 1.79 लक्ष्मी, श्री, शोभा रलिकाकृती 5.229 in humouring(?) रसवती 13.74-76 cooked dish, prepared meal राजकुल 14.496 your excellency _(IAL 10650, Guj. राउल) राजन् 3.217 चन्द्र राजपाटी 1. 131-132, 2.184, 6.304-406, 12.206 king.s fast मृगधूर्तक 8.159 शृगाल (Pk. मयधुत्त DN. VI. 125) मुद्गलशैल 3.201 an impenetr rably hard mountain (Pk. मुग्गसेल) Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 236 routine round of the city along with royal entourage (Pk. रायवाडी; रायवाडिया, MW. meaning is to be corrected) राध 11.132 वैशाख रावणहस्तक 11.9 तन्त्रीवाद्यविशेष (Guj. रावणहत्था ) . रिडव 1.75 to crawl (IAL ____10735-36) रीण 1.37, 8.137 (in रीणभाग्यिका) क्षीण, नष्ट, श्रान्त (Pk.) रूत 5.72-73; 6.226 cotton (Pk. रूअ Sanskritized; IAL 10798) रेष्ट 12.139-140 made of रिष्ट a kind of jewel रोमाञ्चचञ्चुर 14.446 रोमाञ्चचञ्चल रोर 4.223 दरिद्र (Pk.) रोल 9.108 कोलाहल (Pk.) लख 10.125 acrobat (Pk.) लञ्चा 4.37, 14.51, 10.111 bribe (Pk. लंचा; Guj. लांच; IAL 10914) । लत्तित 3.29; 7.95 kicked (Pk. लत्ता; Guj. लात, IAL 10931) ललन्तिका 1.83 a long pendulous _necklace (IAL 10916) ललित 5.110 love-play (Pk. ललिअ) ला- 2.216, 4.135, 14.301 गृह- to ___take (Pk. ले) लाभन 1.162 present especially of eats (Pk. लाहण; DN. VI 73, VII 21, Guj. लहाणु) लीलाव्रज्या 11.28 लीलागति लुम्बि 1.79, 10.226 hanging bunch of fruit (Pk.लुबी; IAL 11089) लुण्ट 13.74 to plunder (IAL 11078) लेखशालाकरण 3.189 schooling (Guj. निशाळगरणु) लोच 14.504 shave by plucking hair बकुश: 11.261 शिथिलाचारी श्रमण: (Pk. बउसो) वग्गड 4.373 a personal name वण्ठ 8.122 दास वण्टकलि 7.180 भृत्यकलह वणिज्या 4.30 वाणिज्य (Pk. वाणिन्ना, Guj. वणज) वधूटी 15.19 daughter-in-law वन्दनमालिका 1.66 festoon of green leaves etc. वरण 11.125 प्राकार वरवरिका 7.247 इप्सित-दान-घोषणा (Pk. वरवरिया) वराटा 14.37 name of a country वर्चस् 6.373 पुरीषोत्सर्ग व गृह 6.373 latrine Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 237 चर्णिका 12.347 sample (IAL 12338) वर्धय 1.62 to congratulate some one (Pk. वद्धय) वर्धापन 2.170 celebration (Pk. वद्धावण, Guj. वधामणु) वर्धाप् 1.288 (Pk. वद्वाव) वपिल 9.7 पक्वान्नविशेष (Pk. वरिसालग) वल 5.141 to turn back, return (Guj. वळवु, IAL 11405) वहित्रक 14.285, 287 ship वाचाप्य 14.362 to cause to be read वाणिज्यपुत्रकः 6.17 a merchant's apprentice (cf. वणिकपुत्र in कथासरित्सागर, Guj. वाणोतर; IAL 11486) वाणिज्यापुत्र 2.14 trader (cf. Guj. वाणोतर, वणजारा; IAL 11486, 11234) बातूल 6.61, 14.368 effected by the derangement of the Vata element, crazy, mad. (IAL 11504) वादिते श्रुती 6.187 ears sounded i.e. a hallucination of spoken words was produced by the ears. वानमन्तर 11.127 व्यन्तर (Pk. वाणवतर, वाणमतर) वारक 4.152, 5.201, 6.52-53 one's ___turn (H. वारी, Guj. वारा) वारिबन्ध 7.283 an arrangement for catching elephant वार्दल 13.62 दुर्दिन (Pk. बद्दल, ___IAL 11567) वाहयाली 14.252 horse-riding track विकाल 11.54 evening विकुणा 1.168 creating by magic powers (Pk. विउव्वणा) विकृ- 6.119. 11.162, 13.62 to ___create (Pk. विकुब्व) विगुप 3.104, 5.204 to revile, censure __ (Pk. विगाव) विगुप् 9.55, 205 to make victim of public insults; 3.104 ridicule ( Pk. विगोप, Guj. वगाववु) विगुप्त 4.105, 6.372 अवमानित cofused. विच्छर्द 12.209, 14.74 आटोप pomp (Pk. विच्छ) विडवर 2.21, 195, 2.25, 10.86, 11.408, 455, 13.37 डमर mutiny, revolt (the expression is अकाण्डविडवर 'a sudden mutiny'; PSM. notes अकंड Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 238 विहर, but it gives extent', 'pomposity' and 'terrible' as the meanings of fast) विध्यापय 1.189, 2.102, 40.480 to be extinguished (Pk. विज्झाव) (IAL 11703) विनट् 4.319, 6.520, 11.332 to harass, to give trouble (Pk. विण) विनष्ट 2.148, 6.267 spoiled (old Guj. वठवु, IAL 11771) विभङगज्ञान 6.117 मिथ्यात्वयुक्तावधि ज्ञान (Pk. विभाग) विराध 14.384 to violate a reli gious vow विलक्ष 4.97 crest-fallen (Pk. विलक्ख) विलग 4.346 hang on to (Pk. विलग्गु, Guj.वळग, IAL 11881) विसस्थुल 9.11 विह्वल (Pk. विसंथुल) वीतस 8.15 a cage for catching animal वेगसर 3.84 mule वेध्य 8.42 target वेलाकूल 5.69 sea-port वेला लग 11.54 to take time (Guj. वखत लाग) व्यपरोपय 6.282 to destroy व्यवह- 4.37; 10.133 to trade, to sell (IAL 12173) व्याघुट 5.165 to return (Pk. वाहुइ) व्यापारय 6.36 to trade in व्यास 14.394 पौराणिक a reciter of _Pauranika narratives (Guj. व्यास) व्रज्या 14.471 मार्ग शकुनि 8.88 kite (Pk. सउणि) शण्ड 3.205 a bull set at liberty (Pk. संड, Guj. सांड, IAL 13331) शटित 6.36, 15.86 rotten (Pk. सडिय, Guj. सड्यु, IAL 12268) शरीरचिन्ता 2.209, 4.326, 348 natural bodily function, call of nature शला 11.404 iron-club (Pk. सव्वला) शल्यहस्त 4.86 armed body-guard (Old Guj. सेलहथ; cf. Guj. शेलत, a surname) शस्त्री 3.203 dagger शालिन् 14.386 शाखित् , वृक्ष शिक्षापना 2.177 हितशिक्षाप्रदान (Guj. शिखामण) शिष्टवान् 4.390 कथित (Pk. सिद्ध = कथित) शीतलिका 3.70 small-pox (Guj. __ शीळी, IAL 12490) Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 239 शुध 1.159 to find out शुकावत् 15.61 nauseating (Guj. सूग disgust) शोधित 2.124 searched (Guj. - शोधq) च्यातत् 7.30 oozing श्राद्ध 1.87, 4.8, 229 a Jain believer or layman (Pk. सडढ, सद्ध) श्रीकरण 2.79-87 department of ___justice, law-court श्रेष्ठि 3.65 merchant वासुर 5.99 father-in-law's house___hold (Pk. सासुरय, Guj. सासरु) सक: 17.3 सः सत्यकार 5.314 earnest money सकर्ण: 1.263, 12.94 विद्वस (Pk. सकण्ण) सट्टा 8.13 पक्षिविशेष (cf. Mw. सदवा) समय 1.291 Jain Agama समवसृति 11.103 समवसरण समवसर 1.293 to halt to preach (Pk.) समारच 6.267 to improve, to put in good shape समिताचूर्ण 5.202 गोधूमपिष्ट संक 1.289 संपर्क (occurs also ___in नलचम्पू) संधा 1.171 union सम्मान् 6.154 to partake (food etc.) (Pk.समाण) संमूर्छिम 15.33 a being born without inter-course bet ween male and female संधान 7.17 उपदंश स लिख 12.108 to practice सलेखना सवाह 10.108 दुर्ग (Pk.) सस्तार 20.17 grass-bed साधारित 6.344 प्राप्तावलम्बन सामग्री 4.142 means or mate rials सार: 1.15 उत्तमः (IAL 13355) सारङिगका 11.9 तत्रीवाद्यविशेष (Guj. सारंगी) सांराविण 2.228 uproar (occurs also in मालतीमाधव and नैषधीय) सावहित्थम् 5.127 with dissimu lation सिण 2.125 शण (Pk; IAL 12272) सितापिण्ड 1.17 white lump-sugar सीमाल 8.144 सीमान्तवर्तिन् (Sk. सीमापाल) (Pk.) सुखवाहन 5.84 सुखासन palanquin Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 240 सूत' मम 3.211 I have nothing to do with it; I have no use of it (cf. Guj. idiom सयु) सोमाल 10.56 सुकुमार (Pk.) सौस्थ्य 5.106 सुस्थता welfare स्थानक 4.279 The construction तस्य स्थानकेन अह तेन गणितः seems to be a Gujaratism; cf. Mod. Guj. तेने स्थाने मने तेणे गण्या. स्थेम 8.139 स्थैर्य स्नात्र 11.207 स्नान स्नात्रकार 1.78 स्नापक स्फारित 4.103 flashed स्वक 4.335 kinsman, relative (Pk. सग, Guj. सगो, IAL 13894) स्वादिम 19.32 betelleaf, areca nut etc. to be chewed after meals, (Pk. साइम) स्रस्तर 7.42 आच्छादन हक्का 15.107, 7.247 आहवान threatening shout or call (Pk.; IAL 13938) हटिका 6.415 विपणि हलखेटन 7.17 tilling with plough ___(Pk. खेड् to plough) हस्तलेख 7.39 blue-print, plan हसरूत 7.32 हस-तूलिका; हसरोमन् हिण्डिन 2.137 wandering हील 3.159 to insult (Pk.) हुकृ- 12.283 to roar with terrifying sound -हेवाक 11.310, 425 fondness (for), devotion (to) - Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 'प्रबन्धपंचशती'नी भाषा-सामग्री बारमी शताब्दी पछीथी रचावा मांडेला संस्कृत प्रबन्धो ए मोटे भागे तो गुजरात-राजस्थाननो विशिष्टपणे जैन रचनाप्रकार छ । 'प्रबन्धचिंतामणि' 'चतुर्विशतिप्रबन्ध' वगेरे संग्रहाना प्रबन्धी उपरथी जोई शकाय छे के तेमां एवी व्यक्तिओनो. वृत्तांत गूथातो, जे व्यक्तिओ परंपराथी विख्यात हाय अने जेमणे जैनधर्मना वृद्धिविकास अने रक्षण-पालनमा स्मरणीय फाळो आप्यो होय । आमां जैन आचार्यो राजवीओ, मंत्रीओ, श्रेष्ठीओ वगेरे जेवी इतिहास, पुराण के दन्तकथामां जाणीती व्यक्तिओना समावेश थतो अने ए प्रभावक व्यक्तिओना चरित्रनी मुख्य विगतो अने सालवारी अथवा तो तेमना जीवननी कोई विशिष्ट घटनाओ, रसिक प्रसंगो अने टुचकाओ क्वचि- आलंकारिक भाषा अने शलीनो पुट आपीने रजू करवामां आवतां । प्रयोजन इतिहास आपवानु नहीं पण प्रभावकता दर्शाववानु हावाथी भार कथाना के दृष्टांतना तत्त्व पर रहेतो अने समय जतां. जेम 'प्रबंध पंचशती'मां बन्यु छे तेम, लोकप्रचलित के साहित्य-प्रचलित दृष्टांतकथाओ अने परंपरागत लोककथाओने पण प्रबन्धेोमां स्थान मळतुं गयु। धार्मिक व्याख्यान प्रसंगे उपयोगमा लई शकाय ते दृष्टिए जाणे के तैयार थया' होय तेवा आ संग्रहामां भूतकाळनी अनेक शक्तिशाळी महान व्यक्तिओए जैन धर्मनी महत्ता अने गौरव वधारवा माटे करेलां कार्योनी वातो, उपरांत जीवननी सामान्य नीतिरीति माटे बोधप्रद होय तेवी घणीये लोकप्रिय कथा-वार्ताओ, प्रसंगी अने टुचकाओ पण अपायां छे । आ प्रबन्धसाहित्यनी संस्कृत भाषा पोतानी आगवी विशिष्टता धरावे छे । प्रबन्धोनु संस्कत ए व्याकरणनी शिष्टपरंपराने मान्य एवु विशुद्ध प्रशिष्ट संस्कृत नथी । ए संस्कृत एक प्रकारनु लौकिक संस्कृत छे । तेमां तत्कालीन लोकभाषाना, तेना उच्चारण, व्याकरण, शब्दभंडोळ अने रूढिप्रयोगोनो गाढ प्रभाव पडेलो छ । जेम जेम पाछलना समयमा आवता जईए छीए तेम तेम आ प्रभावनु' प्रमाण वधतु जाय छे. बौद्ध अने जैन ए बन्ने परंपरामां पंडितमान्य रूढ संस्कृतने बदले बोलचालना प्रयोगोना पासवाळु लौकिक संस्कृत वापरवानु वलण हतु । विशाळ मध्यम वर्गने ते समजवू सरळ पडे, व्यवहारभाषा अने उपदेशभाषा वच्चेनु अंतर ओछु थाय Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 242 अने छतां उपदेशभाषानो ऊचो मोभो जळवाई रहे एवा हेतुओ आ प्रकारनी 'सबकी संस्कृत' द्वारा सिद्ध थता । प्रशिष्ट संस्कृतथी आ संस्कृत जुदी शैलीनु होवाने कारणे, तेम ज मध्यम भारतीय-आय तथा अर्वाचीन भारतीय-आर्य लोक-भाषाओनां तत्त्वो धरावतु होवाने कारणे तेणे अनेक अर्वाचीन विद्वानानुं ध्यान खेच्युं छे । अने ते अनेक अध्ययनसंशोधननो विषय बनतु रा छ । संस्कृतना प्रकाण्ड विद्वान् अने येइल युनिवर्सिटीना संस्कृतना अध्यापक सद्गत फ्रेन्कलिन एजर्टने वीश वर्षना अभ्यासने परिणामे १९५३ मां 'बुद्धिस्ट हाब्रिड संस्कृत विशेना व्याकरण अने शब्दवेश प्रसिद्ध कर्या । जैन संस्कृत आवा कोई प्रखर विद्वानना सतत अनुशीलनना लाभ मेळववा हजी सुधी भाग्यशाळी नथी बन्यु । छतां तेनां अमुक अमुक पासांओर्नु अथवा तो व्यक्तिगत कृतिओना प्रयोगोनुं अध्ययन समय समय पर अनेक अभ्यासीओने हाथे थतुं रांछे । जैन संस्कृतना महत्त्व तरफ विद्वानोनु लक्ष्य खंची तेनां जुदां जुदां पासांओ तारवीने एक विशिष्ट अध्ययन पहेलवहेलां प्रस्तुत करवानो यश अमेरिकाना महान संस्कृत विद्वान सद्गत मोरिस ब्लूमफिल्डने फाळे जाय छे। तेमणे सन् १९२४गां जर्मन विद्वान वाकर्नागेलने समर्पित सन्मोनग्रन्थ Antidoron मां प्रकाशित Some aspects of Jain Sanskrit- ए लेखमां नीचेना जैन कथाग्रंथामांथी विशिष्ट भाषासामग्री तारवी आपीने तेनी विचारणा करेली : 'अघटकुमारकथा', 'भरटकद्वात्रिंशिका', 'शालिभद्रचरित्र', 'अंबडचरित्र', 'धर्मपरीक्षा' हेमविजयकृत 'कथारत्नाकर', 'कथाकोश', 'पालगोपालकथानक', 'पंचदडछत्रप्रबन्ध', 'परिशिष्टपर्वन्', भाव देवसूरिकृत 'मल्लिनाथचरित', 'प्रबन्धचिन्तामणि', 'प्रभावकचरित' हेमचन्द्रकृत 'महावीरचन्ति', विनयचन्द्रकृत 'पार्श्वनाथचरित', 'रौहिणेयचरित', 'समरादित्यकथासंक्षेप', 'सिंहासनद्वात्रिंशिका', 'उत्तमकुमारचरित' । जैन संस्कृतनी केटलीक विशिष्टताओ अने लक्षणो पांच वर्ग नीचे तेमणे गाठवीने मूल्यां छे । ते पांच वर्गो आ प्रमाणे छे : (१) गुजराती वगेरे स्थानिक बोलीओनो प्रभाव दर्शावता प्रयोगो । (२) प्राकृत शब्दसामग्री अने व्याकरणप्रयोगोनो स्वीकार अने तेमनु संस्कृतीकरण । (३) शुद्ध संस्कृत शब्दोनो ण क्वचित अतिसंस्कार (४) संस्कृत व्याकरणसाहित्य अने कोशसाहित्यमांथी सीधी ज केटलीक सामग्रीको स्वीकार । Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 243 (५) केटलीक एवी पण सामग्री जोवा मळे छे, जेने माटे प्रशिष्ट भाषामां के ____ स्थानिक बोलीओमां को आधार नथी, जे विशिष्टपणे जैन अंश छे । ब्लूमफिल्डना आ दृष्टिपूर्ण व्यवस्थित लेखथी जैन संस्कृतना शास्त्रीय अभ्यासनी दिशा स्पष्ट थई अने पछीना प्रयासो माटे ते घणो प्रेरक बन्यो । ते पूर्ने पण 'उपमितिभवप्रपञ्चाकथा'ना संपादनमां पिटर्सन अने याकोबीए विशिष्ट संस्कृत शब्दो अने प्रयोगोनी एक यादी भूमिकामां आपेली । पूर्णभद्रकृत ‘पंचाख्यानक'ना तेमना संपादनमा हेर्टले, 'जैन गुर्जरकविओ'नी भूमिकामां मो. द. देशाईए, हेमचन्द्राचार्यना 'त्रिषष्टिशलाकापुरुषचरित'ना अंग्रेजी भाषान्तरना जुदा जुदा खंडामां हेलन जोन्सने असाधारण के विरल संस्कृत शब्दो अने प्रयोगो तारवीने अर्थ साथे आप्या छ । प्राकृत अने जैन साहित्यना मूर्धन्य विद्वान स्व. आदिनाथ नेमिनाथ उपाध्येए सिंघी जैन ग्रन्थमालामा प्रकाशित हरिषेणकृत 'बृहत्कथाकाश'नी तेमनी भूमिकामां (१९४३) जैन संस्कृत विशेना पूर्ववर्ती अध्ययनानो ख्याल आपीने 'बृहद्कथाकोश'मांथी तारवेला नोंधपात्र प्रयोगानी एक विस्तृत सार्थ यादी रजू करी छे । पण अमुक कतिओ लईने तेमांना अमुक अमुक दृष्टिले नोंधपात्र बधा शब्दा अने प्रयोगानी पद्धतिसरनी यादी अर्थ अने अर्वाचीन समान्तर प्रयोगो सहित रजू करवाना विस्तृत प्रयास भोगीलाल जे. सांडेसरा अने जे. पी ठाकरना Lexicographical Studies in Jain Sanskrit (१९६२)मां थयो । तेमां 'प्रबन्धचिन्तामणि', 'प्रबन्धकोश' अने 'पुरातनप्रबन्धसाग्रह माथी लगभग अढी सेो पृष्ठ भरीने सामग्री आपी छे । अनेक स्थळे मूळमाथी उद्धरणो, समान्तर प्रयोगस्थानो, व्युत्पत्तिनोंध के अर्वाचीन भाषाओमांथो तुलनात्मक सामग्री पण प्रस्तुत करी छ । तेमना अध्ययननो पछीनो खंड पण तेमणे 'जर्नल ओव ध ओरिएन्टल इन्स्टिटयूटचराडा'ना गोविंदलाल भट्ट स्मारक अंक (पृ० ४०६-४५६)मा प्रकाशित को छे। तेमां लगभग एकावन ग्रंथोमांथी सामग्री तारवीने आपी छे. प्रबन्धोनी तथा इतर जैन संस्कृत कथाग्रंथोनी भाषा लेकभाषाना प्रयोगाथी एटली भरचक होय छे के एक न ग्रंथमांथी सेंकडा प्रयोगो तारवीए तो पण घणा प्रयोगो वणनांध्या रही जाय । आ दृष्टिए सांडेसरा अने ठाकरे 'प्रबन्धकोश'मांथी तारवेली सामग्री साथे Jozef Deleuc anar Lexicographical Addenda from Rajasekharasuri's Prabandha Kosa (Indian Lingutstics, Turner Jubilee Volume II. १९५९, पृ० १८०-२१९) । ए लेखमां तारवेली सामग्री सरखावना जेवी छ । जोसेफ डेलेउनो लेख वधु पद्धतिसर, झीणवटवाळे अने Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 244 “सामग्रीना वर्गीकरण परत्वे वधु माहिती आपतो छे । तो गुजराती वगेरे भारतीय भाषाओनो अने जैन साहित्यनी परंपरानो जे लाभ सांडेसरा अने ठाकरना कार्यने मळया छे तेथी डेलेउने वंचित रहेQ पडय छे । उपरांत बन्नेनी पसंदगीनी दृष्टिमां पण सारो एवो फरक छ । बन्ने प्रयासने एकबीजाना पूरक गणवाना रहे छ । शुभशीलगणिकृत 'प्रबन्धपंचशती' (इ. स. १४६५)मांथी अहीं आपेली सामग्री पण निःशेषकथननी दृष्टिए तारववानो प्रयास नथी कर्यो, तेम करवा जतां एक स्वतन्त्र ग्रन्थ ज तैयार करवो पडे । अही नमूना रूपे ज केटलाक शब्दो अने प्रयोगो आप्या छे । आमां केटलाक प्रयोगा सीधा कशा फेरफार विना गूजरातीमाथी संस्कृतमां लई लीधेला छे, तो बीजा केटलाक स्पष्टपणे तत्कालीन गुजराती शब्दो अने प्रयोगोने संस्कृतरूप आपीने घडी काढेला छ । संस्कृतमाथी प्राकृतमा आवतां शब्दाना ध्वनिपरिवर्तननां जे व्याक वलणा प्रतीत थाय छे, तेमने यांत्रिकपणे लागू पाडीने प्रचलित गूजराती शब्दनु पूर्वरूप कृत्रिम रीते घडी काढवामां आव्यु छे । तेमां खरेखरा मूळनी कशी चिंता नथी करी, तेम संस्कृत अने गूजराती विभक्तिसम्बन्धो वञ्चेना भेदने अने बदलायेली अर्थछायाओ अने रूढिप्रयोगोने पण अवगण्यां छे. आ दृष्टिए ख्याल आवा माटे 'प्रबन्धपंचशती'मांथी विशिष्ट शब्दानी यादी आपवा: साथे अहीं केटलाक गुजरातीमूलक रूढिप्रयोगा (तेम ज काईक अन्य विशिष्ट प्रयोग) नोंध्या छ । - आमां मुस्लिम राजवीओ साथेना प्रसंगानी वातमां फारसी शब्दाना प्रयोगो छ। जेम के- 'कलन्दर', 'कागद', 'खरशान', 'गाहरि', 'बीबी', 'भूत', 'मसीत', 'मीर', 'मुद्गल', 'मुलाण', 'मुशलमान', 'सुरत्राण', 'हज', 'हरीमज', इत्यादि । 'प्रबन्धपंचशती'मां आपणने एवा अनेक शन्द मळे छे, जेमनो अर्थ अस्पष्ट के अज्ञात रहे छे । आनां विविध कारणो छ । संस्कृतीकरणने लीधे पायानु गुजराती रूप कळवं मुश्केल बने; तत्कालीन गूजराती शब्द अत्यारे वपराशमाथी लुप्त थयो होय के बोलीओमा ज प्रचलित होय; प्रयोग पूर्वना प्रबन्धोनी भाषामांथी लीधी होय पण 'पछीनी लोकभाषामां ते अप्रचलित होय; लहियाओनी भूलथी मूळ शब्दरूप विकृत थईने जळवाई रह्य होय वगेरे । 'प्रबन्धपंचशती'माथी मने जेमनो अर्थ बेठो नथी तेवा शन्दानी एक यादी बुदी तारवीने आपी छे । व्युत्पत्ति के अर्थचर्चानी दृष्टिए को विस्तार कयों नथी । · मुनि जिनविजयजी संपादित 'उक्तिव्यक्तिप्रकरण' के 'औक्तिकसंग्रह'मां आपेली यादीओमां गुजराती-राजस्थानी शब्दा अने प्रयोगानुं जे विशाळ पाया र संस्कृतीकरण थयु होवानुं जोवा मळे छे ते उपरथी कही शकाय के आ जातनी भाषा अने शैलीनी Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 245 घणी लांबी परंपरा हती अने वर्णन माटे जेम वर्णकामांथी, तेम भाषा माटे औक्ति कामांथी केटलीक तैयार सामग्री मळी रहेती. अने 'प्रबन्धपंचशती ने तो, जेम वस्तुनी बावतमां तेम भाषानी वामतमां पुरोगामी प्रबन्धसाहित्यमांथी सारो एवो लाभ मळेला छे । अनेक प्रयोगा आगला साहित्यमांथी पण तुलना माटे टांकी शकाय तेम छ । जैन सांस्कृत प्रबन्धी अने कथाग्रंथा तथा. टीका थोना संस्कृतनु सर्वांगीण अने व्यवस्थित अध्ययन एक बृहत् प्रयास मागी ले छे । तेमां कोश अने व्याकरण ए बन्ने पासांओनो समावेश यवो जरूरी छे । कोशमां नवा शब्दा अने नवा अर्थो नोंधाय अने व्याकरणमा उच्चारण, जोडणी, समास, शब्दसाधक प्रत्ययो नोमिक अने आख्यातिक विभक्तिप्रयोगो, वाक्यरचना, रूढिप्रयोगो अने विशिष्ट कहेवतोनी नोंध भाय । आमां सातमी-आठमी सदीथी लईने सेोळमी-सत्तरमीं सदी सुधीना साहित्यमाथी काळक्रम अने पायानी बोलीओना भेदने लक्षमा राखीने सामग्रीसंचय थवो जोईए । गमे तेम पण प्राकृतकेअपभ्रशना अने विशेषे तो प्राचीन अने मध्यकालीन गूजराती-राजस्थानी (अने हिन्दी)ना अभ्यास माटे प्रबन्धोमां अने कथाग्रन्थोमां, वृत्तिग्रंथो अने औक्तिकामां अटळक सामग्री भरी पडी छे अने ए दृष्टिए ते साहित्य अमूल्य खजाना जेवु छे । - उपरांत मध्यकालीन लोककथाना अध्ययननी दृष्टिए पण आ प्रबन्धोमांथी घणी सामग्री प्राप्त थाय छे । पंचतंत्रादि लोकप्रिय कथाग्रन्थोमांथी घणी कथाओ 'प्रबन्धपंचयती'मां लीधेली छे । अन्य लोकप्रचलित के जैन परंपरामा प्रचलित कथाओ पण थोडाक फेरफार साथे अहीं स्थान पामी छे । कथाघटकानी परंपरानी तपास करनार माटे प्रबन्धसाहित्य जोवु पण अनिवार्य गणाय । आम जैन रंपरानी दृष्टिए तथा इतिहास अने दन्तकथानी दृष्टिए 'प्रबन्धपंचशती'नुं महत्त्व हावा उपरांत, गूजराती भाषा अने लोककथाओना अध्ययननी दृष्टिए पण तेनु घणु महत्त्व छे । ___ जेमनो उपर निर्देश को ते (१) शब्दसूचि, (२) संदिग्ध अर्थवाळा शन्दो. अने (३) केटलाक नांवपात्र प्रयोगो नीचे आप्यां छे : Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 246 अग्रे २-१७, १८, ३-२, ४-९ आगळ - अगरक्षिका २५७-१, २ अंगरखी, एक प्रकारनु बखतर अङ्गीष्टक ६-१६, १७ अंगीठं, तापणुं • अह १६६-३१ हाट (?) अडागर पत्र ३७-१० अहागर पान (नागरवेलीनु) अणक्षक १५२-२ सरखावो गुज० 'अणख'. अणक्ख = 'अदेखाई' एना उपरथी बनावेलुं व्यक्तिनाम _ (जुओ १५२-१०मां अणक्ख) अधकल्ये ५५-५ आजकाल अनस्ति (स्त्री०) ३१४-२९ अणाथ, अछत, अभाव, खोट अंधल २४-१३ आंधळो (प्रा. अंधल) अपभ्राजना ३३-१६ अवहेलना अपलप् ७७ - १८, २५ ओळव अपवरक १३७-१७, ३४८-१० ओरडो अबोटिकाः २७२-१ अबोटिया अमत्र ८७-३० प्यालो अयोगोबरह ३४७-१ (१) अररि २९८-८ बारणानुं पाटियु, फळी अलवडी महिषी २०४-११ अलवाई; एक-बे मासना बचा वाळी भेस अवटु २७३ -२४ ओड अवरक २५४-२२ ओरडा अवहीलना १००-८, ९ अपहेलना अवाह २४२-२९ हवाडो, आवाह अहिफीण २४५-१४ अफीण आ+कार ४-२७ बोलाव आभछिटी (?)२३५-१० आभडछेट आयाति १०३-४ आवडे छे आलम् कूटम् आलम्)३३-१५,२१ (कूड) आळ इङ्गि टकम् २८-१६ अंगीठं, तापणु इलिका १७ ५ ईयळ इष्टिका ३-९ ईट उकेशज्ञाति ४-१६ उपकेशशाति, पारवाद शाति उच्चाट ३०-१६, २०६-३५, २२९-२१ उचाट उच्चः -२५३-१० ऊंचु कर, उच्छ्वसित ५-२ अंदरथी हवा नीकळी (?) उच्छालू २-१२ उछाळवु उज्जागरित ३२१-१३ जाग्यु उज्वालित ४८-१८ उजाळी, घसीने उजळी करी उड्डाह ३४-४,२५०-२८, २७२ १५ निंदा (प्रा.) उत्करटक ११०-१९, १२५-८ उकरडे। Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ · उत्खिल २४८–४, २१०-१६ उखेळ -उत्तर १-१९, ३-२८, ५-२३ ऊतरकुं उत्तारक ५४-२४ उतारेरा उत्पाद ४६-२७, ९५-११, २००-८ उपाड उत्पत् २-२८ ऊपडवु उत्सूर १४-२२, ७५-२८, १२९-९ २१४-२६, २३०-१३ माडु, असूरू उद्गर १०१-२४ ऊगरवु उद्दालू ३४०-३ आंचकी लेवु उद्धार २४३-७ उधार उद्राणक ६९-५ (' अड्डाक ने बद उद्द्वलिता २,६ - २० ऊगरी ( सरखावो हिं० उबरी, सं० उद्+वृ० प्रा० उव 2 - उद्वस ३२-५ उज्जड उन्दिर ३०५-२३, २४ अंदर - उपलक्षू ३०-२२, २६३ - ९ ओळखवं उपवरक २१५-१० ओरहे। उल्लोचन ३४८-२७ उल्लोच, चंदरवो, छत ऊर्ध्वस्थितः १० - ३ ऊभा ऊभा ओलगा २३४-२४ चाकरी कच्च ११ - २४ काचुं 247 कच्चोल १४७-१० कोळु कच्चोलक २९१-२५ 13 कछडक २१२-२४ काछडो " कच्छडक २५६-१० कणबीर २५३ - १० कणेर, करेण कण्ठ ३०९ - १३, ३३०-१२ कांठो कण्डक २४३ - १, ३, ५ तावीज, मादळियु (प्रा० कंडय ) कपिशीर्ष ९६ - २ कणसलु कपिशीर्ष ३१२-२७ कांगरो, कोशीशुं कम्बा २५३ - १० कांब, कामडी, सोटी करणवार, करणवारकारक २१३-७, २१६-३, न्याय, न्यायाधीश कर्कर २ - २१ कांकरो कर्त् १४४ - २, २०८-३० कांत वु कर्नाटक २४१- ३, ४ देवळना चतर काम (?) कर्ष् २५-३, ९४-१७,१६८-२१, १८९-१०, २३२-७ काढवुं लंबर ३४६-२९-३० फकीर (अरबी) कल्ये ४-९,१७०-२३ आवती कल्हरी ८४-१२,१७९-१८कालरी, घासनी गंजी काका ५५-४, १०१-३०, १९२ -१९ काका कागद २७-६, ९, १९४-२, ३१२ -७ कागळ (फारसी) काछिक १२९-१७ काछियो काणक १२९-१७ काणा कापोती १३६-१६ कावड कामुक कार्मुक १) १६० - २८, १६१ -१ काम करनार नोकर Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 248 कापटिक ३८-२६ रखडतो मिक्षुक, कापडी कार्मण ७८-२, ३१५-२ कामण कार्वाटिक १९६-६, १०, १२ कबाडी, कठियारो कावडि १३६-१२, १५ कावड कावडिका १६-४ " काहलिक ६८-३ (१) कांबिक १०७-६ (?) कांसाराः १९०-१ कंसारा (सं. कांस्यकार, प्रा. कसार) कांस्यताल ५२-२१ कंसाल, कांसाजोड किरतार ३४७-३ करतार, सृष्टिकर्ता कुकुमपत्रिका १९१.१७ कंकात्री कुतर १२-८ कूडलु कुद्दाली २३६-१५ कादाळी कुरुकुल्ला ४५-२६ ए नामनी एक देवी कुहाडिका २३६-१५ कहाडी कुर्कुट ११-११ कडो कुविन्द १३७.५, ७, ८ साळवी कुहेडा ५४-३० कोयडा कूट ४-९, १०६-१२, २४६-२, ३२३-११ कू डु, खोटु कूप १९२-२ (तेलना) कूपा, कूडलु कपिका ३५-५ कूपी पिक १४-२२ कूडलुऊचकनार(?) कूपबाहक ३७-१९ कूवामांथी पाणी काढी खेती करनार (१) केलय् ५४-३२ केळवयु कोकिल २९८-५, ६ एक कोळीनु विशेष नाम (कोळीनी एक जात) कोत्थलक २७८-८ कोथळेो कोथल २०८-२९, २०९-१ कोथळेो कोरउट्टिका (१) कुट्टिका ?) (सूत्र कोर. उट्टिका ३१०-१५) कोकडी (सूतरनी कोकडी) कारकवस्त्र ३१६-१८ कोर कपड़े कारणिकार २४०-१८ कारणी ___ कारवावाळो काल २५-२ कोळ, जबरा ऊदर कोलिक ५६-१५ वणकर कोष्ठिका २०६-१४ कोठी कौटुंबिक ३०-५, १६६-२१ कणवी कौसुभिका २३६-१२ कसुबी वस्त्रना टुकडो (2) (बळदने शींगडे बांधवाना) क्रम १७१-८ पगलु क्रमेलक २२८-२८ ३२९-४ ऊंट क्रयाणक ९६-१३ वेचवामी वस्तु क्षारा १२-६ खारी क्षिप्रचट २:८-२७ खीचडो क्षिप्रचटिका ३०-१० खीचड़ी क्षीरपूपिका १६६-३ दूधनी पूरी (?). खग ८२-२५, २७ विद्याधर खज्ज ९८-१७ खजवाळवू खटिका २५१-६ खडी खड़ खड़ शब्द ९४-२ खडखडाट खड़ी १२९-१ खडी Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 249 खनिः ३५-११ खाण खरण्ट् ३९-१३, १०७-९ खरडवू खरशाण ४०-२८ खरशान ४०-२७, २७ खुरासान (फारसी) न खरसाणी वणिक् ४-१६,२२,२३(१) खलखलम् ८३-२२ खळखळ अवाब साथे खलि ३९-१३ खळ खा- ७०-३,६ खावु (सं०खाद्, प्रा. खाए) खातिका ३४९-१८ खोइ खाल (पु.) २८३-२२ खाळ (नगरखाल ५.२३,२४ नगरनी खाळ) खासरक ३१६-२२ खासडु खिङ्ग ५०-२७ विट, भडवो खिराहिंलिक (थिराहलिक) २७१-२५ कोलसा (? खिलिका २०२-६ खोली खुकारक २९८-१० खोखारो खुण्टक ८५-० लबाड (१) (नट,विट अने खुटक एवा संदर्भमां) खेद ३०-५, ९१-७, २०-६७ ___ खेडवु (खेतर), हांकवु (गाई) खेल् २५४-२२ खेल, रमवू गजवेली ५५-१० गजवेल गडरिका ७३-१३ गाडर गदीयानक १३०-१९, १६१-६ गदियाणा गलटुम्पक १६१-१७ गळाटूपा गलश्री २०४-१७, १८ गलामा पहेरवानी सेर के माळा गल्ल ३४१-७ गाल गाञ्छिक ९-८,९ गांछो, वांसफेोडा गाञ्छिका १७-२७ गांधण गादह २०४, १०-१५ गधेडो (सं. गर्दभ, प्रा. गद्दह) गिरिनार ४-५गिरनार (सं.गिरिनगर) गुञ्छनक ३१४-१२ गू छळु गुप्तिगृह २७-२२ कारागृह (सरजू० गुज० गोतिहर) गुफा १.५-२२ गुफा गूडर ४९-१ तंबू (उपजावेलु संस्कृत ___ 'गुरूदर' पण अन्यत्र मळे छे) गृहली १८२-९, ३५१-४; गू हलका १८४-१७, ३५१-३० गहुंळी. सुशोभन माटे फूल, लिंपण वगेरेथी पाडेली भात, रंगोळी गृहोलिक ३१७-२१, २४ गृहोलिका १४१-१४, १५, गरोली १४७-११,१७७-१०॥ गोमाणि २०६-१३, ३२) गमाण गोमाणिका २०६-१५ प्रमाण गोलानदी १८५-१० गोदावरी नदी (प्रा. गोला) गोहरि ३४७-५ घोर, कबर (फारसी) गोरव १७०-२३. भोजन वगेरेथी करातु स्वागत, गोरव अथिल २१-१७, ५४-३, ७७-२५, २०९-२ घेखें प्रन्थि ५७-१२ गांठडी, पैसानी गांठडी. ग्रहणके मुक्तम् ३९-२७, ४०-८. घराणे मूक्यु . . Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मास ६२-२४ गरास मैथिल्यं ७८-१ घेला पणु षट् ८८-१३ घडवु घटन २४१-४ घडवु ते पटक २४१-५ घडनार घन २८ - २२ घणुं घरटिका २१४ - २७ घंटी घर्घर २०६ - ११ घूघरो घसमसाट ८९-४ घसमसाट चाञ्चिक १३९- १६, १९२-३ घांची घाञ्चिका ९६-२९, ९७-४, १६९-४ घांचण घाणिका १३९-१७ घाणी घघणी २५६ - १० ए नामनो एक छंद घृतवर १६६-३ घेवर घोटक ५३-८ घोडा घोटिका १९७ - १३, १४, १७०-९ घोडी 'घोलवटक १४१ - २१ एक प्रकारनां वडां चद ६-१० चडवु चतिः ४४-२९ हाथे चड्यो, आव्यो चट उत्तर १६३-२ चड (अने) ऊतर (आज्ञार्थ) चटक चटिका चटी १५९-१३ चकली हाथ 250 ३३०-२२, २३ चकलो, चकली -चटक २१८-५ चटका चटुक ३२२-८ चट्ट ३२१-६, २२ चट्टक ३२२-२१ चणिचणिका ३४६-८ चणचणाट चाटवो चतुरिका २७८-८ चोरी (लग्ननी) चन्दिका ८१-८, ३२४- १, २, ५, चन्द्रिका ३३८-१९. २१-२३ चाँदी माथामां के शरीरे पडतु चांदु चन्द्रोदय ३४८ - २३ चंदरवा, वितान चमत्-क्र- २-२९, २१ चमत्कार पामवो. चोंक वु चम्पू २७-१५, १०२-४ चांप चर्भटिक ३१-१५ चर्भट भ ६१. ५ चवल २०६, १५ चोळा चाखडिका ३९ - २६, ४०-४ चांखडी चाडिका १०२-१७ चाडी चारि ७६-१२, १३०-५,२०८१३ चार (ढोरनी) चालनी ३४-५, चालिनी २२०-९ चाळणी चिक्कचिक्काय् २६२-२ चचकवु चिक्खिल्ल २८३- २३ कीचड, चीखल चित्रकर २०-२१, २२ चितारो ( सर• हिन्दी 'चितेरा ) चिर्भट ६१-५, ३२३ - ९ बुओ 'चर्मटिक' चुकिता १६१-१९ चूकी चुकडा २३३-४, ५, ६ चाकळण बे मोढा वाळो आंधळा सर्प चुट्टक १४१-२४ चोट, मुका बडे प्रहार (3) चुनि ८२-१६, ३३१-२७ चण चुण्ट् १५२ - ६ चं बु : Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 251 चुलक ३२-२५ । चूलो र चुल्हक ९२-६. चरिम ३२१-५, १७ चूरमु • चेलक ४-२, ५२७१-२१ चेलो. चेल्लक-पल्लु (तुलाचेल्लक १२२-१७ प्राजवानु पल्लु) चोक्ष १६५-२१ चोक्खु चोपड् १४२-१ चोपडवु चैत्रयडि ३२०, १२-१४-१५ मूरख, गमार आण १५८-१२, २११-२४ छाण; १६९-३ छाणु छत्रिका २२८-१४ छत्री छन्नम् ६-२०, १२-३, १६९-३, २०७-१, ३२१-१४छा- छगनुं छड्या ६२-७,२९०-२, ३२८-२ छाव भर १४५-९ राख भरपुल १.१,१३-१४ राखनो ढंगलो छिका ११४-२ - छिङ्का ६७-१५] । छिम्पिका ४९, २१-२३ छीपण . (कपडा पर छापकाम करनारी स्त्री) छुट् २७-११, २९-१४,१६६-२३ नडिन २०२-७ जडेलु जन्मपत्री २७४-२९ जनमोतरी चम्पाण ९६-२७ ठांठडी बालि ३५-२५ पीलुडोनु जाळु जिम् २-१, ३-१२, २०६-१० . जमवु नी-जी कृ- १०२-५ ‘जी जी' करणे बुहार १०२-१९ जुहार वंदन जेमन २०४-१७ जमवु ते जेमनवार ११६-२९ जमणवार मोत्कार २०६, ६-१८ नमस्कार, जय जय बोत्कार कृ ३-२२ नमस्कार करवा ज्योतिष्कक १७१-३०, १७२-१ जोशी झगझगाय १५८-९ झगमगवु सगटक ४-२१ झगडा शम्पा १२९-२५ कूदको शर ३-२६ झरवु झल १७१-२४ जळयु, दाह थवो मुर २.२-९ झूरखं झोलिका १४-७ झोळी टक्कक ४, ६-११ सिको (सरखावो गुन'टको', बं. 'गका',. टंकशाला) टालि १०७, २-३-८ टाल टीर ३६-२९ तीर (देश्य 'तेड') टुम्बक १६१-१७ (गळा)टूपो - अतरक | छोतरु, (आम्रछात्तरकं ... १७१-२३ केरीनु छोतरु) छोति ५५-३७ छूताछूत, आभडछेट जहं वस्त्रं ३१६-२०-२२, जाडु Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 252 टोकरक-टोपलो (हिन्दी टोकरा') (वंशटोकरक १३८-२४ वांसनो टोपलो) टोडर ४५-२५, ३५०-२३ तोडो टोप २५७, १-२ एक प्रकारनु शिरस्त्राण, टोप टोपिका २, १२-१४ टोपी टोहन ११०-१ टोवुते, पक्षीओने टोयो करीने उडाडवा ठीकरी २३०-२२ ठीकरी ठुण्ठक-ठूठु (वृक्षठुण्ठक ७०-१० - झाडनु ठूछ) डाकिन २०६-२२ डाकणो दल १४५, १९-२. ढळQ ढालू ७७-१२ ढाळवु दालन १५८-८, २३६-११ढाळवू ते ढंकन ४-८ ढांकते ढंकनिका ३५०-४ ढांकणी ढीली २-२२ दिल्ली ढेद २५-२६, १०९,२८-२९, १६५-१९, २५०-२८ वेद डोलू १०१-१ ढोळवु तटी २८-१ तोफानी नदी, दुस्तटी, तडफडायमान २७१-४ तडफडतु तनुगमनिका २३३-२९ जमीन पर वहेता वरसादना पाणींना नाना प्रवाह तप्ति २९९-२ चिंता, पंचात (प्रा. तत्ति, जू. गुज. ताति) तमलंगक (१) | 'तमग' के 'तवंग लंगक (१) नामनेो किल्लानो बूरज जेवो भाग (१) तम्बोल २९-२३ त बोल (सं. साम्बा) तर्णक ३६-१७ बाछडो तलहट्टिका १९०-२ तळेटी तलिकातोरणबन्धन २००-१७ तलियां तोरण बांधवां = ते । ताजनक ३.६-४ ताजणो, चाबुक तुजटिका ११२-८ तगोटी (नानो तंत्र) तुरी २२४-४ वणकरनु वणवानु एक साधन (देश्य 'थरी', 'तूरी') तुलछी ११६, ८-९-१३-१५-१६ तुलसी पु १३०-१९ कलाई पुसी १०७-४ काकडी दण्डक २१०-२७केडो, मार्ग, पगदंडो दवरक १६२-१४, २९५-४ दोरो दवरिका ९६-२ दोरी दारिद्रत्व १८६-३१दळदर, दळदरीपणु दीनार ३-२१ एक सिक्का दीपवर्तिक ८८-७ दीवेटियो दुर्गा १७२, १४-१६, २००-२५, ३१२-३ समळी देवगृह २-२८ दहेरूं द्रह ७०-२६ घरो (सं. ह्रद) घटी ३१२-१६ घडी, वजन एक माप घाटी ७३-२३, ८३-३ धाड धीरा ६७-१०, २१३-१८ धीर (स्त्री.), धीरज धुरि ४४-२६, १६५-२६ साथी आगळ, सौथी पहेलां (सर. गुज.. घरथी) धूलिधावक २३९-७ धूळधोयो धोरणी १००-१० सतत धारा Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ -मौतक ११२-२२ १ घौतिक १७, १५-१६, ११९-४, ३४६ - १ धोतियु ध्रुबक २९८-१५ धूनको, धुबाको नक्र १५२-८ नाक नवाकारेण १०-१४ नवडाना आकारे नाटक ५३-२४ नृत्य नाणावटी १९१, ९-१० नाणावटी नात्रक २२ - ७,१३४-७, १३५-१४ नातरु, सगाई - सम्बन्ध निन्दन ३० -५ नींदण करवी ते (सं. निर + दो ) निर्धाद ७० -२ काढी मूकवुं निःश्रेणी २४६-८ नीसरणी निःसरणी २४६-९ नौवित्त २४३, १७- २९ वहाणवटी पक्वान्न ८-११ पकवान, मिष्टान्न पटकुटी ४९- १ तं बु " पट ३४-६ पडा, घोषणा करवाना ढोल पट्टकः ५३-२२, १६७-२३ पाटा पट्टकूल ३५-१४, ५५-२१ पटाळु पट्टयल्ल २१६-५ पटेल पण २४६-४ पण, प्रतिज्ञा पतद्ग्रह २-१ पात्र, वासण परिणेतृ २०० -५ परणेतर परिधापू ४ - २४ पहेरामणी करवी परिवारित २१ - २७ परबावु • पाखण्डी ३३-१४ पाखण्डी, ढोंगी, धर्मथी छेतरना 253 पानी यहारिका २- १७, १६८, १०१२, पानीयहारी २१०, २६-२७ पाणियारी, पनीहारी पापर्धि २९ - २०, २१९-८ शिकार पार्श्वे १-१२, ३-१८, ४, ११-१९ पासे एकस्मिन् पार्श्व २-२४ एक बाजु पालनक १६९-१५ पारणु ( बाळकने सुवाडवानु ) पित्तल १५८, ४-६ पीतळ पिष्पल, १६६, ७-८-९ पीपळा पीठक १९२-२ पीठु पूबारक ३४६-२० पुजारा पूलक १४७-१८, २९९-५ पूळो पृष्टि ८६ - ५, १००-१४, २१५१६ पीठ पृष्ठि ४२-२, पृष्ठवाह ९३-८ बळद पेटा ८४, २३-२४, १३४-९ पेटी पेटिका ५५-१९ पेटी पोतिका ३३९-२० पोतडी पोसि पासि ९१ ७-१३ गाडु हांकवानो शब्द (सर. पोइस पाइस . ) पालव ७८-५ पाल पोटलिक १४-२२ पाटल उपाडनारा, पोटलियो पोट्टलक ३४३-९ पोटल पौषधशाला १८४-२४ पोशाळ (उपाश्रय) Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ :- 254 प्रगे ४७-६ वहेली सवारे, पहो। - फाटतां (जू० गुज• 'प्रहि') प्रति (स्त्री.) १९३, २५-२६, २.३, ... २१ हस्तलिखित प्रत प्रतिकार ५५-१० पडियार, म्यान । प्रमाडि-भूप ५५ १६-२० परमर्दी राजा प्रस्तर ५-२४, ३४०-२. पथरो प्राघूणक ३२२-८ पराणो, अतिथि प्रातिवेश्मिक १२९-१० पाडोशी प्राध्वरमार्ग २१४-१३ पाधरो रस्ता फालक-आंटी (सूत्रफालक २००-१८ सूतरनी आंटी) (सर गुज. 'फाळको') फुल्लक २६, १९-२०-२३-२४ फूलु फेकार ६१-१० फुफवाटो फेर २५३-१० फेरवद् बजेरिका १०९-२८ बाजरी बजेरी १०९-२९, ११०-१ बाजरी बाउलक ५३, १४-३० बावळ बांठ १८६-३ बांठियो, वामन बाहिरलो ११४ ३०-३१ बहारनो बाहयाली २४७-२० घोडाने खेलाष वाना मार्ग (जू० गुज. 'वाहयाली.' 'वाहियाली' पण मळे छे) बिलाडिका १३९ १८-१९ बिलाडी बीटक ४८, २६-२७-२९ (पाननु) बोत्कट १४७, १८-१९-२०-२१ वोकडो अण्ट २७१-३ ठूलु, ठोड ब्रड् २८८-१९ बूडवू . .. भट्ट ५०-२७, १६६-२१ भाट भड्६८-२६ भडवु, युदमां एक बीजा साथे भवु भण् २५.२०, २०३-१८ भणवु भण्डन ६८-२२ भांडण, युद्ध (प्राकृत), भरटक १७८, २५-२७, २५९-४, ३५१-२१, भरडक १७८-२६ . भरडा (शैव साधु के पुजारी माटे कुत्सावाचक सझा) भलायित २६४-३ भळान्यु भत्रकघर २३४-१५ मिस्ती भस्त्रिका ८३, १०-१३ घमण भाण्डागार = ग्रंथभंडार भाभी २०८-४ भाभी भाम्मिक १६५-१८ २७ 'दोली' एटले के 'ढेढ', 'चांडाल' (सं. भम्भा). भारपट्ट २७९-३, ३५१-३. भारवटियो, पाटडा. भारिका ३१४-२५ भारी भिल्लघाटी ८९-२१ लुटारु भीलोनु धाडु भूतः २-२५ बुत, मूर्ति (फारसी) भूतस्थानक २-२७ देवस्थान भ्रातृज १०२-१९ भत्रीजो . मञ्चिका ८३-५ मांची मञ्जरी ३०६ १५-१६ (कुकडानी), मांजर बीडु बीबी १८२-१३ बीबी (फारसी) बुस २७४-२० भूसु, फोतरां बेडी २३३-३० होडी Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 255 मत्स्यबन्ध १०९, २-४ माछी मठवा मनिका १६५-२२ मठवासिनी । थवु' एवा अर्थमां) मठवासिका १६५-२८ , मिष्ट २३९-१३ मीठु मठी २६७-१५ मढी मीणाकाराः १८९-३१ मीनाकारी मद २१२-११ मढवु करनारा मदि २५१-१० मढी मीर १४३-१५ सरदार (फारसी) मढी ७१, १६-१७ ( मठिका) मुकुटवर्धननृपाः २७९-७ मोडबंधा मण्ड् ३ -२ ६-८ मांडवु, गोठववु मत्त २११, १२-१३ मातो ____राजा (जू. गुज. 'मउडाधा') मुक्त ४२-११ मूकेलु मत्स्यबन्धक ३३०-७ । ना मुत्कल ५-१०, ८२-२७ मदन ६, ९-११-१२-१३, १७६ १६३-१४, २१८-२१ -१५ मीण (प्रा. मयण, सं.म्रदन) ०मध्ये ३-१९, ६-२० ०मां मोकळु, छूट मन्द १०२-१४ मांदो, रुग्ण मुद्गल ४०-२७ मोगल (तुर्की) मर्कोटक ३१८-२५ मकोडो मुलाण १२,१७-१८-२०, ३४६-१५ मसीत २-२३, ३४६-२८ मशीद मुलाणक | ३४७-६ २.१२मुल्ला(अरबी) मसीतिका २, २३-२४ (अरबी) मुशलमान ३४७-३ मुसलमान(फारसी) महानुभाग ११-१३ महानुभाव मुष्टि ५५, ८-३० मूठ माछिक ३०५, १३-१६ माछी मात्रिका २०३-२८ वर्णमाला, मातृका मूटक ४५-९ मूढक ६,३१-३३मात्सिक १४०-६, ३०४, १९-२० ५४, १९०-२३ मूडो, सो मण माछी मान् १३२-१ मानता राखवी। मृष्टा ३-१४ मीठी मानक ३.१-४, ८५-१२,२९८.२८ मेल ११३-६ मेळ माणु मोचिक १६६, १४-३० मोची माम, मामक २०६-६ मामो मोट १५२-८ मरोडवु(हिं. मोडना) ... माग् १७-१७ मागवु मालक ३२७-३०,३३०-२३ माळो मोटिम १५२-२ मोटाइ, मोटम मालिक ६६, १२-१३ माळी युगन्धरी २८-३०, २९-१,३१८-१९ मालिका ६६-१२-१३ माळण बुवार माहिलओ ११४-३० महिला,अंदरना युगान्धरी २००-२५ धूसरी मिल १२-६ (ने मळवु ('प्राप्त ___ र ३-१२०, ४१-३ राखबु Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ रक्षपाल २२३-३ रखवाळ रक्षा १०७, १२-१३ राख रहू ४२-२३, १३४-१६ रडवु' रन्धनी १२- ३ रांधनारी, रांधण रवारिक ९२ - १२ रबारी, ऊंटनी रखवाळ १४५, १७-१८ २७१, २१-२२राब रलू १५१-२६, २१२-९ रळवु, कमावुं रसवती ८-१२, १६६-४-५-१८१९ रसेाई राउल ५४-२९ राजकुल, राजदरबार राजपाटिका ७१-२४, २८०-८ राजा फरवा नीकळे ते, रयवाडी राटि ३२४-२० राड, बूम राटि २९८, २३-२८ झगडो, कलह राणिमा २३४ - २६ राजत्व, राजपद राव ८५-३० राव रिव् १६९-१५ खवु रिन्छ २३, १- - 3 रींछ (सं. ऋक्ष) रुत ७४-२८, २०८, २९-३० २०९-१, २४३-२७,२७८-८ कपास शक्य २४३-६ रेराकडु शक्यद्रव्य ७२-२६ रे/कडु द्रव्य, रेराकड लक्ष्मी ४, ११-१५ घन लगू ३४४-२३, ३४८, २३-२६ आग लागवी, सळगवु लग्न ३४८, २३-२६ आग लागी, सळयुं लगावू १०७-१२ लगाववु लघुनीति २०९-७ लघुशंका 256 लपनश्री १८६-१७ लप्पनश्री २०६, १४- २०-२२ लहन २४६-८ लेणु लहनक १२९-२६, १६९-२५ लहेषु लिप्सयू २८३ - २३ लपसवुं लिम्ब ६-१३ लीमडो (सं. निम्ब ) लिलासुः ५०-५ लेवानी इच्छावाळा ('ला' = 'लेवु'नुं इच्छादश क वि०) लुट् १३३-३ लूटयु लूब् १६४-५ लूछवु लेऊआ कौटुम्बिका: लेउआ कणबी लेखशाला ६६ ५ निशाळ लेखशालिक ६५-५ निशाळियो लाइक ४४-२८ लाटो लामातक ३३६, १-६-८ लोमडो, लकडीने नर लौहडिक १६४-१५ लोढाना सिक्का (?); ओछामां ओछी किम्मता सिक्का १९०-१ लापशी वउणि ४-७ वण (देश्य 'ववणी' = कपास; दे० ना० ६-८२, ७-३२) वणन ९६ - २ वणवु ते वधूटी ३४-११, २०६-२६ पुत्रवधू वनक १२०-१३ वणकर वनकपुष्प ७४-२७ वणनुं फूल वन्ताल ३४६ २९ वंटे।ळियो वत् ७-३०-८८-३, १६४ १२ १२ वाटवु वत्मभंग २४३-२३ वाट (मार्ग) पाडवी ते वर्धयू ३–१९,३-२६, ४-६ बघावषु ते, (दीवा) ओलववो ते Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 257 वर्य २-१३, २ २०, २-२९ सारु, उत्तम. सरस वलू ५-७ पाछु वळवु बल्ल ९७-२७ ल वल्लक ९७-२८ का वस हिका २६९-२२ आश्रय (सं वसति, प्रा. वसहि) वस्करिका ५, २२-२३-२४ वखर (सं. उपस्कर) वहिका ५४, २-७, २४३-५, २८१-५० वही वाटक २२०, ११, १३ वाडो बाटी १०७, ४, ५ वाडी, बगीचा वारक ८-१२ वारो वारके ५४-२९ वारीमां, वखतमां वाधं ७०-९ वाधर वालीनाह ३५१ ६-७ एक व्यंतर वासनिका १४-७, २३-४,९८ ९-१०-११-१२, १६९-२२, १९६-१८, २३० १५-१७, ३२६-१. बांसळी(पैसा राखवानी) वाह २८-२६, ९६-१६ १७२-२७, २४४.२० छेतरवु वाहन ७३-२०. वहाण वाहनिका ६१-२५, ६२, २-३ ६-१३-१६ मोजडी जू. गुज. 'वाहणी.' स. उपानहू + इका, प्रा. वाहणाओ) वाहरा ८५-७, २०९-२३ वार, मदद, कुमक विगोग् १२७-१७, २४५-१९, ३२६-२१ वगाव विचट् २१५-३० उखडवु, छुटु ___ थवु (हिं. बिछडना) विचाले ८४-२८, १७७-१ वचाळ अघवच विटाल् १६५-२८ वटाळ करवो, वटलाववु विण्टनक ५५-२१ वींटणु, वेष्टन, वीटेलु वस्त्र विध्याप् ५१-६, ३४८-२६ बुझाव विलक्ष ८५-२९ विलखं, छोभीलु विलगित २१५-४ वळग्यु विशुष्का २००-२१ वसूकी गयेली. विश्वलप्रिय २४५, २४ २६-२७ २९.३१ वीमलप्रिय नामना द्रम्म विस्तर ८४-८ भपको, आटोप (प्राकृत विछडु) विहर ६-२३, १०४-२७,३१४ १०, ३१६, १८-२२ वहार विंशोपक ५.-१ ए नामनो नाना सिक्को (जू गुज.वीसा.सर.अर्वाचीन प्रयोग वीश वसा" "सो वसा") वृद्ध ४ १-३-४-७ वडु, मोटुं (हिं. बढिया) वेलाकूल ५.२१, १४८ ५ __बंदर (तेमांथी गुज वेरावळ) व्यक्त्या १०३-२३ वीगते व्यापार २३८, ७-८ वेपार शकुनिका ४५-२४, ३५०-२२ समडी, समळी शण्ड ५८-१ १४१.२ सांड, सांढ. घण्ढ १ ६-१० (स.पण्ड), शब २९७-४ शब (स. शव.) शाइवल ९४-४, २०७-२६ लोली (सं. शाद्वल) शालापति १३६-२८ साळवी शिक्षयू ३१३, ५-७ शीखवg शिलाकुट्टक १५५-१५ सलाट Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 253 शिलापट्टकः ५१-२२ सलाट गंडक ३१२-१ सूडलो शुण्डलक १३९-१६ सूली शृगालः श्रेष्ठी ४४-१७सगाळया शेष शेर ३०- शेर शोधि १३८ -१५ शुद्धि प्रा सोही) भाद ५-६ श्रद्धालु, जैन श्रावक भादी ३१४-१५ श्राविका श्रीकरी २३.-१३ एक जातनी पाहसी षष्टितन्दुल ११-१५ साठा चोखा षुषद्रम २५।६-२४ गळीरंग्या शियाळनु घरेलु प्रभावक नाम सकालम् ३२ २३ देलं सकाले ४-२२ संकुल २१७-१२ सांकलु सज्जीक -२ . . १२, ३५०-८ माजुकरबु. संडक २.-२९ अंगुठो अने पहेली आंगली सत्क १०८-११ •नु (प्रा. सतिय) सन्दूरिक सर्प ३५० १९-२० सीरियो साप सन्धिः (मी.) ३५.-१ संधि समलिका ८०-२५, ८१, १५. १६-१७ बाजनी मादा, श्वेनिका (सर०-गुन. समळी) समा (स्त्री.) ४-२२ सम, सोगन समेति १०३-३ आवडे छे सम्भाल् १७-२४, २७३-२३ संभाळQ समुखं २-१३, ६-१८ सामुं सरट ६८, १५-२२-२५-२८ सरडा साहा. काकीही सर्वावसर ५५-४ दिवाने भाम सहेलक ३४५, १०-११.१२ शेळो साकेतनपुर ४७-१ गतपुर सातूआ १८५-१६ साथवा बाधु ४-९ शाहकार मारा ६९-२६, ९२-२२, १०८, २०-२२, १..-८ सार, सारस भाळ, मदद सिंदर १९५, ९-१. सौंदर सिन्हारिकः सर्प४५-२१ सौदूरियो साप सिमिसिमायमान २७१ ४ समसमतुं (अप० सिमिसिम्) सीमाल भूप २५७-११ सीमाडियो राजा, सीमापाल राना सुकुमारिका १०४-८ मुंवाळी सुम्वासन ५४-४ पालखी सुरङ्गा ५३-१६ सुरग सुरत्राण २, ११-१५, ३, १-३ सुलतान (अग्बी सूघरी १५९-१३ सूधरी सूचिक १९२-३ सइ, दरवी सेनवाल १८२-२१, २३६-१२ - एक प्रकारनी पालखी सेतिनका ८५-११ सेतिका, एक माप सेर ८७-२३ शेर सेरिका ६५-११ शेरी सेल्लहस्त ९६-१९ दंडनायक सेस्यहस्त ९६-२१ ५० __ (स० शल्यहस्त, प्रा०-सेल्महत्थ, गुजः-शेलत) सोनी १९१-६ सानी (संसोवर्णिक, प्रा. सावविध) स्कन्धिक ९६-२७ लांषियो स्त्यानघृत २५५-८ बीबी Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 259 स्थगू ४४-५ ढांक स्थगी २६६, २५-२७,२६७, १.७ पानन वाटवा उचकनार सेवक तांबूलवाहक (जू गुज थइयाइत) ('स्थगी' वाटवा'ना अर्थमा होय छे-जेम के तांबूलस्थगीधर'. अहीं एवा सेवक माटे वपराया लागे छे) स्पधक (न )२३,४-६-७,८५-१२ ११४.२६, १६८-१७ २४०, २४-२५ फदियु के बीजो कोई सिको (१) स्फेट १३-८, ८३-४ फेडवु स्वक ३२२-७ सगु हक्क् ५-१४, ६-१४ हाक मारीने, धमकावीने काढवू हज २४३ १७, २८, २९ हन, ___ मकानी जात्रा (अरबी) इडि (हिडि) २०१-२५, २०२, . १-३ हेड, पगमा जडाती लाक डानी एक जातनी बेडी (शृखला) हद् ३२३-८ हगवु हरीमजद्वीप ५-२२ होरमजनो टापु (फारसी) हल्लू मल्लू ३००-१८ हालवू मालबुं हल्ला (स्त्री०) ३००-१७ हळ। हाडि हाडि २०२-१४ हड हड हिण्डू १३८-८ हीडवु, भमवु हिण्डोला-खरवा २१५-९ हीडोळाखाट हृदित १६८-८ हग्यो, मलत्याग कों (स. हदित) (२) संदिग्ध अर्थवाळा शब्दो कपरिक २५२-१८ बेवडु-त्रेवडु छाशना घडो के मोरियो (राज. लपेटेलु पूटु, जेमां छूटक ___ 'चरुडा') कागळ वगेरे रखाय. राजस्थानी छलि ५०-१३='छल्लि', छाल (?) 'कँवली', अतिचार वगेरेमा ते ('छलिछन्नद्रुम इव') ज्ञानोपकरण तरीके गणावेल छे छीत्कारय् २७४-१० अडकावयु, (राजशेखरना 'प्रबन्धकोश'मां स्पर्श कराववो (सर. प्रा. १०, २७-२८मां कपरिका' 'छिक्क' = स्पृष्ट) अने २४, १९-२०, २५-२६, जियाल्लिक (2) २२१-२० (सर्पने २५, १-२मां कपलिका' छे.) मारवा माटेना औषधिप्रयोगना प्रथिं कृ २०५-२५ शोक्य उपर ते नडे नहीं ते माटे नवी पत्नी सब धमां 'जिह्वयाल्लिक' आयनी वात छे) तरफथी गांठ बांधवी (सरखावा टुपरिका २३३-२९ टोपी (१) 'प्रबन्धचिन्तामणि' १०४-२९, (वरसादना जलप्रवाहमां नानो ग्रामहट्टकः १७, २३-२४ गामना बाळक कागळ वगेरेनी जे होडी मुखी (?) तरावे ते माटे 'टुपरिका' प्रवाचुरडक-मोरिया लक-चुरडक २१४-१७ हमा बहेती मूकवानी बात छे.) Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 260 त्राहिक १७७, २०-२१-२४-२५ रोपो (१) मजिष्ठत्राहिकानि=मजीठना रोपा १) दण्डालक ५९, १४-२०-२१ सोनीनी एक जात (2) दशार्धपूजा ३८, ७-८ प्रहार करवा के थूकीने अपमान करवु (?) (अपमान करवा माटे माथा उपर "दशार्धपूजा" कर्यानी वात छे.) निछारक १३७ -२६ निर्गमन-द्वार. राज. नछारे दिया' एटले घरने बारणेरा खेला दीवा.(कुशील स्त्री घरमा 'निछारक मां जतां पण बीए. ज्यारे नदीना खूणाखांचरा पण जाणे एवी वात छे) पतीयानकाः २४०, २३-२५) पतीआनकाः २७२, १-७ । जेमने जमीनमा भाग छे के जमीन के मन्दिर उपर पर परागत भोगवटाना हक छे तेओ (एक स दर्भमां जमीन उपरना हकनी वात छे, बीजामा मदिर उपरना हकनी). पदक २४७-२५ (?) लोकडीने 'पटकवृता' कही छे. पर्यवसाप । के 'पर्यवसाय्') २८-११, ११२-5 जेम तेम करीने समजाव. (एक सौंदर्भमां पिताने पराणे समजावी चंदनकाष्ठनु गाड भरीने वेपार माटे परदेश जवानी वात ,छे अन्यत्र पति, सासुससरा अने मात-पिताने गमे तेम समजावीने पतिनी साथे परदेश जवानी वात छे. 'पुरातन प्रबन्ध संग्रह' ८२, २०-२१ मां पण जेनु घर बळी गयुछे तेने लोकाए समजावी लीधानी वात छे. सांडेसरा अने ठाकर 'पर्यवस्था' होवानु सूचवे छे ते मूळनी दृष्टिए कदाच विचारवा जेवु, पण जोडणी अहीं पण 'पर्यवसाय छे) पल्लयन १४५, १०-११ बारदान पल्ययन ? (सोनु मरेली गुण खाली करीने बाकीना बारदानने 'स्वर्णपल्लयन' का छे) पादशीर्षिका २७४-१० ३४६-१ पगना मोजां के पगे पहेरवानु काइ वस्त्रविशेष : १) (एक स्थळे पराजितने 'पादशीर्षिका थी स्पर्श करीने मान्भग कर्यानी वात छे. अन्यत्र पगरखां माग्या पछी ‘पादशीर्षिका' माग्यानी वात छे) प्रक्षालन ३४२-१६ (नख) कारवा (?) (नापित शेठाणीना नख प्रक्षालन माटे आव्यानी वात छे.) प्रथमालिका १०४-९ पहेलु भोजन के सवारना नास्तो (2विवाहमां बाळकाने सवारमां सुंवाळीनी 'प्रथमालिका' आप्यानी वात छे ) प्रशक्किका १७८ - २ जनसाधुनु शिक्किका १७८-६ | एक उपकरण (प्रतिलेखना करती वेळा 'प्रशकिका' उतारवानी अने उदर 'शिक्किका' खाई जवानी वात छे) बालि १६७ - १५ बालिका (१) (योगिए 'बालि' स्त्री स्थाप्यानी वात छे.) बूची २०४, १०-१५ अडवु, मुख (पोताना गरीब भाईओथी लाजती श्रीमत बहेन तेमने Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 261 तेने तोडीने ते बहार नीकळी गयानी वात छे.) विचणी २४७-२५ (१) (लाकडीने ‘पदकवृता' अने 'विचणीमया' कही छे) 'गादह' = गधेडो अने 'बूची' एवा नामे ओळखावे जे.) भूतेल ३४६-२९, ३४७-१ भूतिओ वंटोळ. राज 'भतलिया' (व टोळने 'भूतेल' कह्यो छे) महिणिम पर्व ५९, १३-१४ महिणिकाव पर्व २७२-२ देवी पूजा माटेनु आसे सुद नोम सुधीनु पर्व, नवरात्र रउलाणी ५४, १२-१६, ५५, १२-१४ 'राउळ' नुस्त्रीलिंग. 'राजराणी' (योगीनी सिद्धि बुद्धि नामनी शिष्याओंने 'रउलाणी' कही छे) लोटिक २४२.२७ एक नानो सिक्को (प्र० को०९७-२६ मां पण आ शब्द अने बात छे सांडेसरा अने ठाकर ते 'लाहडिया' नुं संस्कृती कृत रूप होवानुं सूचवे छे) वतुलक । ४४,५-७, ८७-६, वर्तलक १२.५ २६ वतुल वटलाई (८७-६मां कानमां पाणी भरेलु वतु लक' मूकवानी वात छे १२५-२६मां तेल भरेलु वतु ल' लई जतां तेमांथी तलना टीयां पड्यानी बात छे. ४४ मां सेापारी जेवडा आकारनी उपर 'वतुलक' ढांकवानी वात छे. आ उपरांत प्र० का मां घी भरेला 'वर्तुलक'नो निर्देश छ। वलयमुख १०९, ९-१०-२० नेतर के चांसना नानो घडो जेमां माछटीओ रखाय छे. (माछली माटे 'वलयमुख' मांड्यानी अने शर्वरी ३४२-२५ साधुने वहोशववानी __ कोई खाद्य वस्तु (१) शिनिकका १७८-६ जुओ० 'प्रशकिका' शंगारिकोटिशाटी ४९-८ करोडनी किंमतनी शणगारेली साडी (प्र० चिं० ८१ १२-१३, पुरा० प्र. ४०-२ ४६-२८) संचारक २३३-१० संडास गदु नाळु (गुस्से थईने पुत्रने 'अशुचि संचारक'मां नाख्यानी अने तेमांथी काढीने पाणीथी नवराव्यानी वात छे. प्र. चिं. ३४, २०२१मां माघ पडितनी समृद्धि वर्णवतां तेना 'संचारक'नु भूमितल काचनु हावानुजणाव्युछे.) समारित १६६-१० खसी करेलो ('असमारित' बळदने खेतरमां खेडवा माटे हांकवानी वात छे) सहो लिक (पु) १६९,४-८ (तेलना) कूपा राज० 'सहोलिया' 'झावलिया' स्फरक १३२-१ (?) लूटाराओ स्त्रीने उपाडी गया तेने छोडाववा चार से स्फरक'वाणियाए मान्यानी वात छे. 'स्पर्धक ने बदले हशे) Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (३) केटलाक नेधपात्र प्रयोगो व्याकरणदृष्टिए प्रबन्धोनी भाषानी केटलीक लढणो अत्यन्त सुविदित छे. परोक भूतकाळना रूपोनो प्रचुर प्रयोग; 'का' विगेरे माटे 'जगौ' वगेरे; 'बोल्यो' माटे 'अवग', 'बोले छे' वगेरे माटे 'जल्प'ना रूपो; 'लेवु' माटे 'ला'; "विचारवु' माटे 'ध्ये', 'लागवु' माटे 'लग', 'मूकवु" माटे 'मुच'; 'काढवु' माटे 'कर्म', प्रेरणा प्रत्यय 'आप'नो व्यापक वपराश ('प्रबन्ध- पञ्चशती मां 'कथाप्' 'कष्टापू' 'चटापू 'छोटाप्' एकवार तो सीधु गुजराती 'छोडवू' 'मंडाप्', 'मुत्कलाप्' वगेरे) गुजराती वगेरेना संयुक्त क्रियारूपोनु प्रतिबिंब, जेम के 'गच्छन्नस्मि' १७८-२७ 'जाउछु', 'जल्पन्नस्मि' १७४-२९ 'बोलु छु' 'गच्छन्नस्ति' ११६-२८, 'नयन्नसि' ४२०-७ क्रियमाणोऽस्ति' ९७-१०, 'प्रोच्यमानमस्ति' १६६-२६, 'स्थाप्यमानास्ति' १६७-११, 'वमन्नभूत' ८१-२८, 'नमन्नभूत्' १०२-२ वगेरे. क्रियारूपो परत्वे आवी केटलीक उपरउपरनी विगतो नोंधी शकाय. नामिक विभक्तिना प्रयोगोमां पण गत्यर्थ सप्तमी ('समीपे गतः', 'ग्रामे गतः' वगेरे); चतुर्थी माटे षष्ठी ('सुरत्राणस्थ प्रोक्त' वगेरे). पंचमीने बदले सप्तमी ('कस्मिन् पुरद्वारे निस्सरामि') ३०-६-७, 'मध्ये', 'पार्श्वे', 'पश्चात्', 'अग्रे', 'उपरि', 'स्थित' वगेरेनो अनुग तरीके प्रयोग; 'बहिर्गमनाद् अनु' 'देवतापार्थात् स्थापयामास' जेवामा गुजरातीना विभक्तिसम्बन्धोनु प्रतिबिंब-वगेरेनो निर्देश करी शकाय. सार्वनामिक रूपने लघुतावाचक 'क' प्रत्यय लागीने थयेलु 'मयका' (=मया; ३-२३) जूना समयना आवा अनेक रूपोनु एकमात्र अवशेष छे. आ बधा करतां वधु नांधपात्र छे केटलाक गुजरातीमांथी ऊचकेलारू ढिप्रयोगो. तेमां 'पडवु', 'लागवु', 'काढवु', 'चढवु', 'मांडवु' वगेरेनी जे अनेक लाक्षणामूलक अर्थछायाओ गुजरातीमां विकसेली छे, तेनो संस्कृत 'पत्', 'लगू', 'कष्', 'चट्', 'मण्ड्', वगेरे उपर आरोप करी देवामां आव्या छे. अने केटलाक तो आखाने आखा वाक्यो ध्वनिफेरे गुजराती वाक्यरचना रजू करतां देखाय छे. अहीं नीचे एक नमूना रूपे यादी आपी छे १ पादौ अवधा२ ३५१-१ पधार, ८ मुकलं जात ५-६० मोकळु थयु २ उत्सूर कृ २१४-२६ मोडु ९ उत्तारका दापितः ५४-२४ करवु, असूठ करयु उतारो देवराव्या ३ उच्चैः कृ १० -२ ऊंचु करवू १० धीरां दा ६७-१० धीर आपवी ४ बहिः कर्षय् ५-२४ बहार काढवू ११ शिक्षां दा ३९-१९शीख ५ भूमध्यस्थां कर्षय् १८९-१० आपवी भोमांथी काढवी १२ पृष्टिं दा १४२-१३ पीठ देवी ६ हस्ते चट् १२-१२, ८६-४ १३ द्वार दत्तवान् ३४८-७ हाथ चडवु बारणु दी) ७ ज्वरः चट ८४-२८,१७८-३ १४ खात्र पातयू २०८-१७ ताव चढवा खातर पाडवु Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 23 १५ दुष्कालोऽपतत् ३१-२८ दुकाळ पड्यो १६ संध्या पतिता ६३-६ सांज पडी १७ टालिः पतिता १.७.२ टाल पर्व १८ पट्टकं बन्ध् ५३, २२, १६७. २३ पाटो बांधवो १९ कडक बन्धू २११-२४ काछडो बांधवो २० ग्रामः भग्नः २-२२ गाम भाग्यं. २१ कुहेढा भग्नाः ५४-३३ कायडा भांग्नाः५४-३३ कोयडा भांग्या २२ गणितुम डितानि २१४-१६ गणवा मांस्था २३ शकुन मान ३१२-४ शुकन मानवा २४ वर मागय् ३५-१० वरदान माग २५ ग्रहणके मुच् ३३५-१९घराणे मूकबुं २६ शून्यां मुच् २००-५ सूनी मूकवी २७ उद्घाटं मोचयू १९३, ४.५ उघाडं मुकाव, २८ मुत्कलो मुच २१८.२१ मोकळेो मूकवा २९ पठितु मुच् २०७-२५ भणवा मूकवा ३० नंष्टवा या ९-२४ नासी जq ३१ करो योजय ४८-२८ १२ हस्तौ योजय १९१-१६ । हाथ जोरवा ३३ रक्षां लगाए १०७-१२ राख लगाडवी ३४ हस्त लगय २-२८ हाथ लगाडवो ३५ तिः + लगू ५५, ३०-३१ भाभडछेट लागवी ३६ गालिः + लगू १२२-१९ गाळ लागवी ३७ घुमुवा लगू १९०-७, ३३८ २, ७६-३ भूख लागवी ३८ तृषा लगू ४६-१९, तुर गू ६३-६ तरस लागवी ३९ पापं लग -६-१४,१६६-७८ पाप लागवू ४० द्विपहरी लग १८३-४ पोर थवी ४१ वेळा लग् ६४-१२ वार लागवी ४२ कतु"लग ५-२३ करवा लागवू ४३ कारयितु लग १२३-११ कराववा लागवु ४४ लहनकं ला १६९-२७ लहेणु लेवु ४५ पश्चात् वल २३५-२४ पाछु बळवु ४६ चुल्हक संधुक्षय ९२,६-७ चूलो संध्रुकवा ४७ जिहां संभालय २७३-२३ नीम संभाळवी ४८ उर्व स्था १०-२, ४० -३१ ऊमा थQ ४९ चामरदालन ७१-१२ चामर ढाळवा ते ४. गलटुम्पकदान १६१-१७ गळाटूपा देवो ते ५१ चंदिकरुजन ३४४-२५ चांदी रूनावी ते मण Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 264 ५२ चुल्हीसंधुक्षण २०८-२ ६८ किं अधकल्पे नाऽऽगम्यते ५५, चुलो संध्रुकवा ते ४-५ आजकाल केम आववानु ५३ नालिकेरस्फोटन २७३-५ यतु नथी ? नाळियेर फेोडवू ते ६९ गोष्ठी कुर्वाणा उपविष्टाः२-११ ५४ स्व मस्तकं खज्जयू ९८.१७ वात करतां बेठा हता पातानुं माथु खजवाळवु ७. ज्वलितं सन्ति ज्वलिता वा २०९, ५५ उपरि या १-१४ उपर जवु ३-४ सळग्या के सळगशे ५६ पश्चाद् या ७-४ पाछा जवु ७१ त्वादशा मत्फुत्कृतेन उड्डीयन्ते ५७ सार्धम् आया ३ २, ३-३ २०४ २८ तारा जेवा मारी फूके साथे आवq. ऊडी जाय ५८ संमुखं विलोकय ६-१८ ७२ लक्ष लक्ष नमस्कारा मानिताः सामु जोg ४५-६लाख लाख नमस्कार मान्या ५९ वत्म बिलोकम् ३३७, २५-२६ ७३ पृच्छनेन सुतम् १६९-१९ वाट जोवी पूछवाथी सयु ६० मौनी भू २ २१ मूगा थई नर्बु ७४ त्वया कि स्यात् २०५-२ ६१ मागे चलन् १-२० रस्ते चालतां __ ताराथी शुं थाय तेम छे ? ६२ वर्य व तम् १७०-२३सारुं कर्यु ७५ अद्य किमपि रडु न शकितं ६३ मस्तकं भद्रीकृ.२४ --५ . मया १७० - २३ आज माराथी माथु भद्रावबु कांईपण रांधी नथी शकायु ६४ वाहरा धाविता ८६-६ ७६ न शीतं लग भावी ३७-२२ क्यांक ठडी न लागी जाय वाहर धाई ६५ सकाले विकाले ३२०-२७ ७७ ढोलस्य पोलत्वम् ७८-५ वहेलु -मोडु ___ढोलनी पोलत्वम्७४-५ ढोलनी पोल ६६ दीपो वर्थ्यताम् १७२-२७ ७८ जीवन्नरो भद्राणि लभते १७३ दीवो वषेरो २ जीवतो नर भद्र पामे ६७ घटिकायोजना'ट्री २६७-५ ७९ कीटकोपरि कटकार भ: २५:- घडियाजाजन सांढणी ९, २९८-१२ कीडी उपर कटक आ यादी सारा प्रणाणमां लंबावी शकाय तेम छे. वाक्योनी समग्र वाक्यरचना, तेमना ढाळो अने शैली मोटे भागे गुजरातीना होवानु लाग्या करे छे. संस्कृतना वेशमां गुजराती भाषा होवानुं अनेक स्थळे प्रतीत थाय छे. शताब्दीओ सुधी (अने वनारू हिंदीनी जेम) विविधभाषी प्रदेशोमा राष्ट्रभाषा तरीके संस्कृत अखिल भारतीय व्यवहारमा रहेतां, ते केटली बधी वाळी वळे तेवी बनी शकती ते वस्तु प्रबन्धोनी भाषा स्पष्टपणे बतावी आपे छे. आम मोन्य-भाषाना उद्भव अने षडतरनी व्यापक दृष्टिए पण जैन प्रबन्धानी भाषा घणी रसप्रद नणाशे. Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अइराणी 26 अइराहा 51 अइरिंपा 23 अइहारा 51 अउराउर 55 अक्खा डिअ 183 अग्धाडा 28 अचल 55 अच्छिघरुल्ला 29 अच्छिवि अच्छि 24, 55 अच्छिहरिल्ला 29 अच्छिहरुल्ला 29, 54 अच्छोडिअ 183 अज्ज 55 अज्झेलिआ 56 अडखम्मि 56 अडया 133 अणकडे 120 अणरामओ 56 अणहारओ 56 अणुवज्जिअ 56 अण्णाण 56 भत्ता 123 अत्थुड 57 अत्थुवड 47 अण्णा 45 अबेसी 47 अभि 81 अवडओ 75 WORD INDEX अवयज्झ 32 अभायतो 45 अम्माइआ 57 अत चिस् 24 अय छू 53 अरविंदर 28 अरिअल्ली 39 अरियल्ली 130 अलस 58 अलाऊ 53 अलिअल्ली 39, 118 अहि 81 अलत्थ 58 अल 29 अवअक्ख् 40 अव अक्खि अवअचिअ 24 अवअच्छि 40 अवज्झस 58 अवडओ 58 rasferओ 58 अवडिअ 58 अवणो 58 अवत्तय 59 अवयच्छू 32 अवयाण 59 अवयारी 59 40 अवयासिणी 59 अवराहा 59 Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 266 अवरोहो 59 अवलुआ 81 अवसमिआ 47, 57 अवि 28 अवेसी 47 अवगो 58 असराल 90 अहोरण' 47, 81 अकेल्ली 28 अंगालिअ 49 अचू 44 अछि 24, 44 अंबमसी 52, 57 अंबसमी 47, 52, 57 अंबेट्टी 57 अंबेसी 47, 57 आअल्ली 59 आइप्पण' 60 आउस 60 आडुआली 60 आणाई 60 आमलय 61 आयामो 81 आयासलवो 61 आरोड़ 90 आर दर 61 आलासा 121 आलील 61 आलीवण 61 आवग 53 भावग्ग 90 आवह 90 भाहच्च 140 माहुहुरो 61 इन्म 138 इरिया 28 इल्ली 62 इल्लीर 62 इल्ले। 62 इंगाली 49 इंघिअं 29 ईदगाव 128 इंदड्ढला 62 इंदवह 128 इदोष 188 इदाव 128 ईस 62 उअहारी 62 उक्कोला 62 उक्कती 31 उक्क दी 31 उककुडो 28 उक्कुरडा 28 उक्ख डि 20,63 उक्खिण्ण' 20 उक्खडा 63 उग्गाल 100 उग्गुलु छिआ 63 उग्धाओ 63 उच्चिडिमो 12 उच्चेल्लर 20 उच्चालि 82 उच्चाले 63 Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ उच्छट्टो 20 उच्छलि 63 उच्छिल्लं' 28 उच्छल्लो 63 उज्जड 63 उज्ज गल' 125 उज्झमण 20 उज्झरिअ 20 उठद्ध 90 बड 130 उड्ड् 90 उड्डा 140 उड्डा 23 उत्थल्लपत्थल्ला 23 उत्तलहओ 20 उत्तरवि 63 193 उद्दाल 21 उद्दाम 63 उद्देही 64 उद्धाओ 63 उपाल 45 उप्पीले 63, 82 उप्पेes 64 उप्फाल 45, 82 फुकिआ 24 उब्बुक्क 21 तब्बू 64 भाल 20 ZF'3' 64 उम्मच्छविr 64 267 उररी 28 उरुपुल्ला 123 उलि 64 उता 101 उल्लू 52 उक्ली 28 उल्लुक्कू 82 उल्लाख 13, 96 उल्लाव 97 उल्हसि 64 उब्वस 186 उब्वरो 62 उब्बा 62, 65 उबाट 98 उव्वाहा 62 उब्वाल 65 उब्विडिमा 12 afsag 191, 201 Jgn 65 उसुओ 65 ऊआ 28 ऊसण 65 ऊसल 52 ऊसारो 29 ऊसुरुसु भित्र 207 ऊसु भिअ 207 एक सिंबली 65 एराणी 26 ओअंटा 71 ओक्ख' for 63 ओआल 100 Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 268 ओग्गाल 100 भोच्छत्त 65 ओच्छि 66 ओज्झाय 66 ओडढण 21, 82 ओइढिगा 21 भोत्थओ 66 ओत्थरिओ 22, 82 ओद्दवि 66, 99 ओहाल 21 ओर पि 66, 99 ओरिहलो 66 ओरुज 66 ओलइअ 47 ओलिभा 67 ओलुग्गा 82 ओलुहत 101 ओलुपओ 67, 102 ओवट्टी 98 ओवडढी 96, 98 ओसरसुभि 210 ओसरिअ 100 ओसीअ 100 ओसुरुसु भिअ 210 ओहट्टि 67 ओहरिस 100 ओहस 100 ककिंडा 50 कग्धाडा 25, 28, 48 कग्धायला 48 कच्छु 12 कडइओ 67 कडतला 67 कडसी 38 कडेवर 53 कडे। 149 कणयदी 39 कणिआरिअं 67 कणिक्का 57 कण्णस्सरि 67 कण्णास्सरि 67 कण्णोच्छडिआ 68 करणाढत्ती 68 कप्पडिअ 187 कप्परिअं 83 करघायलो 25,48 करणि 184 करमरी 132 कर यरी 38 करसी 38 करियदी 39 कलमल 180 कलंबू 53 कलिंज 31, 50 कलेरा 53 कल्ल° 29 कल्लोला 84 कवासे। 68 कविड 49, 68 कविसा 68 कव्वाल 13 कसरो 145 कसलो 149 Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 269 क केल्ली 28, 120 कठच्छिद्द 113 कठदीणारा 113 के बरा 68 काणत्येवो 68 काणच्छी 67 काभिजुला 31 काय चुलो 31 कालिंबा 38 कावी 68 कासार 69 किंपओ 69 किलिंच 31, 50 किंलिंचि 31 किविडी 49, 68 कुक्क् 21 कुक्कुडा 28 कुक्कुरुडा 28 कुच्छिल्ल 28 कुट्टयरी 69 कुट्टा 69 कुडिआ 113 कुडुच्चि 13, 15 कुडुबी 13 कुड्ड 20 कुमारी 69 कुम्मण 101 कुररी 28 कुरकुरिअं 70 कुरुडा 37 कुरुमाण 101 कुरुले। 37, 70 कुल्ला 46 कुल्हा 21 कुहिणी 70, 146 कुडिअपेसण 69 कुडिओ 21 कुदीर 41 कूओ 140 कुढा 69 कूल 130, 134 कूवार 133 कूवा 69 कूसारा 29 काउआ 127 काक्कू 21 केाज्झर 191 कादिबा 70 काट्ठम् 83 कात्थर 14, 20, 68, 70 केाला 188 कालो 37, 46 कोल्हाहल 30 कोल्हुओ 21 कासट्टइरिआ 70 कासुभ' 121 काहल्ली 70 कोंडिओ 21 खउर 50 खच्चल्ला 75 खज्जिअं 49 खडक्क 90 खड 85 खडहडी 70 Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 270 मध्यरा 50 सप्पुरा 50 सयाल 90 सल्ल' 56 सल्लिरी 50 सवा 46 सव्वा 46 सार किडी 50 खिक्खिड 50 सिजिज 49 धुल्लरी 50 चुल्ल 23 बुडय 24 खेरि 91 रोडफजाली 70 खाला 54 सोल्ल 91 गणणाइआ 71 मणियारि 91 गत्ताडी 71 गहकल्लोगे 84 गज 183 गजोल्लिभ 71,84 गडी 133 गाणी 71 गाहुडी 119 गुप्प् 84 गुरगुछ 50 गुलुगुछ 51 गुलुच्छ 24 -गुजुल्ल 51 गुजोल्ल 51 गोड 146 गोड 146 गोर किडी 50 गोल्हा 30 गोला 145 घट्टिओ 204 घरोली 72 घारि 72 घुग्धरी 49 धुरुधुरी 49 घुसिरमार' 72 घुघरुडे। 28 घोटट 208 घोस 125 घोंट 208 चक्ष्ण 73 चच्छ 43 घडुलो 13 चड्डुलातिलय 73 चप्फल 45 चवि 28 चंग 136 चंदवडाया 73 चालवासा 10 चिच्च 13, 73 चिच्चर 13 चिच्य। 84 चिद्दविआ 10 चिमिणो 17, 74 चिरडी 13 Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 271 पिरिचिरा 11 चिरिडिहिल्क 30 चिरिया 28 चिरिचिरा 11 चिलिच्चिलं 11 चिलिच्चील 11 पिलिव्विल 11 मिलिम्वील 11 विन्तिरि 53 दिल्ली 21 किय 96 चिन्बर 96 कोहि 146 शुको 12 सुक्कुडा 12, 53 गुरुज 20 उहली 38 गुआमइओ 74 सुप्पालभो 21, 24 शुष्पा 43 अलप्पा 53 पुस्ली 28 चुचुणिया 74 चुगे 24,43 चेलं 131 वांत 43 चोप्पड 197 चोरनिबह 105 चौरलिमा 12 चोरली 12 छबई 49, 52 दुई 49 बारी 74 छुछु मुसयं 75, 31 पाइल्ले 121 छिण्णोन्भवा 43 छिप्प 14, 44, 138 छिप्पालो 14, 44 छिप्पालुभ 14 छिप्पीर 25, 44 छिल्लर 84 छिहडओ 30, 44 छिहिंडिभिहल 30, 44 छिछइ 135 छिछइया 187 छिछओ 22, 83 छिडी 22 छुटहीरो 40 कुरी 132 छेत्तर 22 छेप 14, 44 छे छइ 22 छे'ही 22 छोन्मत्य 20 जगर 137 जगम्भिा 84 जरा 16 जर को 16 जलदा 179 नबस 135 माटी 44 भिगोभना 43 Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 272 . जिंधि 29 जीण 143 जुरुमिल्ल 46, 75 जूरुमिल्लय 75 जोडिओ 44 जोण्णलिआ 75 जोवारी 75 झर को 53, 75 झर तो 53, 75 झल 179 झलक्क 91 झलझला 181 झटलिआ 15 झडली 51 झडुली 15, 51 झाड 44, 188 झाम 180 झिल्लिरि 147 झिल्लिरिआ 53 झुमुझुमुसय 31 झुझुमुसय 31, 75 झूसरि 106 झाट्टी 75 झाडिओ 44 झांडलिआ 15, 51 टट्टइआ 40 टिप्पी 145 टिंबरु 42 ठे। 144 डडढाडी 37 डल्ल 76 डड 50 डाभल' 25, 41 डिअली 41, 142 डिंडिय 188 डिडिल्लिनं 106 डिंडी 50, 54 डिंफ 32 डुडुओ 106 डुबा 22 डाह 91 डोहिअ 91 ढक्करि 83 ढयरा 141 डंकुणा 51 ढढल्ल 51 ढढसिआ 107 डढाल 46 ढिक्क् 22 ढिंकणा 57 दुम् 18 दुस् 18 ढुंढुल्ल 46 ढेकुणो 57 ढार 91 ढाल्लो 138 णडुली 48 गड्डली 48 णड्डुली 46 णमसि 35 णव्वा 57 णहरी 52 Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 273 णहहरी 52. ::: 'डुली 46. 'दि 24 गाउको 54 णिज्झाइअ 119 णिटठहो 53 . 'णिड्डरिय 91 णित्थामा 130 णिरकका 53 णिरप्पो 53 णिरंगी 53 णिरारिउ 83 णिवच्छण 54 णिवट्ट 92 णिवाओ 53 णिवित्तो 53 णिवितो 53, 107 णिव्वष्ट 92 णिव्वा 53 णिवूढे। 53, 75 णिवेढा 53 गिसुळे 53 णिसुद्ध 85 णिसुद्ध 3. हिस्सह 178 णिहाओ 53 णिहुअं 53 णिहू 53 णिल का 46 मिल्लका 46 मीरगी 53 णीसह 178... गेउडडे। 54 णेडाली 46 गेड्झली 46 णेवच्छण 54. गोल्ल 20 गोव्वे। 57 तउवट्टिा 26 तट्री 41 तड्, तड्ड् 46 तड्डव्85 तलं 46 तल्ल 46 तलसारिअं 108 ततही 51 ततुक्खुडिआ 108 ततुक्खेोदी 108 तबिरा 76 तवार 92 तामर 120 तियमइ 92 तियमइया 92 तीरिय 92 तुच्छ 24, 43 तुणी 149 तुप्पा 43 तुगी 121 तुगो 122 तुड 130 तु और 42 डओ 106 तुबुरु 42 तेड्डो 22 ते डुअं 42 तोलणा 138 तावट्टी 26 तांतड 51 थउड्ड 47 थसलो 17 थसो 17 थिण्ण। 119 थिप्पड़ 108 थिरणामो 18 थिरणासा 18 थिरसीसे। 109 थीणओ 120 थुकिम 109, 211 थूणो 54 थूरी 17 थरा 1:1 थोलो 54 दड्ढाली 37 दरविंदर 28 दलव 92 वत्ति 26 दवरा 26 40 41 दाअलिब 25 दालि 41 दिअली 41 दीविआ 76 हीहजीहो 149 Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ डुअल्ल' 27 दुक्ख 54 युग्ग 54 दुग्घुट्टो 22 बुत्ति 26 54 होली 37 खुद्धोली 37 खुली 48 दुल्ल 27 दुल्लग्ग 121, 19 2011 54 दूसलो 39 दूहली 39 दोदिओ 76 दारे। 27 दोसाण 17 दोहारी 76 धणि 195 घर 197 धव 92, 121 धवल 137 धन्वो 29 घसलो 17 धारायर 92 धुअगाओ। 85 धुत्राय 85 धूणो 54 नालिअ 177 नाहर 135 अविअं 134 274. परिक्कू 85 पद 54 परडा 75 पथ 54 3 पढ 54, 130 पएरो 112 पज्जा 33 पचल्लिउ 186 पच्चवर 85 परहच्छ 86 पड सुवो 122 पडाली 33 पढिअरा 33 पडिच्छिआ 112 पडिसरिच्छ 186 बिहारी 111 पडुआ 15 पडुवइअं 54 पंडे हर 70 पड्डत्थी 77, 111 पत्त 77 पंत्तत्था 33 पप्पीओ 34 पपुअ 24, 45 पहली 33. पयर्दणी 111 पण 194 लाओ 105 परिमहा 137 परिमल 184 पहि56 परिहच्छिम 86. परिहट्टी 111 परिहत्य 86. परिहारिणी 111 परेवय 145 पलस 40 पलही 33, 40, 44 पलीविअ 145 पल्लवाय 33 पन्हुसण 190 पव्वइसेल्ल' 77 पसडि 50 पसारो 149 पर्सिडि 50 पहट्ठा 119 पंड 137 4'yar 24, 45 कुणी 54 पाउअ 33 पाक 33 णाली 86 पाडवण 25, 52 श्रीमदा 25 पायमूल 190 पाराउट्टय 93 पारिहच्छि 86 पारिहट्टी 111 पावडर्ण 52 पावा 136 पास 144 पिठुडी 192 Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 215 पिडच्छा 17 पिरटी 50 पिलण 34 पिच्छ 98, 148 पिव्व 96, 98, 148 पिहर 139 पिछोली 44 पिहरी पिडारी 14) विपुली 39, 44 फरओ 77 फसुलो 24 फसलो 24 फारो 140 फिड्डा 29 कुक्की 24 'कम् 18, 30 फुल्ल घर 80 'हल्लधुय 86 फुल्ल घर ४. रुस 18, 45 फुमा 37 कुओ 29.37 के'का 23 उहारी Zir, बायीह 34 बल 132, 149 बहुआरिआ 105 वड 137 पुषणालि 80 गुरुपुरिआ 4 पुलसिओ 54 सुली ।।४, 121 दीरो 45 बेडे/ 119 सक्खिज्ज 35 बाडो 12, 21 बारनिवह 104 बाहारण 188 बोहारी 26 बाहित्थो 77 भडिला 134 मनालग 188 भद्दाकरी 78 नदिओ 127 भमई 46 मम्मड 46 भमल 124 भभल 87 भाइलओ 133 भिगारी 87 मुत्तणो 20 भुम् ) मुंडी। 42, 45 मुंडा 45 मइयब 93 मइहरो 26 मउदी 26 मउली 78 मओ 145 मक्कडबध 36 मज्जोक 18 मज्झओ 18 महिअ 15 पूरणा 123 डदओ 34 डालो 133 पेदारी 22, 142 पेढा 34 पाअइया 27 पोइया 27 पोउआ 37 पाल्चड 197 पामा म् 93 'कम्फाव(य) 93 'पदिय 88 बरवाअण 13, 24 विब्बोअ 13, 24 विसी 35 बिहय 79 बिबावणय 13, 24 दुक्क 88 नक्का 12 बुक्कासार 21,4; 1 रो 42 दी 36, 45 Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . 276 मडओ 52 . मडक्क 93 मडप्प 93 मडाफरो 29, 87 मडहरो 29 मडुवइय 54 महा 87 मत्तबाला 87 मत्तवाला 87 मत्ताल बो 78 मयडो 36, 52 मयहरो 52 मयाहिओ 128 मरट्टो 88. मलहरो 48 मह 146 महअरा 52 महहरो 29 मंगल 138 मगुमा 124 मौंजीर 43 मजुआ 118 मडलेा 140 मदीर 43 म भीस 87 माणसी 78 माभाई 87 माभीसि 87 मायंदी 78 मिरिया 28 मीसालइ 36 मुआइणि 54 मुक्कलिओ 22 मुक्कुरहो 28. मुग्घडो 28 मुद्दी 36 मुम्भा 21 मुर 18 मुरुमुरिअ 54, 78 मुलासिओ 54 मुसुमूर 88 मुडी 134 मंडभो 26 मेयले 130 मेहरा 26 मेहुणओ 88 मेहुणिआ 88, 124 में ठी 31 मेंढी 31 मोडा 26 माब्भो 21 रच्छामओ 130 रएफडिआ 50 रल्ला 25 रसाउ 141 रसाइ 93 रखाल 88 र जण 47 र 15 रफ 45 रामला 25 राला 25 रिक्क 24, 39 रिक्खण 20 मुक्कल' 22 .. रिक्खा 40 रिच्छी 40 .. रिंडि 54 ... रुअरुइमा 54 रुहओ 54 रंचणी 21 . रेल्ल 93 . रेवलिआ 79 रेसिअ 39 . रहिअं 39 रेकि 21, 39 रोक्क 93 रोलबआ 141 . रोसाण 17 रोंच 21 लइअं 47 लचय 12 लंपिक्खा 131 लिंकिअ 21, 39 लिंका 24, 39 लुका 20 लुट 132 लुआ 141 लेडुक्का 16 लेहडे। 47 वउलिअं 33 वक्कडबध 36 वक्कड 53 दग्गेज्जो 33 वज्जा 79 वट्टइ 93 Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 277 वडप्प 53 वडाली 33' । वडिसर 33 बत्तद्धो 16, 33 वप्पीओ 34 वापीहा 34 . वम्हल 33 . वयडो 36 वयली 26 : वलच्छी 188 वलमय 35 " वलही 33, 40 वलिम 94 वलिवड 94 वल्लवाय 33 वल्लरी 50 वल्लरे कलरे 190 वसल 17 वमुआइद 129 वहुआरिआ 105 वकच्छा 30 वंगच्छा 30 बगेवडु 31 वो 34 वठा 14 वाउत्तो 25 वातरा 113 वाणरमाल 93 वामणिओ 79 वायउत्तो 25 बायण 47 वालवासा 10 वालुकी 184 वावणी 113 वासदी 31 वाहगणो 48, 19 विख 182 विच्छेओ 123 विड्डय 191 विडडर 91 विडिर 91 विद्णा 38, 40 विप्पय 14 विष्फाडि 32 विब्भवण 36 विमलहरो 48 विरआ 11 विरल्ल 89 विरह 121 विरचिरा 11 विरिल्ल 89 विरेलिअ 89 विलइअ 36 विलमा 36 विलिव्विल 11 विलिव्विली 79 विल्ल 54... विल्ह 54 विविल्लिओ 204 विसल 136 विसिणो 17 विसी 35 विहडा.फड 94 विहण 79 .... विहलघल 94 विहुंडुओ 31, 43 वीलण 34 चीसालइ 36 वुक्त्रण 21 वेअडिअ 27 वेआरिअॅ 89.. वेआले 89.. . वेज्झ 94 ...... वेडइओ 34 वेडिओ 27 वेडिकिल्ल 79 वेणिों 26 वेत्तालए 89 वेदूणा 38, 46 . वेप्पुअं 54.. वेयार 89 . . वेरुलिअं 39, 52 वेलणय 38, 140 वेलबे 37 वेलुलिअ 39, 52 वेलूणा 38, 46. वेलूरि# 39, 52 वेल्लहलो 89 वेहविओ 89 वेहाविओ 89 वहा विद्ध 89 वेढसुरा 34 वोकिल्ले 35.36,41 Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 278 हडप्प 37 हत्थच्छुहणी 54 हत्पल्ली 0 हत्यिहरिल्ले 59 हरिमिरगा . हलापा 37 हलगे 40 हव्व हिडालसमय 2 हिहालम 25, 25 हित्य : हिडे हिरसी 5 वोरल्ली 12 वोसट्ट 80 सज्जिओ 18 सज्जोक्क 18 सण्णा 144 सत्थइअं 8 सत्थारो 127 सप्पास गत्तम समबीस 142 समसीसी 14? समुच्छवी .. समुड्ड - समोडू 94 समा इङ9. सराहओ 18 सरिथ 145 सवला 81 संगा 133 संथार 127 संपणा 46 संपण्णा 4 सपास'ग ४ सा 139 साइय 94 सामाइ साय 133 साहज साहजणे 80 साहा 143 साहाला 120 साहुलिआ 89 सिग्गिरि 94. सिज्जुर 43 सिट्ठ 123 सिघ्ष 25, AA सिप्पिर 44 सिप्पीर 24, 44 सिसिर १० सिह डाल्ट 44 सिटा 9 सिंहा १ सिंदुन्य 43, II सिंदूर सिंधु सिंबी 24 सिंबादी ? सीरिअ 95 सीविआ 145 सुठिय 116 सूर 18 सेरिआ 144 सेरिह 141 सेहिर 141 से वाडओ 2: हिल्ला 4. हिल्लोडण 57 हिंचि, हितोत्रण 75. हिंबिअ ।। होरी 143 होरो 123 हुश 28 हुलि 95 हुल 95 हलाहूलि 9 Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CORRIGENDA p. Correccion 9 27 immediate 106 वालवासे। 15 16 कामिन 17 15 पिउच्छा 17 24 रिक्षण 2020) उक्ख डिन 25 1 हिप्पीर 29 , इंघिस 29 27 अच्छिहरल्ला 36 17 वुदी 37 4 फुफु 37 14 डडळाही 38 6 विदणा 38 6 वेलूणा 38 6 वेलणय 39 6 कलयदी 41 27 कुदीर 43 22 छिण्णाभवा 44 8 शेप्पा 45 4 अब्भायत्। 45 7 उम्फाल 45 9 पप्फ 45 1 चाफल 46 18 विद्दुणा 47 6 अंबसमी 47 10 जण 47 26 आलेहडा p. I. Correction 47 27 लेहतो; the 47 28 ओ० 48 5 मलहरो 50 19 गारफिही 50 23 275 सप्परो 50 28 गुलगुछ 51 1 गुलुगुछ 51 3 गुलछ; गुलुगु 52 1 अबमसी 53 11 अलाबू 53 15 सिल्लिरिआ .. 53 26 पिट्ठहो 55 16 अञ्छिविक्षन्छी 56 19 खल्लकोला 57 5 अक्समिआ 57 14 बेट्टी 57 23 अंबेसी, मबेसी, गृह 63 1 उखालिम 63 3 उप्पीलो, उब्बूरो 63 18 उच्चोलो 64 5 उद्दामो, उक्खडे। 64 18 उम्मच्छवि 64 19 उम्म 69 16 कासइरिया 73 20 चंदवडाया 74 11 चिमिण 74 14 रोमाचित Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 280 p. I. Correction 78 16 माणसी 84 17 गुष्प् । 891 'stretch 96 30 complete 106 14 इंडओ 108 5 ततुक्खा डिओ 109 18 बडे 112 16etc. काट 128 8 इंदगाव, इदाव 128 17 मयाहिओ 135 24 वालुकी 146 10 मल्लाणिया 148 2 पिब्ब 149 3 meaning 164 18 works 164 19 unauthentic 173 last and not पइट्ठ 174 1-2 पट्टा not पड्डुआ (DN. 6, 8 पड्डुमा-चरणाघात:) as shown p. I. Correction 177 17 दीर्घायित 177 19 घर्मागम: 179 10 जलाई 187 18 Abbreviations 191 23 उव्विटठी 203 22 ūbitha 205 29 üchithau 207 Title (2) Pk. 211 ,, (3) Pk. 215 ,, (4) Late 219 4 forms 220 21 occurrence 225 (Column II) कामण 227 (Column I) गोव्वर 230 (Column II) निचोल 264 13 (Column I) विलोक्य 264 57 ( , ) कृतम् 264 19 ( , ) भद्रावQ 264 (Column II) अद्यकल्ये 264 23 ( ) delit 'ढोलनी पालत्वम् ७८-५' Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Author Dr. H. C. Bhayani (b. 1917) worked in the post-graduate and research departments of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (Bombay), Gujarat University (Ahmedabad) and L. D. Institute of Indology (Ahmedabad). He has copiously published in the research fields of Early, Middle and Modern Indian languages and literatures-especially Prakrit, Apabhramsa and Old Gujarati texts and studies and Gujarati folk-literature in a historicalcomparative perspective. His Gujarati Bhāṣānu Aitihäsik Vyakaran (Historical Grammar of the Gujarati Language : in Gujarati, 1988) is a recent important publication. Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Hemacandracarya's Trisastisalakapurusacarita-mahakavya Revised edition of the text by Muni Shilchandra vijay Vol 1 : Parvan 1, Vol. II Parvan 2 and 3 This is a revised edition of the Trisustisalakapurusacarita, Hemacandra's classic epic in Sanskrit narrating poetically the traditional Jain Universal History. The first edition, prepared by Muni Chaturavijay was published by the Atmananda Jain Sabha, Bhavnagar in 1936. For the present revised edition palm-leaf Mss. from the collections at Khambhat, Patan and L. D. Institute (Ahmedabad), besides several old paper Mss. have been consulted. Several indices (e. g. index of verses, Subhasitas, proper names etc.) add to the value of this edition. The volumes containing the remaining Parvans and the Parisista-parvan alias Sthaviravali-carita will shortly follow. Published by : Kalikalasarvajna Shri Hemcandracarya Navam Janma Satabdi Smrti Sikhsana Samskarnidhi- Ahmedabad. Orders to be placed with Sarasvati Pustak Bhandar, Hathikhana, Ratanpole, Ahmedabad-380 001 my www.jainelibra od ha