पूजार्थाज्ञैश्वर्यैर्बलपरिजनकामभोगभूयिष्ठैः। अतिशयितभुवनमद्भुतमभ्युदयं फलति सद्धर्मः ॥१३५ ॥
सामान्यार्थ - सल्लेखना के द्वारा समुपार्जित समीचीन धर्म बल, परिजन तथा काम और भोगों से परिपूर्ण तथा पूजा (प्रतिष्ठा), अर्थ (सम्पत्ति) और आज्ञा-रूप ऐश्वर्य के द्वारा संसार को आश्चर्ययुक्त करने वाले तथा स्वयं आश्चर्यकारी स्वर्गादिरूप अभ्युदय को फलता है।
Merit earned through the adoption of pious dharma (read sallekhanā) accords fruits including strength, attendants, family and enjoyment, also status, wealth, supreme dominion, and boons like heavenly abode that are amazing to the world and in themselves.
Jain, Champat Rai writes:
This verse describes the effects of adopting the vows, sallekhan, and others, from the point of view of material prosperity, and shows that those who practise self-control, in the true sense of the word, rise to the most enviable positions in the world and become heir to unexcelled good fortune.
Jain, Champat Rai (1917), “Ratnakarnda-śrāvakāchāra (or The Householder's Dharma)”, p. 64.
Thus ends the sixth part called On sallekhanā - Embracing Voluntary, Passionless Death
of the Ratnakarandaka-śrāvakācāra, composed by Ācārya Samantabhadra Svāmi.
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