Verse 96
oneself in such a position as to be seen by persons on the other side, and by throwing clod etc. – these are the five transgressions of the vow of limiting the country of one's operations.
Jain, S.A. (1960), “Reality”, p. 210.
Ācārya Amrtacandra's Puruşārthasiddhyupāya:
प्रेष्यस्य संप्रयोजनमानयनं शब्दरूपविनिपातौ ।
क्षेपोऽपि पुद्गलानां द्वितीयशीलस्य पश्चेति ॥ १८९ ॥ Sending someone, sending for something, indicating by sound, showing oneself, and throwing clod etc., outside the region of one's resolve, are the five transgression of the supplementary vow with regard to limiting the region of one's activities (deśavrata).
Jain, Vijay K. (2012), “Shri Amritachandra Suri's Puruşārthasiddhyupāya”, p. 128-129.