Verse 130
निःश्रेयसमभ्युदयं निस्तीरं दुस्तरं सुखाम्बुनिधिम् । नि:पिबति पीतधर्मा सर्वदुःखैरनालीढः ॥१३० ॥
सामान्यार्थ - धर्मरूपी अमृत का पान करने वाला कोई क्षपक समस्त दु:खों से अछूता रहता हुआ अन्त-रहित तथा सुख के समुद्र स्वरूप मोक्ष का अनुभव करता है और कोई क्षपक बहुत समय में समाप्त होने वाले अहमिन्द्र आदि की सुख-परम्परा का अनुभव करता है।
A mendicant who drinks the nectar of dharma shall get freed from all sufferings and attain the endless ocean of bliss appertaining to the state of liberation (moksa), or the longlasting pleasures appertaining to the heavenly beings.
Acārya Pujyapada's Istopadesa:
वरं व्रतैः पदं दैवं नाव्रतैर्वत नारकम् । छायातपस्थयोर्भेदः प्रतिपालयतोर्महान् ॥ ३ ॥ It is better to observe vows and austerities that lead to birth as a celestial being than to lead a vowless life of sensual pleasures that leads to birth as an infernal being. The difference between the two can be summed up by an analogy: when two persons have to wait for the arrival of another person, one spends his time in the comfort of the shade, while the other in the heat of the sun.
This is further explained: Desisting from injury, falsehood, stealing, unchastity, and attachment are the five vows. The householder observes these