Verse 104
अशरणमशुभमनित्यं दुःखमनात्मानमावसामि भवम् । मोक्षस्तद्विपरीतात्मेति ध्यायन्तु सामयिके ॥१०४॥
सामान्यार्थ - सामयिक में स्थित मनुष्य इस प्रकार ध्यान करे – मैं अशरणरूप (शरण-रहित), अशुभरूप, अनित्यरूप, दुःखरूप और अनात्मस्वरूप संसार में निवास करता हूँ और मोक्ष उससे विपरीत स्वरूप वाला है।
The householder established in the vow of periodic concentration (sāmayika) should meditate thus on the nature of worldly existence: helplessness – “I am utterly helpless; relatives, friends, and wealth cannot help me in the midst of
misery;" inauspiciousness (impurity) – “My body is the receptacle of impurities and the seat of unclean things;" transitoriness – “The body as well as the objects of the senses are transient like bubbles;" world is full of suffering – “He who wanders in the endless cycle of births and deaths undergoes millions of afflictions;” and all worldly objects are other than the Self – "All worldly objects are distinct from the pure Self." He reckons that the state of liberation (mokşa) has altogether opposite characteristics.