Verse 60
अन्यविवाहाकरणानङ्गक्रीडाविटत्वविपुलतृषः। इत्वरिकागमनं चास्मरस्य पञ्च व्यतीचाराः॥६०॥
सामान्यार्थ - अन्यविवाहाकरण, अनंगक्रीड़ा, विटत्व, विपुलतृषा और इत्वरिकागमन, ये पाँच ब्रह्मचर्याणुव्रत के अतिचार हैं।
To bring about marriages, perverted sexual intercourse, lewd actions and speech, excessive lustful desires (even for one's own wife), and intercourse with an unchaste woman, are five transgressions of the small vow of chastity (parastrityāgāņuvrata or brahmcaryāņuvrata).
Ācārya Umāsvāmi’s Tattvārthasūtra:
परविवाहकरणेत्वरिकापरिगृहीताऽपरिगृहीतागमनानंगक्रीडाकामतीव्राभिनिवेशाः ॥ ७-२८ ॥
Bringing about marriage, intercourse with an unchaste married woman, cohabitation with a harlot, perverted sexual practices, and excessive sexual passion.
Jain, Vijay K. (2011), “Āchārya Umāsvāmi's Tattvārthsūtra”, p. 105.
Ācārya Amộtacandra's Puruşārthasiddhyupāya:
स्मरतीव्राभिनिवेशोऽनङ्गक्रीडान्यपरिणयनकरणम् । अपरिगृहीतेतरयोर्गमने चेत्वरिकयोः पञ्च ॥ १८६ ॥ Excessive sexual passion, perverted sexual practices, bringing