Specimen of Archaic Jain-Maharastri
3. See my paper mentioned in n. 1, Padalipta is traditionally associated with the king Satavahana of Pratiṣṭhāna. This would suggest for Taramgavai a date prior to that of Vh.
4. Besides the statement of the abridger to that effect (STv. v. 8), we have the fact of completely identical verses common to STv. and another independently prepared shorter abridgment of the Taramgavas found in Bhadresvaras Kahavali. See Taraimgalola, Sambodhi, 6, 3-4, 231-258, 1977-1978.
5. The author of the abridgement has specifically stated (STv. v. 8) that in his abridgement he has aimed at leaving out the Desya expressions of the original work. So whatever such words are found in STv. are but inevitable remnants of a substantial body. It may be observed that several items of the given list are unknown to the Paiasaddamahannavo.
6. Peculiar to Ardhamagadhi and the dialect of Sakara in the Mycchakarika, Pischel,
Grammatik, $70.
7. of cit. p. 332-333
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