Book Title: Studies in Desya Prakrit
Author(s): H C Bhayani
Publisher: Kalikal Sarvagya Shri Hemchandracharya Navam Janmashatabdi Smruti Sanskar Shikshannidhi Ahmedabad
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In this connection the complicated case of पारिहट्टी (6, 72) with its synonyms and multiple meanings is of special interest. The original and the only genuine meaning of पारिहट्टी is चिरप्रसूता महिषी 'a she-buffalo that has calved long ago.' This is supported by its Mod. Guj. form 93.
पारिहट्टी came to be confused with परिहट्टी, परिहट्टी (6, 21 ) means आकृष्टिः i.e. आकर्षणम् 'drawing, attracting'. परिहट्टी, आयड्ढी and पयड्ढणी (=off) all mean the same thing, viz., drawing, attracting.'
Because of the confusion, the meaning 3 was also attributed to पारिहड्डी. Hemcandra accepts that meaning for पारिहड्डी. In the citation from Gopala, given in the commentary, both and पारिहट्टी are given in the meaning of पयड्ढणी i.e. आकृष्टि:.
Again परिहारिणी ( 6, 31 ) too like पारिहट्टी meant primarily a buffalow that has calved long ago.' But it seems to have been confused with fe a female door-keeper.' The commentary on 6, 31 records an earlier view to this effect. And because पारिहारी and पारिहट्टी commonly shared one meaning, viz., चिरप्रसूता महिषी, पारिही also was supposed to have the meaning प्रतिहारी. In this way we can account for the three meanings द्वाःस्था, आकृष्टिः and प्रतीहारी given for पारिहट्टी and पयड्ढणी.
There is another word, पडुत्थी ( 6, 70 ), which has बहुदुग्धा 'yielding plenty of milk' as one of its meanings. This meaning is allied to चिरप्रसूता Its another meaning is given as पारिहारिणी : दोहनहारिणी. दोहनहारिणी means 'a woman carrying the milking pot. ' Under 5, 56 Hemacandra has given this with two meanings : 'a woman carrying the water-pot' (uf)3, 'a woman carrying
3. Ramanujaswami has misunderstood qff here as 'a maker of garlands'. q is noted by Hemacandra (6, 37) with the meaning a milking pot'. Similarly of occurring in the 6, 70 commentary (as a rendering of gift of the text) is misinterpreted as 'a cow which avoids milking."
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