मूर्धरुहमुष्टिवासोबन्धं पर्य्यङ्कबन्धनं चापि । स्थानमुपवेशनं वा समयं जानन्ति समयज्ञाः ॥९८ ॥
सामान्यार्थ - आगम के ज्ञाता पुरुष केश, मुष्टि और वस्त्र के बन्ध के काल को और पद्मासन के काल को अथवा कायोत्सर्गासन (खड़े होने) के काल को और सामान्य आसन (बैठने) के काल को सामयिक के योग्य समय कहते हैं।
Learned sages have pronounced that the time for which the knot of hair on the top of the head is tied, the fist is closed, the knot on the piece of cloth is tied, or for which the padmāsana, the kāyotsargāsana, or the normal posture can be maintained, is the appropriate duration for observing the vow of periodic concentration (sāmayika).
The verse can also be interpreted as referring to proper method for observing the vow of periodic concentration (sāmayika). The householder, as he gets ready for the sāmayika, should tie the knot of his hair on the top of the head, fingers clenched in the palm, and clothes properly set, so as not to cause any disturbance. The posture should be such that one can remain comfortable for the period of the sāmayika; the padmāsana, the kāyotsargāsana, or the normal posture with legs crossed are most suitable.
Jain, Champat Rai gives the following explanation:
The idea of tying a knot in one's choți (a tuft of hair on the top of the head worn by Hindus and Jainas) and the like, is not that the knot in itself is of any value or importance in the process, but that it implies a mental determination to continue
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