Verse 55
स्थूलमलीकं न वदति न परान् वादयति सत्यमपि विपदे । यत्तद्वदन्ति सन्तः स्थूलमृषावादवैरमणम् ॥५५॥
सामान्यार्थ - जो स्थूल झूठ को न स्वयं बोलता है और न दूसरों से बुलवाता है तथा ऐसा सत्य भी न स्वयं बोलता है और न दूसरों से बुलवाता है जो दूसरों की विपत्ति के लिये हो, उसकी उस क्रिया को सत्पुरुष स्थूल असत्य का त्याग अर्थात् सत्याणुव्रत कहते हैं।
Excellent men call the small vow of speaking the truth (satyāņuvrata) as neither telling nor prompting others to tell a gross untruth and also not telling or prompting others to tell a truth that may injure others.
Ācārya Umāsvāmi’s Tattvārthasūtra:
असदभिधानमनृतम् ॥ ७-१४ ॥ Speaking what is not commendable is falsehood.
___Jain, Vijay K. (2011), "Achārya Umāsvāmi's Tattvārthsūtra", p. 99.
Ācārya Amộtacandra's Puruşārthasiddhyupāya:
यदिदं प्रमादयोगादसदभिधानं विधीयते किमपि। तदनृतमपि विज्ञेयं तद्भेदाः सन्ति चत्वारः ॥ ९१ ॥ A statement, made out of passion, that is not commendable, should certainly be known as falsehood. It has four subdivisions. Note: The four subdivisions mentioned in the text are: 1) a statement that negates the existence of an object that is