Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 09
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 41
________________ FEBRUARY, 1880.] A SLÅRA COPPER PLATE GRANT. 38 A NEW SİLARA COPPER PLATE GRANT. BY RASINATH TRIMBAK TELANG, M.A., LL.B. THIS is a grant made by a prince of the Si- mátrá being in many cases written before the 1 lâra dynasty. The plates belong to Mr. letter with which it goes, instead of over it, as Råmchandra Sivrâm Desai of Khårepåtan, and in the modern Devangari. There are sundry were handed over to me several months ago by instances of that confusion between T and # RÃO SA heb Gajanan Krishna Bhatavadekar, then which may be noted in other plates also,' and Subordinate Judge of Devgad, and now in the there is also a somewhat noticeable tendency service of the Barodâ state. The plates were towards doubling some letters. The substitufound many years ago at Khârepata n, buried tion of a o fort; the similarity of x and 7; and under ground; is now impossible to get the use of the avagraha,-are some of the other any further information regarding their ac- points worthy of note in the style of writing quisition. They consist of three sheets, about in this grant. The language is throughout 8 inches in length by about 6, inches in breadth, Sanskrit, the greater portion of the document joined together by a ring of the usual shape, being in fairly good verse, while a small porbearing, for a seal, the figure of a man seated tion at the end-which is the only part directly cross-legged and with joined hands. The grant referring to the actual grant made-is in prose, is, as usual, engraved on both sides of the middle and somewhat involved, and not always correct, plate and on the inner sides only of the first and prose. The date is given in letters and figures third. as 1016, or, according to the view of Mr. J. F. The characters are the old Devanagari, the | Fleet, 1017° of the Saka era. Transliteration. Plate I. [1] लभते सर्वकार्येषु पूजया गणनायकः [u] * विघ्रन्निघ्रन्स वः पायाद[१] पायाद्गणनायकः ।[1] स वः पातु सिवो नित्यं यन्मौली भाति जाहवी ।[1] [] सुमेरुसिखरोद्गच्छदच्छचन्द्रकलोपमा [] जीमूतकेतुतनयो नियतं [१] दयालु मूतवाहन इति] त्रिजगप्रसिद्धः ।[] देहं निजं तृणमिवाकल. [१] यन्परार्थे यो रक्षतिस्म गरुडात्खलु संखचूडं [1] तस्यान्वये निखिल[७] भूपतिमौलिनूवरत्नातिच्छुरितनिर्मलपादपीठः ।[1] खीसाहसांक [] इव साहसिकः कपर्दी सीलारवंसतिलको नृपतिर्बभूवः(व) [1] तस्मा[१] दभूच्च तनयः पुलसक्तिनामा सीमासमः सुरु (र)गुरूदितराजनीतेः [1] [१] निजित्य संगरमुखेखिलवैरिवर्ग निःकंटकं जगति राज्यमकारि [10] येन ।[] ततश्च समभूत्सुतो नृपसिरोविभूषामणिः। सितः सृणिरि["] वापरोरिकरिणां कपर्दी लघुः ।[u] यदीययससा जगत्यतिसयेन [1] सुक्लीकृते न भाति सुरवारणो न च ससी न दुग्धांबुधिः ।[1] तस्मादप्य[1] भवद्विभूतिपदवीपात्रं पवित्रीकृतासेषक्ष्मावलयो महीपतिल[1] कः श्रीवत्पु[]]वनः सुतः [u] संग्रामांगणरंगिणासिलतया लूनैकदं[3] ता हठात्सर्वे येन विनायका विरचिता विद्वेषिणां दंतिनः ।[1] तस्मा["] जातस्तनूजो रजनिकर इवानंदितासेषलोकः स्लाध्यः श्रीझंझ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE view. ISee for one instance the inscription at Cunningham's | which we possess, I am inclined to agree with Mr. Fleet's Archeological Survey Reports, vol. VI. Plate xi. Cf.Jour. B. B. B.A. Soc. rol. x. p. 349. • The original has a Line thus! at the close of some only Inasmuch as the expression is "1016 years of the Saka of the hemistichs. In the transliteration double lines, king having slapped." Cf. Burnell, Elements of 8. 1. thus [UJ, have been inserted everywhere in brackets. In Palmography (ind ed.) p. 72n. Having compared the the proge portion the perpendicular lines are printed only figures and names of years given in some of the plates where they are found in the original.


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