(MAY, 1880.
Plate II a is better preserved; but here, as guróh, 1. 12, and thus to make the horse belong elsewhere, many passages would have been very to Palikesi II, --instead of applying it, as I do, to doubtful but for the style followed in this Vikramaditya.... bhattárakasya, 11. 14-15. grant being so well known. On the outside of The only direct statements that we have on plate III there are the remains of six lines of this point are,-1, l. 12-13 of No. XXVIII writing, probably a later addition to, or vari- (Vol. VI, p. 76), where the nominative construcation of the original grant; detached letters tion is used, and the horse is specifically stated are legible enough here and there, but no con- to belong to Vikramaditya 1;-2, 1. 9 of the nected passage can be deciphered. The ring spurious grant of Vikramaditya I, No. XLV and seal of this grant have been lost. The (Vol. VII, p. 219), which follows the construccharacters are those of the usual Western Cha- tion and language of the preceding :--3, 11. 11. Jukya alphabet,- very similar to those of No. 12 of the spurious grant of Pulikesi I, No. XLIV XXIX, at Vol. VI, p. 85, but not quite so (Vol. VII, p. 211), where the horse is well formed, and with the same slope to the allotted, neither to Vikramaditya I., nor to
Pulikési II, but to Pulike si I;-and 4, 11. It is a Western Chalukya grant of Vija- 10-12 of No. LXXVI above, where the horse, yaditya, dated Saka 622 (A.D. 700-1), in under the mistaken name of Kanthachitra, is the fourth year of his reign. It is issued from made to belong to Pulikasi II. This last his victorious camp at the city of Rasen - grant may, or may not, be genuine; but it is at nagara, and it records the grant of the village any rate one of no particular authority. And of Nerûr itself, bounded on each side by the the only authoritative statement that remains is villages of Balļâvalligrama and Sabamyapura. that contained in the first of the four grants The former of these is evidently the modern that I have just spoken of. Looking now to
Wullawul' of the Trigonometrical Survey the wording of the present grant,-if the epithet Map, about three miles to the west of Nerür; ending with vijigishôh were intended to be conbut the map does not give any name corres- strued with sva-gurôh, then the natural arrangeponding to Sahamyapura. I am not able at ment would have been to place avanipati-tritaypresent to identify Râgênanagara, unless it is antaritáni, 'which (regal splendour) had been Rašin in the Ahmadnagar District, about interrupted by a confederacy of three kings',' twenty-two miles W. by N. from Korți. after, instead of before, sva-guroh. These words can
I have translated 11.10 to 15 in such a way as to only have been placed before sva guroh expressly make the horse of the breed called Chitrakantha' for the sake of emphasis, and to indicate that belong to Vikramaditya I. In this I differ the epithet ending with vijigishoh is not to be from Mr. Rice, who translates the same passage in construed with sva-guróh. I do not know of the Vokkalóri grant (Vol. VIII, p. 23)) in such any extraneous evidence, apart from these away as to make this borse belong to Satya inscriptions, bearing on this point; and, in the śraya or Pulikest II. The whole passage from absence of such, -on the authority of No. line 8 to line 19, including three generations, is a XXVIII, and on the arrangement of the words genitive construction; and it is possible to apply in the present grant, we cannot bat allot the the epithet ending with vijigishôh, 1. 11, to sva- horse to Vikramaditya I.
First plate. ['] Svasti [ll] Jayaty=&vishk pitam Vishạôr=vvåraham kshó[bhit-A]ronavam dakshiņ.
Onnata-damshtr-âgra-vibra[nta-bhuvanam . va)[') pah [ll] Śrimatam sakala-bhavana-samståyamâna-Manavya-sag [tråņân) Hâritt
putra[ņa sapta-16)["] karmátribhis-saptamâtribhir-abhivarddhitânâm Kärttikêya-parira[kshana)-pråpta
kalya [ņa-parampara)[*] ņam bhagavan-Nárayaņa-prralda-samasadista-vara]ha-lañchhan-êkshana kshana-va[6ikrit
Abêsha).. Mr. Rige hus altogether missed the meaning of these words, which he rendere by 'together with that (wealth) inherited for three generations."