197. 981 ( 6, 4) cotton' (H9fa: ) (noted also at SH.
8, 2, 174). cf. 9358" (6, 70 ) 'cotton fruit’ ( 899%SA ). Fet (6, 82 )' ibid.' aset (7, 32). ibid.' PSM has noted occurrences of both पलही and फलही from literature. For the latter there occurs also a variant $$&? (GS. 549 ).
(19) FET / 55 Variation. This derives from alternative treatments of an original . See Pischel, § 317–322. 198. effas', 3498f=8037" (1, 40) shaven face' (Fagfaa'
gain). the forms presuppose an original containing
qe, it is not clear whether the forms derive from
Sk. 31974, 197 to chip off; to chop off'. 199. 24487a, 472972, 342979, 81752 8797589, 89059 ayva,
to see' (1, 48; 1, 59 com; SH. 8, 4, 181 ).
From 1957, Pischel, § 326, 499. 200. gatit (3, 38 ) child, moon'.
MP. 50, 12, 12 has this in the sense moon '. The gloss on the world is 915 : At MP. 17, 4, 5 we have BRT ( v. 1. g ) in the same sense. Obviously it should be खुट्टहीर, खुद्द and छुद्द both deriving from Sk. g. A child or moon is meta
phorically get: ‘gemlet ’. 201, fezent, fiset ( 7, 6) old man' (*) Possibly a
derisive slang expression, deriving from a: 'bear'.
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