Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 09
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 288
________________ • 238 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [OCTOBER, 1880. grámasimnisny aparatah [ta] evametatsaha | name of the Dútaka, probably the executive va[vá]pyá pádávartasatadvayari panchanavatyd- officer of the district in which Vatapa dra [tya]dhikan. lay, and the date of the grant. The Ditaka is called "The Yamala v&pi, covering twenty-Kharagraha, and we know from the later five square feet and situated just within the plates that Kharagraha I. was the younger precincts of Vata padra, on the northern brother and successor of siladitya I., who boundary, west of the well of Vânia Ghosha, during the latter's lifetime carried on the and south of the well belonging to Bala- government. I have no hesitation in identifybhata and east of the well belonging to ing the Dataka with the king, and to assume Chandrabhata; moreover (a field) one that his employment in this responsible posihundred and fifty square feet (in size) on the tion eventually led to his obtaining the real western boundary,south of the road to the village power in the State, and to "his carrying, of Bhadrâņaka, west of Vita khatta, solely intent on fulfilling his brother's) comnorth of the road to the village of Dinn - mands, like a well-broken bullock (carries the n aka, east of the boundary of Barataka; yoke), royal fortune on his shoulders, though (that further (a field one hundred and twenty-five fortune) might have been red by his most square feet in evtent], on the southern boun- respected elder brotherm a gembled (Indra) dary, east of the well belonging to the worship- the elder brother of Upendra Vishnu)." ful deity. Aditya, north of the field of the The date of our inscription is Samvat 290, shoemaker (?) KA kinni (Kakimbi P), south while all the other known inscriptions of Silsof the road to the village of Bramilanaka, ditya I. are Samvat 286. The new date rewest of the boundary of the village of Push mi- duces the gap between $il aditya's and the 1 anaka; thus, including the well, these two second Dhruvasena's grant of Samvat 310 to hundred and ninety-five square feet (of land) twenty years, for which we have two more . .... (have been given). kings, Kharagraha I. and Dhara sena The purpose for which the grant is made III. It is therefore very probable that our is the usual one, viz., to provide for the temple- grant was issued towards the end of Silsworship and for the repairs of the building. ditya's reign, and that he was shortly after More interesting than these details are the wards dethroned. TRANSCRIPT. Plate 1. [1] ओ स्वस्ति विजयस्कन्धावारालभीपद्वारहोम्बवसकात्प्रसभप्रणता मित्राणामैत्रकाणामतुलबल. [2] संपन्नमण्डलाभोगससक्तप्रहारशतलद्धप्रतापात्प्रतापोपानतदानमानार्जवीपाजितानुरा [] गादनुरक्तमौलभृतश्रेणीबलावाप्तराज्यश्रियः परममाहेश्वरश्रीभटार्कादव्यवच्छिन्नराजवैशान्माता [] पिकचरणारविन्दप्रणतिप्रविधीताशेषाकल्मषः शैशवत्प्रभृतिखगद्वितीयबाहुरेव समदपरगज [3] घटस्फोटनप्रकाशितसत्वनिकषस्तत्प्रभावप्रणतारातिचूडारत्नप्रभाससाक्तपादनखरश्मिसंहतिस्सक [७] लस्म्रितिप्रणीतमार्गसम्यक्परिपालनप्रजाहृदयरन्जनान्वर्थराजशब्दः रूपकान्तिस्यैर्यधैर्यगाम्भीर्य [1] बुद्धिसम्पद्भिः स्मरशशाङ्कादिराजोदधित्रिदशगुरुधनेशानतिशयानश्शरणागताभयप्रदानपरतया [१] तणवदपास्ताशेषस्वकार्यफल प्रार्थनधिकार्थप्रदानानन्दितविद्वत्सुहत्प्रणयिहृदयः पादचरीव सकल[ भवनमण्डलाभोगप्रमोदः परममाहेश्वरः श्रीगुहसेनस्तस्य सुतस्तत्पादनखमयूखसन्तानविस्त ...The measurement of the second field has not been men. tioned, probably in consequence of a slip of the engraver. It may, however, be ascertained by deducting the other two figures from the total given below. * L. 1, road atr; re; OF T HEIT. L. 2, read # Th e r, 1997. L. 4, read of f rir; 17° L. 5, read #7°. L.6, read Fufa"; - ar; . L. 8, read so; Create


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