MAY, 1880.)
conversant with the art of government; whose who was in the foremost rank in all battles ; only aid was his sword; who was desirous of who was flavoured with the quality of excellent conquering all people, whom he drove before him impetuosity; who drove back the bands of his by means of only one horse of the breed called enemies; who-while acquiring for his father Chitrakantha2s; who, having acquired for himself the tokens of the (river) Ganga and the the regal splendour of his father, which had (river) Yamunâ and the pálidhvaja, and the been interrupted by a confederacy of three kings, insignia of the dhakka-drum and the mahdsubdued (like Indra), with the thunderbolt sabda, and rabies and elephants, &c.,-having which was his prowess, the mighty tumult of been attacked by his enemies, (who turned upon the mountains which were the Pandya and the him) while they were fleeing, and having been Chola and the Kerala and the Kalabhra" and somehow or other, through the force of desother kings; and who had the waterlilies which tiny, led away into great dinger), -by his were his feet kissed by the diadem of the lord prowess quelled the anarchical disturbance in of Kanchi, who had bowed down before no his country, and, resembling Vatsaraja in not other.
depending on any other for assistance, came (L. 15.)-His dear son was Vina y safely through his obstacles and tranquillised ditya-Satyasraya, the favourite of the the whole world by the support of his own arm; world, the Great King, the supremo king, the who, being then the lord, became the asylum supreme lord, the venerable one, -who, having of the whole world by reason of possessing at the command of his father arrested the in all their integrity the three constituents of extremely exalted power of the lord of Kanchipower, and by reason of having broken the whose kingdom consisted of three component) pride of his enemies, and by reason of his highdominions, just as Târak Aratis (at the command) mindedness, and by reason of his blamelessness; of his father) Bålênduśêk haradid arrest and who possesses the palidhvaja, which indithe power of the demons, cansed the rulers of cates entire supreme dominion, and the other Kamôra" and Parasika and Sinhala and brilliant (insignia of) mighty sovereignty,--thus other islands to pay tribute to him; and who issues his commands to all people :was possessed of the pdlidhvaja" and all the (L. 30.)-"Be it known to you! Six honother mighty insignia of supreme dominion dred and twenty-two of the Saka years having which he had acquired by crushing the lord of expired, and the fourth year of (our) increasing all the region of the north.
and victorious reign being current, and (Our) (L. 19.)-His dear son, Vija y aditya- victorious camp being located at the city of Saty Aśraya, the favourite of the world, R & sê nanagara -on the day of the fullthe Great King, the supreme king, the supreme moon of the month Ashâdha, the village named lord, the venerable one-who even in his Nerur, situated between the villages of Balchildhood acquired a knowledge of all the writ- IÂvalli and Sahamyapura on the bank of the ings on the use of weapons; who, his grand- river (?) Vilige in the (?) Iridige district, has father having been victorious in the region of been given by Us, at the request of Nand8...... the south, aprooted the thicket of the thorn- ya, with the enjoyment of it and with the relinbushes which was the assemblage of his foes quishment of all opposing claims, to Dêvasvâmi (in that direction); who, following the avoca- of the (?) Vatsa gôtra, the son's son of Rêvetion of war even in front of his father who was svåmidikshita and the son of Jannasvami. This desirous of conqnering the region of the north, (grant) should be preserved by future kings, had the edge of his sword worn away by splitting who are desirous of acquiring fame, whether open the foreheads of the elephants of his foes; they belong to our lineage or to other families.
** See para 4 of the introductory remarks to this grant.
** See note 21 above. No. XLVIII, compared with No. 16 of Pali, Sanskrit, and OW-Canarese, Inscriptions, shows that Vinay Aditya's campaign against the Pallavas, Kalabhras, &c., took place in Saka 615-6. .
* Karttikeya.
dhvaja or pali-ketann, at Vol. VII., pp. 111 and 245, but the meaning is still doubtfal. The explanation suggested by Mr. Rics in his introductory remarks to the Vokksleri grant will certainly not hold water.
3. Pada,
3. Samastabhuvand maya. This is, I think, the earliest instance of the use of this title, which became, under the Western Chalukya, one of the perpetual titles of the family.
See note 35 above.
32 Sira.
» See note 24 above. * I have suggested two possible explanations of palli.