Verse 142
यद्येवं तर्हि दिवा कर्तव्यो भोजनस्य परिहारः । भोक्तव्यं तु निशायां नेत्थं नित्यं भवति हिंसा ॥ १३१ ॥ If that be so, one may renounce eating food during the daytime and eat during the night; this way himsā would not be committed at all times. नैवं वासरभुक्तेर्भवति हि रागोऽधिको रजनिभुक्तौ।। अन्नकवलस्य भुक्तेर्भुक्ताविव मांसकवलस्य ॥ १३२ ॥ No, it is not so. Just as there is stronger attachment in the eating of a morsel of flesh than in the eating of a morsel of grain, in the same way, certainly, there is more attachment in eating at night than in eating during the daytime. अर्कालोकेन विना भुञानः परिहरेत् कथं हिंसाम् ।
अपि बोधितः प्रदीपे भोज्यजुषां सूक्ष्मजन्तूनाम् ॥ १३३ ॥ And, how can one who eats food without the light of the sun, albeit a lamp may have been lighted, avoid himsā of minute beings which get into food? किं वा बहुप्रलपितैरिति सिद्धं यो मनोवचनकायैः । परिहरति रात्रिभुक्ति सततमहिंसां स पालयति ॥ १३४ ॥ Why to go on talking unnecessarily? A person who renounces night-eating through the mind, the organ of speech, and the body, observes ahimsā perpetually.
Jain, Vijay K. (2012), "Shri Amritachandra Suri's Purusārthasiddhyupāya", p. 83-86.